The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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How do you KNOW the teen was not a suspect? It is unreasonable to see a hooded figure--a hooded figure sauntering along on a dark night in the rain intentionally looking at the buildings in a neighborhood that has experienced a number of recent burglaries--as a suspect? I have myself reported such behavior as 'suspicious' to the police. I myself have followed person engaged in such behavior until I was convinced my suspicions were unfounded.

Did you declare on a police dispatch call that you felt the guy was a fucking punk who is probably armed? Were you armed when you followed your suspect? What would you have done if your suspect turned on you?

Who are you to determine what looks suspicious to another person?

^ Irony.

a fucking punk who was probably armed ? where did you get that ?

Interview with Sean Hannity. "Hand in his waistband"...said Trayvon looked like he was trying to intimidate or appear as though he had a weapon...GZ said later that he thought he may have a weapon because of that.

This was just before same person was seen running away up the path and in the direction of his condo and then GZ exited his truck and went after him initially, then later said he continued down the path to get an address that he never gave to the dispatch.
Southern Illinois is way, WAY to liberal. Come to Southeastern Indiana, we are about 30 miles west of Cincinnati and very, VERY Conservative out here.

WHAT!?!?!? Shitcago and it's collar counties are the only liberal part of the state. The rest of us are sane, and conservative.

And you have the corn right?

Queue the corn song:

Corn, corn corn corn corn corn corn corn CORN!

10-4 on the corn. We have soybeans, too.

And we have jet planes! Scott AFB is only 5 miles away from me. :thup:

No matter how much emotion Tracy showed, he flatly denied his son as the one screaming. Singleton just confirmed by saying "there was no doubt in my mind that Martin denied that was his son".
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WHAT!?!?!? Shitcago and it's collar counties are the only liberal part of the state. The rest of us are sane, and conservative.

And you have the corn right?

Queue the corn song:

Corn, corn corn corn corn corn corn corn CORN!

10-4 on the corn. We have soybeans, too.

And we have jet planes! Scott AFB is only 5 miles away from me. :thup:


I have a corn photo. I'm debating whether to post it. I love the corn.
Zimmerman defense: Texts show Trayvon Martin 'hostile' day of shooting -

Are they relevant? Should they be admissible?

I'm on the fence, I imagine setting up his state of mind that day could be relevant. However, I wonder if angry texts with a girlfriend hours before his death "set up a state of mind"? Especially with teenager boys, being angry one min. with one person and totally fine the next with someone else is pretty common.

Martin's not on trial.

Exactly. If Martin had shot GZ, then they could use the texts, but all we have are GZ's angry comments about blacks getting away all the time!

When did the comment about blacks getting away all the time take place? I haven't heard that one.
My guess is the "line" for scholarships would have been getting rather short after his suspension from school for theft and possession of pot. Not saying that some college program wouldn't have taken him despite his problems off the field (because as Aaron Hernandez shows college football programs WILL coddle problem players who excel on the field) but he was obviously screwing up his life with his actions.

Perhaps, but he had his senior year to straighten up. Some football players that have been given scholarships have had a lot more problems than him....alot more problems... like you stated. There are some that would make him look like a choir boy in comparison.

Granted, but I would make the case that in order to get that type of treatment, said player would have to be exceptional. I've never heard that about Trayvon. He seems to enjoy his "herb" too much to excel at sports. Given the general context of his social media postings do you really think this was a young man who was about to "straighten up"...or do you think he was a young man who was hanging with the wrong crowd and headed for trouble? You'll note that the Prosecution has chosen not to bring "friends" of Trayvon's forward to testify in any way. I wonder if that is because they don't want another debacle like they had with Rachel Jenteal? I'm thinking that the Prosecution wants nothing to do with giving the jury a better look at who Trayvon was hanging with and what they were into.

No, but I dont think he was a lost cause that should be thrown out with the trash either. He was a troubled teen heading down the wrong path. His mother sent him to his fathers...she was concerned about him and his behavior. He was about to start his senior year. Im not making the case that Trayvon was an angel by no means. Just that he was an athlete and should he follow in his moms and brothers footsteps he may be looking at college in a year, perhaps with a scholarship somewhere....Division I, II, or III perhaps.

And yes, his friends were not called, because when you call them, it opens a whole can of worms for the defense. They can go after their record and move to impeach. One reason people dont like to testify. I would have wanted very few friends of mine on the witness stand defending me at They would probably be a bigger help to me not saying anything and out of the
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Exactly. If Martin had shot GZ, then they could use the texts, but all we have are GZ's angry comments about blacks getting away all the time!

By the definition most blacks use.....Zimmerman is black........ he never said that blacks get away all the time........

Ha,ha, I thought most cons have been arguing that Zimmerman is Hispanic? And he did say it, you're little deflection doesn't mean anything.

From what I understand he is approx. 1/2 white, 3/8 indigenous American, 1/8 African.
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