The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I am a bl k male. I do not want an armed cop wanna be Zimmerman followi.g me. You see I would immediately be suspect in his mind even though all I am doing is coming home from the store.

Damn, what country in.

I was watching bits and pieces of CNN today and this black dude named Don Lemon had a discussion last night I guess..about the N word. His guests included LeVar Burton and they both said some things that made me go hmmmmmmmm. So I DO get what you are saying Zona. I really do.

With that said, sometimes people are in the wrong place at the wrong time, experience things that warp their perception in some way, and shit winds up happening. So listen to me for a moment. Zimmerman didn't plan to kill Martin. He didn't even know Martin died. His comment about God's Plan may be his way of dealing with the knowledge he killed another human being. From what I have read about Zimmerman, I think that action hurt him more than we could ever know and how else can he deal with it except find some way in acceptance...and fear...that God would be angry and see him as a bad man. He was not a bad man. He was just fed up, doing his duty, and made a HUGE mistake.

Concerning Martin...I think he was just sauntering along, jabbering with his idiotic friend (you KNOW she is an idiot. Come on.) and had no plan to be in the middle of some confrontation due to his hankering for skittles..which he probably wanted after toking on the bong with friends and wound up with the munchies. Two people...on a collision course NEITHER ONE planned. It just happened.

Should George walk? No. I thnk he needs some manslaughter years under his belt for being an idiot. And Martin already paid his dues for being an idiot as well...but his dues wound up being death. And we are stuck with Moron Rachel and others like her who get to continue breathing and sucking off society whereas Trayvon MAY have outgrown stupidity like she shows.
Zimmerman had no real reason, he is a cop wannaba who made a poor assessment of a situation and acted to his own detriment and that of another.

"The lead investigator on the case, Chris Serino, met with Zimmerman briefly the night of the shooting and again three days later....'He was looking at the house intently, the same house I had called about before. He stopped in front of the house," said Zimmerman. "You know what, he’s not walking briskly to get out of the rain. He didn’t look like a marathon runner who trains in the rain. He was just walking slowly and I said something’s off. So that’s why I called non-emergency."
Zimmerman: 'I couldn't see. I couldn't breathe'

Is that the cop who was.just suspended?
If so, how is that relevant to your original question.

Not suspended. The investigator on the witness stand today.

Now Chris Smith and moving to the witness protection program tomorrow.
Here is my thought on this. Zimmerman will walk. We ALL know why he thought martin was "suspicious" but sadly, him following martin is not illegal. Being a racist asshole is not illegal. Zimmerman did everything right to get away with killing martin. Life in immenent danger 101....down to a science. He will walk for killing a boy who did nothing wrong. These are my thoughts as of now. :(

I agree pretty much except for your claim that Zimmerman is a racist asshole. There is evidence that contradicts that and the FBI also concluded he didn't act in a racist manner.

But you see a dead black kid and a white man with a gun, and for you, it's got to be racial.


The shooting happened. He will get away with killing an unarmed kid, but be honest. WHY WAS MARTIN "SUSPICIOUS" to Zimmerman? Be honest.

Has he ever called the cops on a white guy in a hoodie? BE HONEST JUST ONCE.

What's the significance of a hoodie?
(2) Any person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person commits the offense of stalking, a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

They went for the higher charges. Don't worry Moe, if this case fails he will be bought up on federal civil rights violation charges and you "folks" will cry about that. :lol:

He is not charged with stalking.
Who's civil rights did he violate?
And you believe your team can come up with a better case than this one?
LOL, with the skank girlfriend as their star witness?
Who else is their witness on a civil rights case phoenix?
Sorry things are not working out for your team.
You believe a Florida Federal Grand Jury will issue a true bill of indictment on Zimmerman on this BS of a "civil rights" case?
You have lost your fucking mind.
Stay out of this, you do not understand what has happened so far.
They will laugh out of court a civil rights case in this.
You have an eye witness with Martin on top pounding Zimmerman.
And that makes Zimmerman liable for a civil rights violation.
You are a crazy loon racist yourself if you believe that.

Wham it ZERO on set, EP team on the ready, KO team on the circles and 4th string D to group.

I'll bookmark that jibberish above and re post it when you people are crying about a civil rights case.

Only person wimping about a civil rights case here would be you.
You failed to answer any of my questions.
Because you have no case. Plenty of hot air.
Where is there a civil rights violation here?
Uh, hate to inform you of THE LAW, but they have to prove Zimmerman is a racist.
Please define racist under the burden of proof that is required under Federal Civil Rights statutes.
What does the government have to prove and what did Zimmerman do?

This ought to be RICH!
Here is my thought on this. Zimmerman will walk. We ALL know why he thought martin was "suspicious" but sadly, him following martin is not illegal. Being a racist asshole is not illegal. Zimmerman did everything right to get away with killing martin. Life in immenent danger 101....down to a science. He will walk for killing a boy who did nothing wrong. These are my thoughts as of now. :(

FBI interviews: No evidence Zimmerman a racist

FBI interviews: No evidence Zimmerman a racist- Orlando Sentinel

But keep beating that drum...despite all evidence to the contrary...

Question for you. Why did Zimmerman think Martin was "suspicious" in the first place? Now, be honest.

I am black, you are white. We both have on the same hoodie, who is "Suspicious" to Zimmerman?

BE HONEST. I am. He is going to walk. He knew exactly what to say after he killed an unarmed kid. Exactly what to say.

I gave this a lot of thought...because I definite can see where you are coming from...and I've formulated a two part answer.

You are probably not going to like either one, but I am being truthful and honest in my reply.

Part one...would Zimmerman have seen a white man in a hoodie under the same circumstances as he observed Trayvon as being suspicious?

Honestly, I don't know.

Not exactly the answer you were looking for, but it is the only one I can give.

Is there a possibility that Zimmerman, either consciously or unconsciously, whether because of media portrayal, or his own experiences, was predisposed to seeing one race as more likely to engage in criminal activity than another?

Yes, it's possible.

And if the FBI and police hate crime investigation had turned up a single indication that Zimmerman had made derogatory, discriminatory or racist remarks about blacks, I'd be right there with you.

But they didn't...

Not a single scrap of evidence was uncovered that indicated Zimmerman engaged in any form of racism or held any prejudice toward any person based on their race.

In fact, Zimmerman has both helped and defended the rights of blacks.

He protested the treatment of a black homeless man.

He had black friends who came to his defense.

He mentored black students.

And as most recently discovered, he called in a report about a black child because he was concerned about his safety.

Taken together, IMO, this evidence at a minimum demands that Zimmerman be given the benefit of the doubt.


Part two...

Your claim is that Zimmerman only saw Martin's behavior as suspicious because he was black.

Aren't you engaging in the same prejudicial behavior that you and others are accusing Zimmerman of exhibiting in your accusation?

That there is no way Zimmerman could see beyond race when determining suspicious behavior because of his race?

That no white or hispanic can set race aside, but predicate suspicion based on the color of a man's skin.


The bottom line is that Zimmerman deserves the benefit of the doubt.

It is possible that Zimmerman was just civic minded guy that didn't see race at all, trying to do his best to protect his community from crime.

That's my honest answer.
I would say it had more to do with his demeanor and how he was acting.

I agree, I think it was there has been a slew of break ins, I think the rain, dark, holding his pants up, whatever it was, was suspicious, there was some checking it out, there was some badass posturing on the phone to Miami, and the shit blew up and one of them had a gun.

Many details in there, but that's the jist.

Exactly, combined with an arrogant, 17yr. old you can't tell me what to do attitude.

BTW, I like the toestarosa avatar best.

You feet people freak me out.

I'm getting with the bike epidemic but I have to be different, so I'm going SS Chevelle.

No toes for you!
Trayvon is subject to the same fear for his life that you give Zimmerman the rights to have.

It boils down to who was the aggressor.

I believe that the evidence points to Zimmerman being the aggressor. Had he followed the suggestion of the dispatcher he would not be in this least not today.

Based on his past he seemed like he was destined to kill somebody's child. He had made about 50 calls to the cops reporting suspicious black people.

He was a wannabe cop that finally found the trouble he was looking for.

I'm not making this stuff up dude.

"He had made about 50 calls to the cops reporting suspicious black people."

"I'm not making this stuff up dude."

:D A little refresher for anyone who is operating under the misapprehension that Marc cares about facts. :thup:
If phoenixops and his team condemned Hernandez their peers would label them as racist.

That's a crock of shit. Why do you think I would be labeled a 'racist' if I condemned Hernandez? I'm not being labeled that way because I condemn zimmerman's actions.

We agree. I condemn Zimmerman's actions also.
Does not make him a murderer.
At best if that, manslaughter.
Hint: the state has to prove INTENT TO MURDER from the START in this to prove murder.
Will give you a break. Did you know that? Zimmerman had to have MURDER on his mind and as his intent FROM THE START.
So he is not guilty of murder. Right?
Good, that is a start.
Manslaughter is what this case is as he did not start out intending to kill Martin.
Good. I believe that if the jury hears a jury charge that they can convict on a lessor charge then maybe manslaughter.
But please, if you can not see that the state has offered NO evidence to prove murder then you are not in this discussion objectively.

"Officer Serino, who took the stand again on Tuesday, said the expletives that Mr. Zimmerman used as he was pursuing Mr. Martin connoted ill will — a necessary component in a second-degree murder conviction."
The police officers were also clearly disturbed that Mr. Zimmerman, a community watch volunteer, seemed to have pursued Mr. Martin on foot after a police operator had told him he need not do so. Last week, a young woman who had been on the phone with Mr. Martin that night testified that he told her he was being followed by a “creepy” man, and that she later heard her friend crying, “Get off, get off.”
You have an eye witness with Martin on top "pounding" Zimmerman and we have posters here THAT REFUSE to lend any credibility to that witness WHATSOEVER.
Marc, Phoenix, Sarah and others TOTALLY IGNORE that witness testimony.
Because they are biased, unobjective citizens with their heads in the sand.
Martin was black and dead and Zimmerman is white and whitey has to pay.
That is what this boils down to.
And it makes me sick that many are still so blind and will NOT LOOK at EYE WITNESS testimony.
I am a bl k male. I do not want an armed cop wanna be Zimmerman followi.g me. You see I would immediately be suspect in his mind even though all I am doing is coming home from the store.

Damn, what country in.

And if you walk to your house and go inside there wouldn't be any incidents.
If my child was beating some guy and bashing his head into the pavement because he was looking to see where he was going I would't feel bad at all about it.
Why do you ask?
Oh yeah. You're a liberal. You don't think and reason. You appeal to emotion.

Because this case turns on whether Zimmerman acted lawfully in self defense. All the evidence seems to point that he did. Nothing so far uncovered suggests the opposite.

Thanks for the laugh!!!! :lol: Oh, by the way the testimony of an expert refutes your assertion about the "beating and bashing". :)

Link? Are you saying there is proof that Martin did not have Zimmerman on the ground and was not physically assaulting him? Because that would change the nature of the case. If you have such information please share it.

"Jurors also heard Tuesday from Dr. Valerie Rao, a medical examiner in Jacksonville, Fla., who concluded after studying photos that Mr. Zimmerman’s injuries were “very insignificant” and “not life threatening,” and that scrapes on the back of his head could have come from just one strike against the sidewalk. "
Would it be possible for you to type one post without a falsehood ensconced in the reply?

He didn't brag about it in and way shape or form.
How is going on national tv... Saying you did it perfect, was gods plan, would do nothing different, not bragging?

He simply said that he feels he did what he had to do. He never said he was happy he shot Martin. You likely wouldn't be able to grasp the God's plan part, but Christians feel that things that happen to them that are beyond their control are preordained by their higher power. He didn't make a judgment, he basically said Que Sera Sera.

I grasp it.. but I don't believe that can be used as an excuse. I believe God gave us free will. I don't believe killing this boy was the christian thing to do.
Damn! Y'all went bike, I wanted to lose the duck (apparently ducks are ineffective), so I went Chevelle.
I need to go back bike so we all match.

Wait a minute here! I don't care who has a motorcycle in their avatar as long as you all realize that I was first.
I do have an alternate avi somewhere... Let's see... Yup here it is. What do you think?


  • $biker_ernie.jpg
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You have an eye witness with Martin on top "pounding" Zimmerman and we have posters here THAT REFUSE to lend any credibility to that witness WHATSOEVER.
Marc, Phoenix, Sarah and others TOTALLY IGNORE that witness testimony.
Because they are biased, unobjective citizens with their heads in the sand.
Martin was black and dead and Zimmerman is white and whitey has to pay.
That is what this boils down to.
And it makes me sick that many are still so blind and will NOT LOOK at EYE WITNESS testimony.
They were rolling around on the grass during the fight.
At one point, Zimmerman was on top, at another Trayvon.
They were fighting, we know that.
So what!?!?
What gets me is how George Zimmerman is getting more attention than Aaron Hernandez, who ordered a hit on and killed a black guy, Odin Lloyd. Where's the outrage liberals?

Is there a difference between Hernandez and zimmerman that makes you think that there's some selective 'outrage'?

BOTH OF THEM ARE HISPANIC!!! THE PEOPLE THEY KILLED WERE BLACK!! One was a football star, and nobody cared. One is a neighborhood watch volunteer, and he's under more scrutiny than Fort Knox! Can you not see that you brain-dead oaf?! The hypocrisy is astounding! These two cases are nearly identical. But nobody is politicizing what Aaron Hernandez did.

Why no outrage, liberal?
Thanks for the laugh!!!! :lol: Oh, by the way the testimony of an expert refutes your assertion about the "beating and bashing". :)

Link? Are you saying there is proof that Martin did not have Zimmerman on the ground and was not physically assaulting him? Because that would change the nature of the case. If you have such information please share it.

"Jurors also heard Tuesday from Dr. Valerie Rao, a medical examiner in Jacksonville, Fla., who concluded after studying photos that Mr. Zimmerman’s injuries were “very insignificant” and “not life threatening,” and that scrapes on the back of his head could have come from just one strike against the sidewalk. "

The very same Valerie Rao who did this? Who contributed nothing significant to the case? You're taking her seriously?
I am a bl k male. I do not want an armed cop wanna be Zimmerman followi.g me. You see I would immediately be suspect in his mind even though all I am doing is coming home from the store.

Damn, what country in.

One where it's a bad idea to bring your fists to a gun fight.
FBI interviews: No evidence Zimmerman a racist

FBI interviews: No evidence Zimmerman a racist- Orlando Sentinel

But keep beating that drum...despite all evidence to the contrary...

Question for you. Why did Zimmerman think Martin was "suspicious" in the first place? Now, be honest.

I am black, you are white. We both have on the same hoodie, who is "Suspicious" to Zimmerman?

BE HONEST. I am. He is going to walk. He knew exactly what to say after he killed an unarmed kid. Exactly what to say.

I gave this a lot of thought...because I definite can see where you are coming from...and I've formulated a two part answer.

You are probably not going to like either one, but I am being truthful and honest in my reply.

Part one...would Zimmerman have seen a white man in a hoodie under the same circumstances as he observed Trayvon as being suspicious?

Honestly, I don't know.

Not exactly the answer you were looking for, but it is the only one I can give.

Is there a possibility that Zimmerman, either consciously or unconsciously, whether because of media portrayal, or his own experiences, was predisposed to seeing one race as more likely to engage in criminal activity than another?

Yes, it's possible.

And if the FBI and police hate crime investigation had turned up a single indication that Zimmerman had made derogatory, discriminatory or racist remarks about blacks, I'd be right there with you.

But they didn't...

Not a single scrap of evidence was uncovered that indicated Zimmerman engaged in any form of racism or held any prejudice toward any person based on their race.

In fact, Zimmerman has both helped and defended the rights of blacks.

He protested the treatment of a black homeless man.

He had black friends who came to his defense.

He mentored black students.

And as most recently discovered, he called in a report about a black child because he was concerned about his safety.

Taken together, IMO, this evidence at a minimum demands that Zimmerman be given the benefit of the doubt.


Part two...

Your claim is that Zimmerman only saw Martin's behavior as suspicious because he was black.

Aren't you engaging in the same prejudicial behavior that you and others are accusing Zimmerman of exhibiting in your accusation?

That there is no way Zimmerman could see beyond race when determining suspicious behavior because of his race?

That no white or hispanic can set race aside, but predicate suspicion based on the color of a man's skin.


The bottom line is that Zimmerman deserves the benefit of the doubt.

It is possible that Zimmerman was just civic minded guy that didn't see race at all, trying to do his best to protect his community from crime.

That's my honest answer.

He has a black friend? Lololol

"ThEY always get away".
That's a crock of shit. Why do you think I would be labeled a 'racist' if I condemned Hernandez? I'm not being labeled that way because I condemn zimmerman's actions.

We agree. I condemn Zimmerman's actions also.
Does not make him a murderer.
At best if that, manslaughter.
Hint: the state has to prove INTENT TO MURDER from the START in this to prove murder.
Will give you a break. Did you know that? Zimmerman had to have MURDER on his mind and as his intent FROM THE START.
So he is not guilty of murder. Right?
Good, that is a start.
Manslaughter is what this case is as he did not start out intending to kill Martin.
Good. I believe that if the jury hears a jury charge that they can convict on a lessor charge then maybe manslaughter.
But please, if you can not see that the state has offered NO evidence to prove murder then you are not in this discussion objectively.

"Officer Serino, who took the stand again on Tuesday, said the expletives that Mr. Zimmerman used as he was pursuing Mr. Martin connoted ill will — a necessary component in a second-degree murder conviction."
The police officers were also clearly disturbed that Mr. Zimmerman, a community watch volunteer, seemed to have pursued Mr. Martin on foot after a police operator had told him he need not do so. Last week, a young woman who had been on the phone with Mr. Martin that night testified that he told her he was being followed by a “creepy” man, and that she later heard her friend crying, “Get off, get off.”

What Detective Serino said IS SPECULATION ONLY.
"ill will" testimony from a 3rd party IS NOT a "necessary component in a 2nd degree murder case". You have to have DIRECT evidence of that.
The 911 dispatcher testified "we never give orders or commands as that would make us liable"
Yes, you are a dumb ass.
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