The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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nutshell whats the issue

Admission of a piece of evidence. They cannot come to a conclusion on whether to have a Daubert, Pierce, or Richardson hearing on admissibility. The evidence is an animation depicting the altercation between Zimmerman and Martin. The man who crafted the animation has been told to stay for deposition, Dr. Shu(Schu, or Shoe)maker. Both sides wish to proffer the witness tomorrow.

Court is in recess until 8:30 am


You're welcome!
As an acquittal seams more and more likely...time to start thinking about the post trial excuses.

If Zimmerman is acquitted, list the talking point excuses that will be most vocalized by those invested in a guilty verdict...

A few are already out there.

The police took too long to arrest Zimmerman.

The police didn't collect enough evidence.

Zimmerman knew exactly what to say.

Add your own...
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Black News : Both Simpson trials and Casey Anthony were jury nullification. Jury nullification occurs in a trial when a jury reaches a verdict contrary to the evidence in the case. Or fail to follow instructions as to the law.

hmmmmmm interesting definition. Everywhere else I read that a simple "not guilty" verdict was delivered by the jury.

True, but nullification is the why.

did the jurors actually say that or is it something that this article is assuming ? I very distinctly remember them saying that the state did not prove its case. And the gloves didn't fit.
I'm not complaining about your negg Sunshine. I'm asking what you are complaining about.

can you not tell the difference? You can't be that far gone.

I said above that GZ is not competent enough to determine that TM was probably still lurking. And not competent enough to pull the gun before TM got too close. GZ is so hopeless he probably did think TM ran away. To that instead of responding to my post, like someone with the guts to discuss a topic. You negged me ... again. For four neggs that you have yet to explain, I think I've earned the right to ask why. So far near as I can tell you just can't read. That or you get ticked every time I say something in support of GZ's defense. Which I find really odd since you pretend to be a GZ supporter.

What don't you understand about the word 'disagree'?

Ok, you see neggs as a tool to express mere disagreement. Thanks, Sunshine.

Let us know when you and Natalie have rewritten the rules!
As an acquittal seams more and more likely...time to start thinking about the post trial excuses.

If Zimmerman is acquitted, list the talking point excuses that will be most vocalized by those invested in a guilty verdict...

A few are already out there.

The police took too long to arrest Zimmerman.

The police didn't collect enough evidence.

Zimmerman knew exactly what to say.

Add your own...

cops lied
no blacks on the jury
Not excuses. Facts.

He was not initially arrested because there was nothing to arrest him for.

UNTIL jackson and sharpton met with T's dad then the DA insisted he be arrested.

Lead detective demoted/fired after saying he believed Zimmerman and initially did not want to arrest him at all.

If he is acquitted, it is because he is innocent of MURDER.
Not excuses. Facts.

He was not initially arrested because there was nothing to arrest him for.

UNTIL jackson and sharpton met with T's dad then the DA insisted he be arrested.

Lead detective demoted/fired after saying he believed Zimmerman and initially did not want to arrest him at all.

If he is acquitted, it is because he is innocent of MURDER.

play the game dammit

As an acquittal seams more and more likely...time to start thinking about the post trial excuses.

If Zimmerman is acquitted, list the talking point excuses that will be most vocalized by those invested in a guilty verdict...

A few are already out there.

The police took too long to arrest Zimmerman.

The police didn't collect enough evidence.

Zimmerman knew exactly what to say.

Add your own...

great link

Not excuses. Facts.

He was not initially arrested because there was nothing to arrest him for.

UNTIL jackson and sharpton met with T's dad then the DA insisted he be arrested.

Lead detective demoted/fired after saying he believed Zimmerman and initially did not want to arrest him at all.

If he is acquitted, it is because he is innocent of MURDER.

I agree, but you won't hear that from Al Sharpton, Nancy Grace or HLN...they'll need excuses to fit their narrative.
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This one was new to me.

Zimmerman's holster was "really" a concealed carry type. Meaning it was worn on the inside of his pants. And according to the video, he wore it in back above his buttocks on his left side.

Which almost completely destroys another part of Zimmerman's story. That Martin saw the gun.

It would mean that either Martin had xray night vision..or that's another inconsistency.
Granted, but I would make the case that in order to get that type of treatment, said player would have to be exceptional. I've never heard that about Trayvon. He seems to enjoy his "herb" too much to excel at sports. Given the general context of his social media postings do you really think this was a young man who was about to "straighten up"...or do you think he was a young man who was hanging with the wrong crowd and headed for trouble? You'll note that the Prosecution has chosen not to bring "friends" of Trayvon's forward to testify in any way. I wonder if that is because they don't want another debacle like they had with Rachel Jenteal? I'm thinking that the Prosecution wants nothing to do with giving the jury a better look at who Trayvon was hanging with and what they were into.

No, but I dont think he was a lost cause that should be thrown out with the trash either. He was a troubled teen heading down the wrong path. His mother sent him to his fathers...she was concerned about him and his behavior. He was about to start his senior year. Im not making the case that Trayvon was an angel by no means. Just that he was an athlete and should he follow in his moms and brothers footsteps he may be looking at college in a year, perhaps with a scholarship somewhere....Division I, II, or III perhaps.

And yes, his friends were not called, because when you call them, it opens a whole can of worms for the defense. They can go after their record and move to impeach. One reason people dont like to testify. I would have wanted very few friends of mine on the witness stand defending me at They would probably be a bigger help to me not saying anything and out of the

I imagine that Trayvon was sent to Sanford to live with his dad to get him away from his friends in Miami. That right there tells you volumes about what was going in his life. He's suspended from school and his mom doesn't trust him hanging around the house while she's at work. But does his dad do any better job of keeping him out of trouble? Not that I can see. If it had been my ass that got suspended from school I can guarantee you that I wouldn't have been trotting over to 7/11 for Skittles and some Arizona tea. I would have been doing "hard time" at TV...and no friends visiting.

It is really hard for a single parent to run a really tight ship. I know, I was one. What you have to do is to make rules that are actually 'enforceable.' Mine had to be home at a certain time except if I had evening shift. Those nights they had to be home when I got home, car hood had to be cool, no smell of ANYTHING illegal for the underage OR adults. It's all in how you write the rules whether or not you can enforce them. Violations were not handled in a pleasant way. Result: No trouble in my house. Both honor students, band, academic team, etc. And those things meant something.
If Zimmerman is indeed acquitted, I would not be surprised to see Federal charges filed against him for civil rights violations...

As for the game... I got nothing...
Admission of a piece of evidence. They cannot come to a conclusion on whether to have a Daubert, Pierce, or Richardson hearing on admissibility. The evidence is an animation depicting the altercation between Zimmerman and Martin. The man who crafted the animation has been told to stay for deposition, Dr. Shu(Schu, or Shoe)maker. Both sides wish to proffer the witness tomorrow.

Court is in recess until 8:30 am


You're welcome!

i have a lot of catching up on today

but from what i gather

the cops damaged the state pretty hard today
Zimmerman said that while he was trying to move down enough to get his head off the concrete, his jacket and shirt pulled up to expose the gun.

Movement verified by John Good testimony

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