The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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no, he is advocating active murder

No, he is advocating self defense. :) You see, Zimmerman has a penchant for shooting black males. They are all suspect to him. Well, that makes him suspect to me.

Self defense.

Still dont get it?

So because you lie to yourself about the facts of the Zimmerman case, you think you have the right to murder him on sight?

And you cannot comprehend why you are the problem with this nation can you?

And you cant figure out why as a black male, I see Zimmerman as a threat to my life? If I walkded down a street Zimmerman was patroling, I wouldnt be a threat to him?

Seriously, lets look at this from Martin's view point. Why was he a "suspect"? He was suspect for the same reason Zimmerman would call me a suspect. I am a black male.

He killed Martin. He could play the same shit on me. Call the cops because I am suspect, not listen to the cop and follow me.

Here is the thing though, I will be armed. I wish Martin was.
He's not advocating murder, he's advocating self-defense.

No he isn't because Zimmerman is no threat to him.

He is a threat to EVERY single black male he runs across. Just ask Martin. Why was Martin a 'suspect" to him?

Be honest now. Just once.

I don't know, though, I think that trial scared the bejesus out of him. Every picture I saw of him, he looked terrified. I doubt he wants to go through that again.

I agree with you though, even being a white person I'd be concerned if I saw Zimmerman following me around in my neighborhood. But if I was black, I can certainly see why it would be a big concern.

I've grown up with guns around all my life. There was always a rack of rifles hanging on the wall when I was a kid, along with a few handguns. EVERYBODY I knew growing up had guns, and often a LOT of guns. All my family members have quite a lot of guns. Yet I'm 60 years old and I've never known anyone personally who shot a 17-year-old kid dead. Everyone I know is much more responsible with guns than that and they don't try to do the police's work for them just because they have guns. Zimmerman is an asshole. I don't think he'd last very long up here.
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He might as well sell it, Black kids down in his area should be fairly confident that he won't be shooting them.

Seems like quite the opposite would hold true.
Even Zona is scared of him


I fear no man. but I would shoot that fucker in a minute. There is no way I will give him a chance to shoot first.

Would you? :eusa_whistle:

Then you will be tried and if acquitted and if I don't like that outcome I can get Holder to try your ass again.....
He's not advocating murder, he's advocating self-defense.

No he is not nor are you. There is NO EVIDENCE that ANYONE much less a black man has anything to fear from Zimmerman. This case has nothing to do with race. Hell Zimmerman has black family members, has sponsored black kids and had a black girlfriend at one time.

If anyone fires on Zimmerman they will be charged with either murder or attempted murder and be convicted. meanwhile retards like you two encourage it.

Fuck that, from my point of view, Zimmerman is a dangerous person. He killed a 17-year-old kid. If I were to see him following me around my neighborhood, I would indeed consider that a threat. I probably wouldn't even need to kill him, just yell for help and several of my neighbors would shoot him. Maybe I'd bang my head on the ground a couple times to make it look like he attacked me.

Oh, think that wouldn't happen? Check out this story from a town here in Alaska, stupid dude punched himself in the face so he could blame it on his neighbor. LOL

one more candidate for conviction in murder 1.

your point of view does not matter. it's the law, stupid ( paraphrasing) :D
He's not advocating murder, he's advocating self-defense.

No he isn't because Zimmerman is no threat to him.

He is a threat to EVERY single black male he runs across. Just ask Martin. Why was Martin a 'suspect" to him?

Be honest now. Just once.

Because there were burglaries in the area and Zimmerman thought he looked like he was casing the neighborhood.

If he suspects every single black male, why did he mentor single black males?

Why can't you be honest and accept that race has absolutely nothing to do with this case?
If he is on top of you and breaks your nose what other choice would you have?

Well, I can protect myself. I would not start a fight knowing I couldn't handle myself. Zimmerman, eh, he was armed. He was fine.

Again, since I know he would think I was "suspect", I would definately know he is a threat to me. Knowing that, (and I am always armed just as he is), I would use what he used. I would feel like my life was in jeopardy.

God bless America.

... and would go for life in prison ( at best) for murder 1 :eusa_whistle:

I would pull the Zimmerman defense. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Well, I can protect myself. I would not start a fight knowing I couldn't handle myself. Zimmerman, eh, he was armed. He was fine.

Again, since I know he would think I was "suspect", I would definately know he is a threat to me. Knowing that, (and I am always armed just as he is), I would use what he used. I would feel like my life was in jeopardy.

God bless America.

... and would go for life in prison ( at best) for murder 1 :eusa_whistle:

I would pull the Zimmerman defense. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

I listened to a lawyer that said the biggest mistake the prosecution made was allowing Zimmerman's multiple statements into evidence.
I'd say the biggest mistake the prosecution made was charging Zimmerman with Murder. I think under the circumstances he would have had a problem getting a Manslaughter conviction, and Manslaughter is substantially less serious than Murder. I think the best chance the prosecutor had for a conviction would be a charge of Reckless Endangerment Resulting In Unintentional Homicide. Because that is actually what happened -- and in New York (I don't know about Florida) that conviction could bring (up to) a ten year prison sentence.
Well, I can protect myself. I would not start a fight knowing I couldn't handle myself. Zimmerman, eh, he was armed. He was fine.

Again, since I know he would think I was "suspect", I would definately know he is a threat to me. Knowing that, (and I am always armed just as he is), I would use what he used. I would feel like my life was in jeopardy.

God bless America.

... and would go for life in prison ( at best) for murder 1 :eusa_whistle:

I would pull the Zimmerman defense. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

and FAIL :D :lol:
No, he is advocating self defense. :) You see, Zimmerman has a penchant for shooting black males. They are all suspect to him. Well, that makes him suspect to me.

Self defense.

Still dont get it?

So because you lie to yourself about the facts of the Zimmerman case, you think you have the right to murder him on sight?

And you cannot comprehend why you are the problem with this nation can you?

And you cant figure out why as a black male, I see Zimmerman as a threat to my life? If I walkded down a street Zimmerman was patroling, I wouldnt be a threat to him?

Seriously, lets look at this from Martin's view point. Why was he a "suspect"? He was suspect for the same reason Zimmerman would call me a suspect. I am a black male.

He killed Martin. He could play the same shit on me. Call the cops because I am suspect, not listen to the cop and follow me.

Here is the thing though, I will be armed. I wish Martin was.

I already told you why. BECAUSE YOU REFUSE TO TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT THE FACTS OF THIS CASE. You are lying to yourself. You are such a racists that you jump at shadows thinking people are out to get you just because the color of your skin. You are so emotionally attached to this lie that you can't see the facts of this case or any facts that disagree with you.

So you wish Martin succeeded at what he started when he placed Zimmerman in danger? Your bloodlust will get you imprisoned or dead. And if you fail to change and get that, you will be getting EXACTLY what you deserve you hateful bigot

Because it's black-on-black crime, that's why. A couple of weeks ago, I believe, Chicago had close to 70 murders in one weekend alone - black-on-black crime - but not a word from any of the so-called AA 'leaders' speaking out about it. Those 'leaders', it seems, get their thrills out of hyping racism. If they can't claim it, they won't touch it.

I read where Michelle Obama went to her funeral. But no word from the President demanding increased gun laws, etc. No FBI investigation to see if there might be a motive of racism. No DOJ investigation of possible hate crimes i.e. violation of her civil rights.

And I will be really surprised if there is gavel to gavel coverage of the trial or that it is even noted outside of Chicago.

President Obama would have been deemed a great leader if, after the Zimmerman verdict, he had stepped forward, condemned the violence in the wake of the verdict, and told everybody that the American way is to conduct a trial and go by the verdict whatever it is. Just go home folks and stop this senseless violence and rhetoric that divides us.

He would also have been condemned for instructing Americans on how to act and live their lives.

Mama F,

I don't know where you're post is but excellent as always.

You are totally right. Had he handled many many things differently, he would have gained far more respect and would have used his "post" as the divide bridge and leader I, as one, looked forward to seeing, looked forward to being a part of, looked forward to our melting pot melting and all the unicorns and rainbows our great country needed for our people. As it turned out in real life, that wasn't the motivation. By a long ass shot. This was one opportunity he had to bridge it along the road of many. The things he says like this is the greatest country, now let's change it, the things he does to DESPITE union rather than incite it are disgusting. This was an awesome opportunity for him to show his leadership and bring it together. Instead, he turned it to the divide and he himself as POTUS INCREASED the divide. Nice fucking job of a person with that kind of power and influence to turn away from it and actually make it more, not "fix" it.

Hence I said before and I will stand behind it. If I distasted him before this, I despised him after it.

He took his opportunity, power, chance and voice and threw it in everyone's face.

As far as I'm concerned, he's an agenda dickhead. The leader of them.

Enter Eric Holder.

This president didn't MEND it. He divided it more.

Great job, first black president, I commend you. Opportunity after opportunity lost to bring us together and agenda noted.

I'm all for black presidents.

Not. this. one.

Can I get just HLN without cable?

Just asking.

If you can string a cable from Iowa to FL, you can have mine off the dish. I don't watch the crap channel anymore and I emailed them telling them why I will no longer tune in. Bunch of a holes and I really like Mike Brooks.
They should give him a machine gun, and permit, or a security detail. The government demonised him, and continue to violate his rights - they ( Obama Administration ) are endangering him, and his family by inculpating him further after vindication!
He might as well sell it, Black kids down in his area should be fairly confident that he won't be shooting them.

Seems like quite the opposite would hold true.
Even Zona is scared of him


I fear no man. but I would shoot that fucker in a minute. There is no way I will give him a chance to shoot first.

Would you? :eusa_whistle:

If you aren't afraid of death or bodily injury, you aren't defending yourself. You're committing Cold blooded murder.

You are worse than Zimmerman will ever be.
This is a "for reals" thread.

Great thread!

This is one of the things that has the potential to set wrongs right.
No, he is advocating self defense. :) You see, Zimmerman has a penchant for shooting black males. They are all suspect to him. Well, that makes him suspect to me.

Self defense.

Still dont get it?

So because you lie to yourself about the facts of the Zimmerman case, you think you have the right to murder him on sight?

And you cannot comprehend why you are the problem with this nation can you?

And you cant figure out why as a black male, I see Zimmerman as a threat to my life? If I walkded down a street Zimmerman was patroling, I wouldnt be a threat to him?

Seriously, lets look at this from Martin's view point. Why was he a "suspect"? He was suspect for the same reason Zimmerman would call me a suspect. I am a black male.

He killed Martin. He could play the same shit on me. Call the cops because I am suspect, not listen to the cop and follow me.

Here is the thing though, I will be armed. I wish Martin was.

Dry it up, already.

You're at more risk from your fellow black males than you are from middle-aged Hispanics
Well, I can protect myself. I would not start a fight knowing I couldn't handle myself. Zimmerman, eh, he was armed. He was fine.

Again, since I know he would think I was "suspect", I would definately know he is a threat to me. Knowing that, (and I am always armed just as he is), I would use what he used. I would feel like my life was in jeopardy.

God bless America.

... and would go for life in prison ( at best) for murder 1 :eusa_whistle:

I would pull the Zimmerman defense. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Then you are a complete idiot and have no clue what self defense is.
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