The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

if you watch the walking dead - negan said something in that episode that rang so true to me.

"no one ever sees themselves as the bad guy".

it's pretty true. so you can either paint them as bad and put up walls of hate to keep them away, or you can take on a bigger and arguably a much more difficult task in trying to find that middle ground. i grant you - not easy to do when you hate someone but what do you want from the end result?

hate and done?
or evolution of mind and understanding?

There are some things I would prefer not to find a middle ground with. Nazis and the Klan are a couple of them. I am perfectly fine saying according to my own morality those are evil things.

I don't care to understand what someone believes are the positives of Nazis and the Klan. I am willing to have an open mind about many things but those are two that are simply a no go for me.

I've heard it with pedophilia as well. people saying that that's a kink. People saying that it's just a sexual preference and others should see it that way. I'm sorry but I'm not going to meet on that. I'm standing tall in my personal belief raping kids is bad.

I agree it would be difficult to meet in the middle on those things. Especially since I am diametrically opposed to them . I don't see a world where I would be in favor of acceptance of those groups.
appreciate talking about it vs yelling at each other. thank you.

If you cannot take the heat get the fuck out of the kitchen boyo!
heh, im fine, sonny. just here for different reasons.

Well, no doubt most are here for 'different reasons' but there are parameters on a message board which no one should violate aka.....tell the truth, when you are wrong admit you are wrong instead of repeating tired old lies that have been dis-proven.

That is one of the biggest problems with most political boards some folks simply have no regard for the truth....too obsessed with their agenda aka adhering to the party line narrative.
appreciate talking about it vs yelling at each other. thank you.

No problem. And I can see how while someone may not like a litterer or someone who drinks too much being a good person. But those things to me are unredeemable things to support.

I guess the last time when our founding fathers met in the middle on white supremacism and compromised or when the world met in the middle on not stopping Nazis from becoming more mainstream in the 30s, the consequences were less than ideal.

You may have a point in there somewhere....but your post is poorly written bordering on being incoherent.

I suggest you re-write and try to make it clear what your point is? Just a suggestion......
he said some traits are simply unforgivable to him.

Look...everyone has likes,dislikes, hatreds etc. that is to be expected...but it is a waste of board space to just come on here and give one's personal opinion without anything to back it up. Yet you see some do that over and over...obviously unable to engage in logical debate.
he and i did just fine. but my goal is to understand.

not win.

There a lot of good folk on here willing to help you just need to have an open mind and some ability to grasp truth as in some analytical ability....some will even break out the color crayons for you aka go the extra mile to help you understand.
No problem. And I can see how while someone may not like a litterer or someone who drinks too much being a good person. But those things to me are unredeemable things to support.

I guess the last time when our founding fathers met in the middle on white supremacism and compromised or when the world met in the middle on not stopping Nazis from becoming more mainstream in the 30s, the consequences were less than ideal.

You may have a point in there somewhere....but your post is poorly written bordering on being incoherent.

I suggest you re-write and try to make it clear what your point is? Just a suggestion......
he said some traits are simply unforgivable to him.

Look...everyone has likes,dislikes, hatreds etc. that is to be expected...but it is a waste of board space to just come on here and give one's personal opinion without anything to back it up. Yet you see some do that over and over...obviously unable to engage in logical debate.
he and i did just fine. but my goal is to understand.

not win.

There a lot of good folk on here willing to help you just need to have an open mind and some ability to grasp truth as in some analytical ability....some will even break out the color crayons for you aka go the extra mile to help you understand.
you want people to adhere to your truth.

i need an open mnd.

You may have a point in there somewhere....but your post is poorly written bordering on being incoherent.

I suggest you re-write and try to make it clear what your point is? Just a suggestion......
he said some traits are simply unforgivable to him.

Look...everyone has likes,dislikes, hatreds etc. that is to be expected...but it is a waste of board space to just come on here and give one's personal opinion without anything to back it up. Yet you see some do that over and over...obviously unable to engage in logical debate.
he and i did just fine. but my goal is to understand.

not win.

There a lot of good folk on here willing to help you just need to have an open mind and some ability to grasp truth as in some analytical ability....some will even break out the color crayons for you aka go the extra mile to help you understand.
you want people to adhere to your truth.

i need an open mnd.


It is not my 'truth' chump.....Truth stands alone and of it's own power and beauty....too many object to it, try to deny it etc. but the Truth usually comes out anyhow....though sometimes it can be covered up for a very long time.
there are more trans black millenials in America than there are Nazis!

hehheh ....exactly.

Why are so many liberals hung up on the nazi boogie man?.... aka checking under their beds everynight to see if the nazi boogey man is hiding dere. hehheh

If they are not calling someone a nazi in a attempt to demonize they often use fascism also as they think both are the same.

George Orwell’s 1944 landmark essay "What is Fascism?” lamented the transformation of fascism as a system of government and economics into little more than a swear word. He observed that:

“You will find that there is almost no set of people- certainly no political party or organized body of any kind- which has not been denounced as Fascist during the past ten years.”

This should sound familiar. Certainly, today when you hear the word fascist, there is little to no allusion to a specific system of government or economics.

How Fascism Became the Political Boogeyman | Trevor Chase
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he said some traits are simply unforgivable to him.

Look...everyone has likes,dislikes, hatreds etc. that is to be expected...but it is a waste of board space to just come on here and give one's personal opinion without anything to back it up. Yet you see some do that over and over...obviously unable to engage in logical debate.
he and i did just fine. but my goal is to understand.

not win.

There a lot of good folk on here willing to help you just need to have an open mind and some ability to grasp truth as in some analytical ability....some will even break out the color crayons for you aka go the extra mile to help you understand.
you want people to adhere to your truth.

i need an open mnd.


It is not my 'truth' chump.....Truth stands alone and of it's own power and beauty....too many object to it, try to deny it etc. but the Truth usually comes out anyhow....though sometimes it can be covered up for a very long time.
ok bye bye.
Look...everyone has likes,dislikes, hatreds etc. that is to be expected...but it is a waste of board space to just come on here and give one's personal opinion without anything to back it up. Yet you see some do that over and over...obviously unable to engage in logical debate.
he and i did just fine. but my goal is to understand.

not win.

There a lot of good folk on here willing to help you just need to have an open mind and some ability to grasp truth as in some analytical ability....some will even break out the color crayons for you aka go the extra mile to help you understand.
you want people to adhere to your truth.

i need an open mnd.


It is not my 'truth' chump.....Truth stands alone and of it's own power and beauty....too many object to it, try to deny it etc. but the Truth usually comes out anyhow....though sometimes it can be covered up for a very long time.
ok bye bye.

Do not let the screen door yit ya were the good Lord split ya. hehheh
Hé did not say Nazis are good people....he said some of them are
He did not say all Mexicans are murderers and rapists......some of them are good people

You are not telling the truth....I would call you a liar but in your ignorance you may just be coinfused and really believe Trump said some Nazis are good people....and you have admitted before you do not read what is posted thus you disqualify yourself from participation in this discussion.

Anyhow once again...and I hope this is the last time I have to do this.......................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!
Afraid he did

When questioned about it, it took him days to clarify
Trump tried to cover for Nazis, KKK and White Supremacists
Jews will not replace us!

Some are good people

White guys stage a protest and everyone loses their goddamn minds.

This happens and the left sleeps. Because nobody is surprised by their behavior. This is what the left does. It's who they are.
Having a rally supporting the confederacy hosted by Nazis, KKK and white supremacists is not a good idea
Thank you Mac. I have put off writing about this cause I can’t find the time to research it but you did a great job. Trump was talking about the removal of confederate monuments and there are good people on both sides. In fact, polls state that the majority of the country did not want the monuments torn down. News reports do t even talk about how most of the monuments are taken down at night with no input or vote by the public. I have even had a black taxi driver tell me he wants the statues to stay so he can take his children and explain to them what happened.

This narrative cannot go away because there aren’t more examples of trump being a racist, especially in the face of what he has done for black employment, prison reform, economic zone revitalization, and even the promotion of young black republicans. If it is true that if republicans get 20% of the black vote, in the face of trump having a 50% approval rate among Hispanics, the democrats cannot win an election, than democrats have to work mightily to keep those black folks on the plantation.
Thank you Mac. I have put off writing about this cause I can’t find the time to research it but you did a great job. Trump was talking about the removal of confederate monuments and there are good people on both sides. In fact, polls state that the majority of the country did not want the monuments torn down. News reports do t even talk about how most of the monuments are taken down at night with no input or vote by the public. I have even had a black taxi driver tell me he wants the statues to stay so he can take his children and explain to them what happened.

This narrative cannot go away because there aren’t more examples of trump being a racist, especially in the face of what he has done for black employment, prison reform, economic zone revitalization, and even the promotion of young black republicans. If it is true that if republicans get 20% of the black vote, in the face of trump having a 50% approval rate among Hispanics, the democrats cannot win an election, than democrats have to work mightily to keep those black folks on the plantation.

Thanks.....the real tragedy of this controversy regarding what Trump actually said is simply that a couple of posters on here who keep insisting Trump said something he did not.....actually know the truth...I mean one would have to be terribly stupid not to know after reading word for word what Trump actually said...yet they still make their fallacious claim of Trump calling nazis good people....they do this because they are willing to lie to support the democratic narrative...

look at Adam Schiff...terrible person though he cannot be so stupid he cannot see the truth...he simply continues to deny the truth because he has no problem promoting a lie if he thinks it will help the democratic party....I think most see through this democratic charade of saying stuff about Trump that is not true...believing if they say it often enough folks will believe their lies......not to mention the media is right in there with these hucksters promoting the democratic narrative and ignoring the truth.
This lie has been presented in the media so often some republicans even believe it....just goes to show the power of the media and how they are able to deceive so many....the latest being Adam Schiff......." look, it's not the Democratic Party that believes that there are good people on both sides of a Nazi rally," Rep. Schiff told CNN's "State of the Union." "There's just one party and one party leader who believes that, and that's Donald Trump."

Now......we must understand that some of these folks do not want the truth they want to believe that Trump is a Nazi ----as that fits their they keep repeating the lie.

Proof that President Called the Nazis in Charlottesville good people is a lie.....................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!

It’s not a lie.
This lie has been presented in the media so often some republicans even believe it....just goes to show the power of the media and how they are able to deceive so many....the latest being Adam Schiff......." look, it's not the Democratic Party that believes that there are good people on both sides of a Nazi rally," Rep. Schiff told CNN's "State of the Union." "There's just one party and one party leader who believes that, and that's Donald Trump."

Now......we must understand that some of these folks do not want the truth they want to believe that Trump is a Nazi ----as that fits their they keep repeating the lie.

Proof that President Called the Nazis in Charlottesville good people is a lie.....................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!

It’s not a lie.

The evidence aka proof has been posted and I do not think you are so stupid as to read the evidence and still claim Trump said Nazis are good people....thus you have to be lying or perhaps you did not look at the proof...knowing it would contradict your claims....either way you are consciously attempting to deceive.

Again....the proof so you cannot claim you did not see it.......................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!

Whilst I am here I will deal with the media lies also.....this is taken from the evidence presented in the above post:

"Despite the clear evidence of Trump’s statements regarding Charlottesville, major media figures insist on spreading the calumny that Trump called neo-Nazis “fine people.” The only explanation for such a repeated falsehood is abject laziness or willful deception. Either way, the duplicity on this topic perhaps encapsulates the depressingly low trust most Americans place in major media, with 77 percent stating in a Monmouth University 2018 poll that traditional TV and newspapers report fake news. In addition, such lies as the Charlottesville Hoax needlessly further divide our already-polarized society."
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