The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

Very nice people are history preservationists. The Taliban tears down monuments and rewites history. The Taliban are not very nice people.

I agree with you but I think you are talking over the heads of those on here who want to smear Trump with false attacks.

Not even to mention how they attempt to slander those who were there merely to protest the tearing down of Confederate monument by calling them nazis.

So the beat goes on....liberals,socialists,marxists, and communists constantly attempting to slander their political opponentes by calling them nazis....whilst they themselves with their violence and hatred of Zionism, Israel and Jews are the ones who are acting like brownshirts.

History Lesson: German Brownshirts of the 1920's & 30's
That's why I say that the nazis and klan are better than Democrats.

The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.
if you're not with me you're a nazi is what i hear from the left far too often. so don't bitch and whine about people who rewrite history while you run around calling people NAZI which in fact shows you have zero idea of what that means.

Not on the left. Just don't like nazi's is all. I guess that is REALLY fucking offensive to their fans.

I'm not saying if you aren't with me you are a nazi. I am saying if you want to attend a nazi rally and lend them your voice and support you are close enough to a nazi that I really could give a fuck what you call yourself. End of story. And I don't think that good people go to nazi rallys to support them.

Again your opinion is not worth a bucket of warm spit....take a hike and start your own thread about nazism since you are so obsessed with has been said haters become what they hate.
if you're not with me you're a nazi is what i hear from the left far too often. so don't bitch and whine about people who rewrite history while you run around calling people NAZI which in fact shows you have zero idea of what that means.

Not on the left. Just don't like nazi's is all. I guess that is REALLY fucking offensive to their fans.

I'm not saying if you aren't with me you are a nazi. I am saying if you want to attend a nazi rally and lend them your voice and support you are close enough to a nazi that I really could give a fuck what you call yourself. End of story. And I don't think that good people go to nazi rallys to support them.

Again your opinion is not worth a bucket of warm spit....take a hike and start your own thread about nazism since you are so obsessed with has been said haters become what they hate.

This is literally a thread about a rally put together by Nazi groups and the Klan and you don't want to talk about the Nazi groups and the Klan. lol

This is fucking beautiful.
You keep mentioning these other "groups". No, there was one group. Multiple groups joined
Except that's a lie. It was put together by neo-nazi's. The Right Stuff, The daily Stormer, The Traditionalist Workers Party, Vanguard America, Identity Evropa, and the National Socialist movement. With help from the Loyal White Knights and Fraternal order of Alt-Knights (KKK). These are the groups that put together and promoted this event.

Some of those groups who put the event together literally had the swastika as their official symbol of their group.

Their speakers they set up were the leaders of Nazi groups, self avowed Nazi's. Not people others claim to be Nazi's. But people who have gone on record saying "I agree with the central tenets of Nazism".

If a Nazi puts together a rally, where they pick Nazi's as headline speakers and Nazi's are flying their flags and chanting their chants... ITS A NAZI RALLY.

Its sad. People want to rewrite the truth for their own feelings. Reality doesn't change for you. In 100 years you nazi fucks will probably be trying to say Hitlers rallies weren't Nazi rallies and we need to build statues to him to celebrate his misguided war against the USA too.

SICKENING that people are trying to rewrite that and make it seem like it's ok to attend nazi rally's and defend nazi's.
So you bitch at rewriting history will calling someone a nazi fuck.

Too damn funny

Ridiculous....there were many groups characterize the nature of the rally based on just one group as you are attempting to do is to distort the reality of the event.

And.............your credibility is further debunked by your lying about what Trump actually said.

Not even to mention the various groups of counter-protestors who are the ones who instigated most of the violence.

If the police had done a better job of keeping the counter-protestors from mingling with the protestors there would have been little if no violence.

Again in America anyone with any sort of political view has the right to assemble and your ilk...antifa, liberals, socialists, marxists, blm, etc. want to deny the right of those who they disagree with to assemble peacefully.....they think they have a right to attack and disrupt the rallies of those whom they disagree with.............this is Un-American and will only lead to further violence.

You have disrupted this thread by your obsession with nazism...........whilst I really do not mind all that much---if you really want to disccuss nazism you should start a thread on Nazism.....and why you think it is so bad......especially when your group has furthered the legacy of German Nazism with your hatred of Israel and the Jews.

Yes, The Left’s Anti-Semitism Is More Pronounced Than The Alt-Right’s

Yes many groups joined the rally put on by the Nazi's and Klan. There was a LOT of different nazi groups. Multiple chapters of the Klan as well. I don't think that makes it better to attend myself. To me attending the largest klan/nazi rally in a while isn't something a good person or group does.

Why do you think good people and groups should go to Nazi and Klan rally's?

First of all you have no credibility which renders any attempt by you to judge others null and void.

This is America....people have a right to peacefully assemble....your opinion of those folks may be important to you and you are entitled to your opinion....yet that is all you have and it is not enough.

Case closed...........start your thread on Nazism if you have the courage.

Based on what? That I use fact and dislike nazi's?

I've said over and over I agree with their RIGHT to assemble. You obviously don't understand the english language I guess. This is literally a thread not about their right, but if they are "very nice people". Why do you keep distracting from that every time you are asked?

What I said is I don't morally side with people wanting to join rally's put on by nazi's and the KKK.

Why can't you opine on that. Why do you run and name call every time I ask you that.

What part of ....your opinion is you not get?

You want to talk about Nazis and discuss nazism.....fine...start your own thread on that.

This thread was about how you and your kind tried to smear Trump with false accusations.

Proof that President Called the Nazis in Charlottesville good people is a lie.....................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!
Very nice people are history preservationists. The Taliban tears down monuments and rewites history. The Taliban are not very nice people.

I agree with you but I think you are talking over the heads of those on here who want to smear Trump with false attacks.

Not even to mention how they attempt to slander those who were there merely to protest the tearing down of Confederate monument by calling them nazis.

So the beat goes on....liberals,socialists,marxists, and communists constantly attempting to slander their political opponentes by calling them nazis....whilst they themselves with their violence and hatred of Zionism, Israel and Jews are the ones who are acting like brownshirts.

History Lesson: German Brownshirts of the 1920's & 30's
That's why I say that the nazis and klan are better than Democrats.

The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.

What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?
You keep mentioning these other "groups". No, there was one group. Multiple groups joined
So you bitch at rewriting history will calling someone a nazi fuck.

Too damn funny

Ridiculous....there were many groups characterize the nature of the rally based on just one group as you are attempting to do is to distort the reality of the event.

And.............your credibility is further debunked by your lying about what Trump actually said.

Not even to mention the various groups of counter-protestors who are the ones who instigated most of the violence.

If the police had done a better job of keeping the counter-protestors from mingling with the protestors there would have been little if no violence.

Again in America anyone with any sort of political view has the right to assemble and your ilk...antifa, liberals, socialists, marxists, blm, etc. want to deny the right of those who they disagree with to assemble peacefully.....they think they have a right to attack and disrupt the rallies of those whom they disagree with.............this is Un-American and will only lead to further violence.

You have disrupted this thread by your obsession with nazism...........whilst I really do not mind all that much---if you really want to disccuss nazism you should start a thread on Nazism.....and why you think it is so bad......especially when your group has furthered the legacy of German Nazism with your hatred of Israel and the Jews.

Yes, The Left’s Anti-Semitism Is More Pronounced Than The Alt-Right’s

Yes many groups joined the rally put on by the Nazi's and Klan. There was a LOT of different nazi groups. Multiple chapters of the Klan as well. I don't think that makes it better to attend myself. To me attending the largest klan/nazi rally in a while isn't something a good person or group does.

Why do you think good people and groups should go to Nazi and Klan rally's?

First of all you have no credibility which renders any attempt by you to judge others null and void.

This is America....people have a right to peacefully assemble....your opinion of those folks may be important to you and you are entitled to your opinion....yet that is all you have and it is not enough.

Case closed...........start your thread on Nazism if you have the courage.

Based on what? That I use fact and dislike nazi's?

I've said over and over I agree with their RIGHT to assemble. You obviously don't understand the english language I guess.

What I said is I don't morally side with people wanting to join rally's put on by nazi's and the KKK.

Why can't you opine on that. Why do you run and name call every time I ask you that.
you running around calling people nazi fucks then going "why are you calling me names???" is about the funniest thing i'll see this week.

but done. slide to ignore and move on. nothing worth a shit here.

Lol... Says the guy who can't stop fighting for the nazi groups. Yeah I think nazi's are fucks. Sorry that offends you kiddo.
You keep mentioning these other "groups". No, there was one group. Multiple groups joined
So you bitch at rewriting history will calling someone a nazi fuck.

Too damn funny

Ridiculous....there were many groups characterize the nature of the rally based on just one group as you are attempting to do is to distort the reality of the event.

And.............your credibility is further debunked by your lying about what Trump actually said.

Not even to mention the various groups of counter-protestors who are the ones who instigated most of the violence.

If the police had done a better job of keeping the counter-protestors from mingling with the protestors there would have been little if no violence.

Again in America anyone with any sort of political view has the right to assemble and your ilk...antifa, liberals, socialists, marxists, blm, etc. want to deny the right of those who they disagree with to assemble peacefully.....they think they have a right to attack and disrupt the rallies of those whom they disagree with.............this is Un-American and will only lead to further violence.

You have disrupted this thread by your obsession with nazism...........whilst I really do not mind all that much---if you really want to disccuss nazism you should start a thread on Nazism.....and why you think it is so bad......especially when your group has furthered the legacy of German Nazism with your hatred of Israel and the Jews.

Yes, The Left’s Anti-Semitism Is More Pronounced Than The Alt-Right’s

Yes many groups joined the rally put on by the Nazi's and Klan. There was a LOT of different nazi groups. Multiple chapters of the Klan as well. I don't think that makes it better to attend myself. To me attending the largest klan/nazi rally in a while isn't something a good person or group does.

Why do you think good people and groups should go to Nazi and Klan rally's?

First of all you have no credibility which renders any attempt by you to judge others null and void.

This is America....people have a right to peacefully assemble....your opinion of those folks may be important to you and you are entitled to your opinion....yet that is all you have and it is not enough.

Case closed...........start your thread on Nazism if you have the courage.

Based on what? That I use fact and dislike nazi's?

I've said over and over I agree with their RIGHT to assemble. You obviously don't understand the english language I guess. This is literally a thread not about their right, but if they are "very nice people". Why do you keep distracting from that every time you are asked?

What I said is I don't morally side with people wanting to join rally's put on by nazi's and the KKK.

Why can't you opine on that. Why do you run and name call every time I ask you that.

What part of ....your opinion is you not get?

You want to talk about Nazis and discuss nazism.....fine...start your own thread on that.

This thread was about how you and your kind tried to smear Trump with false accusations.

Hahahahaha! This is a thread about defending if good people attend a rally sponsored and put together by nazi groups....

But you can't talk about nazi groups?

Wow, you want to hide from facts as hard as you can.

I wasn't the one here trying to rewrite actual history and say it wasn't a nazi rally. But now that you can't defend that position, you need your safe space where nazi rally's can't be talked about in the thread about a nazi rally.

Fuck you are amazing.
Very nice people are history preservationists. The Taliban tears down monuments and rewites history. The Taliban are not very nice people.

I agree with you but I think you are talking over the heads of those on here who want to smear Trump with false attacks.

Not even to mention how they attempt to slander those who were there merely to protest the tearing down of Confederate monument by calling them nazis.

So the beat goes on....liberals,socialists,marxists, and communists constantly attempting to slander their political opponentes by calling them nazis....whilst they themselves with their violence and hatred of Zionism, Israel and Jews are the ones who are acting like brownshirts.

History Lesson: German Brownshirts of the 1920's & 30's
That's why I say that the nazis and klan are better than Democrats.

The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.

What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?
did they put it on or just show up?

Rally against Confederate flag draws hundreds in S.C.

looks like the left held the rally to get rid of the flag and people showed up. your misrepresentation of WHO sponsored the event is quite telling for your views.
Very nice people are history preservationists. The Taliban tears down monuments and rewites history. The Taliban are not very nice people.

I agree with you but I think you are talking over the heads of those on here who want to smear Trump with false attacks.

Not even to mention how they attempt to slander those who were there merely to protest the tearing down of Confederate monument by calling them nazis.

So the beat goes on....liberals,socialists,marxists, and communists constantly attempting to slander their political opponentes by calling them nazis....whilst they themselves with their violence and hatred of Zionism, Israel and Jews are the ones who are acting like brownshirts.

History Lesson: German Brownshirts of the 1920's & 30's
That's why I say that the nazis and klan are better than Democrats.

The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.

What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?

If you had much life experience you would know there are good and bad folk in any and all groups.

You can talk about what is wrong with Nazism etc. but you have no credibility in thinking you can judge all folks as to who is good and who is bad.

Only God Allmighty can do that and that is what the final judgement is about.
You keep mentioning these other "groups". No, there was one group. Multiple groups joined
So you bitch at rewriting history will calling someone a nazi fuck.

Too damn funny

Ridiculous....there were many groups characterize the nature of the rally based on just one group as you are attempting to do is to distort the reality of the event.

And.............your credibility is further debunked by your lying about what Trump actually said.

Not even to mention the various groups of counter-protestors who are the ones who instigated most of the violence.

If the police had done a better job of keeping the counter-protestors from mingling with the protestors there would have been little if no violence.

Again in America anyone with any sort of political view has the right to assemble and your ilk...antifa, liberals, socialists, marxists, blm, etc. want to deny the right of those who they disagree with to assemble peacefully.....they think they have a right to attack and disrupt the rallies of those whom they disagree with.............this is Un-American and will only lead to further violence.

You have disrupted this thread by your obsession with nazism...........whilst I really do not mind all that much---if you really want to disccuss nazism you should start a thread on Nazism.....and why you think it is so bad......especially when your group has furthered the legacy of German Nazism with your hatred of Israel and the Jews.

Yes, The Left’s Anti-Semitism Is More Pronounced Than The Alt-Right’s

Yes many groups joined the rally put on by the Nazi's and Klan. There was a LOT of different nazi groups. Multiple chapters of the Klan as well. I don't think that makes it better to attend myself. To me attending the largest klan/nazi rally in a while isn't something a good person or group does.

Why do you think good people and groups should go to Nazi and Klan rally's?

First of all you have no credibility which renders any attempt by you to judge others null and void.

This is America....people have a right to peacefully assemble....your opinion of those folks may be important to you and you are entitled to your opinion....yet that is all you have and it is not enough.

Case closed...........start your thread on Nazism if you have the courage.

Based on what? That I use fact and dislike nazi's?

I've said over and over I agree with their RIGHT to assemble. You obviously don't understand the english language I guess. This is literally a thread not about their right, but if they are "very nice people". Why do you keep distracting from that every time you are asked?

What I said is I don't morally side with people wanting to join rally's put on by nazi's and the KKK.

Why can't you opine on that. Why do you run and name call every time I ask you that.

What part of ....your opinion is you not get?

You want to talk about Nazis and discuss nazism.....fine...start your own thread on that.

This thread was about how you and your kind tried to smear Trump with false accusations.

Proof that President Called the Nazis in Charlottesville good people is a lie.....................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!

Well 5 pages and you can't even say you oppose nazi groups putting on rally's and those who support them.

That's pretty fucking sickening that you want to continue to defend the morality of that.

I'm so sorry that facts scare and upset you so much. And me saying the Daily Stormer sponsored this event and they brought in the leaders of the 4 largest nazi groups in the US to speak isn't an "opinion" no matter how much you wish that wasn't true. It's a fact. Just because you don't like a fact it doesn't make that an opinion.
Very nice people are history preservationists. The Taliban tears down monuments and rewites history. The Taliban are not very nice people.

I agree with you but I think you are talking over the heads of those on here who want to smear Trump with false attacks.

Not even to mention how they attempt to slander those who were there merely to protest the tearing down of Confederate monument by calling them nazis.

So the beat goes on....liberals,socialists,marxists, and communists constantly attempting to slander their political opponentes by calling them nazis....whilst they themselves with their violence and hatred of Zionism, Israel and Jews are the ones who are acting like brownshirts.

History Lesson: German Brownshirts of the 1920's & 30's
That's why I say that the nazis and klan are better than Democrats.

The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.

What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?
did they put it on or just show up?

Rally against Confederate flag draws hundreds in S.C.

looks like the left held the rally to get rid of the flag and people showed up. your misrepresentation of WHO sponsored the event is quite telling for your views.

That is a different event....we have been talking about the event in Charlottesville....but what you say does carry over to the extent that lots of all kinds of people show up for these sort of events....the biggest problem being the counter protestors who incite violence aka...antifa, blm, left wingers, socialists, democrats social justice warriors etc.
Very nice people are history preservationists. The Taliban tears down monuments and rewites history. The Taliban are not very nice people.

I agree with you but I think you are talking over the heads of those on here who want to smear Trump with false attacks.

Not even to mention how they attempt to slander those who were there merely to protest the tearing down of Confederate monument by calling them nazis.

So the beat goes on....liberals,socialists,marxists, and communists constantly attempting to slander their political opponentes by calling them nazis....whilst they themselves with their violence and hatred of Zionism, Israel and Jews are the ones who are acting like brownshirts.

History Lesson: German Brownshirts of the 1920's & 30's
That's why I say that the nazis and klan are better than Democrats.

The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.

What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?

If you had much life experience you would know there are good and bad folk in any and all groups.

You can talk about what is wrong with Nazism etc. but you have no credibility in thinking you can judge all folks as to who is good and who is bad.

Only God Allmighty can do that and that is what the final judgement is about.

No, there aren't good folk that intentionally go to rally's put together by nazi's and the Klan.

There aren't good people that watch and make child porn.

There aren't good people that murder strangers.

And sure, that's my blanket judgement. I don't like nazi's. I don't like the Klan. I don't like their supporters.

If that offends you because you really strongly support them, well tough shit. I'm not changing my opinions for a "kinder gentler" don't upset the nazi's.

So I get it. You think good people can be nazi's and Klan members and support them and lend their voices to their cause. Got it. Thank you and your nazi loving ass can fuck off. On ignore sicko.
I agree with you but I think you are talking over the heads of those on here who want to smear Trump with false attacks.

Not even to mention how they attempt to slander those who were there merely to protest the tearing down of Confederate monument by calling them nazis.

So the beat goes on....liberals,socialists,marxists, and communists constantly attempting to slander their political opponentes by calling them nazis....whilst they themselves with their violence and hatred of Zionism, Israel and Jews are the ones who are acting like brownshirts.

History Lesson: German Brownshirts of the 1920's & 30's
That's why I say that the nazis and klan are better than Democrats.

The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.

What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?
did they put it on or just show up?

Rally against Confederate flag draws hundreds in S.C.

looks like the left held the rally to get rid of the flag and people showed up. your misrepresentation of WHO sponsored the event is quite telling for your views.

That is a different event....we have been talking about the event in Charlottesville....but what you say does carry over to the extent that lots of all kinds of people show up for these sort of events....the biggest problem being the counter protestors who incite violence aka...antifa, blm, left wingers, socialists, democrats social justice warriors etc.

No. The unite the right rally that Trump spoke of on Aug 11/12.

That is the event I am talking about. Are you trying to rewrite history now that he was talking about a different one? Because that one was sponsored by Nazi groups and the KKK.

The biggest problem with nazi's and the klan isn't that people counterprotest them IMO. But if that's what you support, so be it.
You keep mentioning these other "groups". No, there was one group. Multiple groups joined
Ridiculous....there were many groups characterize the nature of the rally based on just one group as you are attempting to do is to distort the reality of the event.

And.............your credibility is further debunked by your lying about what Trump actually said.

Not even to mention the various groups of counter-protestors who are the ones who instigated most of the violence.

If the police had done a better job of keeping the counter-protestors from mingling with the protestors there would have been little if no violence.

Again in America anyone with any sort of political view has the right to assemble and your ilk...antifa, liberals, socialists, marxists, blm, etc. want to deny the right of those who they disagree with to assemble peacefully.....they think they have a right to attack and disrupt the rallies of those whom they disagree with.............this is Un-American and will only lead to further violence.

You have disrupted this thread by your obsession with nazism...........whilst I really do not mind all that much---if you really want to disccuss nazism you should start a thread on Nazism.....and why you think it is so bad......especially when your group has furthered the legacy of German Nazism with your hatred of Israel and the Jews.

Yes, The Left’s Anti-Semitism Is More Pronounced Than The Alt-Right’s

Yes many groups joined the rally put on by the Nazi's and Klan. There was a LOT of different nazi groups. Multiple chapters of the Klan as well. I don't think that makes it better to attend myself. To me attending the largest klan/nazi rally in a while isn't something a good person or group does.

Why do you think good people and groups should go to Nazi and Klan rally's?

First of all you have no credibility which renders any attempt by you to judge others null and void.

This is America....people have a right to peacefully assemble....your opinion of those folks may be important to you and you are entitled to your opinion....yet that is all you have and it is not enough.

Case closed...........start your thread on Nazism if you have the courage.

Based on what? That I use fact and dislike nazi's?

I've said over and over I agree with their RIGHT to assemble. You obviously don't understand the english language I guess. This is literally a thread not about their right, but if they are "very nice people". Why do you keep distracting from that every time you are asked?

What I said is I don't morally side with people wanting to join rally's put on by nazi's and the KKK.

Why can't you opine on that. Why do you run and name call every time I ask you that.

What part of ....your opinion is you not get?

You want to talk about Nazis and discuss nazism.....fine...start your own thread on that.

This thread was about how you and your kind tried to smear Trump with false accusations.

Proof that President Called the Nazis in Charlottesville good people is a lie.....................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!

Well 5 pages and you can't even say you oppose nazi groups putting on rally's and those who support them.

That's pretty fucking sickening that you want to continue to defend the morality of that.

I'm so sorry that facts scare and upset you so much. And me saying the Daily Stormer sponsored this event and they brought in the leaders of the 4 largest nazi groups in the US to speak isn't an "opinion" no matter how much you wish that wasn't true. It's a fact. Just because you don't like a fact it doesn't make that an opinion.

I do not oppose Nazis putting on rallys...I do not oppose anyone putting on rallys....what I oppose are those who barge in on these rallys to attempt to use violence to shut it down.

Again....this thread is about how you and your kind....the democrats, socialists, marxists, etc. lied about what President Trump said.

Acts of Terror: A History of Left-Wing Political Violence in America
Very nice people are history preservationists. The Taliban tears down monuments and rewites history. The Taliban are not very nice people.

I agree with you but I think you are talking over the heads of those on here who want to smear Trump with false attacks.

Not even to mention how they attempt to slander those who were there merely to protest the tearing down of Confederate monument by calling them nazis.

So the beat goes on....liberals,socialists,marxists, and communists constantly attempting to slander their political opponentes by calling them nazis....whilst they themselves with their violence and hatred of Zionism, Israel and Jews are the ones who are acting like brownshirts.

History Lesson: German Brownshirts of the 1920's & 30's
That's why I say that the nazis and klan are better than Democrats.

The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.

What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?
did they put it on or just show up?

Rally against Confederate flag draws hundreds in S.C.

looks like the left held the rally to get rid of the flag and people showed up. your misrepresentation of WHO sponsored the event is quite telling for your views.

Wrong rally. Wrong year even. I am talking about the one in SC put on by the Daily Stormer, the Right Stuff, The national policy institute, the nationalist front, the Traditionalist worker party, the national socialist movement, the Loyal White Knights and Convederate white Knights of the Klan, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, Identity Evropa, Rise Above, The Detroit Right Wings, ARM, and True Cascadia. The one which had self identified nazi's and klan leaders as their speakers for their event.

That's the one.

Not sure if you are trying to rewrite history intentionally or just you are utterly ignorant of the event.
I agree with you but I think you are talking over the heads of those on here who want to smear Trump with false attacks.

Not even to mention how they attempt to slander those who were there merely to protest the tearing down of Confederate monument by calling them nazis.

So the beat goes on....liberals,socialists,marxists, and communists constantly attempting to slander their political opponentes by calling them nazis....whilst they themselves with their violence and hatred of Zionism, Israel and Jews are the ones who are acting like brownshirts.

History Lesson: German Brownshirts of the 1920's & 30's
That's why I say that the nazis and klan are better than Democrats.

The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.

What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?
did they put it on or just show up?

Rally against Confederate flag draws hundreds in S.C.

looks like the left held the rally to get rid of the flag and people showed up. your misrepresentation of WHO sponsored the event is quite telling for your views.

Wrong rally. Wrong year even. I am talking about the one in SC put on by the Daily Stormer, the Right Stuff, The national policy institute, the nationalist front, the Traditionalist worker party, the national socialist movement, the Loyal White Knights and Convederate white Knights of the Klan, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, Identity Evropa, Rise Above, The Detroit Right Wings, ARM, and True Cascadia. The one which had self identified nazi's and klan leaders as their speakers for their event.

That's the one.

Not sure if you are trying to rewrite history intentionally or just you are utterly ignorant of the event.

Are you talking about the event in Charlottesville?

Anyhow this thread was about how the leftwingers etc. lied about what Trump said in regards to the event in Charlottesville.

The “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, S.C.----was organized by right-wing blogger Jason Kessler to protest against the impending removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee from Emancipation Park, the latest in a growing and controversial movement to take down Confederate statues and monuments in various U.S. cities.

Many different groups however did also show up....the biggest problem was that some of the counter-protestors incited violence.
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I agree with you but I think you are talking over the heads of those on here who want to smear Trump with false attacks.

Not even to mention how they attempt to slander those who were there merely to protest the tearing down of Confederate monument by calling them nazis.

So the beat goes on....liberals,socialists,marxists, and communists constantly attempting to slander their political opponentes by calling them nazis....whilst they themselves with their violence and hatred of Zionism, Israel and Jews are the ones who are acting like brownshirts.

History Lesson: German Brownshirts of the 1920's & 30's
That's why I say that the nazis and klan are better than Democrats.

The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.

What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?
did they put it on or just show up?

Rally against Confederate flag draws hundreds in S.C.

looks like the left held the rally to get rid of the flag and people showed up. your misrepresentation of WHO sponsored the event is quite telling for your views.

That is a different event....we have been talking about the event in Charlottesville....but what you say does carry over to the extent that lots of all kinds of people show up for these sort of events....the biggest problem being the counter protestors who incite violence aka...antifa, blm, left wingers, socialists, democrats social justice warriors etc.
my bad then.

my question remains who "started" the event and the realization people from all sides will show up. either out of curiosity or to be an active participant of some form.

that doesn't make them nazi, hitler, radical or the like. it makes them human. but when you're blindly attacking stereotypes because that's so "hard" to defend (in their mind) you don't see this. you either choose to NOT see it or you're just too stupid to know the difference.
I agree with you but I think you are talking over the heads of those on here who want to smear Trump with false attacks.

Not even to mention how they attempt to slander those who were there merely to protest the tearing down of Confederate monument by calling them nazis.

So the beat goes on....liberals,socialists,marxists, and communists constantly attempting to slander their political opponentes by calling them nazis....whilst they themselves with their violence and hatred of Zionism, Israel and Jews are the ones who are acting like brownshirts.

History Lesson: German Brownshirts of the 1920's & 30's
That's why I say that the nazis and klan are better than Democrats.

The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.

What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?
did they put it on or just show up?

Rally against Confederate flag draws hundreds in S.C.

looks like the left held the rally to get rid of the flag and people showed up. your misrepresentation of WHO sponsored the event is quite telling for your views.

Wrong rally. Wrong year even. I am talking about the one in SC put on by the Daily Stormer, the Right Stuff, The national policy institute, the nationalist front, the Traditionalist worker party, the national socialist movement, the Loyal White Knights and Convederate white Knights of the Klan, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, Identity Evropa, Rise Above, The Detroit Right Wings, ARM, and True Cascadia. The one which had self identified nazi's and klan leaders as their speakers for their event.

That's the one.

Not sure if you are trying to rewrite history intentionally or just you are utterly ignorant of the event.
you're right. i had the wrong event. i should have dug deeper to be sure but hey - the left demonizes them all so they're hard to tell apart at times.
I agree with you but I think you are talking over the heads of those on here who want to smear Trump with false attacks.

Not even to mention how they attempt to slander those who were there merely to protest the tearing down of Confederate monument by calling them nazis.

So the beat goes on....liberals,socialists,marxists, and communists constantly attempting to slander their political opponentes by calling them nazis....whilst they themselves with their violence and hatred of Zionism, Israel and Jews are the ones who are acting like brownshirts.

History Lesson: German Brownshirts of the 1920's & 30's
That's why I say that the nazis and klan are better than Democrats.

The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.

What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?

If you had much life experience you would know there are good and bad folk in any and all groups.

You can talk about what is wrong with Nazism etc. but you have no credibility in thinking you can judge all folks as to who is good and who is bad.

Only God Allmighty can do that and that is what the final judgement is about.

No, there aren't good folk that intentionally go to rally's put together by nazi's and the Klan.

There aren't good people that watch and make child porn.

There aren't good people that murder strangers.

And sure, that's my blanket judgement. I don't like nazi's. I don't like the Klan. I don't like their supporters.

If that offends you because you really strongly support them, well tough shit. I'm not changing my opinions for a "kinder gentler" don't upset the nazi's.

So I get it. You think good people can be nazi's and Klan members and support them and lend their voices to their cause. Got it. Thank you and your nazi loving ass can fuck off. On ignore sicko.
hey - i don't like those people either.

but then again - i don't use it as an excuse to not understand someone. you're tossing it out there like a warning label so you don't have to get to know people or the situation.
Clean up on aisle 3!

Next, tell us how Trump never mocked the disabled. Or how he never screwed porn stars. Or disparaged the dead. Explain the nobility and humility of Trump.
Mocked the disabled? Like how obamamonkey compared his lack of bowling prowess to "retards"??????
Oh! I understand. When President Obama says that it's despicable but when Trump does it it's admirable.

And right back at ya,'s despicable when Trump does it but obamamonkey gets a pass. By the way, the crip feeb acted like a total asshole when he got his chance to approach Trump. I would have
mocked that sack of shit in a much more offensive manner. Take off the gloves and smack the leftard clown posse with's not like they have any testicles to start with.
Classic pro wrestler speech! Q.E.D.

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