The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

Trump said it. He refused to comment who was the lame for the rioting.

(But in Trump's obvious demented state, who actually knows hat he meant to say.}
I am not using it to not understand them. I am just saying I don't agree with them being good people..

Take those who have gone off to join isis and Al qaeda. Do we need to sit down and talk with them and about them to decide if they are good people or not? Or is that choice enough to define enough about them that they aren't good people?
ok - at least now you're asking - not telling. it's a start.

i would think yes. right now socially we're built to hate our own government. anyone attacking it may seem like one of the good guys these days simply because of the messaging we're passing onto our kids. you seem to be saying if someone makes 1 mistake they are forever branded "bad" and regardless of the rest of their thoughts, hopes and dreams, are bad people.

i don't hand out that "award" until i know them.

i'm simply not that binary. i don't see black and white w/o seeing a million shades of gray in the middle.

And I guess I'm just not willing to look for shades of grey and goodness in people that can support such evil. It's not a mistake to fall in with the Klan. That's the choice I believe a good person doesn't make.

If they realize that and change then yes... I would be able to accept them but we aren't talking about that here but rather active Nazi sympathizers.

I guess for me I am fine passing along to my kids that the klan, Nazis and their sympathizers are not ok people. It's not an acceptable lifestly choice. You can't go to a klan rally on the weekend and be a good person the rest of the week and that be acceptable or desired behavior. I think Americans need to step up and say that is not ok and if you want to be a good person you must drop those things.
if you watch the walking dead - negan said something in that episode that rang so true to me.

"no one ever sees themselves as the bad guy".

it's pretty true. so you can either paint them as bad and put up walls of hate to keep them away, or you can take on a bigger and arguably a much more difficult task in trying to find that middle ground. i grant you - not easy to do when you hate someone but what do you want from the end result?

hate and done?
or evolution of mind and understanding?

There are some things I would prefer not to find a middle ground with. Nazis and the Klan are a couple of them. I am perfectly fine saying according to my own morality those are evil things.

I don't care to understand what someone believes are the positives of Nazis and the Klan. I am willing to have an open mind about many things but those are two that are simply a no go for me.

I've heard it with pedophilia as well. people saying that that's a kink. People saying that it's just a sexual preference and others should see it that way. I'm sorry but I'm not going to meet on that. I'm standing tall in my personal belief raping kids is bad.

I agree it would be difficult to meet in the middle on those things. Especially since I am diametrically opposed to them . I don't see a world where I would be in favor of acceptance of those groups.
appreciate talking about it vs yelling at each other. thank you.
ok - at least now you're asking - not telling. it's a start.

i would think yes. right now socially we're built to hate our own government. anyone attacking it may seem like one of the good guys these days simply because of the messaging we're passing onto our kids. you seem to be saying if someone makes 1 mistake they are forever branded "bad" and regardless of the rest of their thoughts, hopes and dreams, are bad people.

i don't hand out that "award" until i know them.

i'm simply not that binary. i don't see black and white w/o seeing a million shades of gray in the middle.

And I guess I'm just not willing to look for shades of grey and goodness in people that can support such evil. It's not a mistake to fall in with the Klan. That's the choice I believe a good person doesn't make.

If they realize that and change then yes... I would be able to accept them but we aren't talking about that here but rather active Nazi sympathizers.

I guess for me I am fine passing along to my kids that the klan, Nazis and their sympathizers are not ok people. It's not an acceptable lifestly choice. You can't go to a klan rally on the weekend and be a good person the rest of the week and that be acceptable or desired behavior. I think Americans need to step up and say that is not ok and if you want to be a good person you must drop those things.
if you watch the walking dead - negan said something in that episode that rang so true to me.

"no one ever sees themselves as the bad guy".

it's pretty true. so you can either paint them as bad and put up walls of hate to keep them away, or you can take on a bigger and arguably a much more difficult task in trying to find that middle ground. i grant you - not easy to do when you hate someone but what do you want from the end result?

hate and done?
or evolution of mind and understanding?

There are some things I would prefer not to find a middle ground with. Nazis and the Klan are a couple of them. I am perfectly fine saying according to my own morality those are evil things.

I don't care to understand what someone believes are the positives of Nazis and the Klan. I am willing to have an open mind about many things but those are two that are simply a no go for me.

I've heard it with pedophilia as well. people saying that that's a kink. People saying that it's just a sexual preference and others should see it that way. I'm sorry but I'm not going to meet on that. I'm standing tall in my personal belief raping kids is bad.

I agree it would be difficult to meet in the middle on those things. Especially since I am diametrically opposed to them . I don't see a world where I would be in favor of acceptance of those groups.
appreciate talking about it vs yelling at each other. thank you.

No problem. And I can see how while someone may not like a litterer or someone who drinks too much being a good person. But those things to me are unredeemable things to support.

I guess the last time when our founding fathers met in the middle on white supremacism and compromised or when the world met in the middle on not stopping Nazis from becoming more mainstream in the 30s, the consequences were less than ideal.
I understand that bright line. I have one myself. Democrats can never be good people. There are no positives with Democrats. They are evil and soulless. They are worse than all of the worst that came before. More evil than nazis. More soulless than the Klan. More cruel than Pol Pot and the whole of Boko Haram.
and better russian than democrat?
I understand that bright line. I have one myself. Democrats can never be good people. There are no positives with Democrats. They are evil and soulless. They are worse than all of the worst that came before. More evil than nazis. More soulless than the Klan. More cruel than Pol Pot and the whole of Boko Haram.
and better russian than democrat?

One huge difference between Russians and democrats is that today the democrats are more enamoured of marxism than the Russians-- who went through all that b.s and know the horrors of it....they are still struggling to overcome the effects of it.
Trump said it. He refused to comment who was the lame for the rioting.

(But in Trump's obvious demented state, who actually knows hat he meant to say.}

Trump said it plain and he clearly said it and what he said has been repeated on here by myself and others....that you cannot grasp it could be due to one or more of the following: that you do not keep up, you have a reading problem, you prefer to be coinfused as the truth of the matter conflicts with your agenda/narrative......or very possibly you are utterly stupid.
And I guess I'm just not willing to look for shades of grey and goodness in people that can support such evil. It's not a mistake to fall in with the Klan. That's the choice I believe a good person doesn't make.

If they realize that and change then yes... I would be able to accept them but we aren't talking about that here but rather active Nazi sympathizers.

I guess for me I am fine passing along to my kids that the klan, Nazis and their sympathizers are not ok people. It's not an acceptable lifestly choice. You can't go to a klan rally on the weekend and be a good person the rest of the week and that be acceptable or desired behavior. I think Americans need to step up and say that is not ok and if you want to be a good person you must drop those things.
if you watch the walking dead - negan said something in that episode that rang so true to me.

"no one ever sees themselves as the bad guy".

it's pretty true. so you can either paint them as bad and put up walls of hate to keep them away, or you can take on a bigger and arguably a much more difficult task in trying to find that middle ground. i grant you - not easy to do when you hate someone but what do you want from the end result?

hate and done?
or evolution of mind and understanding?

There are some things I would prefer not to find a middle ground with. Nazis and the Klan are a couple of them. I am perfectly fine saying according to my own morality those are evil things.

I don't care to understand what someone believes are the positives of Nazis and the Klan. I am willing to have an open mind about many things but those are two that are simply a no go for me.

I've heard it with pedophilia as well. people saying that that's a kink. People saying that it's just a sexual preference and others should see it that way. I'm sorry but I'm not going to meet on that. I'm standing tall in my personal belief raping kids is bad.

I agree it would be difficult to meet in the middle on those things. Especially since I am diametrically opposed to them . I don't see a world where I would be in favor of acceptance of those groups.
appreciate talking about it vs yelling at each other. thank you.

No problem. And I can see how while someone may not like a litterer or someone who drinks too much being a good person. But those things to me are unredeemable things to support.

I guess the last time when our founding fathers met in the middle on white supremacism and compromised or when the world met in the middle on not stopping Nazis from becoming more mainstream in the 30s, the consequences were less than ideal.

You may have a point in there somewhere....but your post is poorly written bordering on being incoherent.

I suggest you re-write and try to make it clear what your point is? Just a suggestion......
I agree with you but I think you are talking over the heads of those on here who want to smear Trump with false attacks.

Not even to mention how they attempt to slander those who were there merely to protest the tearing down of Confederate monument by calling them nazis.

So the beat goes on....liberals,socialists,marxists, and communists constantly attempting to slander their political opponentes by calling them nazis....whilst they themselves with their violence and hatred of Zionism, Israel and Jews are the ones who are acting like brownshirts.

History Lesson: German Brownshirts of the 1920's & 30's
That's why I say that the nazis and klan are better than Democrats.

The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.

What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?

If you had much life experience you would know there are good and bad folk in any and all groups.

You can talk about what is wrong with Nazism etc. but you have no credibility in thinking you can judge all folks as to who is good and who is bad.

Only God Allmighty can do that and that is what the final judgement is about.

No, there aren't good folk that intentionally go to rally's put together by nazi's and the Klan.

There aren't good people that watch and make child porn.

There aren't good people that murder strangers.

And sure, that's my blanket judgement. I don't like nazi's. I don't like the Klan. I don't like their supporters.

If that offends you because you really strongly support them, well tough shit. I'm not changing my opinions for a "kinder gentler" don't upset the nazi's.

So I get it. You think good people can be nazi's and Klan members and support them and lend their voices to their cause. Got it. Thank you and your nazi loving ass can fuck off. On ignore sicko.

Lookie here boyo....I do not care what you like or what you do not like....that is a personal problem on your part and do not expect me or any intelligent person to go along with your b.s.

You are spamming the board by repeatedly posting your someone on here gives a damn about what some moron's opinion is ....take your opinion and stick it you know in ....opinions are like assholes.....everyone has one.

I have posted who organized the rally...and it was not the nazis.

Then you throw in child porn like that has anything to do with this topic....get the hell out of here. I am tired of your disruptions and outright lies.

Then you further demonstrate your ignorance and stupidity by talking about murdering strangers....are you insane? Absolutely off your rocker for sure boyo.

Trying to link all that together like it pertains to anything on this thread.

Pathetic to the extreme.
This is America....people have a right to peacefully assemble..
Are you including the dead girl in that right. And BTW, did any of the 'good people Nazis' condemn her murderer, or did they just blame her for being there instead?

You dumbass the girl was not murdered.....she was acidentally killed by a kid who inadvertently found himself surrounded by people with bats pounding on his his desperate attempt to get away she just happened to be in the way.

The girl was one of the counter-demonstraters who went there to try and shut down a lawful assembly....sometimes folks just get what they deserve. Tood friggin bad.

The kid pled guilty though and has been sentenced....he had terrible legal advice obviously....he should have gone to trial...probably could not afford a good lawyer....and some public defender talked him into pleading guilty....a huge miscarriage of justice.

Charlottesville Car hit with bat -Pacific Press Agency has HQ pics) - Streamable
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I understand that bright line. I have one myself. Democrats can never be good people. There are no positives with Democrats. They are evil and soulless. They are worse than all of the worst that came before. More evil than nazis. More soulless than the Klan. More cruel than Pol Pot and the whole of Boko Haram.

One thing crystal clear and it has been said already but it cannot be said too often.....the democrats are the greatest danger to America that exists today.

When they start feeling the heat they trot out tired old baseless claims in a vain attempt to demonize their opponents....aka oh dem terrible, terrible nazis....forgetting that Stalin made hitler look like a choir boy.

So, how many did Communism kill? - The Commentator

They brazenly attempted with the help aka 'collusion' of the media to orchestrate a coup d' etat against an elected American President.

The question now is how long will Republicans peacefully standby and tolerate their treasonous activities.
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if you watch the walking dead - negan said something in that episode that rang so true to me.

"no one ever sees themselves as the bad guy".

it's pretty true. so you can either paint them as bad and put up walls of hate to keep them away, or you can take on a bigger and arguably a much more difficult task in trying to find that middle ground. i grant you - not easy to do when you hate someone but what do you want from the end result?

hate and done?
or evolution of mind and understanding?

There are some things I would prefer not to find a middle ground with. Nazis and the Klan are a couple of them. I am perfectly fine saying according to my own morality those are evil things.

I don't care to understand what someone believes are the positives of Nazis and the Klan. I am willing to have an open mind about many things but those are two that are simply a no go for me.

I've heard it with pedophilia as well. people saying that that's a kink. People saying that it's just a sexual preference and others should see it that way. I'm sorry but I'm not going to meet on that. I'm standing tall in my personal belief raping kids is bad.

I agree it would be difficult to meet in the middle on those things. Especially since I am diametrically opposed to them . I don't see a world where I would be in favor of acceptance of those groups.
appreciate talking about it vs yelling at each other. thank you.

No problem. And I can see how while someone may not like a litterer or someone who drinks too much being a good person. But those things to me are unredeemable things to support.

I guess the last time when our founding fathers met in the middle on white supremacism and compromised or when the world met in the middle on not stopping Nazis from becoming more mainstream in the 30s, the consequences were less than ideal.

You may have a point in there somewhere....but your post is poorly written bordering on being incoherent.

I suggest you re-write and try to make it clear what your point is? Just a suggestion......
he said some traits are simply unforgivable to him.
Hé did not say Nazis are good people....he said some of them are
He did not say all Mexicans are murderers and rapists......some of them are good people
Hé did not say Nazis are good people....he said some of them are
He did not say all Mexicans are murderers and rapists......some of them are good people

You are not telling the truth....I would call you a liar but in your ignorance you may just be coinfused and really believe Trump said some Nazis are good people....and you have admitted before you do not read what is posted thus you disqualify yourself from participation in this discussion.

Anyhow once again...and I hope this is the last time I have to do this.......................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!
There are some things I would prefer not to find a middle ground with. Nazis and the Klan are a couple of them. I am perfectly fine saying according to my own morality those are evil things.

I don't care to understand what someone believes are the positives of Nazis and the Klan. I am willing to have an open mind about many things but those are two that are simply a no go for me.

I've heard it with pedophilia as well. people saying that that's a kink. People saying that it's just a sexual preference and others should see it that way. I'm sorry but I'm not going to meet on that. I'm standing tall in my personal belief raping kids is bad.

I agree it would be difficult to meet in the middle on those things. Especially since I am diametrically opposed to them . I don't see a world where I would be in favor of acceptance of those groups.
appreciate talking about it vs yelling at each other. thank you.

No problem. And I can see how while someone may not like a litterer or someone who drinks too much being a good person. But those things to me are unredeemable things to support.

I guess the last time when our founding fathers met in the middle on white supremacism and compromised or when the world met in the middle on not stopping Nazis from becoming more mainstream in the 30s, the consequences were less than ideal.

You may have a point in there somewhere....but your post is poorly written bordering on being incoherent.

I suggest you re-write and try to make it clear what your point is? Just a suggestion......
he said some traits are simply unforgivable to him.

Look...everyone has likes,dislikes, hatreds etc. that is to be expected...but it is a waste of board space to just come on here and give one's personal opinion without anything to back it up.

Yet you see some do that over and over...obviously unable to engage in logical debate.

What is really reprehensible on this particular thread is that what Trump actually said about the Charlotsville demonstrators and counter demonstrators has been posted several times....word for word and it is crystal clear he did not say nazis were fine folks or good folks...yet you see some posters on here posting like they have blinders on...either not reading what has been presented or are unable to accept it as it goes against the democratic party line....aka they will cling to their party line irregardless of the truth....that is despicable.
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I've heard it with pedophilia as well. people saying that that's a kink. People saying that it's just a sexual preference and others should see it that way. I'm sorry but I'm not going to meet on that. I'm standing tall in my personal belief raping kids is bad.

I agree it would be difficult to meet in the middle on those things. Especially since I am diametrically opposed to them . I don't see a world where I would be in favor of acceptance of those groups.
appreciate talking about it vs yelling at each other. thank you.

No problem. And I can see how while someone may not like a litterer or someone who drinks too much being a good person. But those things to me are unredeemable things to support.

I guess the last time when our founding fathers met in the middle on white supremacism and compromised or when the world met in the middle on not stopping Nazis from becoming more mainstream in the 30s, the consequences were less than ideal.

You may have a point in there somewhere....but your post is poorly written bordering on being incoherent.

I suggest you re-write and try to make it clear what your point is? Just a suggestion......
he said some traits are simply unforgivable to him.

Look...everyone has likes,dislikes, hatreds etc. that is to be expected...but it is a waste of board space to just come on here and give one's personal opinion without anything to back it up. Yet you see some do that over and over...obviously unable to engage in logical debate.
he and i did just fine. but my goal is to understand.

not win.
ok - at least now you're asking - not telling. it's a start.

i would think yes. right now socially we're built to hate our own government. anyone attacking it may seem like one of the good guys these days simply because of the messaging we're passing onto our kids. you seem to be saying if someone makes 1 mistake they are forever branded "bad" and regardless of the rest of their thoughts, hopes and dreams, are bad people.

i don't hand out that "award" until i know them.

i'm simply not that binary. i don't see black and white w/o seeing a million shades of gray in the middle.

And I guess I'm just not willing to look for shades of grey and goodness in people that can support such evil. It's not a mistake to fall in with the Klan. That's the choice I believe a good person doesn't make.

If they realize that and change then yes... I would be able to accept them but we aren't talking about that here but rather active Nazi sympathizers.

I guess for me I am fine passing along to my kids that the klan, Nazis and their sympathizers are not ok people. It's not an acceptable lifestly choice. You can't go to a klan rally on the weekend and be a good person the rest of the week and that be acceptable or desired behavior. I think Americans need to step up and say that is not ok and if you want to be a good person you must drop those things.
if you watch the walking dead - negan said something in that episode that rang so true to me.

"no one ever sees themselves as the bad guy".

it's pretty true. so you can either paint them as bad and put up walls of hate to keep them away, or you can take on a bigger and arguably a much more difficult task in trying to find that middle ground. i grant you - not easy to do when you hate someone but what do you want from the end result?

hate and done?
or evolution of mind and understanding?

There are some things I would prefer not to find a middle ground with. Nazis and the Klan are a couple of them. I am perfectly fine saying according to my own morality those are evil things.

I don't care to understand what someone believes are the positives of Nazis and the Klan. I am willing to have an open mind about many things but those are two that are simply a no go for me.

I've heard it with pedophilia as well. people saying that that's a kink. People saying that it's just a sexual preference and others should see it that way. I'm sorry but I'm not going to meet on that. I'm standing tall in my personal belief raping kids is bad.

I agree it would be difficult to meet in the middle on those things. Especially since I am diametrically opposed to them . I don't see a world where I would be in favor of acceptance of those groups.
appreciate talking about it vs yelling at each other. thank you.

If you cannot take the heat get the fuck out of the kitchen boyo!
And I guess I'm just not willing to look for shades of grey and goodness in people that can support such evil. It's not a mistake to fall in with the Klan. That's the choice I believe a good person doesn't make.

If they realize that and change then yes... I would be able to accept them but we aren't talking about that here but rather active Nazi sympathizers.

I guess for me I am fine passing along to my kids that the klan, Nazis and their sympathizers are not ok people. It's not an acceptable lifestly choice. You can't go to a klan rally on the weekend and be a good person the rest of the week and that be acceptable or desired behavior. I think Americans need to step up and say that is not ok and if you want to be a good person you must drop those things.
if you watch the walking dead - negan said something in that episode that rang so true to me.

"no one ever sees themselves as the bad guy".

it's pretty true. so you can either paint them as bad and put up walls of hate to keep them away, or you can take on a bigger and arguably a much more difficult task in trying to find that middle ground. i grant you - not easy to do when you hate someone but what do you want from the end result?

hate and done?
or evolution of mind and understanding?

There are some things I would prefer not to find a middle ground with. Nazis and the Klan are a couple of them. I am perfectly fine saying according to my own morality those are evil things.

I don't care to understand what someone believes are the positives of Nazis and the Klan. I am willing to have an open mind about many things but those are two that are simply a no go for me.

I've heard it with pedophilia as well. people saying that that's a kink. People saying that it's just a sexual preference and others should see it that way. I'm sorry but I'm not going to meet on that. I'm standing tall in my personal belief raping kids is bad.

I agree it would be difficult to meet in the middle on those things. Especially since I am diametrically opposed to them . I don't see a world where I would be in favor of acceptance of those groups.
appreciate talking about it vs yelling at each other. thank you.

If you cannot take the heat get the fuck out of the kitchen boyo!
heh, im fine, sonny. just here for different reasons.
appreciate talking about it vs yelling at each other. thank you.

No problem. And I can see how while someone may not like a litterer or someone who drinks too much being a good person. But those things to me are unredeemable things to support.

I guess the last time when our founding fathers met in the middle on white supremacism and compromised or when the world met in the middle on not stopping Nazis from becoming more mainstream in the 30s, the consequences were less than ideal.

You may have a point in there somewhere....but your post is poorly written bordering on being incoherent.

I suggest you re-write and try to make it clear what your point is? Just a suggestion......
he said some traits are simply unforgivable to him.

Look...everyone has likes,dislikes, hatreds etc. that is to be expected...but it is a waste of board space to just come on here and give one's personal opinion without anything to back it up. Yet you see some do that over and over...obviously unable to engage in logical debate.
he and i did just fine. but my goal is to understand.

not win.

well there is nothing to win on prize for anything that I am aware of. hehheh

If there was....I would be a rich man.

Everyone's goal should be the truth....which is sometimes very difficult for some to come to grips with as it often conflicts with one's agenda or narrative.
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