The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Hey Jon,

I caught some of it this morning. You bring up some good points I hadnt thought about. To me, bernie seemed to garner a pretty good rapport with the jurors. He encouraged them to open up a bit and I believe they did. Overall, I have the feeling they like and trust him as a prosecutor.

His questioning had more of an interactive classroom setting to me.

O'Meara is up tomorrow and he is very good at establishing rapport also. It will be interesting to see what tools he uses to do this tomorrow.

from my understanding

this process serves two fold

the first is to lay out a mini opening

and two get the jurors to talk about as much as possible

about their true feelings by the use of open ended questions

instead of the yes or no answers

from surfing around the net this evening the state

it seems did good at laying out their premise

but not so much at the open ended questions
That's the problem with the "neighborhood watch" attracts all these little paramilitary nuts who want to have power over people. They're dangerous.

I ran into one of those tools once. Really an interesting event. Someone almost took a dirt nap that night.
That's the problem with the "neighborhood watch" attracts all these little paramilitary nuts who want to have power over people. They're dangerous.

I ran into one of those tools once. Really an interesting event. Someone almost took a dirt nap that night.

i caught a couple of rent-a-cops rummaging through one of my trucks one night

looking through receipt books and such

when confronted they said they are an extension of the police department

and on official business

i told them that is was going to get the cops here to get to the bottom of this

and they took off

the cops came took a report

the next day to push the issue

i filed a complaint of a civil rights violation by the city and police department

and retained an attorney

log story short

the rent -a-cop service lost their business license

Good point Zona.

He had a right to be suspicious and it didnt have anything to do with the color of his skin.

Trayvon was intially seen standing on the lawn of a neighbor in the rain when the neighbor wasnt home...a neighbors house that GZ helped thwart a burglary that was in progress just two weeks earlier. It turns out that burglar lived in the complex and had burglarized 8 other houses in the same complex.

Most of the recent robberies were in the building of this neighbor (Frank Taaffe) and the building next to his. So when a NH Captain drives by and sees an unfamiliar kid standing on the lawn of that neighbor again, then it would be completely natural to be suspicious. I dont agree with everything that GZ did...I have written about that in detail. But I do think he had a right to be initially suspicious given the circumstances. i find it hard to believe that Kink or Zona would not have been equally suspicious given the same circumstances.

So the kids what...does that mean that nobody can be suspicious even when there is a reason to be...just because he is black...doesnt make sense to me...but that sounds like what you are saying. You dont want anyone to be suspicious of a black kid regardless of the circumstances just because he is me that is racism.

Saying that it was all about a black kid in a hoodie only suggests that the accuser is associating hoodies with black one else has said it. You are the ones stereo typing hoodies. I dont hear anyone saying that because he was wearing a hoodie so he must be black and up to know have accused of it without any reason to do so. People dont like that and it will be more difficult for people to side with your opinion or give merit to your thought, when they have to defend being called racists and profilers.

There is no evidence of racism, so dont bring it in...leave it dont need it in this can win without it.

Way too subtle.
Hey Jon,

I caught some of it this morning. You bring up some good points I hadnt thought about. To me, bernie seemed to garner a pretty good rapport with the jurors. He encouraged them to open up a bit and I believe they did. Overall, I have the feeling they like and trust him as a prosecutor.

His questioning had more of an interactive classroom setting to me.

O'Meara is up tomorrow and he is very good at establishing rapport also. It will be interesting to see what tools he uses to do this tomorrow.

from my understanding

this process serves two fold

the first is to lay out a mini opening

and two get the jurors to talk about as much as possible

about their true feelings by the use of open ended questions

instead of the yes or no answers

from surfing around the net this evening the state

it seems did good at laying out their premise

but not so much at the open ended questions

Mark O'Mara is good at what he does, he'll level it back down today.

Bernie reminds me of a used car salesman with his fake laugh and I'm your pal thing.
Hey Jon,

I caught some of it this morning. You bring up some good points I hadnt thought about. To me, bernie seemed to garner a pretty good rapport with the jurors. He encouraged them to open up a bit and I believe they did. Overall, I have the feeling they like and trust him as a prosecutor.

His questioning had more of an interactive classroom setting to me.

O'Meara is up tomorrow and he is very good at establishing rapport also. It will be interesting to see what tools he uses to do this tomorrow.

from my understanding

this process serves two fold

the first is to lay out a mini opening

and two get the jurors to talk about as much as possible

about their true feelings by the use of open ended questions

instead of the yes or no answers

from surfing around the net this evening the state

it seems did good at laying out their premise

but not so much at the open ended questions

Mark O'Mara is good at what he does, he'll level it back down today.

Bernie reminds me of a used car salesman with his fake laugh and I'm your pal thing.

sounds like some of the jury actually started to challenge the state premise as too broad

when he started on the taking the law into your own hands line

the guy sitting at the defense table (Robert Hirschhorn) is a famous jury consultant

i would expect that he has primed the defense with the appropriate questions
Hirschhorn has been very interactive with zimmerman this morning

I guess they should call it Group Questioning Opening Statements.

that is pretty close

i wonder and i will not get to watch

is how close to his chest omara holds the defenses play cards

I showed up for lunch break and an hour of Bernie yesterday before I got ill. This was actually much more interesting and telling than the individual questioning. I'll try to listening in today and give a report. It's kid pool/kid chalk/kid xbox Kinect time of year.

There's a juror late. This judge is a _________________________ that's not going to go over well.
I guess they should call it Group Questioning Opening Statements.

that is pretty close

i wonder and i will not get to watch

is how close to his chest omara holds the defenses play cards

I showed up for lunch break and an hour of Bernie yesterday before I got ill. This was actually much more interesting and telling than the individual questioning. I'll try to listening in today and give a report. It's kid pool/kid chalk/kid xbox Kinect time of year.

There's a juror late. This judge is a _________________________ that's not going to go over well.

Yesterday, one woman said "so everyone gets to go home on the weekend except us" and that hit the Judge's button, she got all... the way she really is... and remembered she can't do that with jurors on live tv and reigned it in.

Yesterday, one woman said "so everyone gets to go home on the weekend except us" and that hit the Judge's button, she got all... the way she really is... and remembered she can't do that with jurors on live tv and reigned it in.


i cant help it but one has to be nervous

when you are to be judged by 12

in this case 6 people who are too dumb to

get off of jury duty

Yesterday, one woman said "so everyone gets to go home on the weekend except us" and that hit the Judge's button, she got all... the way she really is... and remembered she can't do that with jurors on live tv and reigned it in.


i cant help it but one has to be nervous

when you are to be judged by 12

in this case 6 people who are too dumb to

get off of jury duty


When they're fighting to be the ones to judge you, you get that deer in the headlights look he's got.

Here comes M O'M's charm, he so much more sincere than Bernie.
Good morning!

Is anyone else having problems with the audio coming from the Z livestream? I have no audio, video is fine, but I have audio on other videos like YouTube. ??? so frustrating!
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