The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I agree BUT this was a manslaughter case and not a murder case to begin with.
Yes, Florida is a right wing kook state. Since there was a gun involved the Republican Legislature passed a mandatory 10 year sentence on this if he is convicted.
Just another example of the police state we live in these days. Amazing the foolish liberals here want to roast Zimmerman as most times it is the state and their vast resources prosecuting petty drug offenses and sending people with health problems to prison for mandatory 10 year drug sentences for a handful of crack cocaine.
At one time in the Federal system you would get less time if you robbed a bank and pistol whipped the teller than if you had over a certain amount of crack cocaine.
People need to wake up as we have doubled the prison population since 2005 and most of them are petty dope cases with mandatory sentences. In Georgia it is 25 years mandatory sentence if you flash your penis at a minor as that is child molestation under the law here . There have been many arrests on college campuses of students and adults tailgating before football games and guys are taking a whiz behind the bushes. "Daddy, I saw that man's penis". I know of one plea of 25 to do 2 on those cases and the others have been plea bargained down to disorderly conduct or something else but the LAW REMAINS.
Same as Florida laws. Blame the Republican Legislatures for their draconian laws.

It doesn't matter which party does what. Such political posturing may send an innocent man to jail. Here we are acting like this is a game, one party rooting for the defendant, the other the victim. Does anyone not care that there is a chance a miscarriage of justice might be perpetrated?

It doesn't matter that the legal interpretations in this trial, charges and sentences are all in law because the Republican Legislature passed those laws that Zimmerman will be subject to?
Damn sure matters to me that the Republican Legislature in Florida has stacked the deck against NOT ONLY George Zimmerman but every other criminal defendant for the last 10 years and in the future.

George Zimmerman is not the only criminal defendant on trial this week in Florida that has gotten a raw deal.
Happens EVERY DAY and it was Republicans that passed all of the laws there allowing it.

My entire point, dawg. It shouldn't matter, nobody should be allowed to stack the deck against anyone. I really don't care what Republicans did, for I am not a Republican.

If anything this proves how inept our government is. They don't care who gets screwed.
No sir, you do not.

You must first consider the race of the perpetrator. If he belongs to a race which has special privileges then roll over play dead and beg for your life.

Secondly, you must call the governor's office , describe the situation and ask if you have a right to defend yourself at this point in time.

Thirdly, call 911, and ask if the po po can get there in less than 4 minutes.

That's it in a nutshell.


It's sad that there's a lot of truth in the above.

Then truth = ignorance.

Zimmerman's actions were what is called overkill. No pun intended.

That is correct.

Zimmerman is ONLY 1/2 white so who the fuck does he think he is.

OK, let's focus on the "some how met up with each other." How do you suppose that happened? The overwieght Zimmerman ran after and caught up to the athlletic Martin? Zimmerman laid in wait for Martin, even though he didnt know where he was going? Martin came back to where he knew Zimmerman was?

I have known and seen plenty of overweight people run, it wasn't like zimmerman was 400 pounds. If he was training in MMA, he probably was most DEFINITELY working on cardio. Here's an overweight guy, you don't think that he can run? The guy he fought looked pretty "athletic" and look what happened to him.

That didnt answer the question. Do you think Zimmerman outran Martin to catch up with him?

I got attacked one night by a person that got out of a car with a chain and came very close to me poised to use it. I know it was impossible to run anywhere at night no matter how fast I was. I was lucky that someone had a bright light on their porch and I quickly found it and knocked and yelled at that door. That scared the guy away.
The Prosecution has admitted that they didn't prove their overcharged allegations that Zimmerman is guilty of 2nd degree murder, so they are now asking the Judge to include lesser charges in an attempt to get any kind of conviction to appease the Black population and prevent riots.

I have never heard of this happening before. It must have... but I have never heard of it. Usually the Prosecutors will string together groups of charges knowing that each one increases their chances of a conviction if they fail on their primary charge.

All I can say is I hope that the Judge refuses to do it, or if she does, it is tossed on appeals. It's not the Judge's job to help the Prosecutors to get a conviction which is what will look like if she agrees to this.

Judge considers lesser charges for Zimmerman | Detroit Free Press |

SANFORD, Fla. - State prosecutors are asking the judge in the Trayvon Martin murder case to instruct the jury to consider lesser charges - manslaughter and aggravated assault - when they begin deliberations.

Zimmerman's attorney have objected. Nelson will hold a hearing Thursday morning to determine whether the jury should consider those charges, in addition to the second-degree murder charge that prosecutors sought when the trial began.

The last-minute maneuvering by prosecutors has been seen by some legal experts as an indication that they are not as confident about their chances for a second-degree murder conviction. The jury is expected to start deliberating on Friday.

called it.

Kinda shocked they are not charging him for wearing a disguise in public. After all, he was walking while white.

Having done some research, it is "normal", in Florida, for a prosecutor to be able to pile on lesser charges at the end of the trial. Judges normally approve it

I didn't know that.

IMHO, that is wrong. The Prosecution should have to prove what they charge, not charge what they hope they proved.
The "prosecuting" failed miserably. Still hating on Hispanics, I see. Good for you!

She shouldn't be so hard on them. Her SS comes almost directly from their paychecks to her bank account.

Kind of like JoeB's does! :evil:
Wrong, it is not adding charges.
It is offering a lesser charge which IN MOST CASES the defendant is begging for.
Self defense is Zimmerman's defense AND THE SAME defense would have been used.
That is always the argument the defense uses when they ask for lesser charges.
Manslaughter defense is same as murder or any defense in this as his defense is SELF DEFENSE.
And a good one.

Manslaughter is just as bad, if not worse, than Murder II in this Case because the victim was a Minor.

Florida has a number of Cimes that are subject to the 10-20-Life rule.

Gets complicated. But some of those 'Lesser Charges' ain't so 'less'

I agree BUT this was a manslaughter case and not a murder case to begin with.
Yes, Florida is a right wing kook state. Since there was a gun involved the Republican Legislature passed a mandatory 10 year sentence on this if he is convicted.
Just another example of the police state we live in these days. Amazing the foolish liberals here want to roast Zimmerman as most times it is the state and their vast resources prosecuting petty drug offenses and sending people with health problems to prison for mandatory 10 year drug sentences for a handful of crack cocaine.
At one time in the Federal system you would get less time if you robbed a bank and pistol whipped the teller than if you had over a certain amount of crack cocaine.
People need to wake up as we have doubled the prison population since 2005 and most of them are petty dope cases with mandatory sentences. In Georgia it is 25 years mandatory sentence if you flash your penis at a minor as that is child molestation under the law here . There have been many arrests on college campuses of students and adults tailgating before football games and guys are taking a whiz behind the bushes. "Daddy, I saw that man's penis". I know of one plea of 25 to do 2 on those cases and the others have been plea bargained down to disorderly conduct or something else but the LAW REMAINS.
Same as Florida laws. Blame the Republican Legislatures for their draconian laws.


The rest of your post, not so much.

Needlessly pursuing Martin when instructed by the police not to do so, causing the death of another because of this irresponsible behavior, clearly conforms with the definition of manslaughter.
If this is the way it is

*I have a right to beat you up if you walk up to me. As it is now illegal to ask a question of anyone.
*I have a right to scream that I'm going to kill you

-If you're the person that did walk up to me you can go to prison for defending your own life.

See what this does!

Don't carry a gun around at night unless you're responsible.

Don't post in a political forum unless you're factual.
Crazed Scotsman here for Eye Witness News Channel 9, where people go first for their local news. I'm out on the street, just talking with the average citizen, getting their take on what's happening in the world today. Who better to talk to when you want to know what the people really want?

Crazed Scotsman: EXCUSE ME SIR......excuse me sir, Crazed Scotsman with Eye Witness News Channel 9. I was wonder....

Older Gentleman: WHAT?!!!

Crazed Scotsman: Crazed Scots...

Older Gentleman: You're going to have to speak up, I lost my hearing in Korea, plus I'm getting old, my hearing is shot....wait, my wife's over there shopping, ask her your questions....Hun...Hun!....HUNNY!!!

Older Woman: WHAT?!

Older Gentleman raises his arm and waves her over.

Crazed Scotsman: I just want to ask yo...

Older Gentleman: Hold on there son, I told you I can't hear you....she's coming.

Older Woman: What do you want old man, Lord I can get no peace.

Older Gentleman: WHAT?!

Older Woman: Nothing.....What can I do for you sweetie, did this old man do something?

Crazed Scotsman: Crazed Scotsman with Eye Witness News Channel 9. I was wonder what your thoughts were on the Zimmerman Trial?

Older Woman: Who?

Crazed Scotsman: The Zimmerman Trial, what do you think?

Older Gentleman: What's he want?


Older Gentleman: he's with the news, he should know more about it than we do.


Crazed Scotsman: So, what do you think?

Older Woman: We were talking about this yesterday and we both think Zimmerman is innocent.

Older Gentleman: WHAT?


Older Gentleman: WHO?

Older Woman: ZIMMERMAN

Older Gentleman: YEAH, HE'S INNOCENT

Crazed Scotsman: Aren't you afraid of riots if Zimmerman is Acquitted, you know like what happened when Rodney King was beaten by those Police Officers and let go?

Older Woman: we're not afraid, the Rodney King riots were kind of justified and we could see how people could be upset, but this trial, should have never happened.

Older Gentleman: WHAT?


Older Gentleman: OK, IM GOING TO GO SIT DOWN

Older Woman: OK!!! have no idea what I go through.

Crazed Scotsman: So, you're not worried...?

Older Woman: Not in the least

Crazed Scotsman: Well, why not?

Older Woman: We aren't worried. He'll be found innocent and if people want to get a little rambunctious? Let'em, we're ready for those Godless heathens.

Crazed Scotsman: What?!

Older Woman: Well, I carry this little .380 everywhere and at home, my husband has an AR-15, but we won't need that, the Remmington 870 Tactical will do just fine........where'd my husband go?.......Did you see which way he went?.....I got to go, it was nice talking to you..........bye sweetie!

Crazed Scotsman: Crazed Scotsman with Eye........what the hell just happened?
If this is the way it is

*I have a right to beat you up if you walk up to me. As it is now illegal to ask a question of anyone.
*I have a right to scream that I'm going to kill you

-If you're the person that did walk up to me you can go to prison for defending your own life.

See what this does!

Don't carry a gun around at night unless you're responsible.

Don't post in a political forum unless you're factual.

OK, let's focus on the "some how met up with each other." How do you suppose that happened? The overwieght Zimmerman ran after and caught up to the athlletic Martin? Zimmerman laid in wait for Martin, even though he didnt know where he was going? Martin came back to where he knew Zimmerman was?

I have known and seen plenty of overweight people run, it wasn't like zimmerman was 400 pounds. If he was training in MMA, he probably was most DEFINITELY working on cardio. Here's an overweight guy, you don't think that he can run? The guy he fought looked pretty "athletic" and look what happened to him.

That didnt answer the question. Do you think Zimmerman outran Martin to catch up with him?
Like I stated in the post you responded to; I think that they somehow ran into each other and the confrontation was on. In short:
The shooter, Mr Zimmerman, should have been held in custody and certainly should not be walking free, still having a concealed weapons carry permit. From my reading, it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him….against the direction of the 911 responder. Let’s all be appalled at this instance not because of race, but because a young American man has lost his life, seemingly, for no reason.
Don't carry a gun around at night unless you're responsible.

Don't post in a political forum unless you're factual.


You heard me. You haven't been honest with anyone on this thread about the trial. You spout your nonsense without any supporting facts. Don't post if you aren't going to back up your argument. Normally we call that trolling. Especially telling someone when they can exercise their 2nd Amendment rights.

The rest of your post, not so much.

Needlessly pursuing Martin when instructed by the police not to do so, causing the death of another because of this irresponsible behavior, clearly conforms with the definition of manslaughter.

It was not a Police officer that told him NOT to follow Martin.

It was a 9-11 operator.

They are NOT police. They have no legal standing to tell a person what to do.

Besides, Zimmerman had turned around and started walking back to his vehicle when he was attacked from behind by Martin.
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Manslaughter is just as bad, if not worse, than Murder II in this Case because the victim was a Minor.

Florida has a number of Cimes that are subject to the 10-20-Life rule.

Gets complicated. But some of those 'Lesser Charges' ain't so 'less'

I agree BUT this was a manslaughter case and not a murder case to begin with.
Yes, Florida is a right wing kook state. Since there was a gun involved the Republican Legislature passed a mandatory 10 year sentence on this if he is convicted.
Just another example of the police state we live in these days. Amazing the foolish liberals here want to roast Zimmerman as most times it is the state and their vast resources prosecuting petty drug offenses and sending people with health problems to prison for mandatory 10 year drug sentences for a handful of crack cocaine.
At one time in the Federal system you would get less time if you robbed a bank and pistol whipped the teller than if you had over a certain amount of crack cocaine.
People need to wake up as we have doubled the prison population since 2005 and most of them are petty dope cases with mandatory sentences. In Georgia it is 25 years mandatory sentence if you flash your penis at a minor as that is child molestation under the law here . There have been many arrests on college campuses of students and adults tailgating before football games and guys are taking a whiz behind the bushes. "Daddy, I saw that man's penis". I know of one plea of 25 to do 2 on those cases and the others have been plea bargained down to disorderly conduct or something else but the LAW REMAINS.
Same as Florida laws. Blame the Republican Legislatures for their draconian laws.


The rest of your post, not so much.

Needlessly pursuing Martin when instructed by the police not to do so, causing the death of another because of this irresponsible behavior, clearly conforms with the definition of manslaughter.

Needlessly arresting a man with little to no evidentiary backing clearly conforms to the lack of a case against the defendant, your made up definitions of manslaughter withstanding.
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This one was new to me.

Zimmerman's holster was "really" a concealed carry type. Meaning it was worn on the inside of his pants. And according to the video, he wore it in back above his buttocks on his left side.

Which almost completely destroys another part of Zimmerman's story. That Martin saw the gun.

It would mean that either Martin had xray night vision..or that's another inconsistency.
That definitely is a speed-bump which is capable of swaying an otherwise indecisive juror. I would call it the Achilles' Heel of Zimmerman's otherwise convincing story and it alters my expectation of the trial's outcome.
Don't post in a political forum unless you're factual.


You heard me. You haven't been honest with anyone on this thread about the trial. You spout your nonsense without any supporting facts. Don't post if you aren't going to back up your argument. Normally we call that trolling. Especially telling someone when they can exercise their 2nd Amendment rights.

For example? Or are you going to do as I say not as I do?
This one was new to me.

Zimmerman's holster was "really" a concealed carry type. Meaning it was worn on the inside of his pants. And according to the video, he wore it in back above his buttocks on his left side.

Which almost completely destroys another part of Zimmerman's story. That Martin saw the gun.

It would mean that either Martin had xray night vision..or that's another inconsistency.
That definitely is a speed-bump which is capable of swaying an otherwise indecisive juror. I would call it the Achilles' Heel of Zimmerman's otherwise convincing story and it alters my expectation of the trial's outcome.

There are plenty of "speedbumps".

Put them all together and the Zimmerman car comes to a grinding halt.
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