The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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So despite the eye witnesses, the forensics showing he was shot at close range, and the injuries to his person, you are going to conclude that Martin wasn't on top of Zimmerman beaing his head against the ground?

I've never disputed any of those things. My problem with this whole thing is that Zimmerman made a really stupid move and someone is dead because of it. He shouldn't get to walk because of a technicality.

Self defense isn't a technicality. It's a natural right. It's one of the fundamental laws of nature that we have the right to defend ourselves.

No one should be punished for exercising their natural rights.

Don't you see the slippery slope that leads down? A guy kills an unarmed minor because of self-defense... what constitutes self-defense? I don't know if I want that being defined by the states. I wouldn't want to raise my kids in a state like that.
They like to ignore the fact that he didn't just punch him. He punched him, got him on the ground, and was whaling the living shit out of him, while Zimmerman BEGGED people to help him.

They didn't, and he killed the little turd before the little turd killed him. That's why people carry guns.

People carry guns for many reasons. In this case, because he thought he was Wyatt Earp.

We understand that he's allowed to carry a gun. It's not often self defense, however, in a chosen confrontation with an unarmed teenager.

How does someone choose a confrontation when the other person jumps you from behind?
That's the Florida Statute on Stalking. No one is even alleging that Zimmerman did that.

You cut the full quote which negates your legal definition. Let me help you.

"We are mere observers, Avatar. Yes, we have opinions and assumptions. But that is all. "Stalking" does not need to be a charge but can be a behavior adduced to lead credence to the prosecution's charges."

So now the judge and jury can find that he was stalking Trayvon despite the fact that the Florida statute does not support that claim and the fact that the Prosecution isn't even alleging that happened?

No stalking happened. There is no evidence to support that it did. If a judge or a jury presumed that it did happen, they would be legally incorrect.

I quoted the elements of the statute. The Punishment for the charge is irrelevant to the conversation so I didn't quote those.

Tell me, how can someone repeatedly follow, harass, or cyberstalk someone they just saw for the first time?

They tried to prove it with Bahadoor, but she lied through her teeth and added to her testimony, saying she "heard movement going from left to right." That would have worked, and played right into the prosecution's hands, except for the fact she didn't mention "left or right" in any of her depositions. It calls the credibility of the prosecution into question when they summon a biased witness to the stand.

She signed a petition supporting the indictment of Zimmerman for killing Martin, then liked and shared it on her Facebook page. That had to be a very devastating moment for the prosecution.
There's a slippery slope to self defense?

That's insane. He is saying nobody should defend themselves.
Zimmerman had a broken nose, two black eyes, and several lacerations on the back of his head.

The question is if he acted in self defense.

Trayvon had bruises on his knuckles and and a gun shot wound.

Sounds like self defense.
haHA! Out of you AND me! Tis a crazy game we play Mr. Kormac!

Lool, I don't assume, I watch the trial. I don't know about you, buddy.

I watch the trial too. Both sides are assuming and both feel they're in the right. I'll be sad if the jury says otherwise and so will you. But I stand behind what my heart tells me.

That's all I ask of anyone to do. At least you aren't jumping all over the place.
I've never disputed any of those things. My problem with this whole thing is that Zimmerman made a really stupid move and someone is dead because of it. He shouldn't get to walk because of a technicality.

Self defense isn't a technicality. It's a natural right. It's one of the fundamental laws of nature that we have the right to defend ourselves.

No one should be punished for exercising their natural rights.

Don't you see the slippery slope that leads down? A guy kills an unarmed minor because of self-defense... what constitutes self-defense? I don't know if I want that being defined by the states. I wouldn't want to raise my kids in a state like that.

Im fairly certain every state allows self defense as a justification defense. You seriously want to raise your children in a state where you don't have the right to protect them or yourself from the threat of serious bodily injury or worse?

As a father, it's my responsibility to be prepared to defend my family.
Yes a minor is dead, after he attacked a man with a gun.

It's called personal responsibility. It's something you can't avoid regardless of how much you might want to try. Actions have consequences.

If you jump out of a plane without a parachute chances are you will be dead as well.

You have no idea who is to blame here, Avatar, so step off.

Let the trial take its course.

After that piss poor witness the prosecution called this afternoon? The one who got completely annihilated by O'Mara? I think Martin is to blame, purely since the prosecution tried to pass off a coached witness. You need to step off, and watch as Zimmerman gets acquitted of murder. There will be fragments of your cranium scattered from one end of this board to the other when he is. I can't wait to see that.


a coached witness

try two coached witnesses

she said during trial today that she and her sister discussed the case

and sat in on some meetings and depo

to that omara said we will get to that witness soon enough
They like to ignore the fact that he didn't just punch him. He punched him, got him on the ground, and was whaling the living shit out of him, while Zimmerman BEGGED people to help him.

They didn't, and he killed the little turd before the little turd killed him. That's why people carry guns.

People carry guns for many reasons. In this case, because he thought he was Wyatt Earp.

We understand that he's allowed to carry a gun. It's not often self defense, however, in a chosen confrontation with an unarmed teenager.

If Martin attacked him, he has the right to defend himself.

We can Monday Morning Quarterback his decision, with every fact conveniently laid out and weeks to ponder them...but Zimmerman didn't have that luxury.

If Martin attacked Zimmerman, all Zimmerman has to prove is that he was reasonably in fear for his life.

If Martin was beating Zimmerman's head against a hard surface, and Zimmerman was yelling for help...that threshold has been met.
They like to ignore the fact that he didn't just punch him. He punched him, got him on the ground, and was whaling the living shit out of him, while Zimmerman BEGGED people to help him.

They didn't, and he killed the little turd before the little turd killed him. That's why people carry guns.

People carry guns for many reasons. In this case, because he thought he was Wyatt Earp.

We understand that he's allowed to carry a gun. It's not often self defense, however, in a chosen confrontation with an unarmed teenager.

How does someone choose a confrontation when the other person jumps you from behind?

Besides which, people HAVE A RIGHT to confront other people, if they think the other person is up to no good. I have a right to ask a suspicious person in my neighborhood "What are you doing?" or even "Where do you live?"

They don't have to answer, that's their right.

But they don't have the right to physically attack me because I asked. And that's what Martin did. When he did that, it doesn't matter whether or not Zimmerman initially sought contact...Zimmerman still had a right to defend himself.
BTW Spike Lee settled out of court for an unknown amount to the family of the address he tweeted, while the Black Panthers had a bounty on his head that federal officials DID NOTHING ABOUT, that were supposedly of the Zimmerman family.

The media reported on this story during sweeps week and manipulated and blatantly lied about the facts of this case. They purposely incited racial hatred. An NBC producer was fired for his actions.
They like to ignore the fact that he didn't just punch him. He punched him, got him on the ground, and was whaling the living shit out of him, while Zimmerman BEGGED people to help him.

They didn't, and he killed the little turd before the little turd killed him. That's why people carry guns.

People carry guns for many reasons. In this case, because he thought he was Wyatt Earp.

We understand that he's allowed to carry a gun. It's not often self defense, however, in a chosen confrontation with an unarmed teenager.

How does someone choose a confrontation when the other person jumps you from behind?

I don't know. I've never followed someone. Nor have I ever been followed. Both people were stupid but only one person KILLED the other. I'm not okay with that. I don't think Zimmerman should get the death penalty but if he gets to walk free after this then that's a damn shame.
Zimmerman had a broken nose, two black eyes, and several lacerations on the back of his head.

The question is if he acted in self defense.

Trayvon had bruises on his knuckles and and a gun shot wound.

Sounds like self defense.

That's certainly what the DA's office and the cops thought.

But hey, sarhag, jakey and the dude who thinks that self defense should be illegal know better.
People carry guns for many reasons. In this case, because he thought he was Wyatt Earp.

We understand that he's allowed to carry a gun. It's not often self defense, however, in a chosen confrontation with an unarmed teenager.

How does someone choose a confrontation when the other person jumps you from behind?

Besides which, people HAVE A RIGHT to confront other people, if they think the other person is up to no good. I have a right to ask a suspicious person in my neighborhood "What are you doing?" or even "Where do you live?"

They don't have to answer, that's their right.

But they don't have the right to physically attack me because I asked. And that's what Martin did. When he did that, it doesn't matter whether or not Zimmerman initially sought contact...Zimmerman still had a right to defend himself.

There is no evidence of that.
People carry guns for many reasons. In this case, because he thought he was Wyatt Earp.

We understand that he's allowed to carry a gun. It's not often self defense, however, in a chosen confrontation with an unarmed teenager.

How does someone choose a confrontation when the other person jumps you from behind?

I don't know. I've never followed someone. Nor have I ever been followed. Both people were stupid but only one person KILLED the other. I'm not okay with that. I don't think Zimmerman should get the death penalty but if he gets to walk free after this then that's a damn shame.

So you think that people who defend themselves should go to prison.


Self defense isn't a technicality. It's a natural right. It's one of the fundamental laws of nature that we have the right to defend ourselves.

No one should be punished for exercising their natural rights.

Don't you see the slippery slope that leads down? A guy kills an unarmed minor because of self-defense... what constitutes self-defense? I don't know if I want that being defined by the states. I wouldn't want to raise my kids in a state like that.

Im fairly certain every state allows self defense as a justification defense. You seriously want to raise your children in a state where you don't have the right to protect them or yourself from the threat of serious bodily injury or worse?

As a father, it's my responsibility to be prepared to defend my family.

I don't want my kids finding themselves in a questionable situation, getting stabbed or shot and god-forbid dying, and then have to watch as the killer gets a slap on the wrist and walks away from it. My family will never get to walk away from it.
The schools in this country laguish under the same code of ignorance....

If you're being bullied, and you turn on the bully and kick his ass...guess who's in trouble?

That's right. You. Because you should just take your whuppin and do nothing about it. And if you do defend yourself, you should have the decency to lose the fight. Or else.
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