The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

Many different groups and what it all added up to was utter chaos.

Charlottesville attack: What, where and who?

Yes. One was put together by Nazis and the Klan and those who wanted to join them. I don't think joining a rally put on by Nazis and the Klan is what a good person does.

Good person, shmood person. Good people don't lie their asses off like you leftyloons either.

Sanctimonious shithead.

I guess I find that saddening you think someone who opposes Nazis and the Klan is "sanctimonious". But whatever. Thanks for making yourself clear

And I'm not on the left. I don't like Trump. I've never voted Dem. But I'm just not a fan of nazis and the Klan.

I might believe that if you weren't such a liar.
Literally only used a quote and the actual flyer for the event off the daily stormer website. And you can't even say Nazis and the Klan and their supporters aren't good people..

Wow. That's just gross..

I can see why you are upset. You got backed into a corner and now can't get out because you are stuck defending Nazis. I'd be pissed if I felt I had to defend the Klan and Nazis too.

But I don't like them, so I don't have to worry about that I guess
It's a little known fact that neo-nazis LOVE Israel and that's why they LOVE Trump
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Pure fabrication. Your kind are also prone to calling the Israelis fact your kind will call just about everyone that opposes you .......Nazis.

The modern day anti-semites are the liberals/marxists/socialists.

Anyhow care to explain why you hate Israel?

Nope these are Nazis. And some people think that you can still be a good person if you see them and join their cause and add your voice to their Rally's.

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View attachment 254610

Lookie here boyo....this is America and everyone has freedom of speech and nor I believe all these groups are matter what you or I think people have a right to peacefully assemble.

Anyhow.....once again Trump did not say Nazis were good people...he was not referring to the Nazis and he made that perfectly clear....only those who are coinfused or like to lie claim he did.
Love how CRCs are trying to change history.

You know what you can do with your CRC crap? I would say shove it, but since you are confused over the purpose of your orifices, I shall refrain from the obvious.
Many different groups and what it all added up to was utter chaos.

Charlottesville attack: What, where and who?

Yes. One was put together by Nazis and the Klan and those who wanted to join them. I don't think joining a rally put on by Nazis and the Klan is what a good person does.

Good person, shmood person. Good people don't lie their asses off like you leftyloons either.

Sanctimonious shithead.

Sanctimonious indeed. That phony fuck doesn't believe a word he's saying. These are the same people who won't shut up about what a great American John McCain was. They're lying when they say that, too.

Isn't it bad when being asked if you support or dislike Nazis triggers you so fucking hard?

Like how out of whack does your moral compass have to be when you can't actually say a Klan supporter is a bad person? That you have to believe someone who can clearly state "I don't like the klan or Nazis or their supporters" scares you and you find it offensive.

I actually don't like KKK or Nazi larpers. They're an embarrassment. But just because they show up to an event doesn't mean everyone within a ten mile radius suddenly becomes a nazi.

Do anti-trump protesters all become communists or Antifa just because those types show at their events or no?
This is America.......we have the freedom to express our political views.

No one will force you to go any political event you choose not to.

Many groups with radially different opinions showed up....those that were aggressively violent should be condemned....but the violence did not come from just one group.

Those who peacefully assemble no matter their view point have a right to do so....this is what a free people are allowed to do in America....protest and present their views.

Yes we do. There is no law saying you can't support Nazis and the Klan.

And like you say nobody was forced to join that group. They did of their own volition.

But I'm not going to get up and fight for the right for Nazis and the Klan to feel welcome in the USA.

If you want to be the one who fights for them, fine.

But I don't think Nazis are good people. I don't think the Klan members are good people. And I don't think their supporters are good people.

You are entitled to your opinion....even though it is overly-simplistic.

As in not all Negroes are violent or incarcerated.

Not all germans were Nazis.

In essence you are trying to issue a blanket condemnation of certain groups. Fallacious is the word for dat.

How is it overly simplistic. I don't like Nazis. I don't like the klan. I don't like their members or supporters and don't think they are good people if that's where they choose to be.

End of story. I don't have to jump through hoops and say "well sometimes the Nazis aren't too bad" or any of that mushy mouth stuff.

Yes it is a blanket statement. Members of Nazi and klan groups and their supporters are not good people in my view. Voluntarily standing up to be a voice for them is something I consider wrong.

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it....which in the Real World means nothing.

Yet you and your kind want to lie and do lie about President in your sanctimonious attitude want to think you are some kind of judge who has the ability to determine who is righteous or unrighteous....extremely fallacious.


Not lying. I literally quoted him. No amount of revisionist crap is going to change what he said

Again you are lying.....that makes all your other b.s. less than credible also.

Who was responsible for the violence in Charlottesville? Here's what witnesses say.

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency as brawls between white nationalists and counter-protesters broke out in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday.

The clashes that broke out over the weekend at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., have become a new touchstone in the nation's long-running debate over racism, free speech and violence.

The event quickly took on enormous political importance as Democrats and Republicans alike denounced the violence and the white supremacist views espoused at the far-right rally. President Trump has also denounced the racist groups, but he suggests that anti-racism counter-demonstrators share some of the blame. On Tuesday, he said "both sides" were responsible for the bloodshed.


White supremacists and counter protesters clash in Charlottesville on Saturday. (Michael Nigro / Pacific Press)
What actually happened?

Here are several first-hand accounts of Saturday's events in Charlottesville, collected from journalists, protesters and far-right ralliers who have published their accounts of what they saw that day.

Charlottesville Daily Progress photographer Ryan Kelly: "I hitched a ride with my editor downtown, and I started wandering the mall. There were groups on both sides scattered. There were a few small fights that broke out from time to time. People were throwing stuff at each other. A few people were beating on each other."


Police stand watch near the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in the center of Emancipation Park the day after the Unite the Right rally devolved into violence in Charlottesville. White nationalists had gathered in the city Saturday, in part, to protest the removal of the statue.

"The streets were not barricaded. Violent antifa [anti-fascists] were not penned in their own area as per our agreement with the Charlottesville Police Department, but were roaming the streets and blocking the entrance to Lee Park. They immediately launched an attack on our group with mace, pepper spray, bricks, sticks and foul liquids. The police stood idly by on the sidelines while a brawl was allowed to ensue. We had to fight our way into Lee Park and dozens of our people were injured by mace and pepper spray as we marched through the gauntlet."

: "Now, to begin Saturday's rally, the League of the South assembled at an area only a few blocks from Lee Park – I myself was one of the shield men. As we advanced down the street toward the park, I immediately noticed a horde of Antifa, BLM terrorists, and other assorted genetic refuse ready and willing to block the street leading up to our destination."

"With a full-throated rebel yell, the League broke through the wall of degenerates and TradWorker managed to enter the Lee Park venue itself while they were largely still reeling. Michael Tubbs, an especially imposing League organizer towered over and pushed through the antifa like a Tyrannosaurus among raptors as league fighters with shields put their training to work."
"Counter-protesters fought back, also swinging sticks, punching and spraying chemicals. Others threw balloons filled with paint or ink at the white nationalists. Everywhere, it seemed violence was exploding. The police did not move to break up the fights."

Big fight breaks out as whit supremacists move into park, followed by lots of pepper spray

Washington Post reporter Joe Heim: "Although Virginia State Police and Charlottesville police were stationed along the sides and the rear of Emancipation Park, the Market Street side was unattended. As it filled with rally-goers and counter-protesters, the mix quickly became volatile. The two sides screamed at each other. '[Expletive] … Nazis!' the counter-protesters chanted. '[More expletives]'was the response from the park where the rally-goers stood behind metal barricades."

"Police then pushed the white supremacists out of Emancipation Park, and closed the park.... Unable to continue rallying in the park, the white supremacists took to the streets, where they were quickly followed and confronted by anti-racists. Several more extremely violent fights took place, with police looking on from their nearby substation."

Trump says nation's culture being 'ripped apart' by removal of Confederate monuments

AUG 17, 2017 | 6:46 AM

Redneck Revolt, an armed leftist group that brought rifles to Justice Park, one of the spots where anti-racist groups had gathered: "At many points during the day, groups of white supremacists approached Justice Park, but at each instance, Redneck Revolt members formed a unified skirmish line against them, and the white supremacists backed down. Most of the groups were not easily identified, but at separate points, contingents from Identity Evropa and the Proud Boys were recognized. The groups that threatened the park yelled racial and homophobic slurs."

"I was on Market Street around 11:30 a.m. when a counter-protester ripped a newspaper stand off the sidewalk and threw it at alt-right protesters. I saw another man from the white supremacist crowd being chased and beaten. People were hitting him with their signs. A much older man, also with the alt-right group, got pushed to the ground in the commotion. Someone raised a stick over his head and beat the man with it, and that's when I screamed and ran over with several other strangers to help him to his feet."
Many different groups and what it all added up to was utter chaos.

Charlottesville attack: What, where and who?

Yes. One was put together by Nazis and the Klan and those who wanted to join them. I don't think joining a rally put on by Nazis and the Klan is what a good person does.

Good person, shmood person. Good people don't lie their asses off like you leftyloons either.

Sanctimonious shithead.

Sanctimonious indeed. That phony fuck doesn't believe a word he's saying. These are the same people who won't shut up about what a great American John McCain was. They're lying when they say that, too.

Isn't it bad when being asked if you support or dislike Nazis triggers you so fucking hard?

Like how out of whack does your moral compass have to be when you can't actually say a Klan supporter is a bad person? That you have to believe someone who can clearly state "I don't like the klan or Nazis or their supporters" scares you and you find it offensive.

I actually don't like KKK or Nazi larpers. They're an embarrassment. But just because they show up to an event doesn't mean everyone within a ten mile radius suddenly becomes a nazi.

Do anti-trump protesters all become communists or Antifa just because those types show at their events or no?

Nope. Just those at the rally. Those on "that side" that were not in fact good people.

Seems someone now has a better moral.compass than Trump. Glad to hear you find your voice. Why was that so difficult of you?
Yes we do. There is no law saying you can't support Nazis and the Klan.

And like you say nobody was forced to join that group. They did of their own volition.

But I'm not going to get up and fight for the right for Nazis and the Klan to feel welcome in the USA.

If you want to be the one who fights for them, fine.

But I don't think Nazis are good people. I don't think the Klan members are good people. And I don't think their supporters are good people.

You are entitled to your opinion....even though it is overly-simplistic.

As in not all Negroes are violent or incarcerated.

Not all germans were Nazis.

In essence you are trying to issue a blanket condemnation of certain groups. Fallacious is the word for dat.

How is it overly simplistic. I don't like Nazis. I don't like the klan. I don't like their members or supporters and don't think they are good people if that's where they choose to be.

End of story. I don't have to jump through hoops and say "well sometimes the Nazis aren't too bad" or any of that mushy mouth stuff.

Yes it is a blanket statement. Members of Nazi and klan groups and their supporters are not good people in my view. Voluntarily standing up to be a voice for them is something I consider wrong.

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it....which in the Real World means nothing.

Yet you and your kind want to lie and do lie about President in your sanctimonious attitude want to think you are some kind of judge who has the ability to determine who is righteous or unrighteous....extremely fallacious.


Not lying. I literally quoted him. No amount of revisionist crap is going to change what he said

Again you are lying.....that makes all your other b.s. less than credible also.

Who was responsible for the violence in Charlottesville? Here's what witnesses say.

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency as brawls between white nationalists and counter-protesters broke out in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday.

The clashes that broke out over the weekend at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., have become a new touchstone in the nation's long-running debate over racism, free speech and violence.

The event quickly took on enormous political importance as Democrats and Republicans alike denounced the violence and the white supremacist views espoused at the far-right rally. President Trump has also denounced the racist groups, but he suggests that anti-racism counter-demonstrators share some of the blame. On Tuesday, he said "both sides" were responsible for the bloodshed.


White supremacists and counter protesters clash in Charlottesville on Saturday. (Michael Nigro / Pacific Press)
What actually happened?

Here are several first-hand accounts of Saturday's events in Charlottesville, collected from journalists, protesters and far-right ralliers who have published their accounts of what they saw that day.

Charlottesville Daily Progress photographer Ryan Kelly: "I hitched a ride with my editor downtown, and I started wandering the mall. There were groups on both sides scattered. There were a few small fights that broke out from time to time. People were throwing stuff at each other. A few people were beating on each other."


Police stand watch near the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in the center of Emancipation Park the day after the Unite the Right rally devolved into violence in Charlottesville. White nationalists had gathered in the city Saturday, in part, to protest the removal of the statue.

"The streets were not barricaded. Violent antifa [anti-fascists] were not penned in their own area as per our agreement with the Charlottesville Police Department, but were roaming the streets and blocking the entrance to Lee Park. They immediately launched an attack on our group with mace, pepper spray, bricks, sticks and foul liquids. The police stood idly by on the sidelines while a brawl was allowed to ensue. We had to fight our way into Lee Park and dozens of our people were injured by mace and pepper spray as we marched through the gauntlet."

: "Now, to begin Saturday's rally, the League of the South assembled at an area only a few blocks from Lee Park – I myself was one of the shield men. As we advanced down the street toward the park, I immediately noticed a horde of Antifa, BLM terrorists, and other assorted genetic refuse ready and willing to block the street leading up to our destination."

"With a full-throated rebel yell, the League broke through the wall of degenerates and TradWorker managed to enter the Lee Park venue itself while they were largely still reeling. Michael Tubbs, an especially imposing League organizer towered over and pushed through the antifa like a Tyrannosaurus among raptors as league fighters with shields put their training to work."
"Counter-protesters fought back, also swinging sticks, punching and spraying chemicals. Others threw balloons filled with paint or ink at the white nationalists. Everywhere, it seemed violence was exploding. The police did not move to break up the fights."

Big fight breaks out as whit supremacists move into park, followed by lots of pepper spray

Washington Post reporter Joe Heim: "Although Virginia State Police and Charlottesville police were stationed along the sides and the rear of Emancipation Park, the Market Street side was unattended. As it filled with rally-goers and counter-protesters, the mix quickly became volatile. The two sides screamed at each other. '[Expletive] … Nazis!' the counter-protesters chanted. '[More expletives]'was the response from the park where the rally-goers stood behind metal barricades."

"Police then pushed the white supremacists out of Emancipation Park, and closed the park.... Unable to continue rallying in the park, the white supremacists took to the streets, where they were quickly followed and confronted by anti-racists. Several more extremely violent fights took place, with police looking on from their nearby substation."

Trump says nation's culture being 'ripped apart' by removal of Confederate monuments

AUG 17, 2017 | 6:46 AM

Redneck Revolt, an armed leftist group that brought rifles to Justice Park, one of the spots where anti-racist groups had gathered: "At many points during the day, groups of white supremacists approached Justice Park, but at each instance, Redneck Revolt members formed a unified skirmish line against them, and the white supremacists backed down. Most of the groups were not easily identified, but at separate points, contingents from Identity Evropa and the Proud Boys were recognized. The groups that threatened the park yelled racial and homophobic slurs."

"I was on Market Street around 11:30 a.m. when a counter-protester ripped a newspaper stand off the sidewalk and threw it at alt-right protesters. I saw another man from the white supremacist crowd being chased and beaten. People were hitting him with their signs. A much older man, also with the alt-right group, got pushed to the ground in the commotion. Someone raised a stick over his head and beat the man with it, and that's when I screamed and ran over with several other strangers to help him to his feet."
Damn you are fighting hard to not say "Nazis and the Klan and their supporters aren't good people"

And that has NOTHING to do with my quoting Trump. Just you distracting and trying to change the subject.

You can actually read the court report you know... Granted then you'd realize what I said was straight from there. But yeah distract away kiddo

Not even sorry people not liking the klan triggers you so much
You are entitled to your opinion....even though it is overly-simplistic.

As in not all Negroes are violent or incarcerated.

Not all germans were Nazis.

In essence you are trying to issue a blanket condemnation of certain groups. Fallacious is the word for dat.

How is it overly simplistic. I don't like Nazis. I don't like the klan. I don't like their members or supporters and don't think they are good people if that's where they choose to be.

End of story. I don't have to jump through hoops and say "well sometimes the Nazis aren't too bad" or any of that mushy mouth stuff.

Yes it is a blanket statement. Members of Nazi and klan groups and their supporters are not good people in my view. Voluntarily standing up to be a voice for them is something I consider wrong.

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it....which in the Real World means nothing.

Yet you and your kind want to lie and do lie about President in your sanctimonious attitude want to think you are some kind of judge who has the ability to determine who is righteous or unrighteous....extremely fallacious.


Not lying. I literally quoted him. No amount of revisionist crap is going to change what he said

Again you are lying.....that makes all your other b.s. less than credible also.

Who was responsible for the violence in Charlottesville? Here's what witnesses say.

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency as brawls between white nationalists and counter-protesters broke out in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday.

The clashes that broke out over the weekend at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., have become a new touchstone in the nation's long-running debate over racism, free speech and violence.

The event quickly took on enormous political importance as Democrats and Republicans alike denounced the violence and the white supremacist views espoused at the far-right rally. President Trump has also denounced the racist groups, but he suggests that anti-racism counter-demonstrators share some of the blame. On Tuesday, he said "both sides" were responsible for the bloodshed.


White supremacists and counter protesters clash in Charlottesville on Saturday. (Michael Nigro / Pacific Press)
What actually happened?

Here are several first-hand accounts of Saturday's events in Charlottesville, collected from journalists, protesters and far-right ralliers who have published their accounts of what they saw that day.

Charlottesville Daily Progress photographer Ryan Kelly: "I hitched a ride with my editor downtown, and I started wandering the mall. There were groups on both sides scattered. There were a few small fights that broke out from time to time. People were throwing stuff at each other. A few people were beating on each other."


Police stand watch near the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in the center of Emancipation Park the day after the Unite the Right rally devolved into violence in Charlottesville. White nationalists had gathered in the city Saturday, in part, to protest the removal of the statue.

"The streets were not barricaded. Violent antifa [anti-fascists] were not penned in their own area as per our agreement with the Charlottesville Police Department, but were roaming the streets and blocking the entrance to Lee Park. They immediately launched an attack on our group with mace, pepper spray, bricks, sticks and foul liquids. The police stood idly by on the sidelines while a brawl was allowed to ensue. We had to fight our way into Lee Park and dozens of our people were injured by mace and pepper spray as we marched through the gauntlet."

: "Now, to begin Saturday's rally, the League of the South assembled at an area only a few blocks from Lee Park – I myself was one of the shield men. As we advanced down the street toward the park, I immediately noticed a horde of Antifa, BLM terrorists, and other assorted genetic refuse ready and willing to block the street leading up to our destination."

"With a full-throated rebel yell, the League broke through the wall of degenerates and TradWorker managed to enter the Lee Park venue itself while they were largely still reeling. Michael Tubbs, an especially imposing League organizer towered over and pushed through the antifa like a Tyrannosaurus among raptors as league fighters with shields put their training to work."
"Counter-protesters fought back, also swinging sticks, punching and spraying chemicals. Others threw balloons filled with paint or ink at the white nationalists. Everywhere, it seemed violence was exploding. The police did not move to break up the fights."

Big fight breaks out as whit supremacists move into park, followed by lots of pepper spray

Washington Post reporter Joe Heim: "Although Virginia State Police and Charlottesville police were stationed along the sides and the rear of Emancipation Park, the Market Street side was unattended. As it filled with rally-goers and counter-protesters, the mix quickly became volatile. The two sides screamed at each other. '[Expletive] … Nazis!' the counter-protesters chanted. '[More expletives]'was the response from the park where the rally-goers stood behind metal barricades."

"Police then pushed the white supremacists out of Emancipation Park, and closed the park.... Unable to continue rallying in the park, the white supremacists took to the streets, where they were quickly followed and confronted by anti-racists. Several more extremely violent fights took place, with police looking on from their nearby substation."

Trump says nation's culture being 'ripped apart' by removal of Confederate monuments

AUG 17, 2017 | 6:46 AM

Redneck Revolt, an armed leftist group that brought rifles to Justice Park, one of the spots where anti-racist groups had gathered: "At many points during the day, groups of white supremacists approached Justice Park, but at each instance, Redneck Revolt members formed a unified skirmish line against them, and the white supremacists backed down. Most of the groups were not easily identified, but at separate points, contingents from Identity Evropa and the Proud Boys were recognized. The groups that threatened the park yelled racial and homophobic slurs."

"I was on Market Street around 11:30 a.m. when a counter-protester ripped a newspaper stand off the sidewalk and threw it at alt-right protesters. I saw another man from the white supremacist crowd being chased and beaten. People were hitting him with their signs. A much older man, also with the alt-right group, got pushed to the ground in the commotion. Someone raised a stick over his head and beat the man with it, and that's when I screamed and ran over with several other strangers to help him to his feet."
Damn you are fighting hard to not say "Nazis and the Klan and their supporters aren't good people"

And that has NOTHING to do with my quoting Trump. Just you distracting and trying to change the subject.

You can actually read the court report you know... Granted then you'd realize what I said was straight from there. But yeah distract away kiddo

Not even sorry people not liking the klan triggers you so much

Can anyone say....incoherent?
Yes. One was put together by Nazis and the Klan and those who wanted to join them. I don't think joining a rally put on by Nazis and the Klan is what a good person does.

Good person, shmood person. Good people don't lie their asses off like you leftyloons either.

Sanctimonious shithead.

Sanctimonious indeed. That phony fuck doesn't believe a word he's saying. These are the same people who won't shut up about what a great American John McCain was. They're lying when they say that, too.

Isn't it bad when being asked if you support or dislike Nazis triggers you so fucking hard?

Like how out of whack does your moral compass have to be when you can't actually say a Klan supporter is a bad person? That you have to believe someone who can clearly state "I don't like the klan or Nazis or their supporters" scares you and you find it offensive.

I actually don't like KKK or Nazi larpers. They're an embarrassment. But just because they show up to an event doesn't mean everyone within a ten mile radius suddenly becomes a nazi.

Do anti-trump protesters all become communists or Antifa just because those types show at their events or no?

Nope. Just those at the rally. Those on "that side" that were not in fact good people.

Seems someone now has a better moral.compass than Trump. Glad to hear you find your voice. Why was that so difficult of you?

Which of the left side of the protests were good people? The ones throwing bottles of piss or the ones beating on people with sticks?
The Left Wingers are trying to insite violence with their obession with Civil War monument removals.
Many different groups and what it all added up to was utter chaos.

Charlottesville attack: What, where and who?

Yes. One was put together by Nazis and the Klan and those who wanted to join them. I don't think joining a rally put on by Nazis and the Klan is what a good person does.

Good person, shmood person. Good people don't lie their asses off like you leftyloons either.

Sanctimonious shithead.

Sanctimonious indeed. That phony fuck doesn't believe a word he's saying. These are the same people who won't shut up about what a great American John McCain was. They're lying when they say that, too.

Isn't it bad when being asked if you support or dislike Nazis triggers you so fucking hard?

Like how out of whack does your moral compass have to be when you can't actually say a Klan supporter is a bad person? That you have to believe someone who can clearly state "I don't like the klan or Nazis or their supporters" scares you and you find it offensive.

I actually don't like KKK or Nazi larpers. They're an embarrassment. But just because they show up to an event doesn't mean everyone within a ten mile radius suddenly becomes a nazi.

Do anti-trump protesters all become communists or Antifa just because those types show at their events or no?

The reason that so much coinfusion reigns concerning these rallys and the protestors and counter-protestors is that the media is so heavily biased and so many folks are so gullible as they lap up the media reports without any ability to think or reason for themselves.

Not even to mention how the police fail so often by allowing the protestors and counter-protestors to mix...which results in violence when that occurs.
Clean up on aisle 3!

Next, tell us how Trump never mocked the disabled. Or how he never screwed porn stars. Or disparaged the dead. Explain the nobility and humility of Trump.
Clean up on aisle 3!

Next, tell us how Trump never mocked the disabled. Or how he never screwed porn stars. Or disparaged the dead. Explain the nobility and humility of Trump.
Mocked the disabled? Like how obamamonkey compared his lack of bowling prowess to "retards"??????
Yes we do. There is no law saying you can't support Nazis and the Klan.

And like you say nobody was forced to join that group. They did of their own volition.

But I'm not going to get up and fight for the right for Nazis and the Klan to feel welcome in the USA.

If you want to be the one who fights for them, fine.

But I don't think Nazis are good people. I don't think the Klan members are good people. And I don't think their supporters are good people.

You are entitled to your opinion....even though it is overly-simplistic.

As in not all Negroes are violent or incarcerated.

Not all germans were Nazis.

In essence you are trying to issue a blanket condemnation of certain groups. Fallacious is the word for dat.

How is it overly simplistic. I don't like Nazis. I don't like the klan. I don't like their members or supporters and don't think they are good people if that's where they choose to be.

End of story. I don't have to jump through hoops and say "well sometimes the Nazis aren't too bad" or any of that mushy mouth stuff.

Yes it is a blanket statement. Members of Nazi and klan groups and their supporters are not good people in my view. Voluntarily standing up to be a voice for them is something I consider wrong.

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it....which in the Real World means nothing.

Yet you and your kind want to lie and do lie about President in your sanctimonious attitude want to think you are some kind of judge who has the ability to determine who is righteous or unrighteous....extremely fallacious.


Not lying. I literally quoted him. No amount of revisionist crap is going to change what he said

Again you are lying.....that makes all your other b.s. less than credible also.

Who was responsible for the violence in Charlottesville? Here's what witnesses say.

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency as brawls between white nationalists and counter-protesters broke out in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday.

The clashes that broke out over the weekend at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., have become a new touchstone in the nation's long-running debate over racism, free speech and violence.

The event quickly took on enormous political importance as Democrats and Republicans alike denounced the violence and the white supremacist views espoused at the far-right rally. President Trump has also denounced the racist groups, but he suggests that anti-racism counter-demonstrators share some of the blame. On Tuesday, he said "both sides" were responsible for the bloodshed.


White supremacists and counter protesters clash in Charlottesville on Saturday. (Michael Nigro / Pacific Press)
What actually happened?

Here are several first-hand accounts of Saturday's events in Charlottesville, collected from journalists, protesters and far-right ralliers who have published their accounts of what they saw that day.

Charlottesville Daily Progress photographer Ryan Kelly: "I hitched a ride with my editor downtown, and I started wandering the mall. There were groups on both sides scattered. There were a few small fights that broke out from time to time. People were throwing stuff at each other. A few people were beating on each other."


Police stand watch near the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in the center of Emancipation Park the day after the Unite the Right rally devolved into violence in Charlottesville. White nationalists had gathered in the city Saturday, in part, to protest the removal of the statue.

"The streets were not barricaded. Violent antifa [anti-fascists] were not penned in their own area as per our agreement with the Charlottesville Police Department, but were roaming the streets and blocking the entrance to Lee Park. They immediately launched an attack on our group with mace, pepper spray, bricks, sticks and foul liquids. The police stood idly by on the sidelines while a brawl was allowed to ensue. We had to fight our way into Lee Park and dozens of our people were injured by mace and pepper spray as we marched through the gauntlet."

: "Now, to begin Saturday's rally, the League of the South assembled at an area only a few blocks from Lee Park – I myself was one of the shield men. As we advanced down the street toward the park, I immediately noticed a horde of Antifa, BLM terrorists, and other assorted genetic refuse ready and willing to block the street leading up to our destination."

"With a full-throated rebel yell, the League broke through the wall of degenerates and TradWorker managed to enter the Lee Park venue itself while they were largely still reeling. Michael Tubbs, an especially imposing League organizer towered over and pushed through the antifa like a Tyrannosaurus among raptors as league fighters with shields put their training to work."
"Counter-protesters fought back, also swinging sticks, punching and spraying chemicals. Others threw balloons filled with paint or ink at the white nationalists. Everywhere, it seemed violence was exploding. The police did not move to break up the fights."

Big fight breaks out as whit supremacists move into park, followed by lots of pepper spray

Washington Post reporter Joe Heim: "Although Virginia State Police and Charlottesville police were stationed along the sides and the rear of Emancipation Park, the Market Street side was unattended. As it filled with rally-goers and counter-protesters, the mix quickly became volatile. The two sides screamed at each other. '[Expletive] … Nazis!' the counter-protesters chanted. '[More expletives]'was the response from the park where the rally-goers stood behind metal barricades."

"Police then pushed the white supremacists out of Emancipation Park, and closed the park.... Unable to continue rallying in the park, the white supremacists took to the streets, where they were quickly followed and confronted by anti-racists. Several more extremely violent fights took place, with police looking on from their nearby substation."

Trump says nation's culture being 'ripped apart' by removal of Confederate monuments

AUG 17, 2017 | 6:46 AM

Redneck Revolt, an armed leftist group that brought rifles to Justice Park, one of the spots where anti-racist groups had gathered: "At many points during the day, groups of white supremacists approached Justice Park, but at each instance, Redneck Revolt members formed a unified skirmish line against them, and the white supremacists backed down. Most of the groups were not easily identified, but at separate points, contingents from Identity Evropa and the Proud Boys were recognized. The groups that threatened the park yelled racial and homophobic slurs."

"I was on Market Street around 11:30 a.m. when a counter-protester ripped a newspaper stand off the sidewalk and threw it at alt-right protesters. I saw another man from the white supremacist crowd being chased and beaten. People were hitting him with their signs. A much older man, also with the alt-right group, got pushed to the ground in the commotion. Someone raised a stick over his head and beat the man with it, and that's when I screamed and ran over with several other strangers to help him to his feet."
Your a moron
You are entitled to your opinion....even though it is overly-simplistic.

As in not all Negroes are violent or incarcerated.

Not all germans were Nazis.

In essence you are trying to issue a blanket condemnation of certain groups. Fallacious is the word for dat.

How is it overly simplistic. I don't like Nazis. I don't like the klan. I don't like their members or supporters and don't think they are good people if that's where they choose to be.

End of story. I don't have to jump through hoops and say "well sometimes the Nazis aren't too bad" or any of that mushy mouth stuff.

Yes it is a blanket statement. Members of Nazi and klan groups and their supporters are not good people in my view. Voluntarily standing up to be a voice for them is something I consider wrong.

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it....which in the Real World means nothing.

Yet you and your kind want to lie and do lie about President in your sanctimonious attitude want to think you are some kind of judge who has the ability to determine who is righteous or unrighteous....extremely fallacious.


Not lying. I literally quoted him. No amount of revisionist crap is going to change what he said

Again you are lying.....that makes all your other b.s. less than credible also.

Who was responsible for the violence in Charlottesville? Here's what witnesses say.

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency as brawls between white nationalists and counter-protesters broke out in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday.

The clashes that broke out over the weekend at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., have become a new touchstone in the nation's long-running debate over racism, free speech and violence.

The event quickly took on enormous political importance as Democrats and Republicans alike denounced the violence and the white supremacist views espoused at the far-right rally. President Trump has also denounced the racist groups, but he suggests that anti-racism counter-demonstrators share some of the blame. On Tuesday, he said "both sides" were responsible for the bloodshed.


White supremacists and counter protesters clash in Charlottesville on Saturday. (Michael Nigro / Pacific Press)
What actually happened?

Here are several first-hand accounts of Saturday's events in Charlottesville, collected from journalists, protesters and far-right ralliers who have published their accounts of what they saw that day.

Charlottesville Daily Progress photographer Ryan Kelly: "I hitched a ride with my editor downtown, and I started wandering the mall. There were groups on both sides scattered. There were a few small fights that broke out from time to time. People were throwing stuff at each other. A few people were beating on each other."


Police stand watch near the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in the center of Emancipation Park the day after the Unite the Right rally devolved into violence in Charlottesville. White nationalists had gathered in the city Saturday, in part, to protest the removal of the statue.

"The streets were not barricaded. Violent antifa [anti-fascists] were not penned in their own area as per our agreement with the Charlottesville Police Department, but were roaming the streets and blocking the entrance to Lee Park. They immediately launched an attack on our group with mace, pepper spray, bricks, sticks and foul liquids. The police stood idly by on the sidelines while a brawl was allowed to ensue. We had to fight our way into Lee Park and dozens of our people were injured by mace and pepper spray as we marched through the gauntlet."

: "Now, to begin Saturday's rally, the League of the South assembled at an area only a few blocks from Lee Park – I myself was one of the shield men. As we advanced down the street toward the park, I immediately noticed a horde of Antifa, BLM terrorists, and other assorted genetic refuse ready and willing to block the street leading up to our destination."

"With a full-throated rebel yell, the League broke through the wall of degenerates and TradWorker managed to enter the Lee Park venue itself while they were largely still reeling. Michael Tubbs, an especially imposing League organizer towered over and pushed through the antifa like a Tyrannosaurus among raptors as league fighters with shields put their training to work."
"Counter-protesters fought back, also swinging sticks, punching and spraying chemicals. Others threw balloons filled with paint or ink at the white nationalists. Everywhere, it seemed violence was exploding. The police did not move to break up the fights."

Big fight breaks out as whit supremacists move into park, followed by lots of pepper spray

Washington Post reporter Joe Heim: "Although Virginia State Police and Charlottesville police were stationed along the sides and the rear of Emancipation Park, the Market Street side was unattended. As it filled with rally-goers and counter-protesters, the mix quickly became volatile. The two sides screamed at each other. '[Expletive] … Nazis!' the counter-protesters chanted. '[More expletives]'was the response from the park where the rally-goers stood behind metal barricades."

"Police then pushed the white supremacists out of Emancipation Park, and closed the park.... Unable to continue rallying in the park, the white supremacists took to the streets, where they were quickly followed and confronted by anti-racists. Several more extremely violent fights took place, with police looking on from their nearby substation."

Trump says nation's culture being 'ripped apart' by removal of Confederate monuments

AUG 17, 2017 | 6:46 AM

Redneck Revolt, an armed leftist group that brought rifles to Justice Park, one of the spots where anti-racist groups had gathered: "At many points during the day, groups of white supremacists approached Justice Park, but at each instance, Redneck Revolt members formed a unified skirmish line against them, and the white supremacists backed down. Most of the groups were not easily identified, but at separate points, contingents from Identity Evropa and the Proud Boys were recognized. The groups that threatened the park yelled racial and homophobic slurs."

"I was on Market Street around 11:30 a.m. when a counter-protester ripped a newspaper stand off the sidewalk and threw it at alt-right protesters. I saw another man from the white supremacist crowd being chased and beaten. People were hitting him with their signs. A much older man, also with the alt-right group, got pushed to the ground in the commotion. Someone raised a stick over his head and beat the man with it, and that's when I screamed and ran over with several other strangers to help him to his feet."
Your a moron

Thanx for the bump.....chump.
Clean up on aisle 3!

Next, tell us how Trump never mocked the disabled. Or how he never screwed porn stars. Or disparaged the dead. Explain the nobility and humility of Trump.
Mocked the disabled? Like how obamamonkey compared his lack of bowling prowess to "retards"??????
Oh! I understand. When President Obama says that it's despicable but when Trump does it it's admirable.
Clean up on aisle 3!

Next, tell us how Trump never mocked the disabled. Or how he never screwed porn stars. Or disparaged the dead. Explain the nobility and humility of Trump.
Mocked the disabled? Like how obamamonkey compared his lack of bowling prowess to "retards"??????
Oh! I understand. When President Obama says that it's despicable but when Trump does it it's admirable.

And right back at ya,'s despicable when Trump does it but obamamonkey gets a pass. By the way, the crip feeb acted like a total asshole when he got his chance to approach Trump. I would have
mocked that sack of shit in a much more offensive manner. Take off the gloves and smack the leftard clown posse with's not like they have any testicles to start with.

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