The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Listen to some of you. Sick, twisted, and depraved individuals; craving the blood of a man to quench your hatred of him. Justice be damned. What if you were the one on trial today? Would you like someone deciding your fate based on pure emotion? Or would you rather be tried on facts? Some of you are helplessly simple minded. You are the paragon of ignorance! You mindless hypocrites! How can a person willfully succumb to this type of barbarism? What drives your sick mindsets? In out justice system you are supposed to be objective not reactive!

I've read a lot of people wanting justice - whatever the jury says that is but I haven't read anyone"craving blood". LOL

Maybe you could point that out?


Didn't think so.

Willful barbarism is one man stalking and murdering a person who just happened to walk by him. You can twist that any way you want but that's the crux of it.
You have an eye witness with Martin on top "pounding" Zimmerman and we have posters here THAT REFUSE to lend any credibility to that witness WHATSOEVER.
Marc, Phoenix, Sarah and others TOTALLY IGNORE that witness testimony.
Because they are biased, unobjective citizens with their heads in the sand.
Martin was black and dead and Zimmerman is white and whitey has to pay.
That is what this boils down to.
And it makes me sick that many are still so blind and will NOT LOOK at EYE WITNESS testimony.

Funny your little list is comprised of all Lefties. Just because we disagree with your extremist views doesn't mean we don't listen to testimony.

You have an eye witness with Martin on top "pounding" Zimmerman and we have posters here THAT REFUSE to lend any credibility to that witness WHATSOEVER.
Marc, Phoenix, Sarah and others TOTALLY IGNORE that witness testimony.
Because they are biased, unobjective citizens with their heads in the sand.
Martin was black and dead and Zimmerman is white and whitey has to pay.
That is what this boils down to.
And it makes me sick that many are still so blind and will NOT LOOK at EYE WITNESS testimony.
They were rolling around on the grass during the fight.
At one point, Zimmerman was on top, at another Trayvon.
They were fighting, we know that.
So what!?!?

You are making it up as you go Marc.

Show us where there is ANY testimony that they were rolling around and Zimmerman WAS EVER on top of Martin.
Where is it?
Under your scenario either of them could have pulled a gun and shot the other and under Florida Law NOT GUILTY of murder.
That is using your scenario.
GZ says TM was smothering him just before he shot TM. Yet there is no DNA evidence of that, and the audio supposedly had GZ screaming just before the shot. How do you scream while you are being smothered to death? I don't get it and the investigator did not get it either:

4:06 p.m. ET: “I can’t pinpoint where you were smothered, that’s the problem I’m having,” said Serino. "We don’t hear him at all either. Is he being quiet? Is he whispering? Is he calm?"

:lol: You dream up a stupid theory & now you are an DNA expert? :cuckoo:

Serino said he believed Zimmerman, case closed!
I am a bl k male. I do not want an armed cop wanna be Zimmerman followi.g me. You see I would immediately be suspect in his mind even though all I am doing is coming home from the store.

Damn, what country in.

Honey, here's the thing....

There were several breakin's already and GZ was on some weird extra alert - his bad - that was a bad call.

I don't believe "all I'm doing is coming home from the store" is it. We haven't reached that point yet. That's an easy, ice tea, skittles allstar! thing that Crump concocted for the US Justice Department RACE CRIME investigation to spurt full out media/POTUS/attention.

There was a phone call to Miami going on, the kid had been in trouble - I'm not attacking the victim, it is what it is - he was having some trouble - he got sent up to dad because mom couldn't deal with the trouble and he was on the phone with the trouble when this happened. There was some badass young dumb and full of cum going on. That's the piece your missing. This wasn't Theo Huckstable (sorry couldn't think of anything else off the top) skipping home with his root beer soda to see Lassie.

There's some cockamamie covering up, Miami phone call showing off teen shit in there.

And theeennnnnn came the media and politics.
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Yep, Martin tried to avoid him and zimmerman repeatedly followed him that night.

That's the saddest part of this. Zimmerman SAID Martin had run away from him and he had to hunt him down a second time.

I wish they'd put him on the stand because he has lied and changed his story several times. But, that's also why they won't.
You have an eye witness with Martin on top "pounding" Zimmerman and we have posters here THAT REFUSE to lend any credibility to that witness WHATSOEVER.
Marc, Phoenix, Sarah and others TOTALLY IGNORE that witness testimony.
Because they are biased, unobjective citizens with their heads in the sand.
Martin was black and dead and Zimmerman is white and whitey has to pay.
That is what this boils down to.
And it makes me sick that many are still so blind and will NOT LOOK at EYE WITNESS testimony.

Funny your little list is comprised of all Lefties. Just because we disagree with your extremist views doesn't mean we don't listen to testimony.


You don't even have evidence on your side. What a sick joke. lol:cuckoo:
Question for you. Why did Zimmerman think Martin was "suspicious" in the first place? Now, be honest.

I am black, you are white. We both have on the same hoodie, who is "Suspicious" to Zimmerman?

BE HONEST. I am. He is going to walk. He knew exactly what to say after he killed an unarmed kid. Exactly what to say.

I gave this a lot of thought...because I definite can see where you are coming from...and I've formulated a two part answer.

You are probably not going to like either one, but I am being truthful and honest in my reply.

Part one...would Zimmerman have seen a white man in a hoodie under the same circumstances as he observed Trayvon as being suspicious?

Honestly, I don't know.

Not exactly the answer you were looking for, but it is the only one I can give.

Is there a possibility that Zimmerman, either consciously or unconsciously, whether because of media portrayal, or his own experiences, was predisposed to seeing one race as more likely to engage in criminal activity than another?

Yes, it's possible.

And if the FBI and police hate crime investigation had turned up a single indication that Zimmerman had made derogatory, discriminatory or racist remarks about blacks, I'd be right there with you.

But they didn't...

Not a single scrap of evidence was uncovered that indicated Zimmerman engaged in any form of racism or held any prejudice toward any person based on their race.

In fact, Zimmerman has both helped and defended the rights of blacks.

He protested the treatment of a black homeless man.

He had black friends who came to his defense.

He mentored black students.

And as most recently discovered, he called in a report about a black child because he was concerned about his safety.

Taken together, IMO, this evidence at a minimum demands that Zimmerman be given the benefit of the doubt.


Part two...

Your claim is that Zimmerman only saw Martin's behavior as suspicious because he was black.

Aren't you engaging in the same prejudicial behavior that you and others are accusing Zimmerman of exhibiting in your accusation?

That there is no way Zimmerman could see beyond race when determining suspicious behavior because of his race?

That no white or hispanic can set race aside, but predicate suspicion based on the color of a man's skin.


The bottom line is that Zimmerman deserves the benefit of the doubt.

It is possible that Zimmerman was just civic minded guy that didn't see race at all, trying to do his best to protect his community from crime.

That's my honest answer.

He has a black friend? Lololol

"ThEY always get away".

No reference to race and out of 46 calls to police, black people were only mentioned in 7 of them.
You have an eye witness with Martin on top "pounding" Zimmerman and we have posters here THAT REFUSE to lend any credibility to that witness WHATSOEVER.
Marc, Phoenix, Sarah and others TOTALLY IGNORE that witness testimony.
Because they are biased, unobjective citizens with their heads in the sand.
Martin was black and dead and Zimmerman is white and whitey has to pay.
That is what this boils down to.
And it makes me sick that many are still so blind and will NOT LOOK at EYE WITNESS testimony.

Funny your little list is comprised of all Lefties. Just because we disagree with your extremist views doesn't mean we don't listen to testimony.


Am I a leftie?
I support full gay rights, my background is Quaker since the 1600s in this country, support women's choice, legalization of weed and decriminalize all other drugs, oppose the wars and actively supported the civil rights movement in the 60s.
My family was active in the civil rights movement long before you were sucking on your mama's tit.
Am I leftie too?
Can I join your elitist club of lefties?
Yep, Martin tried to avoid him and zimmerman repeatedly followed him that night.

That's the saddest part of this. Zimmerman SAID Martin had run away from him and he had to hunt him down a second time.

I wish they'd put him on the stand because he has lied and changed his story several times. But, that's also why they won't.


Why did Traydickvon need to come back and attack him? Wasn't he near his place. lol

All you bastards do is lie.
What gets me is how George Zimmerman is getting more attention than Aaron Hernandez, who ordered a hit on and killed a black guy, Odin Lloyd. Where's the outrage liberals?

Is there a difference between Hernandez and zimmerman that makes you think that there's some selective 'outrage'?

BOTH OF THEM ARE HISPANIC!!! THE PEOPLE THEY KILLED WERE BLACK!! One was a football star, and nobody cared. One is a neighborhood watch volunteer, and he's under more scrutiny than Fort Knox! Can you not see that you brain-dead oaf?! The hypocrisy is astounding! These two cases are nearly identical. But nobody is politicizing what Aaron Hernandez did.

Why no outrage, liberal?
LOL, emo! What 'hypocrisy' are you referring to? :lol:
Yep, Martin tried to avoid him and zimmerman repeatedly followed him that night.

That's the saddest part of this. Zimmerman SAID Martin had run away from him and he had to hunt him down a second time.

I wish they'd put him on the stand because he has lied and changed his story several times. But, that's also why they won't.

Martin's girl friend testified on this and confirms completely that Trayvon told her he had lost Zimmerman at one point.
Sorry this ain't working out for you.
Question for you. Why did Zimmerman think Martin was "suspicious" in the first place? Now, be honest.

I am black, you are white. We both have on the same hoodie, who is "Suspicious" to Zimmerman?

BE HONEST. I am. He is going to walk. He knew exactly what to say after he killed an unarmed kid. Exactly what to say.

I gave this a lot of thought...because I definite can see where you are coming from...and I've formulated a two part answer.

You are probably not going to like either one, but I am being truthful and honest in my reply.

Part one...would Zimmerman have seen a white man in a hoodie under the same circumstances as he observed Trayvon as being suspicious?

Honestly, I don't know.

Not exactly the answer you were looking for, but it is the only one I can give.

Is there a possibility that Zimmerman, either consciously or unconsciously, whether because of media portrayal, or his own experiences, was predisposed to seeing one race as more likely to engage in criminal activity than another?

Yes, it's possible.

And if the FBI and police hate crime investigation had turned up a single indication that Zimmerman had made derogatory, discriminatory or racist remarks about blacks, I'd be right there with you.

But they didn't...

Not a single scrap of evidence was uncovered that indicated Zimmerman engaged in any form of racism or held any prejudice toward any person based on their race.

In fact, Zimmerman has both helped and defended the rights of blacks.

He protested the treatment of a black homeless man.

He had black friends who came to his defense.

He mentored black students.

And as most recently discovered, he called in a report about a black child because he was concerned about his safety.

Taken together, IMO, this evidence at a minimum demands that Zimmerman be given the benefit of the doubt.


Part two...

Your claim is that Zimmerman only saw Martin's behavior as suspicious because he was black.

Aren't you engaging in the same prejudicial behavior that you and others are accusing Zimmerman of exhibiting in your accusation?

That there is no way Zimmerman could see beyond race when determining suspicious behavior because of his race?

That no white or hispanic can set race aside, but predicate suspicion based on the color of a man's skin.


The bottom line is that Zimmerman deserves the benefit of the doubt.

It is possible that Zimmerman was just civic minded guy that didn't see race at all, trying to do his best to protect his community from crime.

That's my honest answer.

He has a black friend? Lololol

"ThEY always get away".

He WAS NOT racist. He did many many things to help people of all. Look it up!

THEY means the assholes that kept breaking into the development

they they they and assholes assholes assholes don't mean what you think it means means means.

Get over it over it over it. That's not it!
General Rule of Thumb: You do not get to shoot someone because they hit you.

True. You get to shoot someone if you reasonably fear death or severe bodily injury. Someone pounding your head into the ground who notices your gun and says You gonna die will put someone in reasonable fear of death.
Thus Zimmerman acted justly in neutralizing that threat.

Was there anything else you wanted to add here, Marc, before apologizing to everyone for wasting their time?
Like I've been saying all along...this case rests on the simple matter of whether or not Zimmerman had a LEGITIMATE reason to fear for his life before he shot Trayvon in the heart.

Nothing more, nothing less.

NO, it rests on whether he has a reasonable fear. I think most people facing a 17 yr old football who is on top of them promising to kill them would have such a fear. I certainly would.
Can you outline why that would not cause such fear?
You have an eye witness with Martin on top "pounding" Zimmerman and we have posters here THAT REFUSE to lend any credibility to that witness WHATSOEVER.
Marc, Phoenix, Sarah and others TOTALLY IGNORE that witness testimony.
Because they are biased, unobjective citizens with their heads in the sand.
Martin was black and dead and Zimmerman is white and whitey has to pay.
That is what this boils down to.
And it makes me sick that many are still so blind and will NOT LOOK at EYE WITNESS testimony.

Funny your little list is comprised of all Lefties. Just because we disagree with your extremist views doesn't mean we don't listen to testimony.


Am I a leftie?
I support full gay rights, my background is Quaker since the 1600s in this country, support women's choice, legalization of weed and decriminalize all other drugs, oppose the wars and actively supported the civil rights movement in the 60s.
My family was active in the civil rights movement long before you were sucking on your mama's tit.
Am I leftie too?
Can I join your elitist club of lefties?

We were the only ones on your little list, what can I tell you? Actions speak louder than words..
You are such a self-righteous freak. Check the timeline. The entire incident was 7 minutes long. Four of which was Zimmerman talking to the police. That gave Zimmerman 3 minutes to decide if he can handle a kid with a pack of Skittles or shoot.
Zimmerman is a trigger-happy pussy who went to a shouting match with a gun. Get real.

7:09:34 - 7:13:41 — George Zimmerman calls the Sanford Police Department (SPD) from his truck; total time of the call is 4 minutes 7 seconds.[15]

7:11:33 — Zimmerman tells the police dispatcher that Trayvon Martin is running.

7:11:59 — In reply to the dispatcher's question, "Are you following him?" Zimmerman says, "Yes." Dispatcher states, "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman replies, "OK."

7:12:00 - 7:12:59 — The girl calls Martin again at some point during this minute.[16]

7:13:10 — Zimmerman says he does not know where Martin is.

7:13:41 — Zimmerman's call to Sanford police ends.[16]

7:16:00 - 7:16:59 — Martin's call from the girl goes dead during this minute.[16][17]

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard.[18]

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call.[19]
Timeline of the shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where is the evidence that GZ started confrontation? EVIDENCE! Not name calling and emotions. EVIDENCE! Not what you would have done. EVIDENCE!

Excuse me? What part of following someone in the dark with a loaded gun did you miss?

What part of the recorded audio of "...these fucking punks...these assholes always get away..." did you miss?

Charles Manson was convicted for life on far less circumstantial evidence than this.

That is absolute bullshit.

Trial of Charles Manson

Have your husband explain it to you.
GZ says TM was smothering him just before he shot TM. Yet there is no DNA evidence of that, and the audio supposedly had GZ screaming just before the shot. How do you scream while you are being smothered to death? I don't get it and the investigator did not get it either:

4:06 p.m. ET: “I can’t pinpoint where you were smothered, that’s the problem I’m having,” said Serino. "We don’t hear him at all either. Is he being quiet? Is he whispering? Is he calm?"

:lol: You dream up a stupid theory & now you are an DNA expert? :cuckoo:

Serino said he believed Zimmerman, case closed!

bad deflection attempt... where's the meds, the calls of racism, the negging?

The dna evidence was provided earlier in the trial... the proposal is just as probable as Zimmerman's story. Serino said he's either telling the truth or a pathological liar. We now know for sure that GZ is in fact a pathological liar.
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