The Old Black Panthers vs the KKK comparison


There is no comparison unless black words are consider the same as white physical attacks
Not much difference ... both are democrat orgs.
Neither were dems. The KKK was started by conservative inbred whites and the BPs were independents.
I'm the last avatar. I'm the last mind benda.
When dem cave chimps come a calling i stamp em return to senda
They from the cave Klan I designated the clown pretendas
I slice em and dice em like I ran em through a blenda.

There is no comparison unless black words are consider the same as white physical attacks
Not much difference ... both are democrat orgs.
Neither were dems. The KKK was started by conservative inbred whites and the BPs were independents.
Robert Byrd and George Wallace say hi.
Youre hearing voices in your head again. Theres help for that.
History must suck for you...

There is no comparison unless black words are consider the same as white physical attacks
Not much difference ... both are democrat orgs.
Neither were dems. The KKK was started by conservative inbred whites and the BPs were independents.
Robert Byrd and George Wallace say hi.
Youre hearing voices in your head again. Theres help for that.
History must suck for you...
Only white peoples version of history sucks.
Not much difference ... both are democrat orgs.
Neither were dems. The KKK was started by conservative inbred whites and the BPs were independents.
Robert Byrd and George Wallace say hi.
Youre hearing voices in your head again. Theres help for that.
History must suck for you...
Only white peoples version of history sucks.
So you just dont like the truth... Not shocking with the low info voters like you
Neither were dems. The KKK was started by conservative inbred whites and the BPs were independents.
Robert Byrd and George Wallace say hi.
Youre hearing voices in your head again. Theres help for that.
History must suck for you...
Only white peoples version of history sucks.
So you just dont like the truth... Not shocking with the low info voters like you
There is very little thats truthful in white peoples version of history.
OP is a blind moron who shrieks if he hears all lives matter.
You are a deaf idiot that wails when you see #BlackLivesMatter.
You mean the scumbags calling for cops to be killed?
No I mean BLM.
yes the scumbags that call for cops to be killed..... Whiny little bitches.
Yes you and yours are whiny little bitches.
Robert Byrd and George Wallace say hi.
Youre hearing voices in your head again. Theres help for that.
History must suck for you...
Only white peoples version of history sucks.
So you just dont like the truth... Not shocking with the low info voters like you
There is very little thats truthful in white peoples version of history.
There is no white version you ignorant bigot there is just history.
Youre hearing voices in your head again. Theres help for that.
History must suck for you...
Only white peoples version of history sucks.
So you just dont like the truth... Not shocking with the low info voters like you
There is very little thats truthful in white peoples version of history.
There is no white version you ignorant bigot there is just history.
Of course there is a white version you whiny bitch. They teach it in school. You know when they say Columbus "discovered" america? Lies
History must suck for you...
Only white peoples version of history sucks.
So you just dont like the truth... Not shocking with the low info voters like you
There is very little thats truthful in white peoples version of history.
There is no white version you ignorant bigot there is just history.
Of course there is a white version you whiny bitch. They teach it in school.
How would you know??? I doubt you even went to high school.
Only white peoples version of history sucks.
So you just dont like the truth... Not shocking with the low info voters like you
There is very little thats truthful in white peoples version of history.
There is no white version you ignorant bigot there is just history.
Of course there is a white version you whiny bitch. They teach it in school.
How would you know??? I doubt you even went to high school.
I didnt ask what you doubted. I am just educating you. Its up to you to figure out if you want to believe it or not.
Only white peoples version of history sucks.
So you just dont like the truth... Not shocking with the low info voters like you
There is very little thats truthful in white peoples version of history.
There is no white version you ignorant bigot there is just history.
Of course there is a white version you whiny bitch. They teach it in school.
How would you know??? I doubt you even went to high school.
He can edumacate chu on some rappin skills.
Regardless of the voting pattern of the KKK they were all whites. And violent and dont begin to compare to the Black Panthers. The BP's pride came from within where the KKK's pride came from the ability to hurt others who arent white

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