The Old Black Panthers vs the KKK comparison

Regardless of the voting pattern of the KKK they were all whites. And violent and dont begin to compare to the Black Panthers. The BP's pride came from within where the KKK's pride came from the ability to hurt others who arent white
I also needs to be pointed out that the BP's existed because whites simply cant seem to help being violently racist.
Many white sailors beaten up by angry Blacks back then.

In the 60's? :lmao::lol::lmao: I bet thats the scary stuff you told each other while hiding from "hoards of negro attacks" lmao

That's what was happening in Hunters Point back then. Lot's of whites attacked by blacks. It's a common thing in the inner cities especially during times of race riots. Remember those blacks that attacked that trucker during the L.A. riots? millions saw this, or maybe this was whites in black face. Yeah, that's it. One link below Looks like your life experience is what you get off of demorat underground and tom hartman program, another clueless, pie in the sky guy, at least he is on the poor, poor, misunderstood black thugs.

Regardless of the voting pattern of the KKK they were all whites. And violent and dont begin to compare to the Black Panthers. The BP's pride came from within where the KKK's pride came from the ability to hurt others who arent white
I also needs to be pointed out that the BP's existed because whites simply cant seem to help being violently racist.

And the Panthers decided the best way to fix the problem was to become communists and rob banks.
Regardless of the voting pattern of the KKK they were all whites. And violent and dont begin to compare to the Black Panthers. The BP's pride came from within where the KKK's pride came from the ability to hurt others who arent white
I also needs to be pointed out that the BP's existed because whites simply cant seem to help being violently racist.

And the Panthers decided the best way to fix the problem was to become communists and rob banks.
You goofy white boys crack me up with your dumbass comments. :laugh:

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