The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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protecting your own neighborhood from crime is now intolerance? :lmao:

We were talking about the 50 calls to 911 and what that showed about GZ's character.

Continually calling the police is very probably going to make the police ignore you, accomplishing the exact opposite of NOT protecting your neighborhood.

I guess you missed the testimony from the woman in the police department who set up the neighborhood watch. She testified that all the members were to call George when they saw suspicious activity, and he was to be the only one to call it in, so they didn't have to report results back to 25 different people.

Most of the calls came before he was Watch Captain.

Zimmerman called Sanford police seven times since Aug. 2011

Zimmerman called Sanford police seven times since Aug. 2011 - Video on
Sure I'm full of emotion. The jury has already decided and Zimmerman walks. Trevon will never walk again. Trevon was doing nothing more than walking home that night. Zimmerman is a dangerous guy. He has no business walking around the neighborhood at night shooting people. And now he's free. It's not right.

There were reasons why Zimmerman walks, why did Trayvon comeback to confront Zimmerman once he was at his dads condo? Why did Trayvon throw a blow and pummel Zimmerman and proceed to beat him once Zimmerman was down.
Zimmerman didn't go around shooting "people" at night, he shot one person.
If this had been a white kid walking down the street with Skittles and iced tea, would Zimmerman had thought him suspicious? I have Black friends who were scared to death of going through White neighborhoods as kids because of the possible consequences.

Come on now, enough with the "kid walking down the street with skittles and ice tea" crap. Martin would have been the first to tell you he wasn't a "kid" by any stretch, in fact, he probably would have whooped your ass to prove that point. He wasn't just "walking down the street," according to the testimony. Wandering through back yards and lurking around houses, is not "walking down the street." It is very suspicious behavior, especially in a community with a lot of burglary and break ins. So let's stop it with the Skittles crap, like he was some innocent little child, it's totally dishonest, and irrelevant to the case.

The jewelry that Trayvon Martin was found with at his high school? There is a report in a local Miami newspaper that it was in fact stolen from a house from the neighborhood surrounding the school. The article goes on to blame the school Police (which is a separate entity from local Police it seems) for treating it as a non criminal act and not even notifying the local Police that they had recovered said jewelry. The article states that it seems this was done by the school Police so that they could justify their existence by saying that crime rates in the schools have declined due to their actions. They didn't even turn over the recovered jewelry to the regular Police so that it could be returned to it's rightful owner. Instead of making this a criminal situation, the school Police decided uni-laterally to simply suspend Trayvon Martin from school, therefore keeping their crime stats looking good. So the "boy" who got caught with stolen goods in Miami ended up in Sanford walking around another neighborhood looking in people's houses but if someone points out that people who steal once are likely to steal again and Trayvon was already shown to be a thief...they'll be assailed for trying to destroy poor little Trayvon's reputation!

To be fair -- it was suspected that the jewelry was stolen.. Not really proven -- at least in a major press venue...

Trayvon’s backpack contained 12 pieces of jewelry, in addition to a
watch and a large flathead screwdriver, according to the report, which
described silver wedding bands and earrings with diamonds.
Trayvon was asked if the jewelry belonged to his family or a girlfriend.
“Martin replied it’s not mine. A friend gave it to me,” he responded,
according to the report. Trayvon declined to name the friend.
Trayvon was not disciplined because of the discovery, but was instead
suspended for graffiti, according to the report. School police impounded
the jewelry and sent photos of the items to detectives at Miami-Dade
police for further investigation.
No evidence ever surfaced that the jewelry was stolen.

Read more here:

Unless of course you go the pajama media which has CLAIMED that the jewelry is finally returned to the owners who lived a few blocks from Trayvon's school in Miami..

I'm not impeaching anyone --- til I get a police report or a real journalist investigating..
Doesn't make me feel better if the dead kid WAS once in possession of stolen goods.

But it MIGHT be relevent to his attitude and actions that night in a Civil Rights trial. That's why one is never gonna happen..
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Yet, we have this:
in all, police have records of 46 calls from Zimmerman since 2004, both to 911 and a nonemergency number, sometimes for reasons as mundane as reporting a pothole blocking a road, as he did in 2005. The sheriff’s office released the records after Sanford police detectives requested them as part of the investigation into Martin’s death, Cannaday said.
Cannaday said he did not believe that the number of calls Zimmerman made to police was itself concerning.

"I would not consider it excessive," Cannaday said. "That's typically what we encourage, is if anyone in the community sees something out of the ordinary, concerning, or suspicious, we would want for them to call."

Zimmerman?s Twin Lakes Community Was on Edge Before Trayvon Shooting - The Daily Beast

He was the neighborhood watch captain, right?

Calling that many times doesn't sit right with me. The question is were his calls becoming more frequent as the years went by.

Zimmerman became watch captain in 2011 and shouldn't have been allowed to do it while armed.

Neighborhood Watch Programs/Sanford Crime - Orlando City Buzz |

A wide range of neighborhood watch organizations exist across the country. Some have patrols, while others like Sanford’s do not. But the National Sheriffs’ Association, which sponsors the program nationwide, is absolutely clear on one point: guns have no place in a watch group. A manual distributed by the association repeatedly underscores the point: “Patrol members do not carry weapons.”

The manual warns that watch members should “not attempt to apprehend a person committing a crime or to investigate a suspicious activity.” It should be emphasized to members of patrols, the materials state, that “they do not possess police power and they shall not carry weapons.” The consequences of not following the guidelines are severe, the manual states: “Each member is liable as an individual for civil and criminal charges should he exceed his authority.”

Neighborhood Watch Scrutinized After Florida Shooting
Quick, it doesn't matter if it sits right with you or not.
Obamacare doesn't sit right with me.....but life goes on.
The police had no problems with his calling in fact they encourage it....that should be the bottom line

Obamacare was a disastrous decision.

If 46 calls to 911 didn't lead to the police ignoring GZ or anyone calling that much, one of those calls could get the police to come out for no real reason, misinterpret what is really going on because the caller is asserting there is a crime being committed and now the police nab an innocent person.

No one answered my question of what if everybody called like that.

There are thousands of things people do that are technically against the law. How far will this snooping go and where will our freedom go then?
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Calling that many times doesn't sit right with me. The question is were his calls becoming more frequent as the years went by.

Zimmerman became watch captain in 2011 and shouldn't have been allowed to do it while armed.

Neighborhood Watch Programs/Sanford Crime - Orlando City Buzz |

Neighborhood Watch Scrutinized After Florida Shooting
Quick, it doesn't matter if it sits right with you or not.
Obamacare doesn't sit right with me.....but life goes on.
The police had no problems with his calling in fact they encourage it....that should be the bottom line

Obamacare was a disastrous decision.

If 46 calls to 911 didn't lead to the police ignoring GZ or anyone calling that much, one of those calls could get the police to come out for no real reason, misinterpret what is really going on because the caller is asserting there is a crime being committed and now the police nab an innocent person.

No one answered my question of what if everybody called like that.

There are thousands of things people do that are technically against the law. How far will this snooping go and where will our freedom go then?
46 calls in 8+ years, Quick.
That's roughly 6 calls a year on average. Not all were to 911.
The police didn't have an issue with it and they encouraged it, what else can be said.
You don't know WHO threw the first punch, yet you and others spew this BS out there as if it's Gospel Truth.


Marc, I think the difference here is, we DO know who threw the first punch, and so did the jury. You want so desperately to believe this was ambiguous, or worse, that Zimmerman attacked Martin. No one is "spewing BS" here, we're merely repeating the evidence presented in court. The question should be, why can't you be objective here? Is it because Trayvon was black, or Zimmerman has a Jewish name? Maybe you hate Hispanics? Something is causing you to completely disconnect from reality on this, and see things the way you want to see them.

Trayvon Martin wasn't Emmett Till.
No liar, we do NOT know, not me, not you, not the jury. JurorB37 said HERSELF that they didn't know, they could only BELIEVE. We've all watched the case, we all heard what the jury heard. It is YOU who WANTS the victim, Trayvon Martin, to have thrown the first punch.

However, the FACT of the matter is WE. DO. NOT. KNOW!!!

Plain and simple.

Stop saying Trayvon threw the first punch.

Trayvon threw the first punch, in fact, it's not clear that Zimmerman threw ANY punches, there were no facial lacerations/bruises on Trayvon. In fact, the only injuries reported on the autopsy, was the gunshot wound and laceration on his ring finger... likely from pounding on Zimmerman's head. Meanwhile, Zimmerman had a broken nose and multiple facial lacerations, as well as contusions and lacerations on the back of his cranium... those did not get there from an act of self defense by Martin.
So What Should A Young Black Male/Female In A Hoodie Do Or Not Do?

To continue with a successful life with a bright future:

Avoid confrontations.
Don't use illegal drugs.
Don't break the law.
Don't get expelled from school.
Don't drop out of school.
Get and keep a job.
Don't have children out of wedlock.
Seek higher and continuous education.
Take responsibility for your own actions.
Use your mind.

You know. The things you learn in a healthy, two parent home. The simple values that have been thrown away by many in the last two generations.

By simply graduating from high school, waiting to get married until after 21, not having children untill after being married and by having a full-time job, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent. Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

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And now, a word about Persecutor Angela Corey:

Angela Corey?s Checkered Past | National Review Online


Generally speaking, I say Dershowitz must be taken with a grain of salt.

But he seems to have NAILED this analysis.

And the author of the piece in the National Review Online seems to have hit a pretty hard blow on Corey's reputation.

It does explain that miscarriage of justice persecution. GZ ought to never have even been charged, much less tried.
So What Should A Young Black Male/Female In A Hoodie Do Or Not Do?

To continue with a successful life with a bright future:

Avoid confrontations.
Don't use illegal drugs.
Don't break the law.
Don't get expelled from school.
Don't drop out of school.
Get and keep a job.
Don't have children out of wedlock.
Seek higher and continuous education.
Take responsibility for your own actions.
Use your mind.

You know. The things you learn in a healthy, two parent home. The simple values that have been thrown away by many in the last two generations.

By simply graduating from high school, waiting to get married until after 21, not having children untill after being married and by having a full-time job, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent. Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Read more at Three rules for staying out of poverty |

While I do agree with what you are saying, I have to acknowledge that in Trayvon's case, his father was actually involved and around. So that doesn't always mean much, but it's better than most situations. Trayvon was no angel, he was definitely heading down the wrong path, and it's not clear whether this was being dealt with by his parents. This ordeal should be used to emphasis how important it is to deal with signs of troubled youth, and get the help needed before something like this happens. I feel sorry for the Martin family, but I don't blame this on George Zimmerman. The issue here is not Zimmerman's "racism" because it hasn't been demonstrated that he was racist in any way. The issue is a troubled teen who felt compelled to attack and commit violence, instead of moving on.
Anyone have the stats on Blacks killing Whites vs. Whites killing Blacks?

I think the comparison should be more on what type of punishment blacks get for killing whites versus the punishment whites get for killing blacks. I think that would be more telling.

My friends black killers/kidnappers/rapists got two trials and reduced sentences.
You can't generalize based on one incident.

Speak from experience. Blacks commit more crimes than whites. FACT!
It's about who gets punished more severely for similar crimes.

Minority defendants are charged with and convicted of violent crimes requiring a mandatory minimum prison sentence far more often, which contributes to the large racial disparities in incarceration.

Another recent study in 2012 raises a different concern, showing that Hispanics and blacks receive considerably longer sentences for the same or lesser offenses per average than white offenders with equal or greater criminal records
You don't know WHO threw the first punch, yet you and others spew this BS out there as if it's Gospel Truth.


None of us were there, therefore we only have the physical evidence to go by, so what did the evidence suggest? Come on now, this is an easy lay up. According to the physical evidence, which person was more likely to have thrown the first punch?
The fact that you, others, nor myself KNOWS nor CAN KNOW, means we cannot nor should not SPECULATE.

Case closed.

Stop saying the victim, Trayvon Martin, threw the first punch.

It's simply not true.

It is true, which is why Zimmerman was found not guilty. He was acting in self defense, therefore by default, Trayvon was the aggressor, and Zimmerman was the victim. Quit blaming the victim for Trayvons vile behavior.
You don't know WHO threw the first punch, yet you and others spew this BS out there as if it's Gospel Truth.


None of us were there, therefore we only have the physical evidence to go by, so what did the evidence suggest? Come on now, this is an easy lay up. According to the physical evidence, which person was more likely to have thrown the first punch?
The fact that you, others, nor myself KNOWS nor CAN KNOW, means we cannot nor should not SPECULATE.

Case closed.

Stop saying the victim, Trayvon Martin, threw the first punch.

It's simply not true.

So we should ignore all the evidence we have that Martin threw the first punch and yet speculate on countless other scenarios we can have no clue about in order to show Zimmerman to be a horrible human being.

I don't see you telling people they can't speculate what Zimmerman would have done if Martin was white.
It's not going to stop until the NEXT George Zimmerman type loses his life trying a stunt like that.

The Wild, Wild West gun-slinging nonsense will start to slow down then.

Black males kill white men every day, and in far greater numbers than the white men killing black men. If your theory is correct, then shouldn't we be seeing the wild west gun slinging nonsense stop in the black community? How many white people have to die before THAT happens?

This assertion is not true. If you have valid, verifiable proof that it is, please cite the source.

Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.

Federal Statistics of black on white violence, with links and mathematical extrapolation formulas. - Lafayette Political Buzz |
The ridiculous Trayvon Martin case

It’s a failure of US judicial system. It failed to help the weak side people.

When it says Zimmerman is not guilty to kill Trayvon Martin, then what Trayvon was? He became an attacker – a threat to other’s life. That’s how a court to turn an innocent man to be a potential life threatener. An unarmed teen on his way to his relative’s house. He now was believed to be a threaten to other’s life. The other one, though proved having original bad will against Trayvon and finally killed him, became victim.

It indicates that any law abiding citizens should be obedient to unreasonable search (followed, monitored, provoked…). Or he would be killed, if the provoker announced that his life has been threatened.

This case also would encourage people to use guns in argument because dead people losing their voice in the case.
Let me ask you how your parents would have reacted to your being suspended for the third time? Would you have been let out of the house to wander about the neighborhood? That NEVER would have happened in my home. I would have been SO grounded. No friends, no phone, no TV, no LIFE!!! So what did the Martin parents do with Trayvon? He was still smoking pot. He was out of the house by himself at night. Still yakking non stop on his phone. What was the price that Trayvon was paying for his transgressions. That he wasn't in school? He already had been suspended once for skipping school so much. So not having to go is punishment to a kid that doesn't want to be there? Come on...that's not parenting.
That's the long and short of it, they simply CANNOT accept what's NOT already pre-programmed into their minute brains.

Iths thimple.

Says the guy who has to invent racism because he doesn't like a verdict.
Whatever you want to tell yourself to make yourself feel good, I'm not the one that's vomiting out fallacies, suggestions and conjecture as fact.


Sure you are.
Let me ask you how your parents would have reacted to your being suspended for the third time? Would you have been let out of the house to wander about the neighborhood? That NEVER would have happened in my home. I would have been SO grounded. No friends, no phone, no TV, no LIFE!!! So what did the Martin parents do with Trayvon? He was still smoking pot. He was out of the house by himself at night. Still yakking non stop on his phone. What was the price that Trayvon was paying for his transgressions. That he wasn't in school? He already had been suspended once for skipping school so much. So not having to go is punishment to a kid that doesn't want to be there? Come on...that's not parenting.

Shitty parents = shitty kids
Whatever you want to tell yourself to make yourself feel good, I'm not the one that's vomiting out fallacies, suggestions and conjecture as fact.


Show me where I have ever done that.

Also, you are the one saying that Zimmerman acted out of racial bias. The FBI investigated and could not find ANY evidence of racism.
Sure, right after you show me where I stated it was you that was doing it.

You realize you are quoting the post you are telling him exactly that, don't you?
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