The oft repeated lie about Trump calling nazis good people

Where are the intelligent liberals?

Is that a oxymoron?

The ones I am seeing here are way toooooo challenge whatsoever....I almost feel sorry for them....caught up and then exposed in their lies....must suck to be a democrat....knowing you can never tell the truth without going against the party line.
Thank you Mac. I have put off writing about this cause I can’t find the time to research it but you did a great job. Trump was talking about the removal of confederate monuments and there are good people on both sides. In fact, polls state that the majority of the country did not want the monuments torn down. News reports do t even talk about how most of the monuments are taken down at night with no input or vote by the public. I have even had a black taxi driver tell me he wants the statues to stay so he can take his children and explain to them what happened.

This narrative cannot go away because there aren’t more examples of trump being a racist, especially in the face of what he has done for black employment, prison reform, economic zone revitalization, and even the promotion of young black republicans. If it is true that if republicans get 20% of the black vote, in the face of trump having a 50% approval rate among Hispanics, the democrats cannot win an election, than democrats have to work mightily to keep those black folks on the plantation.

Thanks.....the real tragedy of this controversy regarding what Trump actually said is simply that a couple of posters on here who keep insisting Trump said something he did not.....actually know the truth...I mean one would have to be terribly stupid not to know after reading word for word what Trump actually said...yet they still make their fallacious claim of Trump calling nazis good people....they do this because they are willing to lie to support the democratic narrative...

look at Adam Schiff...terrible person though he cannot be so stupid he cannot see the truth...he simply continues to deny the truth because he has no problem promoting a lie if he thinks it will help the democratic party....I think most see through this democratic charade of saying stuff about Trump that is not true...believing if they say it often enough folks will believe their lies......not to mention the media is right in there with these hucksters promoting the democratic narrative and ignoring the truth.
it simply doesn't matter what you tell these posters. anything you show them or tell them, they've heard before. they simply choose to ignore it and continue on with the mantra they were given. getting mad at idiots like this is like getting mad the sun is coming up. the sun is going to come up, they're going to be stupid. some things in life are just a given.

the real tragedy is arguing with an "energizer bunny of stupid" and thinking it will change him/them. they don't care about facts, the truth is just another buzzword to use at their leisure, and they will troll for the reactions to their stupid they continue to get.

they're stupid.
the media for the most pat is stupid.

words in a forum are not going to change them but hey - have fun.
Trump said it. He refused to comment who was the lame for the rioting.

(But in Trump's obvious demented state, who actually knows hat he meant to say.}

What President Trump actually said has been posted on here several obviously are not keeping up.

once again.....................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!
I readfit. I heard it.

There are good people amongst the white Supremacists & neo Nazis.

There are numerous white supremacists that post here. Are you calling them disgusting, people?
Thank you Mac. I have put off writing about this cause I can’t find the time to research it but you did a great job. Trump was talking about the removal of confederate monuments and there are good people on both sides. In fact, polls state that the majority of the country did not want the monuments torn down. News reports do t even talk about how most of the monuments are taken down at night with no input or vote by the public. I have even had a black taxi driver tell me he wants the statues to stay so he can take his children and explain to them what happened.

This narrative cannot go away because there aren’t more examples of trump being a racist, especially in the face of what he has done for black employment, prison reform, economic zone revitalization, and even the promotion of young black republicans. If it is true that if republicans get 20% of the black vote, in the face of trump having a 50% approval rate among Hispanics, the democrats cannot win an election, than democrats have to work mightily to keep those black folks on the plantation.

Thanks.....the real tragedy of this controversy regarding what Trump actually said is simply that a couple of posters on here who keep insisting Trump said something he did not.....actually know the truth...I mean one would have to be terribly stupid not to know after reading word for word what Trump actually said...yet they still make their fallacious claim of Trump calling nazis good people....they do this because they are willing to lie to support the democratic narrative...

look at Adam Schiff...terrible person though he cannot be so stupid he cannot see the truth...he simply continues to deny the truth because he has no problem promoting a lie if he thinks it will help the democratic party....I think most see through this democratic charade of saying stuff about Trump that is not true...believing if they say it often enough folks will believe their lies......not to mention the media is right in there with these hucksters promoting the democratic narrative and ignoring the truth.
it simply doesn't matter what you tell these posters. anything you show them or tell them, they've heard before. they simply choose to ignore it and continue on with the mantra they were given. getting mad at idiots like this is like getting mad the sun is coming up. the sun is going to come up, they're going to be stupid. some things in life are just a given.

the real tragedy is arguing with an "energizer bunny of stupid" and thinking it will change him/them. they don't care about facts, the truth is just another buzzword to use at their leisure, and they will troll for the reactions to their stupid they continue to get.

they're stupid.
the media for the most pat is stupid.

words in a forum are not going to change them but hey - have fun.
You have to laugh art the Trump supporters accusing others of being duped & stupid.
Where are the intelligent liberals?

Is that a oxymoron?

The ones I am seeing here are way toooooo challenge whatsoever....I almost feel sorry for them....caught up and then exposed in their lies....must suck to be a democrat....knowing you can never tell the truth without going against the party line.
Telling the truth following the party/Trump line?
Thank you Mac. I have put off writing about this cause I can’t find the time to research it but you did a great job. Trump was talking about the removal of confederate monuments and there are good people on both sides. In fact, polls state that the majority of the country did not want the monuments torn down. News reports do t even talk about how most of the monuments are taken down at night with no input or vote by the public. I have even had a black taxi driver tell me he wants the statues to stay so he can take his children and explain to them what happened.

This narrative cannot go away because there aren’t more examples of trump being a racist, especially in the face of what he has done for black employment, prison reform, economic zone revitalization, and even the promotion of young black republicans. If it is true that if republicans get 20% of the black vote, in the face of trump having a 50% approval rate among Hispanics, the democrats cannot win an election, than democrats have to work mightily to keep those black folks on the plantation.

No, Trump was talking about the two groups:
“You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists... ...You also had some very fine people on both sides,”

He was not talking about the overall sides people have taken throughout the US on the monument discussion as you are trying to claim. What you are saying is a clear lie and not supported by actual facts in the real world.

He said there were very nice people on both sides, with one side being the Nazi/KKK rally and the Nazi and Klan sympathizers who joined their rally. No amount of lying can change that.

And yes, if you word the polls poorly, you can get the results you want. Winthop did a poll which wasn't leaving the options as only destroy or keep, since that's not the reality. And as the most recent poll, it would show the shifting tide in America.

Yes... only 5% voted to remove them completely. But over half (56%) did not want to leave the statues as they are choosing other options than just destroying them.

That's what people have to do, is make this an either/or situation when the reality is, it isn't a binary choice. We can still learn from them, we can still learn the atrocities committed against America by those men without honoring them in a public place with a statue. We can still remember the hatred of those opposing civil rights, who wanted to show blacks who really runs the show in the south and trying to oppress them and their votes by building those monuments.

And yes the public votes on them. In the America I live in we have a representative Democracy. Our wishes our fulfilled by the politicians we elect. Most Americans oppose a border wall, repealing Obamacare, withdrawing from our nuclear pact with Russia, opposing Nato, Tariffs, etc. But America elected a representative as President to make those choices. Are you saying Americans need to destroy their Constitution and go to a direct Democracy? I guess I would disagree.
And I guess I'm just not willing to look for shades of grey and goodness in people that can support such evil. It's not a mistake to fall in with the Klan. That's the choice I believe a good person doesn't make.

If they realize that and change then yes... I would be able to accept them but we aren't talking about that here but rather active Nazi sympathizers.

I guess for me I am fine passing along to my kids that the klan, Nazis and their sympathizers are not ok people. It's not an acceptable lifestly choice. You can't go to a klan rally on the weekend and be a good person the rest of the week and that be acceptable or desired behavior. I think Americans need to step up and say that is not ok and if you want to be a good person you must drop those things.
if you watch the walking dead - negan said something in that episode that rang so true to me.

"no one ever sees themselves as the bad guy".

it's pretty true. so you can either paint them as bad and put up walls of hate to keep them away, or you can take on a bigger and arguably a much more difficult task in trying to find that middle ground. i grant you - not easy to do when you hate someone but what do you want from the end result?

hate and done?
or evolution of mind and understanding?

There are some things I would prefer not to find a middle ground with. Nazis and the Klan are a couple of them. I am perfectly fine saying according to my own morality those are evil things.

I don't care to understand what someone believes are the positives of Nazis and the Klan. I am willing to have an open mind about many things but those are two that are simply a no go for me.

I've heard it with pedophilia as well. people saying that that's a kink. People saying that it's just a sexual preference and others should see it that way. I'm sorry but I'm not going to meet on that. I'm standing tall in my personal belief raping kids is bad.

I agree it would be difficult to meet in the middle on those things. Especially since I am diametrically opposed to them . I don't see a world where I would be in favor of acceptance of those groups.
appreciate talking about it vs yelling at each other. thank you.

If you cannot take the heat get the fuck out of the kitchen boyo!
I can take the fucking bullshit lies you assfucks throw any day.

Tell me one thing you posted about Trump that was true? Look at this thread, you aasfucks manufacturing a really stupid excuse for Triump's support of the white supremacist attack in Charlotte.
Trump said it. He refused to comment who was the lame for the rioting.

(But in Trump's obvious demented state, who actually knows hat he meant to say.}

What President Trump actually said has been posted on here several obviously are not keeping up.

once again.....................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!
I readfit. I heard it.

There are good people amongst the white Supremacists & neo Nazis.

There are numerous white supremacists that post here. Are you calling them disgusting, people?
As in most things Trump, he was vague enough so his defenders could reinterpret what he actually meant

In a march comprised mostly of hate extremists, you had better be very clear who you are talking about.

If he was misinterpreted, an immediate clarification would have been forthcoming. Instead, it took days for the president to be persuaded to modify what he had said
Where are the intelligent liberals?

Is that a oxymoron?

The ones I am seeing here are way toooooo challenge whatsoever....I almost feel sorry for them....caught up and then exposed in their lies....must suck to be a democrat....knowing you can never tell the truth without going against the party line.
Telling the truth following the party/Trump line?
so tell me son, are any of these "trump lies" on your list?

78 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

if so - then you should be mad at the media for what, 78 lies about his activities? i tell ya, if this man lies as much as you and the left claim, why do you have to make up so many "more" about him? how come you're not bitching at these lies?
Trump said it. He refused to comment who was the lame for the rioting.

(But in Trump's obvious demented state, who actually knows hat he meant to say.}

What President Trump actually said has been posted on here several obviously are not keeping up.

once again.....................Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof. | RealClearPolitics!
I readfit. I heard it.

There are good people amongst the white Supremacists & neo Nazis.

There are numerous white supremacists that post here. Are you calling them disgusting, people?
As in most things Trump, he was vague enough so his defenders could reinterpret what he actually meant

In a march comprised mostly of hate extremists, you had better be very clear who you are talking about.

If he was misinterpreted, an immediate clarification would have been forthcoming. Instead, it took days for the president to be persuaded to modify what he had said
Trump has difficulty in criticizing white extremists

His father was one, he was obviously a good guy
Where are the intelligent liberals?

Is that a oxymoron?

The ones I am seeing here are way toooooo challenge whatsoever....I almost feel sorry for them....caught up and then exposed in their lies....must suck to be a democrat....knowing you can never tell the truth without going against the party line.
Telling the truth following the party/Trump line?
so tell me son, are any of these "trump lies" on your list?

78 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

if so - then you should be mad at the media for what, 78 lies about his activities? i tell ya, if this man lies as much as you and the left claim, why do you have to make up so many "more" about him? how come you're not bitching at these lies?

Well the thing you keep seeing in those mistakes reading that list are resignations and retractions and corrections. So yeah, I wish they'd get the full story before reporting and sometimes corraborate better. But I am glad they hold themselves accountable.

Now of the 9014 lies from Trump since his Presidency, how many resignations or corrections have been offered?

And of all the media, thousands of people, a list of 78 of which it seems nearly all have been corrected or amended voluntarily as new or correct information presented itself is not bad especially when you read the list and see how small some are.

And many of those are not. For example the one a few months ago that Trump was LIKELY to fire DHS secretary Nielsen the following week. I don't see how that is proven as a lie, even if he chose not to at that time.

Many others are just coverage of people lying, where the media covered someone claiming a racial attack and called it an ALLEGED attack.

And some were not intentional lies, but actual typo's. Like the Virginia exports to Canada/Mexico, showing the impact tariffs may have. They listed that as $800, which obviously wouldn't fit the story that tariffs could hurt their economy. That was corrected to 800 million. I don't see that as a lie myself. The revised correction actually fit the narrative of the story.

And there are just SO MANY from him. How bad is it that we just accept our President is lying to us Constantly.

Just last week it was:
windmill cancer
4 hangers of people celebrating him (there was only one there)
3% of asylum seekers returning for a trial (even though the participants had a 100 percent attendance record at court hearings according to the program itself. They also had a 99 percent rate of check-ins and appointments with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, according to a report by the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General.)
The worlds largest oil field (not even close to Saudi Arabias)
the best employment and unemployment numbers ever (actually not the lowest employment and workforce participation well down from 20 years ago).
No empty seats at the Cruz Rally (there were thousands).
Only trump gets Article II obstruction (literally was part of impeachment proceeding for Nixon/Clinton)
The power grid can't handle the variability of wind energy (Energy dept says it can)
He was joking about releasing hillary's emails...

And those are just off the top of my head. It sucks I think that we have to expect the President to just lie continuously to America and will not apologize but continue to deny cold hard facts.
Where are the intelligent liberals?

Is that a oxymoron?

The ones I am seeing here are way toooooo challenge whatsoever....I almost feel sorry for them....caught up and then exposed in their lies....must suck to be a democrat....knowing you can never tell the truth without going against the party line.
Telling the truth following the party/Trump line?
so tell me son, are any of these "trump lies" on your list?

78 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

if so - then you should be mad at the media for what, 78 lies about his activities? i tell ya, if this man lies as much as you and the left claim, why do you have to make up so many "more" about him? how come you're not bitching at these lies?

Well the thing you keep seeing in those mistakes reading that list are resignations and retractions and corrections. So yeah, I wish they'd get the full story before reporting and sometimes corraborate better. But I am glad they hold themselves accountable.

Now of the 9014 lies from Trump since his Presidency, how many resignations or corrections have been offered?

And of all the media, thousands of people, a list of 78 of which it seems nearly all have been corrected or amended voluntarily as new or correct information presented itself is not bad especially when you read the list and see how small some are.

And many of those are not. For example the one a few months ago that Trump was LIKELY to fire DHS secretary Nielsen the following week. I don't see how that is proven as a lie, even if he chose not to at that time.

Many others are just coverage of people lying, where the media covered someone claiming a racial attack and called it an ALLEGED attack.

And some were not intentional lies, but actual typo's. Like the Virginia exports to Canada/Mexico, showing the impact tariffs may have. They listed that as $800, which obviously wouldn't fit the story that tariffs could hurt their economy. That was corrected to 800 million. I don't see that as a lie myself. The revised correction actually fit the narrative of the story.

And there are just SO MANY from him. How bad is it that we just accept our President is lying to us Constantly.

Just last week it was:
windmill cancer
4 hangers of people celebrating him (there was only one there)
3% of asylum seekers returning for a trial (even though the participants had a 100 percent attendance record at court hearings according to the program itself. They also had a 99 percent rate of check-ins and appointments with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, according to a report by the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General.)
The worlds largest oil field (not even close to Saudi Arabias)
the best employment and unemployment numbers ever (actually not the lowest employment and workforce participation well down from 20 years ago).
No empty seats at the Cruz Rally (there were thousands).
Only trump gets Article II obstruction (literally was part of impeachment proceeding for Nixon/Clinton)
The power grid can't handle the variability of wind energy (Energy dept says it can)
He was joking about releasing hillary's emails...

And those are just off the top of my head. It sucks I think that we have to expect the President to just lie continuously to America and will not apologize but continue to deny cold hard facts.
trump talks a lot w/o verifying things first. intentional or not, still annoying yes. but i can't think of ANY president in my own time that made it through office w/o everyone calling them a liar. so it's not like he's the first and certainly won't be the last.

however, when it comes to our "media" it's a fucking joke. to lie back because he keeps waffling like he does? that's not how i grew up on journalism. it was my minor in college and to see what has been done to my former profession kills me at times.

it's their job to get to the facts, not attack any particular person w/o regard for the truth.
There was no nazi rally. It was a group of people protesting erasing history.

Chanting “Jews will not replace us”?
Chanting YOU will not replace us. Which is a reasonable thing to say since Democrats are engaged in population replacement right now.

Strange, it was supposed to be about a statue….
There was no nazi rally. It was a group of people protesting erasing history.

Chanting “Jews will not replace us”?
Chanting YOU will not replace us. Which is a reasonable thing to say since Democrats are engaged in population replacement right now.

A trump supporter who thinks its….
Reasonable to march with lit torches at night chanting Nazi slogans?

Where are the intelligent liberals?

Is that a oxymoron?

The ones I am seeing here are way toooooo challenge whatsoever....I almost feel sorry for them....caught up and then exposed in their lies....must suck to be a democrat....knowing you can never tell the truth without going against the party line.
Telling the truth following the party/Trump line?
so tell me son, are any of these "trump lies" on your list?

78 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

if so - then you should be mad at the media for what, 78 lies about his activities? i tell ya, if this man lies as much as you and the left claim, why do you have to make up so many "more" about him? how come you're not bitching at these lies?

Well the thing you keep seeing in those mistakes reading that list are resignations and retractions and corrections. So yeah, I wish they'd get the full story before reporting and sometimes corraborate better. But I am glad they hold themselves accountable.

Now of the 9014 lies from Trump since his Presidency, how many resignations or corrections have been offered?

And of all the media, thousands of people, a list of 78 of which it seems nearly all have been corrected or amended voluntarily as new or correct information presented itself is not bad especially when you read the list and see how small some are.

And many of those are not. For example the one a few months ago that Trump was LIKELY to fire DHS secretary Nielsen the following week. I don't see how that is proven as a lie, even if he chose not to at that time.

Many others are just coverage of people lying, where the media covered someone claiming a racial attack and called it an ALLEGED attack.

And some were not intentional lies, but actual typo's. Like the Virginia exports to Canada/Mexico, showing the impact tariffs may have. They listed that as $800, which obviously wouldn't fit the story that tariffs could hurt their economy. That was corrected to 800 million. I don't see that as a lie myself. The revised correction actually fit the narrative of the story.

And there are just SO MANY from him. How bad is it that we just accept our President is lying to us Constantly.

Just last week it was:
windmill cancer
4 hangers of people celebrating him (there was only one there)
3% of asylum seekers returning for a trial (even though the participants had a 100 percent attendance record at court hearings according to the program itself. They also had a 99 percent rate of check-ins and appointments with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, according to a report by the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General.)
The worlds largest oil field (not even close to Saudi Arabias)
the best employment and unemployment numbers ever (actually not the lowest employment and workforce participation well down from 20 years ago).
No empty seats at the Cruz Rally (there were thousands).
Only trump gets Article II obstruction (literally was part of impeachment proceeding for Nixon/Clinton)
The power grid can't handle the variability of wind energy (Energy dept says it can)
He was joking about releasing hillary's emails...

And those are just off the top of my head. It sucks I think that we have to expect the President to just lie continuously to America and will not apologize but continue to deny cold hard facts.
trump talks a lot w/o verifying things first. intentional or not, still annoying yes. but i can't think of ANY president in my own time that made it through office w/o everyone calling them a liar. so it's not like he's the first and certainly won't be the last.

however, when it comes to our "media" it's a fucking joke. to lie back because he keeps waffling like he does? that's not how i grew up on journalism. it was my minor in college and to see what has been done to my former profession kills me at times.

it's their job to get to the facts, not attack any particular person w/o regard for the truth.
Problem is that when Trump spouts off without thinking it takes several days before he can rephrase what he "really " said

Remember his lame excuse when he defended Putin over his own intelligence?
Where are the intelligent liberals?

Is that a oxymoron?

The ones I am seeing here are way toooooo challenge whatsoever....I almost feel sorry for them....caught up and then exposed in their lies....must suck to be a democrat....knowing you can never tell the truth without going against the party line.
Telling the truth following the party/Trump line?
so tell me son, are any of these "trump lies" on your list?

78 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

if so - then you should be mad at the media for what, 78 lies about his activities? i tell ya, if this man lies as much as you and the left claim, why do you have to make up so many "more" about him? how come you're not bitching at these lies?

Well the thing you keep seeing in those mistakes reading that list are resignations and retractions and corrections. So yeah, I wish they'd get the full story before reporting and sometimes corraborate better. But I am glad they hold themselves accountable.

Now of the 9014 lies from Trump since his Presidency, how many resignations or corrections have been offered?

And of all the media, thousands of people, a list of 78 of which it seems nearly all have been corrected or amended voluntarily as new or correct information presented itself is not bad especially when you read the list and see how small some are.

And many of those are not. For example the one a few months ago that Trump was LIKELY to fire DHS secretary Nielsen the following week. I don't see how that is proven as a lie, even if he chose not to at that time.

Many others are just coverage of people lying, where the media covered someone claiming a racial attack and called it an ALLEGED attack.

And some were not intentional lies, but actual typo's. Like the Virginia exports to Canada/Mexico, showing the impact tariffs may have. They listed that as $800, which obviously wouldn't fit the story that tariffs could hurt their economy. That was corrected to 800 million. I don't see that as a lie myself. The revised correction actually fit the narrative of the story.

And there are just SO MANY from him. How bad is it that we just accept our President is lying to us Constantly.

Just last week it was:
windmill cancer
4 hangers of people celebrating him (there was only one there)
3% of asylum seekers returning for a trial (even though the participants had a 100 percent attendance record at court hearings according to the program itself. They also had a 99 percent rate of check-ins and appointments with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, according to a report by the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General.)
The worlds largest oil field (not even close to Saudi Arabias)
the best employment and unemployment numbers ever (actually not the lowest employment and workforce participation well down from 20 years ago).
No empty seats at the Cruz Rally (there were thousands).
Only trump gets Article II obstruction (literally was part of impeachment proceeding for Nixon/Clinton)
The power grid can't handle the variability of wind energy (Energy dept says it can)
He was joking about releasing hillary's emails...

And those are just off the top of my head. It sucks I think that we have to expect the President to just lie continuously to America and will not apologize but continue to deny cold hard facts.
trump talks a lot w/o verifying things first. intentional or not, still annoying yes. but i can't think of ANY president in my own time that made it through office w/o everyone calling them a liar. so it's not like he's the first and certainly won't be the last.

however, when it comes to our "media" it's a fucking joke. to lie back because he keeps waffling like he does? that's not how i grew up on journalism. it was my minor in college and to see what has been done to my former profession kills me at times.

it's their job to get to the facts, not attack any particular person w/o regard for the truth.

So, your newexcuse is every President
Where are the intelligent liberals?

Is that a oxymoron?

The ones I am seeing here are way toooooo challenge whatsoever....I almost feel sorry for them....caught up and then exposed in their lies....must suck to be a democrat....knowing you can never tell the truth without going against the party line.
Telling the truth following the party/Trump line?
so tell me son, are any of these "trump lies" on your list?

78 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

if so - then you should be mad at the media for what, 78 lies about his activities? i tell ya, if this man lies as much as you and the left claim, why do you have to make up so many "more" about him? how come you're not bitching at these lies?

Well the thing you keep seeing in those mistakes reading that list are resignations and retractions and corrections. So yeah, I wish they'd get the full story before reporting and sometimes corraborate better. But I am glad they hold themselves accountable.

Now of the 9014 lies from Trump since his Presidency, how many resignations or corrections have been offered?

And of all the media, thousands of people, a list of 78 of which it seems nearly all have been corrected or amended voluntarily as new or correct information presented itself is not bad especially when you read the list and see how small some are.

And many of those are not. For example the one a few months ago that Trump was LIKELY to fire DHS secretary Nielsen the following week. I don't see how that is proven as a lie, even if he chose not to at that time.

Many others are just coverage of people lying, where the media covered someone claiming a racial attack and called it an ALLEGED attack.

And some were not intentional lies, but actual typo's. Like the Virginia exports to Canada/Mexico, showing the impact tariffs may have. They listed that as $800, which obviously wouldn't fit the story that tariffs could hurt their economy. That was corrected to 800 million. I don't see that as a lie myself. The revised correction actually fit the narrative of the story.

And there are just SO MANY from him. How bad is it that we just accept our President is lying to us Constantly.

Just last week it was:
windmill cancer
4 hangers of people celebrating him (there was only one there)
3% of asylum seekers returning for a trial (even though the participants had a 100 percent attendance record at court hearings according to the program itself. They also had a 99 percent rate of check-ins and appointments with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, according to a report by the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General.)
The worlds largest oil field (not even close to Saudi Arabias)
the best employment and unemployment numbers ever (actually not the lowest employment and workforce participation well down from 20 years ago).
No empty seats at the Cruz Rally (there were thousands).
Only trump gets Article II obstruction (literally was part of impeachment proceeding for Nixon/Clinton)
The power grid can't handle the variability of wind energy (Energy dept says it can)
He was joking about releasing hillary's emails...

And those are just off the top of my head. It sucks I think that we have to expect the President to just lie continuously to America and will not apologize but continue to deny cold hard facts.
trump talks a lot w/o verifying things first. intentional or not, still annoying yes. but i can't think of ANY president in my own time that made it through office w/o everyone calling them a liar. so it's not like he's the first and certainly won't be the last.

however, when it comes to our "media" it's a fucking joke. to lie back because he keeps waffling like he does? that's not how i grew up on journalism. it was my minor in college and to see what has been done to my former profession kills me at times.

it's their job to get to the facts, not attack any particular person w/o regard for the truth.
Trump makes up shit. So, if this shit is what is in is head, are you saying Trump is making all these decisions based on this shit he keeps in hos head that is not true?

And no President has lied like Trump. So let's not even try to use that excuse.
Where are the intelligent liberals?

Is that a oxymoron?

The ones I am seeing here are way toooooo challenge whatsoever....I almost feel sorry for them....caught up and then exposed in their lies....must suck to be a democrat....knowing you can never tell the truth without going against the party line.
Telling the truth following the party/Trump line?
so tell me son, are any of these "trump lies" on your list?

78 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

if so - then you should be mad at the media for what, 78 lies about his activities? i tell ya, if this man lies as much as you and the left claim, why do you have to make up so many "more" about him? how come you're not bitching at these lies?

Well the thing you keep seeing in those mistakes reading that list are resignations and retractions and corrections. So yeah, I wish they'd get the full story before reporting and sometimes corraborate better. But I am glad they hold themselves accountable.

Now of the 9014 lies from Trump since his Presidency, how many resignations or corrections have been offered?

And of all the media, thousands of people, a list of 78 of which it seems nearly all have been corrected or amended voluntarily as new or correct information presented itself is not bad especially when you read the list and see how small some are.

And many of those are not. For example the one a few months ago that Trump was LIKELY to fire DHS secretary Nielsen the following week. I don't see how that is proven as a lie, even if he chose not to at that time.

Many others are just coverage of people lying, where the media covered someone claiming a racial attack and called it an ALLEGED attack.

And some were not intentional lies, but actual typo's. Like the Virginia exports to Canada/Mexico, showing the impact tariffs may have. They listed that as $800, which obviously wouldn't fit the story that tariffs could hurt their economy. That was corrected to 800 million. I don't see that as a lie myself. The revised correction actually fit the narrative of the story.

And there are just SO MANY from him. How bad is it that we just accept our President is lying to us Constantly.

Just last week it was:
windmill cancer
4 hangers of people celebrating him (there was only one there)
3% of asylum seekers returning for a trial (even though the participants had a 100 percent attendance record at court hearings according to the program itself. They also had a 99 percent rate of check-ins and appointments with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, according to a report by the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General.)
The worlds largest oil field (not even close to Saudi Arabias)
the best employment and unemployment numbers ever (actually not the lowest employment and workforce participation well down from 20 years ago).
No empty seats at the Cruz Rally (there were thousands).
Only trump gets Article II obstruction (literally was part of impeachment proceeding for Nixon/Clinton)
The power grid can't handle the variability of wind energy (Energy dept says it can)
He was joking about releasing hillary's emails...

And those are just off the top of my head. It sucks I think that we have to expect the President to just lie continuously to America and will not apologize but continue to deny cold hard facts.
trump talks a lot w/o verifying things first. intentional or not, still annoying yes. but i can't think of ANY president in my own time that made it through office w/o everyone calling them a liar. so it's not like he's the first and certainly won't be the last.

however, when it comes to our "media" it's a fucking joke. to lie back because he keeps waffling like he does? that's not how i grew up on journalism. it was my minor in college and to see what has been done to my former profession kills me at times.

it's their job to get to the facts, not attack any particular person w/o regard for the truth.
Problem is that when Trump spouts off without thinking it takes several days before he can rephrase what he "really " said

Remember his lame excuse when he defended Putin over his own intelligence?

when i see you go after the media for the 78 and counting things they got wrong about trump, you'll have a voice in my world. til then you're an annoying gnat who just screams YEA at a lot.
Where are the intelligent liberals?

Is that a oxymoron?

The ones I am seeing here are way toooooo challenge whatsoever....I almost feel sorry for them....caught up and then exposed in their lies....must suck to be a democrat....knowing you can never tell the truth without going against the party line.
Telling the truth following the party/Trump line?
so tell me son, are any of these "trump lies" on your list?

78 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

if so - then you should be mad at the media for what, 78 lies about his activities? i tell ya, if this man lies as much as you and the left claim, why do you have to make up so many "more" about him? how come you're not bitching at these lies?

We saw one year of Trump's tax returns. ONE. That's it. OMG MG OMG he only not paid taxes for 27 years? And you are having a fit? Trump invirted this talk by not releasing his returns. They reported on what one person said. He did say it so these statements were not the press's lies.

What a petty list of bullshit. Sometimes reporters report based on info they have & this changes as more info becomes available.

This is no way is an excuse for the lying fuck Trump & the people that defend him.
Telling the truth following the party/Trump line?
so tell me son, are any of these "trump lies" on your list?

78 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

if so - then you should be mad at the media for what, 78 lies about his activities? i tell ya, if this man lies as much as you and the left claim, why do you have to make up so many "more" about him? how come you're not bitching at these lies?

Well the thing you keep seeing in those mistakes reading that list are resignations and retractions and corrections. So yeah, I wish they'd get the full story before reporting and sometimes corraborate better. But I am glad they hold themselves accountable.

Now of the 9014 lies from Trump since his Presidency, how many resignations or corrections have been offered?

And of all the media, thousands of people, a list of 78 of which it seems nearly all have been corrected or amended voluntarily as new or correct information presented itself is not bad especially when you read the list and see how small some are.

And many of those are not. For example the one a few months ago that Trump was LIKELY to fire DHS secretary Nielsen the following week. I don't see how that is proven as a lie, even if he chose not to at that time.

Many others are just coverage of people lying, where the media covered someone claiming a racial attack and called it an ALLEGED attack.

And some were not intentional lies, but actual typo's. Like the Virginia exports to Canada/Mexico, showing the impact tariffs may have. They listed that as $800, which obviously wouldn't fit the story that tariffs could hurt their economy. That was corrected to 800 million. I don't see that as a lie myself. The revised correction actually fit the narrative of the story.

And there are just SO MANY from him. How bad is it that we just accept our President is lying to us Constantly.

Just last week it was:
windmill cancer
4 hangers of people celebrating him (there was only one there)
3% of asylum seekers returning for a trial (even though the participants had a 100 percent attendance record at court hearings according to the program itself. They also had a 99 percent rate of check-ins and appointments with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, according to a report by the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General.)
The worlds largest oil field (not even close to Saudi Arabias)
the best employment and unemployment numbers ever (actually not the lowest employment and workforce participation well down from 20 years ago).
No empty seats at the Cruz Rally (there were thousands).
Only trump gets Article II obstruction (literally was part of impeachment proceeding for Nixon/Clinton)
The power grid can't handle the variability of wind energy (Energy dept says it can)
He was joking about releasing hillary's emails...

And those are just off the top of my head. It sucks I think that we have to expect the President to just lie continuously to America and will not apologize but continue to deny cold hard facts.
trump talks a lot w/o verifying things first. intentional or not, still annoying yes. but i can't think of ANY president in my own time that made it through office w/o everyone calling them a liar. so it's not like he's the first and certainly won't be the last.

however, when it comes to our "media" it's a fucking joke. to lie back because he keeps waffling like he does? that's not how i grew up on journalism. it was my minor in college and to see what has been done to my former profession kills me at times.

it's their job to get to the facts, not attack any particular person w/o regard for the truth.
Problem is that when Trump spouts off without thinking it takes several days before he can rephrase what he "really " said

Remember his lame excuse when he defended Putin over his own intelligence?

when i see you go after the media for the 78 and counting things they got wrong about trump, you'll have a voice in my world. til then you're an annoying gnat who just screams YEA at a lot.
When I read that list & see how you assfucks use it as an excuse, I laugh my ass off.

How many reporters are there? How many stories take tiem to develop? And you found 78 petty instances?

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