The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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What utter BULL SHIT.

We should all go on a pilgrimage to have our lives blessed by the righteous power of the great George Zimmerman. He whom risked his nose for the right of others to blow away men, women or children! Put that man in the white house!

What Zimmerman did was shoot some violent little gang banger punk that was beating the shit out of him, which is LEGAL, and I would TOO!

Go peddle your pathetic hyperbole garbage somewhere else shit for brains.

He's a modern day Paul Bunyan! He stood up for the little guy! Why are you demeaning him???
Is this for real? Another Zimmerman thread?
He was rated a .5 on a scale of 1 to 10 by his trainer who that stated after a year of "training" GZ rated about a 1 and no where near ready to fight.

And that year was not entirely focused on MMA fighting.

Did you watch your link?

If so, then you are dumber than you look.

You said he wasn't trained.

You were wrong.

You said he was a fighter. His trainer disagrees.

You are wrong.

The trainer trained him.

What part of that aren't you getting?
You don't want to know - it's the stupidest thread in the history of stupid threads. It's making Rat quite famous though.

So.... I TOLD you it was a #tequila trial:

[snip] "Lunches typically took place at the courthouse with lunch brought in from area restaurants," the news release read. "The group went out for lunch twice, both times to Senior Tequila's in Winter Springs."

George Zimmerman trial jury sequester -
The truth is that George Zimmerman was put under a microscope by the Main Stream Media as they sought "proof" that he was the man that they had portrayed him as...a Charles Bronson clone vigilante whose hatred of blacks drove him to stalk and kill a defenseless child. So after a year of looking...what did they find that showed Zimmerman to be any of those things? The answer is that they found NOTHING!

On the other hand...when the juror spoke to Anderson Cooper about Trayvon Martin, she said that they knew nothing about Martin except that he went to high school in Miami. Why did the jury know nothing about the "victim" in this case? Because the Prosecution didn't WANT them to know who Trayvon Martin really was! They went out of their way to HIDE who Trayvon Martin was from the jury because the REAL Trayvon wasn't an innocent little kid. The REAL Trayvon Martin was far from innocent and the Prosecutor's knew it. That's the reason why they hid those photos taken from Trayvon's phone from the Defense. They KNEW that the only chance they had of getting a conviction in this case was to have the jury think that Trayvon really was an innocent little kid walking home from the store after buying candy.
Sure I'm full of emotion. The jury has already decided and Zimmerman walks. Trevon will never walk again. Trevon was doing nothing more than walking home that night. Zimmerman is a dangerous guy. He has no business walking around the neighborhood at night shooting people. And now he's free. It's not right.

If Trayvon had been doing nothing more than walking home that night, he'd be alive right now.

He's dead because he chose to walk BACK and confront a "Cracker" and commit assault and battery.
Let me ask you how your parents would have reacted to your being suspended for the third time?

Good point. I was suspended once. Once was enough. I'm 54 years old and to this day, the sight of a thin alligator belt makes my butt cheeks slam shut.

Asian-Americans are the most successful ethnic group today. They value family, hard work, education and the law. It's not rocket science.

Rise of the Tiger Nation: Asian-American Success -

It's obvious that LBJ's Great Society has destroyed the black family and condemned generations to poverty, drugs and crime but as he predicted, it would guarantee their vote. Claiming victimhood will not reverse this tragedy. The Asians see what works. Follow success.

Some Of The Lost History In The Civil Rights Movement

“I’ll have those n-----rs voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One -

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”—LBJ
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Inconvenient fact: Martin had no injuries (other than the single gunshot wound), which indicates that he initiated the fight that resulted in his death. If he had lived, he should have been charged with aggravated assault.
Moving to a different aspect, it shows a gross intolerance for his fellow man. Can you imagine what life would be like if everyone called the police that many times to report behavior in a short period of time? We'd be worse than communist countries.

Ah, so you have your facts wrong. His 46 calls to the police were not in a short period of time, they were made in the last 8 years.

Here's what the Seminole County Sheriff's office says about it:

Zimmerman?s Twin Lakes Community Was on Edge Before Trayvon Shooting - The Daily Beast

There may have been calls before 2011, and that's why they used the 2004 date. idk

Trayvon Martin shooter, George Zimmerman, made 46 calls to 911 in a year - National Crime |

We were talking about the 50 calls to 911 and what that showed about GZ's character.

Continually calling the police is very probably going to make the police ignore you, accomplishing the exact opposite of NOT protecting your neighborhood.

46 calls from 2004
911 and non emergency calls.

That doesn't equal "continually" no matter how you butter the bread.

The calls were in a short period of time from 2011 and after.

Your link has false information.

Here's the breakdown:

46 Calls - The Daily Beast
Security Officers aren't even allowed to carry guns. But it's okay for one of my neighbors to wander my neighborhood, stalk people walking at night around here, and when they defend themselves against said stalker neighbor, it's fine to shoot and kill them. COPS wouldn't have even shot in this situation. But it's okay if Zimmerman whips out a gun. He could have at least shot his foot or shot it into the air to make him back off. He didn't have to kill the kid. He should have done what 9-1-1 told him to do in the first place and sit his stupid a$$ in his car and let the cops handle it.

Show me where "9-1-1 told him" to do that.
His violation was stalking someone and shooting him dead. He did not do what law enforcement instructed him to do. They told him to stay in his car for a reason. Because he is not a cop and it's not his job.

Show some proof that "they told him to stay in is car."
Sure I'm full of emotion. The jury has already decided and Zimmerman walks. Trevon will never walk again. Trevon was doing nothing more than walking home that night. Zimmerman is a dangerous guy. He has no business walking around the neighborhood at night shooting people. And now he's free. It's not right.

If Martin was doing nothing other than walking home that night he'd have made it home. He was last seen less than 200 yards from his house 4 minutes before the fight. How long does it take to walk 200 yards?
Why did he bother calling the police. He assigned himself their job.

That's a good question. Why would someone call police if they are going to be a vigilante killer?

Something like being attacked after the call seems to be the case by looking at the evidence.
We were talking about the 50 calls to 911 and what that showed about GZ's character.

Continually calling the police is very probably going to make the police ignore you, accomplishing the exact opposite of NOT protecting your neighborhood.

I guess you missed the testimony from the woman in the police department who set up the neighborhood watch. She testified that all the members were to call George when they saw suspicious activity, and he was to be the only one to call it in, so they didn't have to report results back to 25 different people.

Most of the calls came before he was Watch Captain.

Zimmerman called Sanford police seven times since Aug. 2011

Zimmerman called Sanford police seven times since Aug. 2011 - Video on

8 calls out of 46 mentioned someone black.

46 Calls - The Daily Beast
You said he wasn't trained.

You were wrong.

You said he was a fighter. His trainer disagrees.

You are wrong.

The trainer trained him.

What part of that aren't you getting?

Showing up at an MMA gym and working out does not make someone a "trained fighter." An assessment of his skills by a trainer that says he was a 1.5 on a scale of 10 and not allowed to spar in the ring makes him NOT a "trained fighter."
The Rev. Al Sharpton this morning decried Florida's stand-your-ground law as the worst violation of civil rights in the nation and told the NAACP national convention in Orlando that he would help overturn it.

Sharpton, Jackson speak at NAACP convention -

Who gives a $hit what Sharpton and Jackson say? They're both racist pigs out whoring for attention, and as usual, the media is more than willing to be their 'John'.

Who gives a $hit what Sharpton and Jackson say?

That's funny! That's my motto too.
What utter BULL SHIT.

We should all go on a pilgrimage to have our lives blessed by the righteous power of the great George Zimmerman. He whom risked his nose for the right of others to blow away men, women or children! Put that man in the white house!

What Zimmerman did was shoot some violent little gang banger punk that was beating the shit out of him, which is LEGAL, and I would TOO!

Go peddle your pathetic hyperbole garbage somewhere else shit for brains.

He's a modern day Paul Bunyan! He stood up for the little guy! Why are you demeaning him???

Martin was guilty of aggravated assault and would have been tried as an adult. :eusa_shhh:
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