The OJ sentence was severe.

That's wrong. He was on trial for a specific crime, not being re-tried for the murder of his wife and her boyfriend.

If you think the end justifies the means, where do you stop and start? The fact is, no matter WHO nor how many THINK OJ is guilty, he was found legally not guilty in a court of law.

So it's okay the next time he's arrested to exact punishment because you THINK he's a guilty of murder? A fact that has NOT been established?

That's not justice. That's lynchmob mentality. here's an old movie called "the Oxbow Incident" with Henry Fonda. Watch it sometime.


Referencing the Oxbow Incident was perfect.
OJ is a cocky piece of shit that knows he got away with murder and figured well, what the fuck, if I can get away with murder, I certainly can get away with barging in somewhere, wave a couple guns around and kidnap and steal some stuff. The man is a menace to society and is exactly where he belongs, in prison. He ought to be damn lucky the judge didn't give him the maximum sentence. His lawless, murdering ass would have been up the crick for a lot longer than it is now.
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If OJ had retrieved his stolen items in New Jersey, the law there provides for him to go in and take it without penalty. If sued, he only would have to prove that it was his and he would have been off scot free.

This is simply untrue. In tort (legal concepts you can sue people over)repossession of property is only allowed in "hot pursuit" at the time of the theft. OJ's remedy was to call the police or file a lawsuit for conversion (aka theft): OJ did neither.
I don't care if they have a feature length movie about it, the sentence was severe. Most of the stuff that he removed was his, and it had been stolen and reported as such.

The seven year sentence handed down on Al Capone for income tax evasion was severe, too.
That's wrong. He was on trial for a specific crime, not being re-tried for the murder of his wife and her boyfriend.

If you think the end justifies the means, where do you stop and start? The fact is, no matter WHO nor how many THINK OJ is guilty, he was found legally not guilty in a court of law.

So it's okay the next time he's arrested to exact punishment because you THINK he's a guilty of murder? A fact that has NOT been established?

That's not justice. That's lynchmob mentality. here's an old movie called "the Oxbow Incident" with Henry Fonda. Watch it sometime.

Will you agree, then, that the judge that sentenced Al Capone was also in the wrong?
The original post is some of the most egregious apologetic nonsense I have ever read. OJ got away with murder in California, there is almost nothing I would stake my life on, but that would be one and I would live. But that said the jackass thought laws applied only to others and was so stupid he did it in Nevada, maybe he believed the ads. And according to his own lawyers after the guilty verdict, he got off with a lenient sentence. How it is that anyone can defend this scum is beyond me.
That's wrong. He was on trial for a specific crime, not being re-tried for the murder of his wife and her boyfriend.

If you think the end justifies the means, where do you stop and start? The fact is, no matter WHO nor how many THINK OJ is guilty, he was found legally not guilty in a court of law.

So it's okay the next time he's arrested to exact punishment because you THINK he's a guilty of murder? A fact that has NOT been established?

That's not justice. That's lynchmob mentality. here's an old movie called "the Oxbow Incident" with Henry Fonda. Watch it sometime.

He was found guilty in a civil court of the crime. And I don't give a toss if they took it into consideration into this incident. I hope they did.

Just mentioning a work of fiction doesn't mean it's reality.

As for you Neubarth (racist that you are), I don't know if you have kids. But if you do, next time look at him or her, and imagine their throat slit from ear to ear over a crime of passion and then tell me how compassionate you are to the murdering scum who did it
How long will OJ last in prison? Is he getting solitary?
Poor old O.J. The poor black man has been set up by the evil white people all his life. Luckily he had a black lawyer when the evil white people tried to get him convicted for murders he didn’t do. He even tried searching many golf courses for the real murder but alas it looks like the evil white people have set him up again and this time convicting an innocent black man. Then to top it off the evil white people are giving him more jail time than he deserves. If O.J. had been white none of the past charges would have ever been brought against him. When will the evil white people stop bringing false charges against black people? And then giving the poor back man to much time in jail for these ridiculous false charges. If O.J. had been white he wouldn’t have been arrested for anything he has done. Maybe he needs to be paid reparations for all the evil whites have done to him. He should be released immediately and the evil white cops and judge should take his place in jail.

The above is all BS and if you don’t like doing time then don’t do the crime.
That's wrong. He was on trial for a specific crime, not being re-tried for the murder of his wife and her boyfriend.

If you think the end justifies the means, where do you stop and start? The fact is, no matter WHO nor how many THINK OJ is guilty, he was found legally not guilty in a court of law.

So it's okay the next time he's arrested to exact punishment because you THINK he's a guilty of murder? A fact that has NOT been established?

That's not justice. That's lynchmob mentality. here's an old movie called "the Oxbow Incident" with Henry Fonda. Watch it sometime.

Yes I know he was on trial for this specific crime and not being retried for killing Nicole and Ron. I also said that I am ok with an exception to the rule, specifically pertaining to OJ Simpson, meaning that I believe OJ got away with murder and I have no problem that the judge slapped him with such a long and severe sentence for this crime. She is the judge and she sentenced him as she saw just. She also said that his previous crime played no factor in her sentencing. Whether it did or not, we will never know. I believe OJ is finally getting what he deserves because I believe he killed Nicole and Ron. No, I was not on the jury nor does what I believe mean anything to anyone except me.

I understand what you are saying, Gunny and I agree with you . . . but in the specific case of OJ Simpson, as far as I am concerned, I believe he is finally getting what he deserves and he can rot in prison. I have no empathy for him. If that's wrong thinking, then it's wrong thinking but I'm am glad he will spend a good chunk of the rest of his life in prison.
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Yes I know he was on trial for this specific crime and not being retried for killing Nicole and Ron. I also said that I am ok with an exception to the rule, specifically pertaining to OJ Simpson, meaning that I believe OJ got away with murder and I have no problem that the judge slapped him with such a long and severe sentence for this crime. She is the judge and she sentenced him as she saw just. She also said that his previous crime played no factor in her sentencing. Whether it did or not, we will never know. I believe OJ is finally getting what he deserves because I believe he killed Nicole and Ron. No, I was not on the jury nor does what I believe mean anything to anyone except me.

I understand what you are saying, Gunny and I agree with you . . . but in the specific case of OJ Simpson, as far as I am concerned, I believe he is finally getting what he deserves and he can rot in prison. I have no empathy for him. If that's wrong thinking, then it's wrong thinking but I'm am glad he will spend a good chunk of the rest of his life in prison.

The difference is that while he did get a severe sentense, it was still within the law. The judge has that leway and can use it for whatever he/she wishes.
OJ clearly committed an offense, but the issue is whether the length of the sentence was justified. I think not.
He was found guilty in a civil court of the crime. And I don't give a toss if they took it into consideration into this incident. I hope they did.

Just mentioning a work of fiction doesn't mean it's reality.

As for you Neubarth (racist that you are), I don't know if you have kids. But if you do, next time look at him or her, and imagine their throat slit from ear to ear over a crime of passion and then tell me how compassionate you are to the murdering scum who did it

Past history is always taken into consideration in sentencing. But in this particular case, no matter how terrible the murders, OJ was never convicted of them. The prosecution did a terrible job....

And using something like this case to give him a disproportionately large sentence is wrong, IMO.
I gotta disagree,, the DNA proved he was the guilty party... OJ was pronnounced not guilty by a jury that could have stood there and watched him do the deed and still said "not guilty" it was payback for Rodney King.. so I guess now we are tit for tat so to speak...

What retarded nonsense. I watched most of that trial. the prosecution were bumbling idiots. After months of listening to the defense SHRED ever piece of evidence the prosecution had the ONLY verdict had to be NOT GUILTY.The requirement is Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, there was so much doubt it was not funny.
I hope the punk spends his last day of life still incarcerated in Nevada. He got out of his life what he has put into it. Hey don't drop the soap OJ.
I hope the punk spends his last day of life still incarcerated in Nevada. He got out of his life what he has put into it. Hey don't drop the soap OJ.

Yup, perfect example of IGNORANCE at its worst. If EVERYONE does not have the same protections, the same rights, the same safe Guards ALL the time, NO ONE has any. That Oxbow incident is sure coming clearer and clearer.
Why do you keep noting "the Jewish boyfriend" Nu?

If the guy had been Scots-Irish Presbyterian, would you have referred to him as the Presbyterian boyfriend?

I rather doubt it, don't you?

You may want to do some soul searching and ask yourself why you thought Goldman's race or religion was so important to the story that you felt the need to identify that victim by his religion and race.

Incidently, I suspect you're right about OJ getting a stiffer sentence than he might have otherwise.
Yup, perfect example of IGNORANCE at its worst. If EVERYONE does not have the same protections, the same rights, the same safe Guards ALL the time, NO ONE has any. That Oxbow incident is sure coming clearer and clearer.

I could careless what you call it. I hope he rots. He was offered deals which would have got him through this with next to nothing, the dumbass turned them down. Good, let him rot. He killed two people and walked, if this evens up the score, good. Ignorance? Thank you, in this case, I'll wear it with pride.
I could careless what you call it. I hope he rots. He was offered deals which would have got him through this with next to nothing, the dumbass turned them down. Good, let him rot. He killed two people and walked, if this evens up the score, good. Ignorance? Thank you, in this case, I'll wear it with pride.

Perhaps the prosecution in the first place should have done a better job instead of preening for the camera.

You make yourself sound really ignorant spewing this stuff.
Perhaps the prosecution in the first place should have done a better job instead of preening for the camera.
You make yourself sound really ignorant spewing this stuff.

Perhaps if it wasn't televised there may have been a different verdict.

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