The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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FBI interviews: No evidence Zimmerman a racist

FBI interviews: No evidence Zimmerman a racist- Orlando Sentinel

But keep beating that drum...despite all evidence to the contrary...

Question for you. Why did Zimmerman think Martin was "suspicious" in the first place? Now, be honest.

I am black, you are white. We both have on the same hoodie, who is "Suspicious" to Zimmerman?

BE HONEST. I am. He is going to walk. He knew exactly what to say after he killed an unarmed kid. Exactly what to say.

Because the neighborhood had been broken into 7 times and many fit the same kind of description.

Also there was a slim jim found somewhere by the crime scene. slim jims don't go with tea, beer does.

So, do all blacks look the same to you?
How would you feel about the person who stalked your child and then got of their vehicle in order to keep stalking them? You left that part out. :lol:

Because it's irrelevant to the case.

Was this comment of yours below "relevant to the case"?
"If my child attacked someone and was killed, i would be sad and mourn, but it would be in consequence to their own actions. What else should I feel?"

It was relevant to the question asked. Hypothetical scenarios beyond that are another story.
Question for you. Why did Zimmerman think Martin was "suspicious" in the first place? Now, be honest.

I am black, you are white. We both have on the same hoodie, who is "Suspicious" to Zimmerman?

BE HONEST. I am. He is going to walk. He knew exactly what to say after he killed an unarmed kid. Exactly what to say.

They will be discussing that very thing tomorrow.

Z took a course in college on self defense and the stand your ground law.

If this is true, I am not surprised. Its like he spouted "I am being threatend with grave bodily harm. My life is in jeopardy" 101. :)
Anyone see it yet? No, damn yell and scream bloody murder till someone sees... Damn kid isn't doing enough... not bleeding enough.. ok scoot to the sidewalk... there we go.. ok it hurts scoot off.. ok witness.. check head bump check.. nose bump check..

here we go this is my chance to make sure he doesn't get away ... pin his arm under mine so he cant grab the gun... check ... pull and fire chambered round into chest... check... ok I did it!!!
Question for you. Why did Zimmerman think Martin was "suspicious" in the first place? Now, be honest.

I am black, you are white. We both have on the same hoodie, who is "Suspicious" to Zimmerman?

BE HONEST. I am. He is going to walk. He knew exactly what to say after he killed an unarmed kid. Exactly what to say.

Because the neighborhood had been broken into 7 times and many fit the same kind of description.

Also there was a slim jim found somewhere by the crime scene. slim jims don't go with tea, beer does.

So, do all blacks look the same to you?

Me? hell no! I can tell the difference between Chinese, Koreans and Japanese too. I have a gift.

Don't loop me in this race shit, I'm talking about the trial.

Do all us crackas look the same to you?
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Because blacks in Florida lose way more than whites when it comes to using "stand your ground" law.


WTF does stand your ground have to do with going to school? That has got to be the most nonsensical non sequitur ever posted on this forum. :cuckoo:

It means that he knows what to say in order to cover up his murder.

Let me help you find the way to truth.....
If my child attacked someone and was killed, i would be sad and mourn, but it would be in consequence to their own actions. What else should I feel?

How would you feel about the person who stalked your child and then got of their vehicle in order to keep stalking them? You left that part out. :lol:

I didn't know George Zimmerman was charged under Florida Statute 784.048.
Please show us where the indictment is charging Zimmerman with that.
I haven't seen any evidence offered in anywhere in this case to support a stalking charge against Zimmerman.
I guess the jury will have to find Zimmerman not guilty on stalking then. No where in any of this trial has there been anything offered on stalking.
Why did you make up a bull shit story similar to the numerous other bull shit stories like Trayvon Martin was in the 6th grade, he was followed and gun downed, the doctored and manipulate 911 tapes played to media and Zimmerman "was ordered to stand down"?
Why do you bull shit with tales of Zimmerman "stalking" Trayvon Martin.
Per Trayvon's girl friend, and did he ever have bad taste in "women", he LOST ZIMMERMAN at one point in this.
Guess he forgot how to get to his father's house and was stalking in the bushes.
All Trayvon Martin had to do was walk home.
Murder is out, even you are smart enough to know that.
If anything this is a manslaughter case and I am open to all debate on this.
One thing is for damn sure in this Moe:
Zimmerman should be charged DOUBLE for his defense.
The prosecution deserves half! Their witnesses have been great for Zimmerman.
Here is my thought on this. Zimmerman will walk. We ALL know why he thought martin was "suspicious" but sadly, him following martin is not illegal. Being a racist asshole is not illegal. Zimmerman did everything right to get away with killing martin. Life in immenent danger 101....down to a science. He will walk for killing a boy who did nothing wrong. These are my thoughts as of now. :(

FBI interviews: No evidence Zimmerman a racist

FBI interviews: No evidence Zimmerman a racist- Orlando Sentinel

But keep beating that drum...despite all evidence to the contrary...

Question for you. Why did Zimmerman think Martin was "suspicious" in the first place? Now, be honest.

I am black, you are white. We both have on the same hoodie, who is "Suspicious" to Zimmerman?

BE HONEST. I am. He is going to walk. He knew exactly what to say after he killed an unarmed kid. Exactly what to say.

I would say it had more to do with his demeanor and how he was acting.
They will be discussing that very thing tomorrow.

Z took a course in college on self defense and the stand your ground law.

If this is true, I am not surprised. Its like he spouted "I am being threatend with grave bodily harm. My life is in jeopardy" 101. :)
Anyone see it yet? No, damn yell and scream bloody murder till someone sees... Damn kid isn't doing enough... not bleeding enough.. ok scoot to the sidewalk... there we go.. ok it hurts scoot off.. ok witness.. check head bump check.. nose bump check..

here we go this is my chance to make sure he doesn't get away ... pin his arm under mine so he cant grab the gun... check ... pull and fire chambered round into chest... check... ok I did it!!!

Do you really believe anyone would hurt themselves that bad to get attention? I've heard of people that like inflicting pain on themselves and others, but your scenario takes this to a new level.
I wonder how some people with such a cavalier attitude like the above would react if their child was killed by a "bad neighborhood watch leader"?

I keep my kid out of the neighbor's windows and doesn't get suspended for having weed in school.
I keep my kid out of the neighbor's windows...
This hasn't been established as fact. Just more lies from the killer, George Zimmerman.

and doesn't get suspended for having weed in school.
WTF does this have to do with the case?

Shall we bring up the wife-beating, cop-fighting Zimmerman's past as well?

George Zimmerman IS a killer. That has never been in dispute.
And that is all that is left of the State of Florida versus George Zimmerman Murder in 2nd degree.
Another bad day for the prosecution Marc. Your failure to acknowledge this no matter what your opinion is of the facts, even though the facts are all on one side so far, shows your lack of candor here.
Admit it and gain our respect.
George Zimmerman is a killer but did not commit murder under any standard in any state in this great country.
Manslaughter case all the way.
If that as so far there have been NO facts to dispute self defense.
They will be discussing that very thing tomorrow.

Z took a course in college on self defense and the stand your ground law.

If this is true, I am not surprised. Its like he spouted "I am being threatend with grave bodily harm. My life is in jeopardy" 101. :)
Anyone see it yet? No, damn yell and scream bloody murder till someone sees... Damn kid isn't doing enough... not bleeding enough.. ok scoot to the sidewalk... there we go.. ok it hurts scoot off.. ok witness.. check head bump check.. nose bump check..

here we go this is my chance to make sure he doesn't get away ... pin his arm under mine so he cant grab the gun... check ... pull and fire chambered round into chest... check... ok I did it!!!

What was GZ motive for eliminating one black man? His wife & witnesses say there were multiple blacks doing the home invasions while they were home & stealing stuff. Did GZ think he could get them all with this method & his life would be back to normal? :cuckoo:

You idiots are too stupid for words. You make Dee-Dee look like a valedictorian.

How did GZ get TM to not tell Dee-Dee or anyone else GZ had a gun. How did GZ get TM to beat him while not hitting back before the police arrived & continue beating while screaming HELP! perform just right & not yell gun until John Good saw enough to call 911. That GZ is a fucking magician.
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FBI interviews: No evidence Zimmerman a racist

FBI interviews: No evidence Zimmerman a racist- Orlando Sentinel

But keep beating that drum...despite all evidence to the contrary...

Question for you. Why did Zimmerman think Martin was "suspicious" in the first place? Now, be honest.

I am black, you are white. We both have on the same hoodie, who is "Suspicious" to Zimmerman?

BE HONEST. I am. He is going to walk. He knew exactly what to say after he killed an unarmed kid. Exactly what to say.

I would say it had more to do with his demeanor and how he was acting.

I agree, I think it was there has been a slew of break ins, I think the rain, dark, holding his pants up, whatever it was, was suspicious, there was some checking it out, there was some badass posturing on the phone to Miami, and the shit blew up and one of them had a gun.

Many details in there, but that's the jist.

Why would someone do that? I want to try to see your POV. This means you believe GZ went out knowing if he had the chance he would murder a black kid. You are saying (not only you but others with this POV) that GZ preplanned how he would accomplish this cold-blooded murder and what he would do to make it look like self-defense. Because of course he would have had to have thought this through well ahead of time, right?

And not only that, but everyone else "cooperated" with the plan at the exact same time this unsuspecting and innocent black man was available to murder. No one was out walking their dog or on their back patio having a smoke, nothing. No one was around to see him stage this scene of murder to look like self-defense that he'd been ready for. And Trayvon Martin cooperated, too. He got on top of Zimmerman and coincidentally roughed him up and allowed GZ to scoot back and forth between the lawn and the walkway to create those injuries. In fact, TM even came back to GZ and made it that much easier to become Zimmerman's victim. Just when GZ thought his racist plan to kill a black man was lost, along with the man, here comes TM who, without any provocation becomes a victim of this murderous nutjob.

Question for you. Why did Zimmerman think Martin was "suspicious" in the first place? Now, be honest.

I am black, you are white. We both have on the same hoodie, who is "Suspicious" to Zimmerman?

BE HONEST. I am. He is going to walk. He knew exactly what to say after he killed an unarmed kid. Exactly what to say.

Zimmerman had no real reason, he is a cop wannaba who made a poor assessment of a situation and acted to his own detriment and that of another.

"The lead investigator on the case, Chris Serino, met with Zimmerman briefly the night of the shooting and again three days later....'He was looking at the house intently, the same house I had called about before. He stopped in front of the house," said Zimmerman. "You know what, he’s not walking briskly to get out of the rain. He didn’t look like a marathon runner who trains in the rain. He was just walking slowly and I said something’s off. So that’s why I called non-emergency."
Zimmerman: 'I couldn't see. I couldn't breathe'
If this is true, I am not surprised. Its like he spouted "I am being threatend with grave bodily harm. My life is in jeopardy" 101. :)
Anyone see it yet? No, damn yell and scream bloody murder till someone sees... Damn kid isn't doing enough... not bleeding enough.. ok scoot to the sidewalk... there we go.. ok it hurts scoot off.. ok witness.. check head bump check.. nose bump check..

here we go this is my chance to make sure he doesn't get away ... pin his arm under mine so he cant grab the gun... check ... pull and fire chambered round into chest... check... ok I did it!!!

Do you really believe anyone would hurt themselves that bad to get attention? I've heard of people that like inflicting pain on themselves and others, but your scenario takes this to a new level.

This whole thing is just your signature file.

Much of this has already been established during testimony and there is no question on it unless you're just signature filing.
If this is true, I am not surprised. Its like he spouted "I am being threatend with grave bodily harm. My life is in jeopardy" 101. :)
Anyone see it yet? No, damn yell and scream bloody murder till someone sees... Damn kid isn't doing enough... not bleeding enough.. ok scoot to the sidewalk... there we go.. ok it hurts scoot off.. ok witness.. check head bump check.. nose bump check..

here we go this is my chance to make sure he doesn't get away ... pin his arm under mine so he cant grab the gun... check ... pull and fire chambered round into chest... check... ok I did it!!!

Do you really believe anyone would hurt themselves that bad to get attention? I've heard of people that like inflicting pain on themselves and others, but your scenario takes this to a new level.

>>> Do you really believe anyone would hurt themselves that bad to get attention?
No not just anyone.

However, GZ was not just anyone. GZ was the guy who followed a "suspicious black man " into the dark in the rain... A guy that he had just told the police dispatcher is probably armed cause he's got his hand in his pocket and he's walking around me.

Can you explain why GZ scooted onto the sidewalk? His testimony has him scooting them around, which of course is easy to do from the bottom. Why would he do that? Why would he want to be on the sidewalk? Then right after that he just "happens" to get lucky and the gun is now available to him but it was not available till he had his self defense case? After taking a self defense class? I'm an engineer, I don't believe in that many coincidences.

I've also been in way to many fights to believe those injuries were life threatening, or incapacitating.
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