The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I'm having Omg moment because I heard Nancy Grace actually say she would have to see all the evidence in this case. Wow. Lol

Ha ha did they do a re-enactment of a hoodie guy walking into a 7-11 yet?

For Nancy that is an OMG moment. Even she must see that the Prosecution is way off base. Course, after getting so burned by the MJ trial in Santa Maria, she may actually have learned a lesson. Both Nancy and Diane Diamond got burned by that trial and their crazy misrepresentation of the evidence and jury reaction. The best part was the woman who released a white dove at every Not Guilty verdict from the Jury.
Nope, no reenactment. West just showed the real video in living color of the difference in height between towering Martin and the proclaimed 5'10" clerk. West, having already told the court and jury that Zimmerman was 5'7", it was a wonderful coup for the defense. Then O'Mara standing next to the clerk which again showed a huge height difference will also arrange to stand next to George. How Sweet It Is.

I was talking about HLN - on the Jodi trial, they did a re-enactment of her doing a headstand in the interrogation room... because they're just that dum.

I saw yesterday, it started good, the defense has got the evidence based on what West said in opening. I think he took some of the sting out of the prosecutions case coming up right behind him. Of course, the prosecution doesn't have much of a case.
have you heard any weird news about witness 8

and crumps deedee

Not on witness 8, but Crump was kicked out of courtroom today, because he is a potential witness.

yeah i knew that

i have been reading some stuff on witness 8 i

am not ready to share it

i was just wondering if anyone else has seen anything unusual

at this late date

Witness 8 is TM's GF????

See below.

If so, West said in opening she's taking the stand and based on what he said she's going to say, the defense is calling her or else they've got their angle on cross nailed.

George Zimmerman case: State reveals new letter from key witness in Trayvon Martin shooting - Orlando Sentinel

Published on Mar 29, 2012

Surveillance video footage of George Zimmerman being led from a police car shortly after he fatally shot teenager Trayvon Martin does not appear to show any injuries or bloodstains, but his attorney says the video is too grainy to be revealing.

The footage, obtained by ABC News on Wednesday, shows a handcuffed Zimmerman getting out of the police car unaided and walking into the police station where he was taken after the shooting in Sanford, Fla.

It was taken about four hours after the deadly incident.

There are no visible signs of injuries to Zimmerman's head or blood on his clothes. However, he is wearing a red jacket, which could obscure blood stains.
Appearing on NBC's TODAY on Thursday, Zimmerman's attorney Craig Sonner described the video as "very grainy." He also pointed out that Zimmerman had been "cleaned-up" and received first aid in the four hours between the incident and Zimmerman's videotaped arrival at the police station.

Sonner has previously said that his client suffered a broken nose and a gash to his head during the altercation - 30 March 2012.
Not on witness 8, but Crump was kicked out of courtroom today, because he is a potential witness.

yeah i knew that

i have been reading some stuff on witness 8 i

am not ready to share it

i was just wondering if anyone else has seen anything unusual

at this late date

Witness 8 is TM's GF????

See below.

If so, West said in opening she's taking the stand and based on what he said she's going to say, the defense is calling her or else they've got their angle on cross nailed.

George Zimmerman case: State reveals new letter from key witness in Trayvon Martin shooting - Orlando Sentinel

yes it is still premature for me to post

from what i have been reading

if it turns out to be the case

you will see real fireworks

from my understanding the state

does not know this information
I've never been entirely clear on what the Zimmerman-haters think the timeline was of what happened, and how it fits with the evidence. Admittedly, I haven't heard the tape of the screaming for help, but it seems it was going on for at least a few seconds, and given that Martin didn't have a mark on him other than the fatal wound, I have to wonder what they think Zimmerman was doing, precisely, before shooting Martin to make Martin scream like that.

Supposedly, this is when he was staring at the barrel of a gun, but it doesnt add least with what has been presented thus far.

yes it does not add up

as much of the states claims do not add up

you will see testimony for example

concerning the gun shot

that between the marks on the hoodie

and the entrance wound are

consistent with a person leaning over forward

when the shot was fired as in

martin leaning over zimmerman

i dont know how the state intends on getting around that

This was huge yesterday for me, also the angle of the gun. I didn't know about this but it corroborates the eyewitness testimony and sketch (witness 6 John Good). I think this is the proverbial self defense nail.

Iffffff.................... the jurors can follow through and actually put that verdict out there, that's still going to be a hurdle. But it only takes the 1 "no" and we're done here.
yeah i knew that

i have been reading some stuff on witness 8 i

am not ready to share it

i was just wondering if anyone else has seen anything unusual

at this late date

Witness 8 is TM's GF????

See below.

If so, West said in opening she's taking the stand and based on what he said she's going to say, the defense is calling her or else they've got their angle on cross nailed.

George Zimmerman case: State reveals new letter from key witness in Trayvon Martin shooting - Orlando Sentinel

yes it is still premature for me to post

from what i have been reading

if it turns out to be the case

you will see real fireworks

from my understanding the state

does not know this information

What did you hear about that? Don't go all tease.
Witness 8 is TM's GF????

See below.

If so, West said in opening she's taking the stand and based on what he said she's going to say, the defense is calling her or else they've got their angle on cross nailed.

George Zimmerman case: State reveals new letter from key witness in Trayvon Martin shooting - Orlando Sentinel

Maybe this is why the defense is calling witness #8.

George Zimmerman stand your ground hearing: Witness in Zimmerman case caught in lie - Orlando Sentinel

Oh eM Gee, she is 19yo.
Jose Bozo "weighed in" on yesterday's proceedings.

Is that dufus every going to go away. Somehow now he's an "expert".
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Witness 8 is TM's GF????

See below.

If so, West said in opening she's taking the stand and based on what he said she's going to say, the defense is calling her or else they've got their angle on cross nailed.

George Zimmerman case: State reveals new letter from key witness in Trayvon Martin shooting - Orlando Sentinel

yes it is still premature for me to post

from what i have been reading

if it turns out to be the case

you will see real fireworks

from my understanding the state

does not know this information

What did you hear about that? Don't go all tease.

i am really not trying to tease

i am just trying to see if others know about this

i got it from a crowd sourcing site

that helps the defense
Witness 8 is TM's GF????

See below.

If so, West said in opening she's taking the stand and based on what he said she's going to say, the defense is calling her or else they've got their angle on cross nailed.

George Zimmerman case: State reveals new letter from key witness in Trayvon Martin shooting - Orlando Sentinel

Maybe this is why the defense is calling witness #8.

George Zimmerman stand your ground hearing: Witness in Zimmerman case caught in lie - Orlando Sentinel

Oh eM Gee, she is 19yo.

I don't know what's going on with that and I wouldn't trust a thing she says a) she really young b) she's been under a tremendous amount of pressure from Crump, family, Al, you name it, about that call.
yes it is still premature for me to post

from what i have been reading

if it turns out to be the case

you will see real fireworks

from my understanding the state

does not know this information

What did you hear about that? Don't go all tease.

i am really not trying to tease

i am just trying to see if others know about this

i got it from a crowd sourcing site

that helps the defense

Don't make me go Scroogling.
Witness 8 is TM's GF????

See below.

If so, West said in opening she's taking the stand and based on what he said she's going to say, the defense is calling her or else they've got their angle on cross nailed.

George Zimmerman case: State reveals new letter from key witness in Trayvon Martin shooting - Orlando Sentinel

Maybe this is why the defense is calling witness #8.

George Zimmerman stand your ground hearing: Witness in Zimmerman case caught in lie - Orlando Sentinel

Oh eM Gee, she is 19yo.

I don't know what's going on with that and I wouldn't trust a thing she says a) she really young b) she's been under a tremendous amount of pressure from Crump, family, Al, you name it, about that call.

what if it turns out

she is not the one on the phone at the time
maybe this is why the defense is calling witness #8.

george zimmerman stand your ground hearing: Witness in zimmerman case caught in lie - orlando sentinel

oh em gee, she is 19yo.

i don't know what's going on with that and i wouldn't trust a thing she says a) she really young b) she's been under a tremendous amount of pressure from crump, family, al, you name it, about that call.

what if it turns out

she is not the one on the phone at the time


They just deposed Crump on her, something happened there....

That winning the appeal on Crump possibly was a much bigger win than I thought.
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Maybe this is why the defense is calling witness #8.

George Zimmerman stand your ground hearing: Witness in Zimmerman case caught in lie - Orlando Sentinel

Oh eM Gee, she is 19yo.

I don't know what's going on with that and I wouldn't trust a thing she says a) she really young b) she's been under a tremendous amount of pressure from Crump, family, Al, you name it, about that call.

what if it turns out

she is not the one on the phone at the time

IF it wasn't her, then who was it? Couldn't she brought up on charges for lying and covering for someone else? If the state already knew this, couldn't the one(s) that knew also have charges filed against them?
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