The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Coming up, very emotional autopsy testimony, the parents of Treyvon. Not sure if they'll call anyone about DNR. Hope so.
[ame=]Anthrax - I Am The Law - YouTube[/ame] Just a little break in the festivities LOL
Oooooo. They got a powerpoint. Fancy.

exhibit 233

44 receipts from dunkin donuts shows his

wanna be cop mentality

Maybe he was a wanna be nurse. We down a lot of doughnuts too, ya know! What is the problem with wanting to be something? I taught nursing, and they are all wannabes when they start. Every person in every profession is. How does that make you a bad person?
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Coming up, very emotional autopsy testimony, the parents of Treyvon. Not sure if they'll call anyone about DNR. Hope so.

Yes I suspect they will say he is a kind smart kid who was innocent and the creepy ass cracker killed him for no reason. I dont see why their testimony is relevant. They weren't there. The judge should not have allowed then to testify cause they cant advance the actual facts of the case.
Wow, I should listen to the terrific legal mind that spun a right to open carry from a misreading of the 2A. For the record you don't know jack shit about the law or any legal parameter. You are an ignorant fucking twerp.

Oh yeah. And in case you forgot this came up because you claimed the prosecution should have charged Zimmerman with manslaughter dont recall why but I'm sure you had a terrific reason. Maybe they'll hire you after you finish high school.

Yea, I'd spin away from your ignorant BS too. Now, that I told you I'm not even arguing for a manslaughter conviction, merely telling you the definition of manslaughter. I guess it finally sunk into your tiny bird brain.

I've never said that GZ should have been charged with manslaughter. I stated that if there was any charge, it should have been manslaughter at most. I've also stated that from the evidence I've seen that I don't believe manslaughter occurred. You're just getting your panties in a bunch b/c I correctly told you that self defense was not an absolute defense against manslaughter when it is a minor in the state of Florida.

And don't judge my lawyer skills; because unlike you I have at least taken law classes and unlike you I look at statutes properly instead of constantly crying out like a little whiny baby who's due for a nap. Yea, take that fuck off to the juice bank, bitch.

^ STILL unable to grasp the meaning of the words he quotes. It claims that "I correctly told you that self defense was not an absolute defense against manslaughter when it is a minor in the state of Florida." But it is wrong.

Justification is an absolute defense in this case inasmuch as the provision cited by the ignorant Gatsby simply has NO applicability to the Zimmerman case.

Under the proper circumstances, he has the beginnings of a point. In the proper case, under the proper circumstances, where the relevant crime is charged, if the justification defense is raised as against the injury to (or death of) a minor, then justification would NOT be a valid defense.

But those are not the circumstances in the Zimmerman trial.

In Zimmerman's case, "justification" is a fully proper defense; and would indeed serve as an absolute defense in the Zimmerman case.

Bla bla bla. I could care less about your bold faced denials. I've showed you in black and white what the law says. I don't care about the fantasy inside your head. I've told you a million times that 'lawful justification' does not apply as a defense if there is 'negligent culpability' that 'causes' the death of 'someone under the age of 18.'

You know what you've came back with?

- 'Well minor isn't what you think it is?' Whatever the fuck that means you senile tool.

- 'Here's what some judge somewhere read.' - Yea, I'm showing you in black and white what the law actually says, you fucking tool.

- 'Well I'm going to apply the first definition of mansalughter and not the third definition that applies to minors. In that definition there's justification.' You're a fucking loser.
The point is a likeable guy could not do the crime is the where the reactionary psychobabble is going.

Ted Bundy was a likeable guy.

Jodi is a psycho. Z isn't a psycho. Z had an incident.

Big difference.

Jodi, Ted, and George are all likeable. Go is George Bush and Barak Obama.

The point is that being likeable does not remove one from doing bad things.

I spell the POTUS' name 0bama. Notice first letter is a big fat zero!
You know......................if I was followed like Trayvon was, I'm pretty sure that I'd stop, turn around, and ask the idiot following me what their problem was.

It's happened before to me, and it's not fun to be followed. And yeah..................there was a confrontation between them and myself, but fortunately, I won that round.

You can tell if someone is following you.

If Zimmerman was really just looking to keep a watch on the neighborhood, when Trayvon went up the sidewalk between the buildings, instead of jumping him, Zimmerman should have just watched and waited for the cops to show up and told them where he went.
Unfortunately you're not the one on trial here. And if you hadn't been dressed like a stripper those sailors never would have followed you.
As for this case, Martin ran away. Which is normal behavior if you're being followed. The problem was he came back to teach the creepy ass cracker a lesson. And got dead for it.

Interestingly enough, if I'm being followed by some creep who I don't know, and am in a place where I've been before and have a right to be (like Trayvon did, because he was visiting a family member who lived there), yeah..................I'd try to get to a safe place (where my family is) as quickly as possible.

Trayvon had a right to be there.......................his father lived there.

And.......................if he DID come back to "teach that creepy ass cracker a lesson" like Zimmerman has said, where are the bushes that Trayvon supposedly leaped out from?

Got news for you.....................there were none in the area where the fight happened.

Zimmerman is a liar and should be taken down for it.

The area in question was pitch black...there are no lights. For someone who is completely in the dark, as George Zimmerman was, someone appearing suddenly may very well have seemed like he came out of the bushes. There are small bushes in the lanai area of the townhouses by the way. It would be my guess that Zimmerman was referring to those. He most likely assumed that Martin had been hiding somewhere when he went past the T the first time. He didn't have any way of knowing the Martin had in fact run all the way down to where the condo he was staying at was before making his decision to return to confront the "creepy assed Cracker".

If you're going to convict someone of murder based on THAT, Sailor...then all I can say is that you're REALLY clutching at straws!
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Wow, I should listen to the terrific legal mind that spun a right to open carry from a misreading of the 2A. For the record you don't know jack shit about the law or any legal parameter. You are an ignorant fucking twerp.

Oh yeah. And in case you forgot this came up because you claimed the prosecution should have charged Zimmerman with manslaughter dont recall why but I'm sure you had a terrific reason. Maybe they'll hire you after you finish high school.

Yea, I'd spin away from your ignorant BS too. Now, that I told you I'm not even arguing for a manslaughter conviction, merely telling you the definition of manslaughter. I guess it finally sunk into your tiny bird brain.

I've never said that GZ should have been charged with manslaughter. I stated that if there was any charge, it should have been manslaughter at most. I've also stated that from the evidence I've seen that I don't believe manslaughter occurred. You're just getting your panties in a bunch b/c I correctly told you that self defense was not an absolute defense against manslaughter when it is a minor in the state of Florida.

And don't judge my lawyer skills; because unlike you I have at least taken law classes and unlike you I look at statutes properly instead of constantly crying out like a little whiny baby who's due for a nap. Yea, take that fuck off to the juice bank, bitch.

The only "law classes" you've ever taken have been watching Judge Judy. You dont have the slightest fucking idea what you're babbling about. Your reading of the statute is a pitiful exercise in stupidity and your continued ignorance is losing its freak show appeal.

I could still tell you the names of my law professors; but I won't because I don't divulge personal information online. You on the other hand, are doing nothing but throwing childish insults b/c logic is not your forte.
What wonderful sound quality on this link.

"weeek weeek" "weeek, weeek weeek" bwop, bwop"

R2D2 is trying to break in with HIS testimony.

"weeek, weeek"

:lmao: :lmao:
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