The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I didn't know George Zimmerman was charged under Florida Statute 784.048.
Please show us where the indictment is charging Zimmerman with that.
I haven't seen any evidence offered in anywhere in this case to support a stalking charge against Zimmerman.
I guess the jury will have to find Zimmerman not guilty on stalking then. No where in any of this trial has there been anything offered on stalking.
Why did you make up a bull shit story similar to the numerous other bull shit stories like Trayvon Martin was in the 6th grade, he was followed and gun downed, the doctored and manipulate 911 tapes played to media and Zimmerman "was ordered to stand down"?
Why do you bull shit with tales of Zimmerman "stalking" Trayvon Martin.
Per Trayvon's girl friend, and did he ever have bad taste in "women", he LOST ZIMMERMAN at one point in this.
Guess he forgot how to get to his father's house and was stalking in the bushes.
All Trayvon Martin had to do was walk home.
Murder is out, even you are smart enough to know that.
If anything this is a manslaughter case and I am open to all debate on this.
One thing is for damn sure in this Moe:
Zimmerman should be charged DOUBLE for his defense.
The prosecution deserves half! Their witnesses have been great for Zimmerman.

(2) Any person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person commits the offense of stalking, a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

They went for the higher charges. Don't worry Moe, if this case fails he will be bought up on federal civil rights violation charges and you "folks" will cry about that. :lol:

Did you read the word repeatedly?

Yep, Martin tried to avoid him and zimmerman repeatedly followed him that night.
General Rule of Thumb: You do not get to shoot someone because they hit you.
Somebody that paranoid should not have a concealed gun permit.

That question is not on the application. Florida is a MUST issue state. That means unless you have been convicted of a felony or have been adjudicated mentally incompetent, the concealed weapons permit is issued.

Since Obama has been elected the amount of permits has skyrocketed. Millions here have a permit and the number grows each day. On top of that you can carry a loaded weapon in your vehicle without having to get a permit.

An armed society is a free society.

Like Somali?

Average citizens are not armed in Somalia, only those who work for warlords.
I am a bl k male. I do not want an armed cop wanna be Zimmerman followi.g me. You see I would immediately be suspect in his mind even though all I am doing is coming home from the store.

Damn, what country in.
It appears the only evidence we have to charge GZ with is being guilty of being a bad neighborhood watch leader. I think the punishment for that is he's kicked off neighborhood watch, not life in prison.

I wonder how some people with such a cavalier attitude like the above would react if their child was killed by a "bad neighborhood watch leader"?

If my child was beating some guy and bashing his head into the pavement because he was looking to see where he was going I would't feel bad at all about it.
Why do you ask?
Oh yeah. You're a liberal. You don't think and reason. You appeal to emotion.

Because this case turns on whether Zimmerman acted lawfully in self defense. All the evidence seems to point that he did. Nothing so far uncovered suggests the opposite.

Thanks for the laugh!!!! :lol: Oh, by the way the testimony of an expert refutes your assertion about the "beating and bashing". :)
What gets me is how George Zimmerman is getting more attention than Aaron Hernandez, who ordered a hit on and killed a black guy, Odin Lloyd. Where's the outrage liberals?

If phoenixops and his team condemned Hernandez their peers would label them as racist.

That's a crock of shit. Why do you think I would be labeled a 'racist' if I condemned Hernandez? I'm not being labeled that way because I condemn zimmerman's actions.

We agree. I condemn Zimmerman's actions also.
Does not make him a murderer.
At best if that, manslaughter.
Hint: the state has to prove INTENT TO MURDER from the START in this to prove murder.
Will give you a break. Did you know that? Zimmerman had to have MURDER on his mind and as his intent FROM THE START.
So he is not guilty of murder. Right?
Good, that is a start.
Manslaughter is what this case is as he did not start out intending to kill Martin.
Good. I believe that if the jury hears a jury charge that they can convict on a lessor charge then maybe manslaughter.
But please, if you can not see that the state has offered NO evidence to prove murder then you are not in this discussion objectively.
General Rule of Thumb: You do not get to shoot someone because they hit you.

True. You get to shoot someone if you reasonably fear death or severe bodily injury. Someone pounding your head into the ground who notices your gun and says You gonna die will put someone in reasonable fear of death.
Thus Zimmerman acted justly in neutralizing that threat.

Was there anything else you wanted to add here, Marc, before apologizing to everyone for wasting their time?
GZ says TM was smothering him just before he shot TM. Yet there is no DNA evidence of that, and the audio supposedly had GZ screaming just before the shot. How do you scream while you are being smothered to death? I don't get it and the investigator did not get it either:

4:06 p.m. ET: “I can’t pinpoint where you were smothered, that’s the problem I’m having,” said Serino. "We don’t hear him at all either. Is he being quiet? Is he whispering? Is he calm?"
Question for you. Why did Zimmerman think Martin was "suspicious" in the first place? Now, be honest.

I am black, you are white. We both have on the same hoodie, who is "Suspicious" to Zimmerman?

BE HONEST. I am. He is going to walk. He knew exactly what to say after he killed an unarmed kid. Exactly what to say.

Zimmerman had no real reason, he is a cop wannaba who made a poor assessment of a situation and acted to his own detriment and that of another.

"The lead investigator on the case, Chris Serino, met with Zimmerman briefly the night of the shooting and again three days later....'He was looking at the house intently, the same house I had called about before. He stopped in front of the house," said Zimmerman. "You know what, he’s not walking briskly to get out of the rain. He didn’t look like a marathon runner who trains in the rain. He was just walking slowly and I said something’s off. So that’s why I called non-emergency."
Zimmerman: 'I couldn't see. I couldn't breathe'

Is that the cop who was.just suspended?
If so, how is that relevant to your original question.
I would say it had more to do with his demeanor and how he was acting.

I agree, I think it was there has been a slew of break ins, I think the rain, dark, holding his pants up, whatever it was, was suspicious, there was some checking it out, there was some badass posturing on the phone to Miami, and the shit blew up and one of them had a gun.

Many details in there, but that's the jist.

Exactly, combined with an arrogant, 17yr. old you can't tell me what to do attitude.

BTW, I like the toestarosa avatar best.
arrogant? Why because he wanted skittles?
I wonder how some people with such a cavalier attitude like the above would react if their child was killed by a "bad neighborhood watch leader"?

If my child was beating some guy and bashing his head into the pavement because he was looking to see where he was going I would't feel bad at all about it.
Why do you ask?
Oh yeah. You're a liberal. You don't think and reason. You appeal to emotion.

Because this case turns on whether Zimmerman acted lawfully in self defense. All the evidence seems to point that he did. Nothing so far uncovered suggests the opposite.

Thanks for the laugh!!!! :lol: Oh, by the way the testimony of an expert refutes your assertion about the "beating and bashing". :)

Link? Are you saying there is proof that Martin did not have Zimmerman on the ground and was not physically assaulting him? Because that would change the nature of the case. If you have such information please share it.
Bragged about it. Said he would do absolutely nothing different. Said it was gods plan.

Would it be possible for you to type one post without a falsehood ensconced in the reply?

He didn't brag about it in and way shape or form.
How is going on national tv... Saying you did it perfect, was gods plan, would do nothing different, not bragging?

He simply said that he feels he did what he had to do. He never said he was happy he shot Martin. You likely wouldn't be able to grasp the God's plan part, but Christians feel that things that happen to them that are beyond their control are preordained by their higher power. He didn't make a judgment, he basically said Que Sera Sera.
(2) Any person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person commits the offense of stalking, a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

They went for the higher charges. Don't worry Moe, if this case fails he will be bought up on federal civil rights violation charges and you "folks" will cry about that. :lol:

Did you read the word repeatedly?

Yep, Martin tried to avoid him and zimmerman repeatedly followed him that night.

Can you prove that beyond a reasonable doubt?
Question for you. Why did Zimmerman think Martin was "suspicious" in the first place? Now, be honest.

I am black, you are white. We both have on the same hoodie, who is "Suspicious" to Zimmerman?

BE HONEST. I am. He is going to walk. He knew exactly what to say after he killed an unarmed kid. Exactly what to say.

Zimmerman had no real reason, he is a cop wannaba who made a poor assessment of a situation and acted to his own detriment and that of another.

"The lead investigator on the case, Chris Serino, met with Zimmerman briefly the night of the shooting and again three days later....'He was looking at the house intently, the same house I had called about before. He stopped in front of the house," said Zimmerman. "You know what, he’s not walking briskly to get out of the rain. He didn’t look like a marathon runner who trains in the rain. He was just walking slowly and I said something’s off. So that’s why I called non-emergency."
Zimmerman: 'I couldn't see. I couldn't breathe'

Is that the cop who was.just suspended?

Investigator on the witness stand.
I didn't know George Zimmerman was charged under Florida Statute 784.048.
Please show us where the indictment is charging Zimmerman with that.
I haven't seen any evidence offered in anywhere in this case to support a stalking charge against Zimmerman.
I guess the jury will have to find Zimmerman not guilty on stalking then. No where in any of this trial has there been anything offered on stalking.
Why did you make up a bull shit story similar to the numerous other bull shit stories like Trayvon Martin was in the 6th grade, he was followed and gun downed, the doctored and manipulate 911 tapes played to media and Zimmerman "was ordered to stand down"?
Why do you bull shit with tales of Zimmerman "stalking" Trayvon Martin.
Per Trayvon's girl friend, and did he ever have bad taste in "women", he LOST ZIMMERMAN at one point in this.
Guess he forgot how to get to his father's house and was stalking in the bushes.
All Trayvon Martin had to do was walk home.
Murder is out, even you are smart enough to know that.
If anything this is a manslaughter case and I am open to all debate on this.
One thing is for damn sure in this Moe:
Zimmerman should be charged DOUBLE for his defense.
The prosecution deserves half! Their witnesses have been great for Zimmerman.

(2) Any person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person commits the offense of stalking, a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

They went for the higher charges. Don't worry Moe, if this case fails he will be bought up on federal civil rights violation charges and you "folks" will cry about that. :lol:

He is not charged with stalking.
Who's civil rights did he violate?
And you believe your team can come up with a better case than this one?
LOL, with the skank girlfriend as their star witness?
Who else is their witness on a civil rights case phoenix?
Sorry things are not working out for your team.
You believe a Florida Federal Grand Jury will issue a true bill of indictment on Zimmerman on this BS of a "civil rights" case?
You have lost your fucking mind.
Stay out of this, you do not understand what has happened so far.
They will laugh out of court a civil rights case in this.
You have an eye witness with Martin on top pounding Zimmerman.
And that makes Zimmerman liable for a civil rights violation.
You are a crazy loon racist yourself if you believe that.

Wham it ZERO on set, EP team on the ready, KO team on the circles and 4th string D to group.

I'll bookmark that jibberish above and re post it when you people are crying about a civil rights case.
General Rule of Thumb: You do not get to shoot someone because they hit you.

Yes you do.
No offense but your general rule of thumb quotes that you learned from your Grandma are great and I commend her for doing so but they are not the law.
You hit someone and they fear you and want to defend themselves they CAN SHOOT YOU legally.
You may not like that but YOU KNOW that is the law.
Come on Marc. Admit it, you were conned that Zimmerman was a murderer.
You STILL believe he is but you know there is no evidence to convict him of murder.
We are a nation of laws, not general rules.
General Rule of Thumb: You do not get to shoot someone because they hit you.

True. You get to shoot someone if you reasonably fear death or severe bodily injury. Someone pounding your head into the ground who notices your gun and says You gonna die will put someone in reasonable fear of death.
Thus Zimmerman acted justly in neutralizing that threat.

Was there anything else you wanted to add here, Marc, before apologizing to everyone for wasting their time?
Like I've been saying all along...this case rests on the simple matter of whether or not Zimmerman had a LEGITIMATE reason to fear for his life before he shot Trayvon in the heart.

Nothing more, nothing less.
Not only did he take a self defense class to learn what he had to do to get away with it. Then he took MMA classes to learn how. Ever watch MMA? Ever watch Muhammad Ali? Rope a dope on the bottom is a standard self defense tactic.

He chased TM by truck.. then by foot ... he refused to identify himself over the entire time span. His intentions were not known to TM. He pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed till TM confronted him with "no" visual witnesses. We have no idea what happened to start the fight. None.

If GZ did it on purpose.. it all fits. If it was all an accident of timing and bad luck and TMs fault and all that then it's a myriad of coincidences the odds of which must be absolutely astronomical.

How long do you think this all took? The whole incident took, what?...less than 5 minutes? From the time the non-emerg call was placed until the long? I'm so astounded by your comments I've forgotten the timeline. Help me. Your scenario is utterly fantastical!

Probably 5-10min before he called it in... it was 7min+ from GZ's initial call to the start of the fight. So let's call it 10-15min of cat and mouse before the wrestling match started. FYI time frigging stops when you are being chased in the dark in the rain..
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General Rule of Thumb: You do not get to shoot someone because they hit you.

Yes you do.
No offense but your general rule of thumb quotes that you learned from your Grandma are great and I commend her for doing so but they are not the law.
You hit someone and they fear you and want to defend themselves they CAN SHOOT YOU legally.
You may not like that but YOU KNOW that is the law.
Come on Marc. Admit it, you were conned that Zimmerman was a murderer.
You STILL believe he is but you know there is no evidence to convict him of murder.
We are a nation of laws, not general rules.
State the law that gives one the right so shoot someone dead because they hit you.

I think you've lost your mind Dawg....seriously.
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