The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Bernie sure seems to enjoy cursing in the courtroom.

You think your funny...your jokes are getting old and stale and taking up to much space...others want to tell you...but then others want to tell sunshine too and you know how that are one of em...ahole.
Notice that the DEFENSE is not objecting to the questions that call for pure hearsay?

Why WOULD the defense object, after all?

It is pretty much helpful hearsay for the defense. That raises the question:

WHY would the PROSECUTOR be ELICITING this information especially in this hearsay format when normally they would be OBJECTING to self-serving hearsay of this nature if a defendant were trying to bring it out?

This is weird.

I think the prosecution got their role confused with the defense's role.
Another state witness on the stand currently recounting GZ story. Who is going to be left for the defense to call?
You talk about courage? You call those that demand you consider facts over emotions dumb and say those that demand your so called smoking gun incapable of understanding its significance.
You are a piss ant Put up the smoking gun, support it with more than emotionalism, or shut the fuck up. I have to go shopping for the Fourth. I should be back in a couple hours. Let's see if you grow some balls.

Well, the water system is down here, so it's bottled water or nothing. The plumber was to come today, but I guess he better wait until tomorrow. I'm going to see what I can put together to eat that doesn't require much water.

Yep, the plumber was gonna come...but he saw you and couldnt get it up...blame yourself...crack kills.

I never neg but this is just stupid. Can you please stop polluting the thread!
Well, the water system is down here, so it's bottled water or nothing. The plumber was to come today, but I guess he better wait until tomorrow. I'm going to see what I can put together to eat that doesn't require much water.

Yep, the plumber was gonna come...but he saw you and couldnt get it up...blame yourself...crack kills.

I never neg but this is just stupid. Can you please stop polluting the thread!

Well arent you sweet? So neg, negger. What would that be...1 1/3 of 1/3 point...dont taze me, bro!
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Another state witness on the stand currently recounting GZ story. Who is going to be left for the defense to call?

They don't need any witnesses. Just think how great it would be for the prosecution to rest today.

The defense will file a motion to dismiss, more than likely the judge will deny it although anyone can see there is no case here.

The defense will then rest without calling a witness, telling the jury they will have time to be home for the holiday.
Just to let you know what kind of things inhabit the left side of the political spectrum in America... CNN, for whom Soledad O'Brien used to work and who just went to work for al Jazeera a couple days ago (shocking) 'accidentally' broadcast Zimmerman's Social Security number.

Officer Doris Singleton was testifying when the prosecutors showed a narrative report including Zimmerman’s information.

That immediately launched a round of tweets by Zimmerman haters celebrating knowledge of that information.

This is hardly the first time Zimmerman’s personal information has been distributed by those who oppose him. During the initial coverage of the Zimmerman trial, Spike Lee retweeted the home address of what he thought was Zimmerman’s home address. It turned out to be the wrong address. Roseanne Barr then tweeted Zimmerman’s parents’ home address. “If Zimmerman isn't arrested I'll rt his address again. maybe go 2 his house myself,” Barr tweeted.

This isn't the first element of media bias in the Zimmerman case, either. The Associated Press originally reported that Zimmerman was white. That falsehood was repeated for days by the media, heightening the racial aspect of the case.

The media also broadcast photographs of Zimmerman from a 2005 arrest rather than current photos, and conversely broadcast photographs of Martin as a pre-teen, not the 17-year-old he was at the time of the killing (the media's photographic choices actually impacted witness testimony during the trial).

NBC News manipulated tape of Zimmerman's 911 call to make it seem that Zimmerman had targeted Martin because he was black, rather than responding to 911 dispatcher questions. CNN also isolated audio of Zimmerman purportedly calling Martin a racial slur during the call -- an allegation that ended up being completely false.

Both ABC News and NBC News also alleged that Zimmerman's injuries did not exist, releasing badly-pixellated photographs from the night of the incident. As trial testimony has shown, Zimmerman was indeed injured during the incident with Martin.

CNN Broadcasts Zimmerman Social Security Number

dimocraps really are disgusting human beings.

I think they're human. Maybe not. Not really sure. I always thought Humans had the ability to reason; so if that is the criteria, then dimocraps don't qualify
While what you say is true, Sallow, the fact is that the vast majority of people want to hear from the defendant in a criminal trial - and this very much includes jurors.

Should a defendant be "made" to testify? Not under our justice system.
I mean this beats trying to talk trial with you people...ive tried...its a joke. Hanging on every damn word of zimmerman and cant see one mistake...boooooriiiiiiiing. Not a thinking head in this joint...completely fooled.

I reached for my phone...yeah right

He said he was gonna kill me when he saw my gun...yeah right

I was gonna call the other 911...yeah right

I didnt follow I was looking for an apartment number and trayvon should have known...yeah right

I was too scared to identify myself...I was too scared to talk to a teen...yeah right.

He was standing in the rain looking around at houses...thats a good one...yeah right

Damnit...hes up to no good...i dont know what his problem...get here quick...lmao...yeah right.

No crime...none nata...just a paranoid creepy follower with the brains of a peanut...let me walk up this dark pathway following a guy who I think has a weapon...whats the worst that could happen...yeah right

What does "we dont need you to do that" means I should continue on the same path as the suspicious guy who is running from me? did i get that right?

i wasnt racially profiling...honest I wasnt...oh btw, yes he did fit the description of a half a dozen other crimes in the area...he looks black...yep he racially profiled...and the funny thing is people in here admit it and support it...thats fine...but dont deny it took place...what are you stupid? Of course he did...just admit it...nobody is gonna shoot youuuuu.

Forum full of dummies...full of bias worse than what they accuse of the other side. damn shame.

You guys couldnt investigate your way out of a wet paper would be asking GZ to give you directions.
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All this head bashing and slamming into concrete yet you have the police and the physician's assistant BOTH claiming that his injuries as HE reported them were overblown.

He himself refused to seek additional medical attention when asked if he wanted to on that day.

If I bust a man's head in the concrete, you can best your bottome dollar you'd see a good deal of HIS blood on the concrete. Where is Zimmerman's blood on the concrete? I've seen or heard of no report of a significant, if any, amount of Zimmerman's blood on the concrete.

Even if you include the bogus witnesses with the bogus NEW claim of "Ground and pound" ala "Ground and Pound" type blood on the concrete. It's a joke.

You are a damn fool if you believe a man who practices MMA and karate daily and believes himself to be some kinda cop that works out got beaten by a young whipper snapper 17 year old.

Trayvon got the best of him because he was fighting for his life and the adrenaline gave him the strength to defend himself against Zimmerman, who saw himself losing and pumped a gunshot into Trayvon's heart and ended the event.

Trayvon got the best because Trayvon probably is the one who attacked.

There is at least reasonable doubt.

And guess what ... this is America. Reasonable doubt means Zimmerman gets off. If the justice system is working correctly.

If Trayvon was being followed, how is it he's the one that attacked? GZ's account has holes in it.

Possibly he was no longer being followed. I doubted GZ's story at first but so far the court evidence seems to support the story that he was walking back to his vehicle.

However, whether TM was still being followed or not, of course he could be the one who attacked. Throwing a punch in the middle of what was previously just a conversation is an attack. How does who was following whom matter in that instance?
What the hell is the prosecutor doing?

This guy should be fired if he really thinks he had a case and I believe he does think that because these witnesses are on the stand way too long.
Rachel Jeantel is the witness that puts TM at his house before the altercation.
You guys were pushing the double-back theory BEFORE we knew about Jeantel.

Nice try.

Supposing that were so, does it make the double-back theory less sound because the prosecution's star witness gave evidence to support it?

Hint: no :eusa_shhh:

She said he was by his house. To me by my house means when I arrive in the same state.
We know two things. Zimmerman did not profile Martin because he was black. Martin did profile Zimmerman because he wasn't black.
Notice that the DEFENSE is not objecting to the questions that call for pure hearsay?

Why WOULD the defense object, after all?

It is pretty much helpful hearsay for the defense. That raises the question:

WHY would the PROSECUTOR be ELICITING this information especially in this hearsay format when normally they would be OBJECTING to self-serving hearsay of this nature if a defendant were trying to bring it out?

This is weird.

I think the prosecution got their role confused with the defense's role.

The prosecution's only hope it to claim that the first lead investigator manipulated his investigation because he was GZ's friend. Then put the new investigator on the stand to impeach the first one. Otherwise there is absolutely no case.
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