The old your a socialist routine is a laugh and a half

My answer to the your a commie and you can't give one good reason to increase the tax on business.

First everyone here should know that this clown has no clue what a socialist is. Second there is a direct historical relationship between the level of civilization to the level of taxes. In the early 50's business paid 6% of the GDP in taxes now they pay less then 1%, in 54 they paid 30% of our total tax revenue. It went down to less then 7% a few years back. Business right now has the highest profits in history and their profits % is at it highest in history. From 81, when The trickle down lie give away to the wealthy was created, business profits where 170 billion now they are 1800 billion. Their net profit margin is at 13.5%, its never been higher then that. Hell this is easy every stat supports my opinion and makes a laugh out of your opinion.
I win, your wrong.

English not your native tongue Tonto?
My answer to the your a commie and you can't give one good reason to increase the tax on business.

First everyone here should know that this clown has no clue what a socialist is. Second there is a direct historical relationship between the level of civilization to the level of taxes. In the early 50's business paid 6% of the GDP in taxes now they pay less then 1%, in 54 they paid 30% of our total tax revenue. It went down to less then 7% a few years back. Business right now has the highest profits in history and their profits % is at it highest in history. From 81, when The trickle down lie give away to the wealthy was created, business profits where 170 billion now they are 1800 billion. Their net profit margin is at 13.5%, its never been higher then that. Hell this is easy every stat supports my opinion and makes a laugh out of your opinion.
I win, your wrong.
People would probably take this post more seriously if you properly used the words "You're" and "Your".

Also, they'd likely be paying a much larger percentage of GDP if the government wasn't constantly expanding and wasting more money. We currently have 400+ government agencies, most of which are useless, for example. All you're really telling us is that the government is spending way too much money.

what i consider a waste of money is subsidizing michelle bachmann's "family farm". making sure we have roads, infrastructure, schools and access to higher education and medical care are NOT a waste of money.

when we vote for president, we decide what we think is a waste of money.

you lose.

but thanks for ignoring what he said, which is when rightwingnuts start the whole "Commie"/"socialist" thing (except in the case of bernie and some of his bros who ARE socialist) they sound like idiots because wingers think anyone to the left of atilla the hun is a leftie.
You wouldn't be from the 6th district in Minnesota, would you. I have a ding bat Bauchmann story for you. I wrote a letter to the editor to the 2nd largest City paper in the 6th, this is a copy.------

Michelle Bachmann's Record

Since 2007 Bachmann has sponsored nine bills, zero made in law.

She has co-sponsored 167 bills, four made into law:

1. House resolution 373: Expresses support for the designation of September as "National Hydrocephalus Awareness month."
2. House amendment 634: Requires the Department of Energy Inspector General to report to Congress on waste, fraud, and abuse within the Department.
3. House resolution 789: Honoring the public child welfare program.
4. House resolution 923: Recognizes the State of Minnesota's 150th anniversary.

She has adamantly opposed earmarks and government funding; yet through the Bachmann Farm Partnership owning 38 parcels in Wisconsin valued at $664,950, she and her husband have received between $17,502 and $105,000 from Farm Aid according to her congressional financial disclosure forms for 2007, 2009, and 2010.

Her husband's counseling clinic requested and received nearly $30,000 from the state of Minnesota and accepted Medicaid funding of $137,000.

Despite signing a document saying she wouldn't ask for or accept earmarks, she has requested $60 million in federal earmarks and $3.7 million in state earmarks.

Her opposition to Fannie May and Freddy Mac has been well documented. However, Rep. Bachmann and her husband took out a $417,000 loan on their home backed by none other than either Fannie May or Freddy Mac in 2008.

Lastly, she is a Dominionist, a conservative Christian who seeks control over secular civil government through political means with the goal of establishing a nation governed by Christians or one governed by a conservative Christian understanding of biblical law. This belief contradicts the Treaty of Tripoli unanimously signed in 1797 by congress stating in its 11th amendment that "the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion" as well as negating the first amendment of the US Constitution giving us the right of freedom of(all) religion

They read it , called me and ask me to verify the story, which I did. A few days later they called back and said they would come out against Ding Bat and asked me to write another letter to the editor right before the election. Which I did. One of my better moments in life.

Good for you. You provided a massive public service. No, I'm not from Minnesota. I'm from NYC. But I've always felt Michele and her husband were the epitome of rightwingnut theocrat hypocrisy. I actually thought that her husband got a million dollars for his pray away the gay program. that whole wing of the party that is trying to eradicate religious freedom is bizarre to me.

Who's trying to eliminate religious freedom and how exactly?
My answer to the your a commie and you can't give one good reason to increase the tax on business.

First everyone here should know that this clown has no clue what a socialist is. Second there is a direct historical relationship between the level of civilization to the level of taxes. In the early 50's business paid 6% of the GDP in taxes now they pay less then 1%, in 54 they paid 30% of our total tax revenue. It went down to less then 7% a few years back. Business right now has the highest profits in history and their profits % is at it highest in history. From 81, when The trickle down lie give away to the wealthy was created, business profits where 170 billion now they are 1800 billion. Their net profit margin is at 13.5%, its never been higher then that. Hell this is easy every stat supports my opinion and makes a laugh out of your opinion.
I win, your wrong.

English not your native tongue Tonto?

Poor bastard, can hardly pen a cogent thought.
My answer to the your a commie and you can't give one good reason to increase the tax on business.

First everyone here should know that this clown has no clue what a socialist is. Second there is a direct historical relationship between the level of civilization to the level of taxes. In the early 50's business paid 6% of the GDP in taxes now they pay less then 1%, in 54 they paid 30% of our total tax revenue. It went down to less then 7% a few years back. Business right now has the highest profits in history and their profits % is at it highest in history. From 81, when The trickle down lie give away to the wealthy was created, business profits where 170 billion now they are 1800 billion. Their net profit margin is at 13.5%, its never been higher then that. Hell this is easy every stat supports my opinion and makes a laugh out of your opinion.
I win, your wrong.

English not your native tongue Tonto?

Poor bastard, can hardly pen a cogent thought.
Let me see which side do I want to be on , the side that can't spell or the side that gets so buried by overpowering facts of opponent on a debate forum That all they can come up with, is I hate you and you can't spell. If you have nothing why say anything, it's just a waste of bandwidth and I really don't care that much. So that won't get to me. If you don't know what facts are at all, my comment is full of facts. You can learn something.

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