The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Sorry dear, but my view of the world is very different from yours, and I rather appreciate mine better. I was interested in seeing what she had to say and was not interested in making fun of her or drawing hateful characerizations of her as some choose to do. I saw her as the typical uneducated young person, not by choice but by exposure to a specific culture and pathetic education system. I picked up on the probable truth that she had been thoroughly coached by the prosecution team, but I didn't sense that she was being purposefully dishonest.

And I don't think she hurt the defense's case.

Goes to if I can't have fun in the thread there's no point in showing up.

But if having fun means being unnecessarily cruel. . . . .

You don't know me so that's ok

im not cruel I'm having fun where I can with people that see the same humor in situations
I do major yuks in what otherwise would be a legal or tragic mundane and emotional spewing discussion.

I use the word "discussion" very loosely

Ebonics is one of those yuks. This trial has so much humor in it I can't even figure put which to pick from.

Thanks Santy! Xo

I'm totally hit and run on the thread right now sorry!

America's bday and all.
That's almost the shootin' match.

There's little evidence now that Martin "grabbed" Zimmerman head and slammed it into the concrete.

Hence the dispelling of one of the major Zimmerman's lies.


So he laid down and beat his own head into the concrete.

good fucking god

Common sense is not a requirement for bias. Hence the non sense that we read and hear from those with white guilt syndrome
one does not have to grab another ones head in order to bounce it off the ground. take that from a veteran of many fight on Scollay Square in Boston Massatwoshits.
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Right Snook. And she came off as being ignorant. I was just listening to the first part of her testimony and she spoke like a thug. Total gangster chick. Ole Bernie kept saying...OK, OK, Ok after every question as if they practiced it and she was performing. What a disgrace all around.

And this was the prosecution's STAR witness. Sad.

Like a paint job, preparation is extremely important.

And like a paint job, while it's intended to enhance a sound substructure, the unscrupulous use it to conceal rot and decay.
Right Snook. And she came off as being ignorant. I was just listening to the first part of her testimony and she spoke like a thug. Total gangster chick. Ole Bernie kept saying...OK, OK, Ok after every question as if they practiced it and she was performing. What a disgrace all around.

And this was the prosecution's STAR witness. Sad.

Like a paint job, preparation is extremely important.

And like a paint job, while it's intended to enhance a sound substructure, the unscrupulous use it to conceal rot and decay.

ooo, that was good

That musta burned :eusa_angel:
You were there? You heard the conversation between Zimmerman and his friend?
No, of course not.

Again, which is more reliable: the testimony of the guy who was there or someone who claims he told him something?
The answer is obvious to anyone who isnt trying desperately to save face.

Are we to believe his best friend testifying under oath or you? How bout the jury who are they to believe? They can believe he gave conflicting statements.

He testified to it...defense didnt challenge it. Conflicting is what it is.

His best friend testified under oath to what GZ told him...are you saying that his best friend lied about it? Did the defense team deny he said it....has GZ denied he said that to his friend? This best friend and US. Air Marshal got up on the stand and lied to hurt his friend? You have quite the imagination.

Zimmerman's "best friend" wrote in his book four months after the incident took place about a conversation that took place during the car ride home from the police station. He didn't record the conversation...he didn't take notes about the conversation...he wrote what he did from his recollections of what was said to him that night. Now think back to a random conversation that you had with someone four months ago. Can you remember it word for word? If you tried to you think it would most likely NOT be word for word? This notion that the recollection of someone else which may very well not be accurate somehow proves that Zimmerman is being dishonest is almost laughable.

My point is you cant have it both cant take what one person says literally and then when another statement doesnt match up, make excuses for that person and why its not the same...I find it a big discrepancy...not a tiny one...look at the way he describes the Grabbed the gun incident...very different from what Z told police.

My conclusion would have to be this...either 1) Mark Osterman deliberately made it up and lied or 2) GZ gave one statement to police knowing that Trayvons hands were never on the gun and then when telling it to his friend embellished to make it look there was this MMA style struggle for the gun and he won the battle.

The statements are inconsistent. I tend to believe Marks account of what his best friend told him...hes also a cop. Furthermore, Im not inclined to believe GZs version of the hand sliding down to the gun and the "Youre gonna die tonight" statement.

Why would I? No one can back it up and at the time it was in his direct beneft to show self defense when without that information it would be subjective even to him. Speculation? Sure. But, so is believing the literal word of GZ with no one to corroborate Trayvons statements.

We are seeing that in some cases when GZs words can be backed up or challenged by another witness, his statements conflict. So why would I believe everything him that cant be backed up especially when it would be in his direct benefit to embellish a tad? LIke: Oh, btw when he saw my gun he yelled "youre gonna die tonight" and then he went for my Im suspicious in the first place on whether that was even said and then I hear a rather different account from his best friend and makes me go hmmmmm.
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Do others think there will be race riots after the trial?

It is conceivable that there will be a hung jury--jmo.
(2) The unlawful killing of a human being, when perpetrated by any act imminently dangerous to another and evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life, although without any premeditated design to effect the death of any particular individual, is murder in the second degree and constitutes a felony of the first degree, punishable by imprisonment for a term of years not exceeding life or as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

^ that is the STATUTORY provision. Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

As AyeCan'tSeeYou just demonstrated in his above [ ] (his second second link), the charge from the prosecutor tracks that statutory language with a few minor differences.

So the charge is PLAINLY seen to be a charge of something OTHER than "intentional" murder.

That being so, the lesser of manslaughter is available.
Lesser Included Offenses

See the instructions under 782.04(2) at Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes :->2012->Chapter 782 : Online Sunshine

And, as to the charge of manslaughter, the defense of "justification" IS available. Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

To further pursue that thought, and contrary to the ignorance of Gatsby, the manslaughter section of the law provides:

782.07 Manslaughter; aggravated manslaughter of an elderly person or disabled adult; aggravated manslaughter of a child; aggravated manslaughter of an officer, a firefighter, an emergency medical technician, or a paramedic.—
(1) The killing of a human being by the act, procurement, or culpable negligence of another, without lawful justification according to the provisions of chapter 776 and in cases in which such killing shall not be excusable homicide or murder, according to the provisions of this chapter, is manslaughter, a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
(2) A person who causes the death of any elderly person or disabled adult by culpable negligence under s. 825.102(3) commits aggravated manslaughter of an elderly person or disabled adult, a felony of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
(3) A person who causes the death of any person under the age of 18 by culpable negligence under s. 827.03(2)(b) commits aggravated manslaughter of a child, a felony of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
* * * *

Wow. How about that. If you HAVE justification, it aint manslaughter, either. SO, manslaughter is an available defense.

Subdivision (3) upon which Gatsby rests his hat is inapplicable to Zimmerman because Zimmerman is not alleged to have acted with culpable negligence under 827.03(2)(b) which says:
(b) A person who willfully or by culpable negligence neglects a child and in so doing causes great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement to the child commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
-- Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

I don't think Zimmerman was a babysitter and nobdy said he neglected Trayvon Martin.

Just as a side note, I'm female. LOL
Hmmmm...i thought this was interesting...especially now that it appears GZ has been less than truthful about his knowledge of the "Stand Your Ground Law".

"Stand-your-ground laws are frequently criticized and called "shoot first" laws by critics, including the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.[28] In Florida, the law has resulted in self-defense claims tripling.[28][29] The law's critics argue that Florida's law makes it very difficult to prosecute cases against people who shoot others and then claim self-defense. The shooter can argue that they felt threatened, and in most cases, the only witness who could have argued otherwise is the victim who was shot and killed."


Hmmm...think this might have a little to do with him wanting to deny knowledge of the law?...yep throw that in there, George.:eusa_liar::eek:

Is the "he tried to grab my gun" and said I was "gonna die tonight" making more sense now? Many are supporting someone that might be lying right to their face about some things. I dont like makes me dig deeper than I really want to.

I know I know...ITS NOT ILLEGAL TO FORGET WHAT YOU LEARNED IN COLLEGE!!! Even if your college professor testifies in your trial that he taught it "extensively" in a class you aced. I know I know...more conjecture and speculation, right?

My argument would be that GZ was punched immediately when Trayvon perceived that the stranger (who never identified himself) relentlessly following him in the dark and rain went reaching for what he thought was a weapon...GZ was punched repeatedly after that because he went reaching for what Trayvon knew was a gun.

Why is GZ feeling the need for his gun? Because he was negligent in continuing up the dark path that the suspect ran away from him on after he was specifically told "we dont need you to do that".

Speculation? Conjecture? Nope its all on tape...I'll take my chances with the jury mulling that over. They can decide for themselves.

"But I swear I was reaching for my phone...honest I was"...was your phone there? Nope. Was your gun there? Yep. No further questions....for now.

Just something to think about. I know its was hard for me too.

Here's the problem with your scenario, 25. Zimmerman WASN'T "relentlessly following" him. When Martin runs away, he ends up outside the condo where he is staying, which is over a hundred and twenty yards away from the path that Zimmerman took going and returning. That fact was provided by a Prosecution witness, Rachel Jenteal. So if Martin is that far away from Zimmerman...and standing outside of the safety of the is it not HIS fault that a confrontation takes place? Did he not have to walk all that way back to confront George Zimmerman? If you can explain to me how that confrontation DOES take place unless Martin deliberately returns to initiate it then I'd be all ears.

What did rachel say that tells you he was at his condo door? My impression of her statements was that she didnt know but that she thought he was near his home, which considering the fact that he has been followed home from the store in the dark and rain...anywhere in that area would be close to home...the courtyard would be close to home.

Not to mention the fact that it seems Rachels statements are in another language and have double
I am beginning to wonder if a hung jury will be the outcome.

I do.

Admittedly, I would never have been selected for this jury and can't listen to much of the analyses of testimony because of all the issues seem so complex.

Why George Zimmerman couldn't just let law enforcement handle this--he didn't and here we are.
Hmmmm...i thought this was interesting...especially now that it appears GZ has been less than truthful about his knowledge of the "Stand Your Ground Law".

"Stand-your-ground laws are frequently criticized and called "shoot first" laws by critics, including the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.[28] In Florida, the law has resulted in self-defense claims tripling.[28][29] The law's critics argue that Florida's law makes it very difficult to prosecute cases against people who shoot others and then claim self-defense. The shooter can argue that they felt threatened, and in most cases, the only witness who could have argued otherwise is the victim who was shot and killed."


Hmmm...think this might have a little to do with him wanting to deny knowledge of the law?...yep throw that in there, George.:eusa_liar::eek:

Is the "he tried to grab my gun" and said I was "gonna die tonight" making more sense now? Many are supporting someone that might be lying right to their face about some things. I dont like makes me dig deeper than I really want to.

I know I know...ITS NOT ILLEGAL TO FORGET WHAT YOU LEARNED IN COLLEGE!!! Even if your college professor testifies in your trial that he taught it "extensively" in a class you aced. I know I know...more conjecture and speculation, right?

My argument would be that GZ was punched immediately when Trayvon perceived that the stranger (who never identified himself) relentlessly following him in the dark and rain went reaching for what he thought was a weapon...GZ was punched repeatedly after that because he went reaching for what Trayvon knew was a gun.

Why is GZ feeling the need for his gun? Because he was negligent in continuing up the dark path that the suspect ran away from him on after he was specifically told "we dont need you to do that".

Speculation? Conjecture? Nope its all on tape...I'll take my chances with the jury mulling that over. They can decide for themselves.

"But I swear I was reaching for my phone...honest I was"...was your phone there? Nope. Was your gun there? Yep. No further questions....for now.

Just something to think about. I know its was hard for me too.

Here's the problem with your scenario, 25. Zimmerman WASN'T "relentlessly following" him. When Martin runs away, he ends up outside the condo where he is staying, which is over a hundred and twenty yards away from the path that Zimmerman took going and returning. That fact was provided by a Prosecution witness, Rachel Jenteal. So if Martin is that far away from Zimmerman...and standing outside of the safety of the is it not HIS fault that a confrontation takes place? Did he not have to walk all that way back to confront George Zimmerman? If you can explain to me how that confrontation DOES take place unless Martin deliberately returns to initiate it then I'd be all ears.

What did rachel say that tells you he was at his condo door? My impression of her statements was that she didnt know but that she thought he was near his home, which considering the fact that he has been followed home from the store in the dark and rain...anywhere in that area would be close to home...the courtyard would be close to home.

Not to mention the fact that it seems Rachels statements are in another language and have double

Remind us again of your clairvoyance, as I recall you had a whole story concocted about Zimmerman reaching for either his weapon or phone forcing Martin to attack him. No witness to the event, no evidence of the story you created from whole cloth, but you went on and on for pages reciting that story line.
I've said that from the beginning...

I believe there is at least one Snookie on the jury...a person who will push for conviction no matter what.
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I bet Republicans think Trayvon Martin's mother is a liar when she said it was her son crying for help. That she knows his voice.

That just hate that kid. It's Obama by proxy.
How well could any of us, without looking it up, put all the events of 9/11 into their proper sequence?


  1. My ex-wife woke me up by phoning and telling me about it.
  2. I turned on my tv and watched for a while.
  3. I made a few phone calls then made lunch.
  4. I went to the store and bought parts for my car.
  5. I drove to a local park and installed them (nothing greasy or oily).
  6. I noted how quiet it was with no air traffic.
  7. I drove home and watched more tv.
  8. I had supper.
  9. At bed time I slept.

This what you meant?
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Here's the problem with your scenario, 25. Zimmerman WASN'T "relentlessly following" him. When Martin runs away, he ends up outside the condo where he is staying, which is over a hundred and twenty yards away from the path that Zimmerman took going and returning. That fact was provided by a Prosecution witness, Rachel Jenteal. So if Martin is that far away from Zimmerman...and standing outside of the safety of the is it not HIS fault that a confrontation takes place? Did he not have to walk all that way back to confront George Zimmerman? If you can explain to me how that confrontation DOES take place unless Martin deliberately returns to initiate it then I'd be all ears.

What did rachel say that tells you he was at his condo door? My impression of her statements was that she didnt know but that she thought he was near his home, which considering the fact that he has been followed home from the store in the dark and rain...anywhere in that area would be close to home...the courtyard would be close to home.

Not to mention the fact that it seems Rachels statements are in another language and have double

Remind us again of your clairvoyance, as I recall you had a whole story concocted about Zimmerman reaching for either his weapon or phone forcing Martin to attack him. No witness to the event, no evidence of the story you created from whole cloth, but you went on and on for pages reciting that story line.

Because the supposed phone wasnt there....the gun was. GZs words...I question GZs words...anything that cannot be backed up, I scrutinize...isnt that fair? I mean trayvon doesnt exactly get a voice does he? Someones gotta do it or at least try. I just try to look at some things from his perspective...thats interesting to me...hanging on and believing everything GZ says isnt to me...thats easy. And in the last couple of days we have seen that some of his statements that can be refuted, there are inconsistencys.

Im going by the impression I would have if someone was following me in the dark and then when I eventually asked him why, he went frantically grabbing for his pockets...was trayvon supposed to wait and see what GZ pulled out? The way it is presented by GZ, Tray approached him asking whats up basically and when he went reaching and grabbing, he got clocked. Officer Serino, has some of the same questions I do. GZ made some mistakes that night...and the impression he gave to trayvon who had not committed a crime was a little bit creepy that night. Of course you have the benefit of the whole story and the 911 tape audio...trayvon imagine what it must have felt like to him. If you want to dismiss what that may have felt like because you have it all figured out, then fine, but dont demean someone that is.

Most marines I know, including my brother do not tend to kindly to being followed in the dark and rain. Not sure what your problem is with me outside of the fact that I have a different opinion than you do and am not quite as gullible.

Mr Z did not do everything right that night...he made some mistakes...he has some inconsistencies and it was to his direct benefit at the time to embellish knowing that it couldnt be refuted by the dead guy...this is a problem in up on it...I did. It is you possible you know to see and admit possible mistakes on both sides without changing your overall view of guilt or innocence. Its just not easy when your steadfast in your views and/or built in bias. Put the racial stuff aside and open your does the body good. :)
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IMO, the only hope of an outright acquittal is a directed verdict based on the the prosecution's failure to prove a legally sufficient case.
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I dont think there will be riots...the prosecutions case has been that bad. Its embarrassing the potential
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