The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

Clean up on aisle 3!

Next, tell us how Trump never mocked the disabled. Or how he never screwed porn stars. Or disparaged the dead. Explain the nobility and humility of Trump.
Mocked the disabled? Like how obamamonkey compared his lack of bowling prowess to "retards"??????
Oh! I understand. When President Obama says that it's despicable but when Trump does it it's admirable.

And right back at ya,'s despicable when Trump does it but obamamonkey gets a pass. By the way, the crip feeb acted like a total asshole when he got his chance to approach Trump. I would have
mocked that sack of shit in a much more offensive manner. Take off the gloves and smack the leftard clown posse with's not like they have any testicles to start with.

No matter how bad nazis and the Klan are or how bad you think they are. Both the nazis and the Klan, together or separately, are STILL better than Democrats. They are all fine people compared to Democrats.
There was no nazi rally. It was a group of people protesting erasing history.

Except that's a lie. It was put together by neo-nazi's. The Right Stuff, The daily Stormer, The Traditionalist Workers Party, Vanguard America, Identity Evropa, and the National Socialist movement. With help from the Loyal White Knights and Fraternal order of Alt-Knights (KKK). These are the groups that put together and promoted this event.

Some of those groups who put the event together literally had the swastika as their official symbol of their group.

Their speakers they set up were the leaders of Nazi groups, self avowed Nazi's. Not people others claim to be Nazi's. But people who have gone on record saying "I agree with the central tenets of Nazism".

If a Nazi puts together a rally, where they pick Nazi's as headline speakers and Nazi's are flying their flags and chanting their chants... ITS A NAZI RALLY.

Its sad. People want to rewrite the truth for their own feelings. Reality doesn't change for you. In 100 years you nazi fucks will probably be trying to say Hitlers rallies weren't Nazi rallies and we need to build statues to him to celebrate his misguided war against the USA too.

SICKENING that people are trying to rewrite that and make it seem like it's ok to attend nazi rally's and defend nazi's.
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I've never seen people working so hard to try and avoid saying Nazi's and the Klan and their supporters are not good people. Fighting so hard to give them their support...

Trying to make up excuses on why it can still be acceptable and morally good to attend rallies put on by nazi's and KKK groups.

Kinda gross if you ask me. Fuck Nazi's. Fuck the KKK. Fuck those who want to help them. End of story. Yeah that's "rude". That's a "blanket statement". I didn't take their mental need for a safe space into consideration when I said that. I didn't be all warm and cuddly and accepting. Sorry Snowflakes. If you think it's good to go to a Nazi or Klan rally and you are nice because you just march and chant their slogans, but don't pay the dues, or put on the white sheet... FUCK YOU TOO.
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This lie has been presented in the media so often some republicans even believe it....just goes to show the power of the media and how they are able to deceive so many....the latest being Adam Schiff......." look, it's not the Democratic Party that believes that there are good people on both sides of a Nazi rally," Rep. Schiff told CNN's "State of the Union." "There's just one party and one party leader who believes that, and that's Donald Trump."

Now......we must understand that some of these folks do not want the truth they want to believe that Trump is a Nazi ----as that fits their they keep repeating the lie.

Proof that President Called the Nazis in Charlottesville good people is a lie.....................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!
you could post this a million times from a million sources over a millions days.

they won't give up that bullet.

since it's not based in honesty, then facts really don't matter regardless of how presented.
There was no nazi rally. It was a group of people protesting erasing history.

Except that's a lie. It was put together by neo-nazi's. The Right Stuff, The daily Stormer, The Traditionalist Workers Party, Vanguard America, Identity Evropa, and the National Socialist movement. With help from the Loyal White Knights and Fraternal order of Alt-Knights (KKK). These are the groups that put together and promoted this event.

Some of those groups who put the event together literally had the swastika as their official symbol of their group.

Their speakers they set up were the leaders of Nazi groups, self avowed Nazi's. Not people others claim to be Nazi's. But people who have gone on record saying "I agree with the central tenets of Nazism".

If a Nazi puts together a rally, where they pick Nazi's as headline speakers and Nazi's are flying their flags and chanting their chants... ITS A NAZI RALLY.

Its sad. People want to rewrite the truth for their own feelings. Reality doesn't change for you. In 100 years you nazi fucks will probably be trying to say Hitlers rallies weren't Nazi rallies and we need to build statues to him to celebrate his misguided war against the USA too.

SICKENING that people are trying to rewrite that and make it seem like it's ok to attend nazi rally's and defend nazi's.

So those groups has a permit to stage a protest at the same time as those protesting the removal of the statues?

What about Antifa? Did they have a permit to protest at the same time?

Let's see your proof!
Clean up on aisle 3!

Next, tell us how Trump never mocked the disabled. Or how he never screwed porn stars. Or disparaged the dead. Explain the nobility and humility of Trump.
Mocked the disabled? Like how obamamonkey compared his lack of bowling prowess to "retards"??????
Oh! I understand. When President Obama says that it's despicable but when Trump does it it's admirable.

And right back at ya,'s despicable when Trump does it but obamamonkey gets a pass. By the way, the crip feeb acted like a total asshole when he got his chance to approach Trump. I would have
mocked that sack of shit in a much more offensive manner. Take off the gloves and smack the leftard clown posse with's not like they have any testicles to start with.
I've never seen people working so hard to try and avoid saying Nazi's and the Klan and their supporters are not good people. Fighting so hard to give them their support...

Trying to make up excuses on why it can still be acceptable and morally good to attend rallies put on by nazi's and KKK groups.

Kinda gross if you ask me. Fuck Nazi's. Fuck the KKK. Fuck those who want to help them. End of story. Yeah that's "rude". That's a "blanket statement". I didn't take their mental need for a safe space into consideration when I said that. I didn't be all warm and cuddly and accepting. Sorry Snowflakes. If you think it's good to go to a Nazi or Klan rally and you are nice because you just march and chant their slogans, but don't pay the dues, or put on the white sheet... FUCK YOU TOO.

Who has said on this thread that Nazis (not the possessive form as your anti-intelligence put it!) and the Klan are good people?

I must have missed it.
Clean up on aisle 3!

Next, tell us how Trump never mocked the disabled. Or how he never screwed porn stars. Or disparaged the dead. Explain the nobility and humility of Trump.
Mocked the disabled? Like how obamamonkey compared his lack of bowling prowess to "retards"??????
Oh! I understand. When President Obama says that it's despicable but when Trump does it it's admirable.

And right back at ya,'s despicable when Trump does it but obamamonkey gets a pass. By the way, the crip feeb acted like a total asshole when he got his chance to approach Trump. I would have
mocked that sack of shit in a much more offensive manner. Take off the gloves and smack the leftard clown posse with's not like they have any testicles to start with.
View attachment 254666

Finally, you posted a selfie!
No matter how bad nazis and the Klan are or how bad you think they are. Both the nazis and the Klan, together or separately, are STILL better than Democrats. They are all fine people compared to Democrats.
"Both the nazis and the Klan, together or separately, are STILL better than Democrats."

And there we have it, folks. There we have it.
Clean up on aisle 3!

Next, tell us how Trump never mocked the disabled. Or how he never screwed porn stars. Or disparaged the dead. Explain the nobility and humility of Trump.
Mocked the disabled? Like how obamamonkey compared his lack of bowling prowess to "retards"??????
Oh! I understand. When President Obama says that it's despicable but when Trump does it it's admirable.

And right back at ya,'s despicable when Trump does it but obamamonkey gets a pass. By the way, the crip feeb acted like a total asshole when he got his chance to approach Trump. I would have
mocked that sack of shit in a much more offensive manner. Take off the gloves and smack the leftard clown posse with's not like they have any testicles to start with.
View attachment 254666

Finally, you posted a selfie!
Awww....poor boy....:itsok: Felt left out?
This lie has been presented in the media so often some republicans even believe it....just goes to show the power of the media and how they are able to deceive so many....the latest being Adam Schiff......." look, it's not the Democratic Party that believes that there are good people on both sides of a Nazi rally," Rep. Schiff told CNN's "State of the Union." "There's just one party and one party leader who believes that, and that's Donald Trump."

Now......we must understand that some of these folks do not want the truth they want to believe that Trump is a Nazi ----as that fits their they keep repeating the lie.

Proof that President Called the Nazis in Charlottesville good people is a lie.....................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!
Chuckle! RealClearPolitics wants me to believe them instead of my lying ears?
There was no nazi rally. It was a group of people protesting erasing history.

Except that's a lie. It was put together by neo-nazi's. The Right Stuff, The daily Stormer, The Traditionalist Workers Party, Vanguard America, Identity Evropa, and the National Socialist movement. With help from the Loyal White Knights and Fraternal order of Alt-Knights (KKK). These are the groups that put together and promoted this event.

Some of those groups who put the event together literally had the swastika as their official symbol of their group.

Their speakers they set up were the leaders of Nazi groups, self avowed Nazi's. Not people others claim to be Nazi's. But people who have gone on record saying "I agree with the central tenets of Nazism".

If a Nazi puts together a rally, where they pick Nazi's as headline speakers and Nazi's are flying their flags and chanting their chants... ITS A NAZI RALLY.

Its sad. People want to rewrite the truth for their own feelings. Reality doesn't change for you. In 100 years you nazi fucks will probably be trying to say Hitlers rallies weren't Nazi rallies and we need to build statues to him to celebrate his misguided war against the USA too.

SICKENING that people are trying to rewrite that and make it seem like it's ok to attend nazi rally's and defend nazi's.
Compare Hitler to a well known democrat like Teddy Kennedy or Shitstain obama. Hitler does come out as the better human.
Compare Hitler to a well known democrat like Teddy Kennedy or Shitstain obama. Hitler does come out as the better human.
You got me! I never thought I'd ever see an American post this. sigh
Pol Pot is better than democrats. Chairman Mao is better than democrats. Idi Amin is better than democrats.
In fact, Democrats are the worst semi life forms to ever crawl upon the earth's surface. They are so bad, they might well be an invasive alien species.
There was no nazi rally. It was a group of people protesting erasing history.

Except that's a lie. It was put together by neo-nazi's. The Right Stuff, The daily Stormer, The Traditionalist Workers Party, Vanguard America, Identity Evropa, and the National Socialist movement. With help from the Loyal White Knights and Fraternal order of Alt-Knights (KKK). These are the groups that put together and promoted this event.

Some of those groups who put the event together literally had the swastika as their official symbol of their group.

Their speakers they set up were the leaders of Nazi groups, self avowed Nazi's. Not people others claim to be Nazi's. But people who have gone on record saying "I agree with the central tenets of Nazism".

If a Nazi puts together a rally, where they pick Nazi's as headline speakers and Nazi's are flying their flags and chanting their chants... ITS A NAZI RALLY.

Its sad. People want to rewrite the truth for their own feelings. Reality doesn't change for you. In 100 years you nazi fucks will probably be trying to say Hitlers rallies weren't Nazi rallies and we need to build statues to him to celebrate his misguided war against the USA too.

SICKENING that people are trying to rewrite that and make it seem like it's ok to attend nazi rally's and defend nazi's.
Compare Hitler to a well known democrat like Teddy Kennedy or Shitstain obama. Hitler does come out as the better human.

I know that a lot of Nazi lovers like them better than Americans. Got your ass kicked already in WWII so you want to try and be tough on the internet now instead.

Sorry Nazi... Not worth my time going forward.
Compare Hitler to a well known democrat like Teddy Kennedy or Shitstain obama. Hitler does come out as the better human.
You got me! I never thought I'd ever see an American post this. sigh
Gross isn't it. People so anti-American they would love genocide over Americans.

I just put the blatant Nazis on ignore. And yes if you want Hitler over America, you are a fucking Nazi, or enough of one I'm not going to split hairs on it.
Democrats aren't America. They gave up being Americans long ago. Democrats are the enemy of all Americans.
Except he did.

The commentary is someone's opinion; not reporting.
I listened to that press briefing live and was relieved that a president wouldn’t cave to strong-arm democrat nazi tactics and only point to the white supremacist Nazis who were bad. He also pointed out the bad lefty creeps who agitated the Nazis and pointed out that there were history preservationists there for those good reasons.
But a 1930’s German like you will heed only the democrat nazi propaganda.
Except he did.

The commentary is someone's opinion; not reporting.
I listened to that press briefing live and was relieved that a president wouldn’t cave to strong-arm democrat nazi tactics and only point to the white supremacist Nazis who were bad. He also pointed out the bad lefty creeps who agitated the Nazis and pointed out that there were history preservationists there for those good reasons.
But a 1930’s German like you will heed only the democrat nazi propaganda.

Ummm he said you can be a "very nice person" on the side which was a nazi and KKK rally.

Some were relieved to hear that as long as you weren't a card carrying, sheet wearing swastika waving full on nazi, you could still go and join them in their events and support their rallies.

And it's sad that we get upset if someone "agitates a nazi". We literally fought a war against them. But hey, if you like the nazi's I can see why you would take a stand for them.

It's so sad how many peoples moral compass says supporting and joining nazi/kkk rally's is ok.

Like I said, I think a prayer breakfast is a great thing to have. Not going to one the Nazi's put on. But that's me.

As for the preservationists, It always amazed me about how little those claiming to want to preserve history know about it, and how they want to rewrite it with their lost cause. I mean those statues were literally erected to try and rewrite history. But some would rather not preserve history and keep up the pieces built to attempt to rewrite it. So sad....

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