The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

That's why I say that the nazis and klan are better than Democrats.

The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.

What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?
did they put it on or just show up?

Rally against Confederate flag draws hundreds in S.C.

looks like the left held the rally to get rid of the flag and people showed up. your misrepresentation of WHO sponsored the event is quite telling for your views.

Wrong rally. Wrong year even. I am talking about the one in SC put on by the Daily Stormer, the Right Stuff, The national policy institute, the nationalist front, the Traditionalist worker party, the national socialist movement, the Loyal White Knights and Convederate white Knights of the Klan, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, Identity Evropa, Rise Above, The Detroit Right Wings, ARM, and True Cascadia. The one which had self identified nazi's and klan leaders as their speakers for their event.

That's the one.

Not sure if you are trying to rewrite history intentionally or just you are utterly ignorant of the event.
you're right. i had the wrong event. i should have dug deeper to be sure but hey - the left demonizes them all so they're hard to tell apart at times.

And there's a big difference between Nazis and the Klan and those who only support the Confederacy.
Very nice people are history preservationists. The Taliban tears down monuments and rewites history. The Taliban are not very nice people.

I agree with you but I think you are talking over the heads of those on here who want to smear Trump with false attacks.

Not even to mention how they attempt to slander those who were there merely to protest the tearing down of Confederate monument by calling them nazis.

So the beat goes on....liberals,socialists,marxists, and communists constantly attempting to slander their political opponentes by calling them nazis....whilst they themselves with their violence and hatred of Zionism, Israel and Jews are the ones who are acting like brownshirts.

History Lesson: German Brownshirts of the 1920's & 30's
That's why I say that the nazis and klan are better than Democrats.

The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.
Oh? So what are you actively doing to save this country from democrats?.......besides whining on social media?
That's why I say that the nazis and klan are better than Democrats.

The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.

What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?

If you had much life experience you would know there are good and bad folk in any and all groups.

You can talk about what is wrong with Nazism etc. but you have no credibility in thinking you can judge all folks as to who is good and who is bad.

Only God Allmighty can do that and that is what the final judgement is about.

No, there aren't good folk that intentionally go to rally's put together by nazi's and the Klan.

There aren't good people that watch and make child porn.

There aren't good people that murder strangers.

And sure, that's my blanket judgement. I don't like nazi's. I don't like the Klan. I don't like their supporters.

If that offends you because you really strongly support them, well tough shit. I'm not changing my opinions for a "kinder gentler" don't upset the nazi's.

So I get it. You think good people can be nazi's and Klan members and support them and lend their voices to their cause. Got it. Thank you and your nazi loving ass can fuck off. On ignore sicko.
hey - i don't like those people either.

but then again - i don't use it as an excuse to not understand someone. you're tossing it out there like a warning label so you don't have to get to know people or the situation.

I am not using it to not understand them. I am just saying I don't agree with them being good people..

Take those who have gone off to join isis and Al qaeda. Do we need to sit down and talk with them and about them to decide if they are good people or not? Or is that choice enough to define enough about them that they aren't good people?
You keep mentioning these other "groups". No, there was one group. Multiple groups joined
Yes many groups joined the rally put on by the Nazi's and Klan. There was a LOT of different nazi groups. Multiple chapters of the Klan as well. I don't think that makes it better to attend myself. To me attending the largest klan/nazi rally in a while isn't something a good person or group does.

Why do you think good people and groups should go to Nazi and Klan rally's?

First of all you have no credibility which renders any attempt by you to judge others null and void.

This is America....people have a right to peacefully assemble....your opinion of those folks may be important to you and you are entitled to your opinion....yet that is all you have and it is not enough.

Case closed...........start your thread on Nazism if you have the courage.

Based on what? That I use fact and dislike nazi's?

I've said over and over I agree with their RIGHT to assemble. You obviously don't understand the english language I guess. This is literally a thread not about their right, but if they are "very nice people". Why do you keep distracting from that every time you are asked?

What I said is I don't morally side with people wanting to join rally's put on by nazi's and the KKK.

Why can't you opine on that. Why do you run and name call every time I ask you that.

What part of ....your opinion is you not get?

You want to talk about Nazis and discuss nazism.....fine...start your own thread on that.

This thread was about how you and your kind tried to smear Trump with false accusations.

Proof that President Called the Nazis in Charlottesville good people is a lie.....................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!

Well 5 pages and you can't even say you oppose nazi groups putting on rally's and those who support them.

That's pretty fucking sickening that you want to continue to defend the morality of that.

I'm so sorry that facts scare and upset you so much. And me saying the Daily Stormer sponsored this event and they brought in the leaders of the 4 largest nazi groups in the US to speak isn't an "opinion" no matter how much you wish that wasn't true. It's a fact. Just because you don't like a fact it doesn't make that an opinion.

I do not oppose Nazis putting on rallys...I do not oppose anyone putting on rallys....what I oppose are those who barge in on these rallys to attempt to use violence to shut it down.

Again....this thread is about how you and your kind....the democrats, socialists, marxists, etc. lied about what President Trump said.

Acts of Terror: A History of Left-Wing Political Violence in America
And who marched with torches at that rally....who run someone down at that rally...who beat a black man at that rally....who fired a gun at that rally?
The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.

What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?
did they put it on or just show up?

Rally against Confederate flag draws hundreds in S.C.

looks like the left held the rally to get rid of the flag and people showed up. your misrepresentation of WHO sponsored the event is quite telling for your views.

Wrong rally. Wrong year even. I am talking about the one in SC put on by the Daily Stormer, the Right Stuff, The national policy institute, the nationalist front, the Traditionalist worker party, the national socialist movement, the Loyal White Knights and Convederate white Knights of the Klan, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, Identity Evropa, Rise Above, The Detroit Right Wings, ARM, and True Cascadia. The one which had self identified nazi's and klan leaders as their speakers for their event.

That's the one.

Not sure if you are trying to rewrite history intentionally or just you are utterly ignorant of the event.
you're right. i had the wrong event. i should have dug deeper to be sure but hey - the left demonizes them all so they're hard to tell apart at times.

And there's a big difference between Nazis and the Klan and those who only support the Confederacy.
until now ive never gotten the impression from you there *is* a difference.

not everyone who showed up at that rally (or any rally i imagine) share the same simplistic mindset you and others bestow upon them so you can generalize your hate.
That's why I say that the nazis and klan are better than Democrats.

The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.

What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?
did they put it on or just show up?

Rally against Confederate flag draws hundreds in S.C.

looks like the left held the rally to get rid of the flag and people showed up. your misrepresentation of WHO sponsored the event is quite telling for your views.

That is a different event....we have been talking about the event in Charlottesville....but what you say does carry over to the extent that lots of all kinds of people show up for these sort of events....the biggest problem being the counter protestors who incite violence aka...antifa, blm, left wingers, socialists, democrats social justice warriors etc.
my bad then.

my question remains who "started" the event and the realization people from all sides will show up. either out of curiosity or to be an active participant of some form.

that doesn't make them nazi, hitler, radical or the like. it makes them human. but when you're blindly attacking stereotypes because that's so "hard" to defend (in their mind) you don't see this. you either choose to NOT see it or you're just too stupid to know the difference.

Well I gave you the list of groups who started the event. They grouped together to put it on, to find the speakers, to get the permits. Nazis and Klan groups.

And that's fine if you are curious. But to actively decide to be a Nazi sympathizer and "be an active participant" for their cause is not ok with me. And I can't see good people making that choice

Yes Nazi and klan sympathizers are human. I just believe nice people and Nazi sympathizers are two things that don't mix.

And I am not ok with saying you can go join the Klan rally for the weekend and then back to work on Monday and people should be accepting of that and consider that something a good person does.
The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.

What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?

If you had much life experience you would know there are good and bad folk in any and all groups.

You can talk about what is wrong with Nazism etc. but you have no credibility in thinking you can judge all folks as to who is good and who is bad.

Only God Allmighty can do that and that is what the final judgement is about.

No, there aren't good folk that intentionally go to rally's put together by nazi's and the Klan.

There aren't good people that watch and make child porn.

There aren't good people that murder strangers.

And sure, that's my blanket judgement. I don't like nazi's. I don't like the Klan. I don't like their supporters.

If that offends you because you really strongly support them, well tough shit. I'm not changing my opinions for a "kinder gentler" don't upset the nazi's.

So I get it. You think good people can be nazi's and Klan members and support them and lend their voices to their cause. Got it. Thank you and your nazi loving ass can fuck off. On ignore sicko.
hey - i don't like those people either.

but then again - i don't use it as an excuse to not understand someone. you're tossing it out there like a warning label so you don't have to get to know people or the situation.

I am not using it to not understand them. I am just saying I don't agree with them being good people..

Take those who have gone off to join isis and Al qaeda. Do we need to sit down and talk with them and about them to decide if they are good people or not? Or is that choice enough to define enough about them that they aren't good people?
ok - at least now you're asking - not telling. it's a start.

i would think yes. right now socially we're built to hate our own government. anyone attacking it may seem like one of the good guys these days simply because of the messaging we're passing onto our kids. you seem to be saying if someone makes 1 mistake they are forever branded "bad" and regardless of the rest of their thoughts, hopes and dreams, are bad people.

i don't hand out that "award" until i know them.

i'm simply not that binary. i don't see black and white w/o seeing a million shades of gray in the middle.
The democrats are certainly the greatest danger to America..........very few nazis around but there is a democrat lurking around about every corner....constantly conspiring against America and all that made America great.

What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?
did they put it on or just show up?

Rally against Confederate flag draws hundreds in S.C.

looks like the left held the rally to get rid of the flag and people showed up. your misrepresentation of WHO sponsored the event is quite telling for your views.

That is a different event....we have been talking about the event in Charlottesville....but what you say does carry over to the extent that lots of all kinds of people show up for these sort of events....the biggest problem being the counter protestors who incite violence aka...antifa, blm, left wingers, socialists, democrats social justice warriors etc.
my bad then.

my question remains who "started" the event and the realization people from all sides will show up. either out of curiosity or to be an active participant of some form.

that doesn't make them nazi, hitler, radical or the like. it makes them human. but when you're blindly attacking stereotypes because that's so "hard" to defend (in their mind) you don't see this. you either choose to NOT see it or you're just too stupid to know the difference.

Well I gave you the list of groups who started the event. They grouped together to put it on, to find the speakers, to get the permits. Nazis and Klan groups.

And that's fine if you are curious. But to actively decide to be a Nazi sympathizer and "be an active participant" for their cause is not ok with me. And I can't see good people making that choice

Yes Nazi and klan sympathizers are human. I just believe nice people and Nazi sympathizers are two things that don't mix.

And I am not ok with saying you can go join the Klan rally for the weekend and then back to work on Monday and people should be accepting of that and consider that something a good person does.
well i had the wrong group obviously and not had time to go back and look at this one specifically - that is on me and my mistake.

in church (long ago) the saying was "mr business went to church. never missed a sunday. mr business went to hell for what he did on monday". so i can understand what you're saying in that "good" people don't do these things. good people do a lot of things they likely shouldn't. emotional time in their life they evolve out of, or simply an ass - i don't know. i tend to look at individuals, not stereotypes and surface actions.
What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?
did they put it on or just show up?

Rally against Confederate flag draws hundreds in S.C.

looks like the left held the rally to get rid of the flag and people showed up. your misrepresentation of WHO sponsored the event is quite telling for your views.

Wrong rally. Wrong year even. I am talking about the one in SC put on by the Daily Stormer, the Right Stuff, The national policy institute, the nationalist front, the Traditionalist worker party, the national socialist movement, the Loyal White Knights and Convederate white Knights of the Klan, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, Identity Evropa, Rise Above, The Detroit Right Wings, ARM, and True Cascadia. The one which had self identified nazi's and klan leaders as their speakers for their event.

That's the one.

Not sure if you are trying to rewrite history intentionally or just you are utterly ignorant of the event.
you're right. i had the wrong event. i should have dug deeper to be sure but hey - the left demonizes them all so they're hard to tell apart at times.

And there's a big difference between Nazis and the Klan and those who only support the Confederacy.
until now ive never gotten the impression from you there *is* a difference.

not everyone who showed up at that rally (or any rally i imagine) share the same simplistic mindset you and others bestow upon them so you can generalize your hate.

Well this was a klan/Nazi rally. I've said over and over their reason for the rally isn't what concerns me. I've said if it was a Nazi prayer breakfast or a Klan poker run my thoughts are the same. Good people don't associate with Nazis and Klan Rally's.

There's a lot of neo Confederate and lost cause groups that blur the line. As well as a lot of white supremacists that do the same.

I have no love for what the Confederacy stood for or what It did against the US. hundreds of thousands of American men women and children were killed because those leaders wanted to protect an expand the institution of race based slavery. I don't like that myself. But that lost cause myth has been ingrained in many people for hundreds of years. Only recently with online archives have we've been able to spread the actual source history straight from the mouths of the founding fathers of the Confederacy to debunk those lies. Heck I grew up as a kid thinking the bad guys in the civil war were from some other country until I took a fifth grade trip up north. My school insinuated Grant was the bad guy. So there is a lot of ingrained misinformation that only lately have the facts become readily available and prominent.
What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?
did they put it on or just show up?

Rally against Confederate flag draws hundreds in S.C.

looks like the left held the rally to get rid of the flag and people showed up. your misrepresentation of WHO sponsored the event is quite telling for your views.

That is a different event....we have been talking about the event in Charlottesville....but what you say does carry over to the extent that lots of all kinds of people show up for these sort of events....the biggest problem being the counter protestors who incite violence aka...antifa, blm, left wingers, socialists, democrats social justice warriors etc.
my bad then.

my question remains who "started" the event and the realization people from all sides will show up. either out of curiosity or to be an active participant of some form.

that doesn't make them nazi, hitler, radical or the like. it makes them human. but when you're blindly attacking stereotypes because that's so "hard" to defend (in their mind) you don't see this. you either choose to NOT see it or you're just too stupid to know the difference.

Well I gave you the list of groups who started the event. They grouped together to put it on, to find the speakers, to get the permits. Nazis and Klan groups.

And that's fine if you are curious. But to actively decide to be a Nazi sympathizer and "be an active participant" for their cause is not ok with me. And I can't see good people making that choice

Yes Nazi and klan sympathizers are human. I just believe nice people and Nazi sympathizers are two things that don't mix.

And I am not ok with saying you can go join the Klan rally for the weekend and then back to work on Monday and people should be accepting of that and consider that something a good person does.
well i had the wrong group obviously and not had time to go back and look at this one specifically - that is on me and my mistake.

in church (long ago) the saying was "mr business went to church. never missed a sunday. mr business went to hell for what he did on monday". so i can understand what you're saying in that "good" people don't do these things. good people do a lot of things they likely shouldn't. emotional time in their life they evolve out of, or simply an ass - i don't know. i tend to look at individuals, not stereotypes and surface actions.

I agree with that to a point. Especially when somebody is misinformed. But I think there are things that good people just don't do. And supporting the Klan and Nazis are a couple of them. I get being raised in a racist household may help define your beliefs but I don't think that's an excuse any more than a parent sexually assaulting you gives you an excuse to do the same to your kids.
What that is not doing is answering the simple question of if very nice people attend rally's put on by nazi's and the Klan?

If you had much life experience you would know there are good and bad folk in any and all groups.

You can talk about what is wrong with Nazism etc. but you have no credibility in thinking you can judge all folks as to who is good and who is bad.

Only God Allmighty can do that and that is what the final judgement is about.

No, there aren't good folk that intentionally go to rally's put together by nazi's and the Klan.

There aren't good people that watch and make child porn.

There aren't good people that murder strangers.

And sure, that's my blanket judgement. I don't like nazi's. I don't like the Klan. I don't like their supporters.

If that offends you because you really strongly support them, well tough shit. I'm not changing my opinions for a "kinder gentler" don't upset the nazi's.

So I get it. You think good people can be nazi's and Klan members and support them and lend their voices to their cause. Got it. Thank you and your nazi loving ass can fuck off. On ignore sicko.
hey - i don't like those people either.

but then again - i don't use it as an excuse to not understand someone. you're tossing it out there like a warning label so you don't have to get to know people or the situation.

I am not using it to not understand them. I am just saying I don't agree with them being good people..

Take those who have gone off to join isis and Al qaeda. Do we need to sit down and talk with them and about them to decide if they are good people or not? Or is that choice enough to define enough about them that they aren't good people?
ok - at least now you're asking - not telling. it's a start.

i would think yes. right now socially we're built to hate our own government. anyone attacking it may seem like one of the good guys these days simply because of the messaging we're passing onto our kids. you seem to be saying if someone makes 1 mistake they are forever branded "bad" and regardless of the rest of their thoughts, hopes and dreams, are bad people.

i don't hand out that "award" until i know them.

i'm simply not that binary. i don't see black and white w/o seeing a million shades of gray in the middle.

And I guess I'm just not willing to look for shades of grey and goodness in people that can support such evil. It's not a mistake to fall in with the Klan. That's the choice I believe a good person doesn't make.

If they realize that and change then yes... I would be able to accept them but we aren't talking about that here but rather actively engaging in it.

I guess for me I am fine passing along to my kids that the klan, Nazis and their sympathizers are not ok people. It's not an acceptable lifestyle choice. You can't go to a klan rally on the weekend and be a good person the rest of the week and that be acceptable or desired behavior. I think Americans need to step up and say that is not ok and if you want to be a good person you must drop those things.
did they put it on or just show up?

Rally against Confederate flag draws hundreds in S.C.

looks like the left held the rally to get rid of the flag and people showed up. your misrepresentation of WHO sponsored the event is quite telling for your views.

That is a different event....we have been talking about the event in Charlottesville....but what you say does carry over to the extent that lots of all kinds of people show up for these sort of events....the biggest problem being the counter protestors who incite violence aka...antifa, blm, left wingers, socialists, democrats social justice warriors etc.
my bad then.

my question remains who "started" the event and the realization people from all sides will show up. either out of curiosity or to be an active participant of some form.

that doesn't make them nazi, hitler, radical or the like. it makes them human. but when you're blindly attacking stereotypes because that's so "hard" to defend (in their mind) you don't see this. you either choose to NOT see it or you're just too stupid to know the difference.

Well I gave you the list of groups who started the event. They grouped together to put it on, to find the speakers, to get the permits. Nazis and Klan groups.

And that's fine if you are curious. But to actively decide to be a Nazi sympathizer and "be an active participant" for their cause is not ok with me. And I can't see good people making that choice

Yes Nazi and klan sympathizers are human. I just believe nice people and Nazi sympathizers are two things that don't mix.

And I am not ok with saying you can go join the Klan rally for the weekend and then back to work on Monday and people should be accepting of that and consider that something a good person does.
well i had the wrong group obviously and not had time to go back and look at this one specifically - that is on me and my mistake.

in church (long ago) the saying was "mr business went to church. never missed a sunday. mr business went to hell for what he did on monday". so i can understand what you're saying in that "good" people don't do these things. good people do a lot of things they likely shouldn't. emotional time in their life they evolve out of, or simply an ass - i don't know. i tend to look at individuals, not stereotypes and surface actions.

I agree with that to a point. Especially when somebody is misinformed. But I think there are things that good people just don't do. And supporting the Klan and Nazis are a couple of them. I get being raised in a racist household may help define your beliefs but I don't think that's an excuse any more than a parent sexually assaulting you gives you an excuse to do the same to your kids.
i think being raised that way makes it harder, but agree that we are all responsible for our own actions. we can't blame others regardless of how tempting it may be do to so.

but blaming others is what we do anymore. personal accountability is an "old man white thing" at times at least in how it's presented. truth be told, i see all races/cultures and mindsets have just about every trait imaginable, good and bad. we just tend to not see the good in bad things cause it's much more difficult than just hating them.
If you had much life experience you would know there are good and bad folk in any and all groups.

You can talk about what is wrong with Nazism etc. but you have no credibility in thinking you can judge all folks as to who is good and who is bad.

Only God Allmighty can do that and that is what the final judgement is about.

No, there aren't good folk that intentionally go to rally's put together by nazi's and the Klan.

There aren't good people that watch and make child porn.

There aren't good people that murder strangers.

And sure, that's my blanket judgement. I don't like nazi's. I don't like the Klan. I don't like their supporters.

If that offends you because you really strongly support them, well tough shit. I'm not changing my opinions for a "kinder gentler" don't upset the nazi's.

So I get it. You think good people can be nazi's and Klan members and support them and lend their voices to their cause. Got it. Thank you and your nazi loving ass can fuck off. On ignore sicko.
hey - i don't like those people either.

but then again - i don't use it as an excuse to not understand someone. you're tossing it out there like a warning label so you don't have to get to know people or the situation.

I am not using it to not understand them. I am just saying I don't agree with them being good people..

Take those who have gone off to join isis and Al qaeda. Do we need to sit down and talk with them and about them to decide if they are good people or not? Or is that choice enough to define enough about them that they aren't good people?
ok - at least now you're asking - not telling. it's a start.

i would think yes. right now socially we're built to hate our own government. anyone attacking it may seem like one of the good guys these days simply because of the messaging we're passing onto our kids. you seem to be saying if someone makes 1 mistake they are forever branded "bad" and regardless of the rest of their thoughts, hopes and dreams, are bad people.

i don't hand out that "award" until i know them.

i'm simply not that binary. i don't see black and white w/o seeing a million shades of gray in the middle.

And I guess I'm just not willing to look for shades of grey and goodness in people that can support such evil. It's not a mistake to fall in with the Klan. That's the choice I believe a good person doesn't make.

If they realize that and change then yes... I would be able to accept them but we aren't talking about that here but rather active Nazi sympathizers.

I guess for me I am fine passing along to my kids that the klan, Nazis and their sympathizers are not ok people. It's not an acceptable lifestly choice. You can't go to a klan rally on the weekend and be a good person the rest of the week and that be acceptable or desired behavior. I think Americans need to step up and say that is not ok and if you want to be a good person you must drop those things.
if you watch the walking dead - negan said something in that episode that rang so true to me.

"no one ever sees themselves as the bad guy".

it's pretty true. so you can either paint them as bad and put up walls of hate to keep them away, or you can take on a bigger and arguably a much more difficult task in trying to find that middle ground. i grant you - not easy to do when you hate someone but what do you want from the end result?

hate and done?
or evolution of mind and understanding?
No, there aren't good folk that intentionally go to rally's put together by nazi's and the Klan.

There aren't good people that watch and make child porn.

There aren't good people that murder strangers.

And sure, that's my blanket judgement. I don't like nazi's. I don't like the Klan. I don't like their supporters.

If that offends you because you really strongly support them, well tough shit. I'm not changing my opinions for a "kinder gentler" don't upset the nazi's.

So I get it. You think good people can be nazi's and Klan members and support them and lend their voices to their cause. Got it. Thank you and your nazi loving ass can fuck off. On ignore sicko.
hey - i don't like those people either.

but then again - i don't use it as an excuse to not understand someone. you're tossing it out there like a warning label so you don't have to get to know people or the situation.

I am not using it to not understand them. I am just saying I don't agree with them being good people..

Take those who have gone off to join isis and Al qaeda. Do we need to sit down and talk with them and about them to decide if they are good people or not? Or is that choice enough to define enough about them that they aren't good people?
ok - at least now you're asking - not telling. it's a start.

i would think yes. right now socially we're built to hate our own government. anyone attacking it may seem like one of the good guys these days simply because of the messaging we're passing onto our kids. you seem to be saying if someone makes 1 mistake they are forever branded "bad" and regardless of the rest of their thoughts, hopes and dreams, are bad people.

i don't hand out that "award" until i know them.

i'm simply not that binary. i don't see black and white w/o seeing a million shades of gray in the middle.

And I guess I'm just not willing to look for shades of grey and goodness in people that can support such evil. It's not a mistake to fall in with the Klan. That's the choice I believe a good person doesn't make.

If they realize that and change then yes... I would be able to accept them but we aren't talking about that here but rather active Nazi sympathizers.

I guess for me I am fine passing along to my kids that the klan, Nazis and their sympathizers are not ok people. It's not an acceptable lifestly choice. You can't go to a klan rally on the weekend and be a good person the rest of the week and that be acceptable or desired behavior. I think Americans need to step up and say that is not ok and if you want to be a good person you must drop those things.
if you watch the walking dead - negan said something in that episode that rang so true to me.

"no one ever sees themselves as the bad guy".

it's pretty true. so you can either paint them as bad and put up walls of hate to keep them away, or you can take on a bigger and arguably a much more difficult task in trying to find that middle ground. i grant you - not easy to do when you hate someone but what do you want from the end result?

hate and done?
or evolution of mind and understanding?

There are some things I would prefer not to find a middle ground with. Nazis and the Klan are a couple of them. I am perfectly fine saying according to my own morality those are evil things.

I don't care to understand what someone believes are the positives of Nazis and the Klan. I am willing to have an open mind about many things but those are two that are simply a no go for me.
hey - i don't like those people either.

but then again - i don't use it as an excuse to not understand someone. you're tossing it out there like a warning label so you don't have to get to know people or the situation.

I am not using it to not understand them. I am just saying I don't agree with them being good people..

Take those who have gone off to join isis and Al qaeda. Do we need to sit down and talk with them and about them to decide if they are good people or not? Or is that choice enough to define enough about them that they aren't good people?
ok - at least now you're asking - not telling. it's a start.

i would think yes. right now socially we're built to hate our own government. anyone attacking it may seem like one of the good guys these days simply because of the messaging we're passing onto our kids. you seem to be saying if someone makes 1 mistake they are forever branded "bad" and regardless of the rest of their thoughts, hopes and dreams, are bad people.

i don't hand out that "award" until i know them.

i'm simply not that binary. i don't see black and white w/o seeing a million shades of gray in the middle.

And I guess I'm just not willing to look for shades of grey and goodness in people that can support such evil. It's not a mistake to fall in with the Klan. That's the choice I believe a good person doesn't make.

If they realize that and change then yes... I would be able to accept them but we aren't talking about that here but rather active Nazi sympathizers.

I guess for me I am fine passing along to my kids that the klan, Nazis and their sympathizers are not ok people. It's not an acceptable lifestly choice. You can't go to a klan rally on the weekend and be a good person the rest of the week and that be acceptable or desired behavior. I think Americans need to step up and say that is not ok and if you want to be a good person you must drop those things.
if you watch the walking dead - negan said something in that episode that rang so true to me.

"no one ever sees themselves as the bad guy".

it's pretty true. so you can either paint them as bad and put up walls of hate to keep them away, or you can take on a bigger and arguably a much more difficult task in trying to find that middle ground. i grant you - not easy to do when you hate someone but what do you want from the end result?

hate and done?
or evolution of mind and understanding?

There are some things I would prefer not to find a middle ground with. Nazis and the Klan are a couple of them. I am perfectly fine saying according to my own morality those are evil things.

I don't care to understand what someone believes are the positives of Nazis and the Klan. I am willing to have an open mind about many things but those are two that are simply a no go for me.

I've heard it with pedophilia as well. people saying that that's a kink. People saying that it's just a sexual preference and others should see it that way. I'm sorry but I'm not going to meet on that. I'm standing tall in my personal belief raping kids is bad.

I agree it would be difficult to meet in the middle on those things. Especially since I am diametrically opposed to them . I don't see a world where I would be in favor of acceptance of those groups.
Except he did.

The commentary is someone's opinion; not reporting.

No...he didn't. You are lying....

Here is an actual, honest to goodness transcript of what Trump actually said...not what you are making up....what he actually doofus....

At the Daily Caller: Trump Keeps Condemning White Nationalists - So why does the media keep denying it? - Crime Prevention Research Center

Take this exchange with a reporter a couple of days after the Charlottesville riots in 2017.

TRUMP: Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. . . . I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally – but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people, but you also had troublemakers and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats – you had a lot of bad people in the other group too.

REPORTER: I just didn’t understand what you were saying. You were saying the press has treated white nationalists unfairly?

TRUMP: No, no. There were people in that rally, and I looked the night before. If you look, they were people protesting very quietly, the taking down the statue of Robert E. Lee. . . .

So what exactly is unclear? It’s hard to see how any rational person could think that Trump wasn’t condemning neo-Nazis. Was “very bad people” not strong enough? Should he have said, “very, very bad people”?

Or how about another Trump statement in the aftermath of the riots? “Racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”

No matter how many times Trump specifically singles out white supremacists, his other blanket condemnations of bigotry convince the media that he really supports racists. This tweet from August didn’t pass the media smell test: “The riots in Charlottesville a year ago resulted in senseless death and division. We must come together as a nation. I condemn all types of racism and acts of violence. Peace to ALL Americans!” can't focus on this because it blows their fake scenario all to Hell!!!!
I understand that bright line. I have one myself. Democrats can never be good people. There are no positives with Democrats. They are evil and soulless. They are worse than all of the worst that came before. More evil than nazis. More soulless than the Klan. More cruel than Pol Pot and the whole of Boko Haram.
I understand that bright line. I have one myself. Democrats can never be good people. There are no positives with Democrats. They are evil and soulless. They are worse than all of the worst that came before. More evil than nazis. More soulless than the Klan. More cruel than Pol Pot and the whole of Boko Haram.
and better russian than democrat?

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