The OLDER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate

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Why don't you accept that jew are not from holly land. They are migrated from Iraq. If you think that you have prime mind then whole world know who can be native and can not be.
What useless mind you have because as you are paid propagandist and it is your earning/living.
And yet Arabs themselves call it the "Jewish Desert" :www_MyEmoticons_com__shush:
You know from whom everyone learned it was holy land?
That is a great question.

I would be interested in finding out how come, it being the Arabs who lived in Ancient Canaan 3000-4000 years ago, how come....
the Torah, the original first Holy Book......was not written in Arabic by those indigenous, native population. Or the poems by King David.

Wasn't Arabic their Native language?
All this argument, won't make jew native. will it?

Actually it already did, the land rejected the Arab invaders and gave the best of her fruits to her true children. Pay attention, it doesn't matter what You think, it matters what we do.
You wished.
You're correct, we wished for 2000 years.
Was worth it I must say.
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And yet Arabs themselves call it the "Jewish Desert" :www_MyEmoticons_com__shush:
You know from whom everyone learned it was holy land?
That is a great question.

I would be interested in finding out how come, it being the Arabs who lived in Ancient Canaan 3000-4000 years ago, how come....
the Torah, the original first Holy Book......was not written in Arabic by those indigenous, native population. Or the poems by King David.

Wasn't Arabic their Native language?
All this argument, won't make jew native. will it?

Actually it already did, the land rejected the Arab invaders and gave the best of her fruits to her true children. Pay attention, it doesn't matter what You think, it matters what we do.
You wished.
You're correct, we wished for 2000 years.
Was worth it I must say.
The sooner jew not you mean jew will understand is better. The jew idea is flop. May be it is working for jew but not for the mankind. Why it is flop because masaya is not coming any more 3000 years passed. It is not making any sense either wait for 4000 years. Jew should followed my signature comments instead.
That is a great question.

I would be interested in finding out how come, it being the Arabs who lived in Ancient Canaan 3000-4000 years ago, how come....
the Torah, the original first Holy Book......was not written in Arabic by those indigenous, native population. Or the poems by King David.

Wasn't Arabic their Native language?
All this argument, won't make jew native. will it?

Actually it already did, the land rejected the Arab invaders and gave the best of her fruits to her true children. Pay attention, it doesn't matter what You think, it matters what we do.
You wished.
You're correct, we wished for 2000 years.
Was worth it I must say.
The sooner jew not you mean jew will understand is better. The jew idea is flop. May be it is working for jew but not for the mankind. Why it is flop because masaya is not coming any more 3000 years passed. It is not making any sense either wait for 4000 years. Jew should followed my signature comments instead.
Now, now, now......
Why in the world would we follow your signature or anything else you post since you clearly do not know what you are talking about.

You do not know if it is 4000 yeas, 3000 years or 2000 years. 1000 years, 500 years or 200 years.

You do not know anything, only what .....somehow.....has ended in your mind.

You do not know what a Jewish Prophet or Messiah is.

And we, the Jewish People, are going to follow a false Prophet, Messiah or Leader like you?

From where I stand, the Jewish idea or reclaiming any part of our ancestral land, which was finally achieved in 1948.....after too much blood (caused by the invading Arabs) , sweat and tears ( by the Indigenous Native Jews ) has been a TREMENDOUS Success .

The Jewish Messiah has come. (It has nothing to do with your Christian idea of what a Messiah is. That one is a totally false, phony one invented by an ex Jew. For fools like him. )

So, my Pakistani Muslim friend, you can rest your head at night and realize that all is well with the world because the Jewish People once again are Masters of their own destiny and doing a wonderful job of it.

Now, if only you can teach your Muslim friends to abandon all the ugly things written in the Quran and other writings and simply treat ALL humans like humans and not like different animals at their mercy......

Then we shall have a much peaceful world.

Just take a good look at all the wars Muslims are involved in right now.
And all the hatred and murder they are causing, on a daily basis, around the world.

Islam is a "religion" of hatred and conquest.
Christianity is a "religion" of hatred and conquest.

Judaism is a religion of love, respect and responsibility for one's act.

We shall continue to choose the original religion which has already taught much of the world that teaching one's fellow person like a monkey, pig or dog, is not what the higher spirit put us on this planet for.

Something that You have not bothered to learn, yet, since you come here on an almost daily basis to insist that we should be subservient to your words and your wishes as to what the Jews should be doing, what the Jews should become. (Your servants, your slaves, as they used to be, as they were for way too long )

An imitation of you and all of your failures. And the endless failures of Christianity and Islam for the past 1700 years. The failure to turn all Jews into your forever servants.

No thank you .
No thanks, Christianity.
No thanks, Islam.

Now, do with your life what you will.

There isn't one Jew here or anywhere else in the world who actually is an idiot, as you wish them to be, and is ever going to follow your endlessly useless, "I am your Master and you must follow me" words .

Shalom (Peace)

Am Israel Chai
(Means = The People of Israel Live)

And we shall continue to LIVE, regardless of any efforts by all the fools in the world who wish the contrary.

After all the brutality and murder on our people, by Christians and Muslims for the past 1700 years, we still live, we are still here and will continue to LIVE.

Shalom ( Goodbye)
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This is one of the consequences of the rebirth of Israel that is often forgotten now. Before 1948, especially during the Holocaust, there was a lot of Christian opinion that the Jews' suffering is a fulfillment of their destiny for rejecting Jesus. That was the opinion of mainstream Christianity for centuries in Europe. The founding of the modern State of Israel was an actual crisis for Protestants in America because it simply didn't fit in with their absolute knowledge that Jews deserved to be suffering.

However, in 1834, it was axiomatic that Muslims mistreated and despised Jews.

(full article online)

Jew hatred in Jerusalem, 1834 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
All this argument, won't make jew native. will it?

Actually it already did, the land rejected the Arab invaders and gave the best of her fruits to her true children. Pay attention, it doesn't matter what You think, it matters what we do.
You wished.
You're correct, we wished for 2000 years.
Was worth it I must say.
The sooner jew not you mean jew will understand is better. The jew idea is flop. May be it is working for jew but not for the mankind. Why it is flop because masaya is not coming any more 3000 years passed. It is not making any sense either wait for 4000 years. Jew should followed my signature comments instead.
Now, now, now......
Why in the world would we follow your signature or anything else you post since you clearly do not know what you are talking about.

You do not know if it is 4000 yeas, 3000 years or 2000 years. 1000 years, 500 years or 200 years.

You do not know anything, only what .....somehow.....has ended in your mind.

You do not know what a Jewish Prophet or Messiah is.

And we, the Jewish People, are going to follow a false Prophet, Messiah or Leader like you?

From where I stand, the Jewish idea or reclaiming any part of our ancestral land, which was finally achieved in 1948.....after too much blood (caused by the invading Arabs) , sweat and tears ( by the Indigenous Native Jews ) has been a TREMENDOUS Success .

The Jewish Messiah has come. (It has nothing to do with your Christian idea of what a Messiah is. That one is a totally false, phony one invented by an ex Jew. For fools like him. )

So, my Pakistani Muslim friend, you can rest your head at night and realize that all is well with the world because the Jewish People once again are Masters of their own destiny and doing a wonderful job of it.

Now, if only you can teach your Muslim friends to abandon all the ugly things written in the Quran and other writings and simply treat ALL humans like humans and not like different animals at their mercy......

Then we shall have a much peaceful world.

Just take a good look at all the wars Muslims are involved in right now.
And all the hatred and murder they are causing, on a daily basis, around the world.

Islam is a "religion" of hatred and conquest.
Christianity is a "religion" of hatred and conquest.

Judaism is a religion of love, respect and responsibility for one's act.

We shall continue to choose the original religion which has already taught much of the world that teaching one's fellow person like a monkey, pig or dog, is not what the higher spirit put us on this planet for.

Something that You have not bothered to learn, yet, since you come here on an almost daily basis to insist that we should be subservient to your words and your wishes as to what the Jews should be doing, what the Jews should become. (Your servants, your slaves, as they used to be, as they were for way too long )

An imitation of you and all of your failures. And the endless failures of Christianity and Islam for the past 1700 years. The failure to turn all Jews into your forever servants.

No thank you .
No thanks, Christianity.
No thanks, Islam.

Now, do with your life what you will.

There isn't one Jew here or anywhere else in the world who actually is an idiot, as you wish them to be, and is ever going to follow your endlessly useless, "I am your Master and you must follow me" words .

Shalom (Peace)

Am Israel Chai
(Means = The People of Israel Live)

And we shall continue to LIVE, regardless of any efforts by all the fools in the world who wish the contrary.

After all the brutality and murder on our people, by Christians and Muslims for the past 1700 years, we still live, we are still here and will continue to LIVE.

Shalom ( Goodbye)
If Masaya is not coming 3000 years then to whom you will follow? Are Jew g-d or God Is God? Or Prophet is prophet?
Whenever Prophet come to tell to jew that I am prophet and 8 of them but jew tell the Prophet that you are not prophet.
Please tell me that Prophet should follow you? as you already rejected 8 Prophets.
Actually it already did, the land rejected the Arab invaders and gave the best of her fruits to her true children. Pay attention, it doesn't matter what You think, it matters what we do.
You wished.
You're correct, we wished for 2000 years.
Was worth it I must say.
The sooner jew not you mean jew will understand is better. The jew idea is flop. May be it is working for jew but not for the mankind. Why it is flop because masaya is not coming any more 3000 years passed. It is not making any sense either wait for 4000 years. Jew should followed my signature comments instead.
Now, now, now......
Why in the world would we follow your signature or anything else you post since you clearly do not know what you are talking about.

You do not know if it is 4000 yeas, 3000 years or 2000 years. 1000 years, 500 years or 200 years.

You do not know anything, only what .....somehow.....has ended in your mind.

You do not know what a Jewish Prophet or Messiah is.

And we, the Jewish People, are going to follow a false Prophet, Messiah or Leader like you?

From where I stand, the Jewish idea or reclaiming any part of our ancestral land, which was finally achieved in 1948.....after too much blood (caused by the invading Arabs) , sweat and tears ( by the Indigenous Native Jews ) has been a TREMENDOUS Success .

The Jewish Messiah has come. (It has nothing to do with your Christian idea of what a Messiah is. That one is a totally false, phony one invented by an ex Jew. For fools like him. )

So, my Pakistani Muslim friend, you can rest your head at night and realize that all is well with the world because the Jewish People once again are Masters of their own destiny and doing a wonderful job of it.

Now, if only you can teach your Muslim friends to abandon all the ugly things written in the Quran and other writings and simply treat ALL humans like humans and not like different animals at their mercy......

Then we shall have a much peaceful world.

Just take a good look at all the wars Muslims are involved in right now.
And all the hatred and murder they are causing, on a daily basis, around the world.

Islam is a "religion" of hatred and conquest.
Christianity is a "religion" of hatred and conquest.

Judaism is a religion of love, respect and responsibility for one's act.

We shall continue to choose the original religion which has already taught much of the world that teaching one's fellow person like a monkey, pig or dog, is not what the higher spirit put us on this planet for.

Something that You have not bothered to learn, yet, since you come here on an almost daily basis to insist that we should be subservient to your words and your wishes as to what the Jews should be doing, what the Jews should become. (Your servants, your slaves, as they used to be, as they were for way too long )

An imitation of you and all of your failures. And the endless failures of Christianity and Islam for the past 1700 years. The failure to turn all Jews into your forever servants.

No thank you .
No thanks, Christianity.
No thanks, Islam.

Now, do with your life what you will.

There isn't one Jew here or anywhere else in the world who actually is an idiot, as you wish them to be, and is ever going to follow your endlessly useless, "I am your Master and you must follow me" words .

Shalom (Peace)

Am Israel Chai
(Means = The People of Israel Live)

And we shall continue to LIVE, regardless of any efforts by all the fools in the world who wish the contrary.

After all the brutality and murder on our people, by Christians and Muslims for the past 1700 years, we still live, we are still here and will continue to LIVE.

Shalom ( Goodbye)
If Masaya is not coming 3000 years then to whom you will follow? Are Jew g-d or God Is God? Or Prophet is prophet?
Whenever Prophet come to tell to jew that I am prophet and 8 of them but jew tell the Prophet that you are not prophet.
Please tell me that Prophet should follow you? as you already rejected 8 Prophets.
Sad Rehmani,

You are rambling like a dog who lost its bone.

Go in search as to why Pakistan is now Muslim and the Pakistani ancestors are crying saying "Why have you abandoned India and our gods? Krishna is crying. The ancient gods of Malaysia and Indonesia are crying.
The ancient gods of Africa are crying.

Even the ancient gods of Arabia are crying for having abandoned them for such a murderous god such as the one you have chosen to follow.

Continue to mumble Islamic nonsense in search of being the Master of others, when you are never going to be your own master, because Islam is now your Master.

This time it is goodbye for good.

Rumble, Mumble, suffer as Islam wants you to suffer.

We, the Jewish people are our own people, always have been and always will be, and your violent, disrespectful, disgusting "religion" is never, ever, going to change that.

Just remember this:

Am Israel Chai

The People of Israel Live

You wished.
You're correct, we wished for 2000 years.
Was worth it I must say.
The sooner jew not you mean jew will understand is better. The jew idea is flop. May be it is working for jew but not for the mankind. Why it is flop because masaya is not coming any more 3000 years passed. It is not making any sense either wait for 4000 years. Jew should followed my signature comments instead.
Now, now, now......
Why in the world would we follow your signature or anything else you post since you clearly do not know what you are talking about.

You do not know if it is 4000 yeas, 3000 years or 2000 years. 1000 years, 500 years or 200 years.

You do not know anything, only what .....somehow.....has ended in your mind.

You do not know what a Jewish Prophet or Messiah is.

And we, the Jewish People, are going to follow a false Prophet, Messiah or Leader like you?

From where I stand, the Jewish idea or reclaiming any part of our ancestral land, which was finally achieved in 1948.....after too much blood (caused by the invading Arabs) , sweat and tears ( by the Indigenous Native Jews ) has been a TREMENDOUS Success .

The Jewish Messiah has come. (It has nothing to do with your Christian idea of what a Messiah is. That one is a totally false, phony one invented by an ex Jew. For fools like him. )

So, my Pakistani Muslim friend, you can rest your head at night and realize that all is well with the world because the Jewish People once again are Masters of their own destiny and doing a wonderful job of it.

Now, if only you can teach your Muslim friends to abandon all the ugly things written in the Quran and other writings and simply treat ALL humans like humans and not like different animals at their mercy......

Then we shall have a much peaceful world.

Just take a good look at all the wars Muslims are involved in right now.
And all the hatred and murder they are causing, on a daily basis, around the world.

Islam is a "religion" of hatred and conquest.
Christianity is a "religion" of hatred and conquest.

Judaism is a religion of love, respect and responsibility for one's act.

We shall continue to choose the original religion which has already taught much of the world that teaching one's fellow person like a monkey, pig or dog, is not what the higher spirit put us on this planet for.

Something that You have not bothered to learn, yet, since you come here on an almost daily basis to insist that we should be subservient to your words and your wishes as to what the Jews should be doing, what the Jews should become. (Your servants, your slaves, as they used to be, as they were for way too long )

An imitation of you and all of your failures. And the endless failures of Christianity and Islam for the past 1700 years. The failure to turn all Jews into your forever servants.

No thank you .
No thanks, Christianity.
No thanks, Islam.

Now, do with your life what you will.

There isn't one Jew here or anywhere else in the world who actually is an idiot, as you wish them to be, and is ever going to follow your endlessly useless, "I am your Master and you must follow me" words .

Shalom (Peace)

Am Israel Chai
(Means = The People of Israel Live)

And we shall continue to LIVE, regardless of any efforts by all the fools in the world who wish the contrary.

After all the brutality and murder on our people, by Christians and Muslims for the past 1700 years, we still live, we are still here and will continue to LIVE.

Shalom ( Goodbye)
If Masaya is not coming 3000 years then to whom you will follow? Are Jew g-d or God Is God? Or Prophet is prophet?
Whenever Prophet come to tell to jew that I am prophet and 8 of them but jew tell the Prophet that you are not prophet.
Please tell me that Prophet should follow you? as you already rejected 8 Prophets.
Sad Rehmani,

You are rambling like a dog who lost its bone.

Go in search as to why Pakistan is now Muslim and the Pakistani ancestors are crying saying "Why have you abandoned India and our gods? Krishna is crying. The ancient gods of Malaysia and Indonesia are crying.
The ancient gods of Africa are crying.

Even the ancient gods of Arabia are crying for having abandoned them for such a murderous god such as the one you have chosen to follow.

Continue to mumble Islamic nonsense in search of being the Master of others, when you are never going to be your own master, because Islam is now your Master.

This time it is goodbye for good.

Rumble, Mumble, suffer as Islam wants you to suffer.

We, the Jewish people are our own people, always have been and always will be, and your violent, disrespectful, disgusting "religion" is never, ever, going to change that.

Just remember this:

Am Israel Chai

The People of Israel Live

When I said follow my signature comments means there is massage for jew to correct themselves. As Jew idea is finished now as Masaya is not coming 3000 years passed.
I will say jew are confused that they follow God or follow themselves means or call themselves g-d.
I will say jew are confused that they follow Prophet or Prophet follow to jew.
I will say jew are confused that they live among the mankind and consider themselves special.
I will say jew are confused that they worship of God (Ala) or worship the retaining wall which is build to hold the Mosque on the hill by common people.
I will say jew are confused that they call themselves Buni Israeli, Abrahami but jew are following the common man Yahuda and calling themselves jew.
I will say jew are confused that what is holly or what is not holly like retaining wall like Jerusalem and jew don't know that the holly title only come with the name of Prophet. While jew's not a single Prophet ever enter in Jerusalem means that retaining wall can not be holly. And it is built to retain the hill not to worship.
Oh you ARE confused. Seriously?! You can't tell the difference between WHERE people pray and G-d they are are praying to?!
Oh you ARE confused. Seriously?! You can't tell the difference between WHERE people pray and G-d they are are praying to?!
Leave the creature to himself. He is a here to delegitimize Jews and Judaism.
As I said before, he belongs in the religion communities with his "religious beliefs".

Let us move on from him, shall we all? :)
Oh you ARE confused. Seriously?! You can't tell the difference between WHERE people pray and G-d they are are praying to?!

Whole world will tell same thing.
Means you can not tell to prophet that you are not prophet. Because You are not God and g-d is good for you.
That is why I am saying jew idea is flop.

"When I said follow my signature comments means there is massage for jew to correct themselves. As Jew idea is finished now as Masaya is not coming 3000 years passed.
I will say jew are confused that they follow God or follow themselves means or call themselves g-d.
I will say jew are confused that they follow Prophet or Prophet follow to jew.
I will say jew are confused that they live among the mankind and consider themselves special.
I will say jew are confused that they worship of God (Ala) or worship the retaining wall which is build to hold the Mosque on the hill by common people.
I will say jew are confused that they call themselves Buni Israeli, Abrahami but jew are following the common man Yahuda and calling themselves jew.
I will say jew are confused that what is holly or what is not holly like retaining wall like Jerusalem and jew don't know that the holly title only come with the name of Prophet. While jew's not a single Prophet ever enter in Jerusalem means that retaining wall can not be holly. And it is built to retain the hill not to worship."
Oh you ARE confused. Seriously?! You can't tell the difference between WHERE people pray and G-d they are are praying to?!

Whole world will tell same thing.
Means you can not tell to prophet that you are not prophet. Because You are not God and g-d is good for you.
That is why I am saying jew idea is flop.

"When I said follow my signature comments means there is massage for jew to correct themselves. As Jew idea is finished now as Masaya is not coming 3000 years passed.
I will say jew are confused that they follow God or follow themselves means or call themselves g-d.
I will say jew are confused that they follow Prophet or Prophet follow to jew.
I will say jew are confused that they live among the mankind and consider themselves special.
I will say jew are confused that they worship of God (Ala) or worship the retaining wall which is build to hold the Mosque on the hill by common people.
I will say jew are confused that they call themselves Buni Israeli, Abrahami but jew are following the common man Yahuda and calling themselves jew.
I will say jew are confused that what is holly or what is not holly like retaining wall like Jerusalem and jew don't know that the holly title only come with the name of Prophet. While jew's not a single Prophet ever enter in Jerusalem means that retaining wall can not be holly. And it is built to retain the hill not to worship."

Is this what Your mufti tells You in Friday sermons?
I'm pretty sure he knows little about Islam let alone Judaism.
After 2000 of Christianity and 1400 years of Islam trying to force Jews to abandon their traditions, the result is a great failure against all odds. The only certain thing to say for sure is that Hashem fulfills His promises,
Israel is there to attest to that.
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Oh you ARE confused. Seriously?! You can't tell the difference between WHERE people pray and G-d they are are praying to?!

Whole world will tell same thing.
Means you can not tell to prophet that you are not prophet. Because You are not God and g-d is good for you.
That is why I am saying jew idea is flop.

"When I said follow my signature comments means there is massage for jew to correct themselves. As Jew idea is finished now as Masaya is not coming 3000 years passed.
I will say jew are confused that they follow God or follow themselves means or call themselves g-d.
I will say jew are confused that they follow Prophet or Prophet follow to jew.
I will say jew are confused that they live among the mankind and consider themselves special.
I will say jew are confused that they worship of God (Ala) or worship the retaining wall which is build to hold the Mosque on the hill by common people.
I will say jew are confused that they call themselves Buni Israeli, Abrahami but jew are following the common man Yahuda and calling themselves jew.
I will say jew are confused that what is holly or what is not holly like retaining wall like Jerusalem and jew don't know that the holly title only come with the name of Prophet. While jew's not a single Prophet ever enter in Jerusalem means that retaining wall can not be holly. And it is built to retain the hill not to worship."

Is this what Your mufti tells You in Friday sermons?
I'm pretty sure he knows little about Islam let alone Judaism.
After 2000 of Christianity and 1400 years of Islam trying to force Jews to abandon their traditions, the result is a great failure against all odds. The only certain thing to say for sure is that Hashem fulfills His promises,
Israel is there to attest to that.

When I am saying jew don't know where they are coming from and where they are going to means confused.
fro example, jew don't know that they are not native from holly land and they are also don't know where they came from, a little unknown village in IRAQ. They are also don't know that you can not tell to Prophet that you are not prophet because jew are not God but may be jew are g-d. Jew also don't know that a retaining wall can not be worshiped because this WALL built to hold hill and House Of Allah on it. Jew also don't know that a retaining wall is not a God and only God can be worshiped but Jew don't beleave in God because they are g-d......more. Means Jew idea is flop.
"When I said follow my signature comments means there is massage for jew to correct themselves. As Jew idea is finished now as Masaya is not coming 3000 years passed.
I will say jew are confused that they follow God or follow themselves means or call themselves g-d.
I will say jew are confused that they follow Prophet or Prophet follow to jew.
I will say jew are confused that they live among the mankind and consider themselves special.
I will say jew are confused that they worship of God (Ala) or worship the retaining wall which is build to hold the Mosque on the hill by common people.
I will say jew are confused that they call themselves Buni Israeli, Abrahami but jew are following the common man Yahuda and calling themselves jew.
I will say jew are confused that what is holly or what is not holly like retaining wall like Jerusalem and jew don't know that the holly title only come with the name of Prophet. While jew's not a single Prophet ever enter in Jerusalem means that retaining wall can not be holly. And it is built to retain the hill not to worship."
Start your own little thread about " Jews are confused " in the religion community.

Your ranting does not belong in this thread or this community at all.

Do it. Because the next time you post here, I may just report you and you may just be banned from posting on this thread. The same way many like you have been to this day. Because you do not know the meaning of respecting where you are, and what the threads are about.


Whether you post here again, or start your own thread in the right community will be the answer as to how much you understand the word respect.
Oh you ARE confused. Seriously?! You can't tell the difference between WHERE people pray and G-d they are are praying to?!

Whole world will tell same thing.
Means you can not tell to prophet that you are not prophet. Because You are not God and g-d is good for you.
That is why I am saying jew idea is flop.

"When I said follow my signature comments means there is massage for jew to correct themselves. As Jew idea is finished now as Masaya is not coming 3000 years passed.
I will say jew are confused that they follow God or follow themselves means or call themselves g-d.
I will say jew are confused that they follow Prophet or Prophet follow to jew.
I will say jew are confused that they live among the mankind and consider themselves special.
I will say jew are confused that they worship of God (Ala) or worship the retaining wall which is build to hold the Mosque on the hill by common people.
I will say jew are confused that they call themselves Buni Israeli, Abrahami but jew are following the common man Yahuda and calling themselves jew.
I will say jew are confused that what is holly or what is not holly like retaining wall like Jerusalem and jew don't know that the holly title only come with the name of Prophet. While jew's not a single Prophet ever enter in Jerusalem means that retaining wall can not be holly. And it is built to retain the hill not to worship."

Is this what Your mufti tells You in Friday sermons?
I'm pretty sure he knows little about Islam let alone Judaism.
After 2000 of Christianity and 1400 years of Islam trying to force Jews to abandon their traditions, the result is a great failure against all odds. The only certain thing to say for sure is that Hashem fulfills His promises,
Israel is there to attest to that.

When I am saying jew don't know where they are coming from and where they are going to means confused.
fro example, jew don't know that they are not native from holly land and they are also don't know where they came from, a little unknown village in IRAQ. They are also don't know that you can not tell to Prophet that you are not prophet because jew are not God but may be jew are g-d. Jew also don't know that a retaining wall can not be worshiped because this WALL built to hold hill and House Of Allah on it. Jew also don't know that a retaining wall is not a God and only God can be worshiped but Jew don't beleave in God because they are g-d......more. Means Jew idea is flop.
"When I said follow my signature comments means there is massage for jew to correct themselves. As Jew idea is finished now as Masaya is not coming 3000 years passed.
I will say jew are confused that they follow God or follow themselves means or call themselves g-d.
I will say jew are confused that they follow Prophet or Prophet follow to jew.
I will say jew are confused that they live among the mankind and consider themselves special.
I will say jew are confused that they worship of God (Ala) or worship the retaining wall which is build to hold the Mosque on the hill by common people.
I will say jew are confused that they call themselves Buni Israeli, Abrahami but jew are following the common man Yahuda and calling themselves jew.
I will say jew are confused that what is holly or what is not holly like retaining wall like Jerusalem and jew don't know that the holly title only come with the name of Prophet. While jew's not a single Prophet ever enter in Jerusalem means that retaining wall can not be holly. And it is built to retain the hill not to worship."
Start your own little thread about " Jews are confused " in the religion community.

Your ranting does not belong in this thread or this community at all.

Do it. Because the next time you post here, I may just report you and you may just be banned from posting on this thread. The same way many like you have been to this day. Because you do not know the meaning of respecting where you are, and what the threads are about.


Whether you post here again, or start your own thread in the right community will be the answer as to how much you understand the word respect.
Its you and your people change the track, when you jew can not handle debate. Not blame to me.
Its me who remind you last time that lets go back to topic. Did you remember?
Lets go back the topic. Israel is not legitimate country, jew are invader.
Jew also don't know that a retaining wall can not be worshiped because this WALL built to hold hill and House Of Allah on it.

The Wall has been archaeogically dated to 200 BC.
About 800-900 Years BEFORE ARAB MUSLIMS INVADED JUDEA/Jerusalem and built a Mosque on TOP of the Foundation of the Jewish Second Temple.
Arabs are native to ARABIA, the ARABian Peninsula.

Ergo, Mohammed did NOT ascend to Heaven from al aqsa. He died 50-60 years before it was built.
The inclusion of al aqsa as a Muslim Holy place is BS Revisionism.
The usual Muslim Taqiyyah.

Rehmani said:
Jew also don't know that a retaining wall is not a God and only God can be worshiped but Jew don't beleave in God because they are g-d......more. Means Jew idea is flop.
So Muslims Can't worship the Kabah (Moon God) either.

The whole Muslim religion is based on a piecemeal reconstruction of many scribes recording sayings of illiterate MoHAMmed.
Most of it was lost.
Much changed
The earliest Korans are 'Palimpsests'. New text written over old.

The Koran is incoherent and contradictory, and not in chronological order.
It is arranged by Chapter size!
As if by an Illiterate who didn't know what the text said.

Your posts are a joke and you don't even know Your religion much less Judaism.

Last edited:
Oh you ARE confused. Seriously?! You can't tell the difference between WHERE people pray and G-d they are are praying to?!

Whole world will tell same thing.
Means you can not tell to prophet that you are not prophet. Because You are not God and g-d is good for you.
That is why I am saying jew idea is flop.

"When I said follow my signature comments means there is massage for jew to correct themselves. As Jew idea is finished now as Masaya is not coming 3000 years passed.
I will say jew are confused that they follow God or follow themselves means or call themselves g-d.
I will say jew are confused that they follow Prophet or Prophet follow to jew.
I will say jew are confused that they live among the mankind and consider themselves special.
I will say jew are confused that they worship of God (Ala) or worship the retaining wall which is build to hold the Mosque on the hill by common people.
I will say jew are confused that they call themselves Buni Israeli, Abrahami but jew are following the common man Yahuda and calling themselves jew.
I will say jew are confused that what is holly or what is not holly like retaining wall like Jerusalem and jew don't know that the holly title only come with the name of Prophet. While jew's not a single Prophet ever enter in Jerusalem means that retaining wall can not be holly. And it is built to retain the hill not to worship."

Is this what Your mufti tells You in Friday sermons?
I'm pretty sure he knows little about Islam let alone Judaism.
After 2000 of Christianity and 1400 years of Islam trying to force Jews to abandon their traditions, the result is a great failure against all odds. The only certain thing to say for sure is that Hashem fulfills His promises,
Israel is there to attest to that.

When I am saying jew don't know where they are coming from and where they are going to means confused.
fro example, jew don't know that they are not native from holly land and they are also don't know where they came from, a little unknown village in IRAQ. They are also don't know that you can not tell to Prophet that you are not prophet because jew are not God but may be jew are g-d. Jew also don't know that a retaining wall can not be worshiped because this WALL built to hold hill and House Of Allah on it. Jew also don't know that a retaining wall is not a God and only God can be worshiped but Jew don't beleave in God because they are g-d......more. Means Jew idea is flop.
"When I said follow my signature comments means there is massage for jew to correct themselves. As Jew idea is finished now as Masaya is not coming 3000 years passed.
I will say jew are confused that they follow God or follow themselves means or call themselves g-d.
I will say jew are confused that they follow Prophet or Prophet follow to jew.
I will say jew are confused that they live among the mankind and consider themselves special.
I will say jew are confused that they worship of God (Ala) or worship the retaining wall which is build to hold the Mosque on the hill by common people.
I will say jew are confused that they call themselves Buni Israeli, Abrahami but jew are following the common man Yahuda and calling themselves jew.
I will say jew are confused that what is holly or what is not holly like retaining wall like Jerusalem and jew don't know that the holly title only come with the name of Prophet. While jew's not a single Prophet ever enter in Jerusalem means that retaining wall can not be holly. And it is built to retain the hill not to worship."
Start your own little thread about " Jews are confused " in the religion community.

Your ranting does not belong in this thread or this community at all.

Do it. Because the next time you post here, I may just report you and you may just be banned from posting on this thread. The same way many like you have been to this day. Because you do not know the meaning of respecting where you are, and what the threads are about.


Whether you post here again, or start your own thread in the right community will be the answer as to how much you understand the word respect.
Its you and your people change the track, when you jew can not handle debate. Not blame to me.
Its me who remind you last time that lets go back to topic. Did you remember?
Lets go back the topic. Israel is not legitimate country, jew are invader.
This is how you handle debates about the creation of Israel:


RehmaniVIP Member

Israel is not a legitimate country. And no one can allocate some one else to other who is even not native.
Paid agent can not change the facts by spreading lies around.

This is your allegation. Based on every lie told by Christian and Muslim extremists who want to see Israel destroyed because it is a Jewish Country, and those extremists cannot stand that Jews would have any freedom to be sovereign of their own destiny ever again.

This is who you are. This is your belief. From those beliefs.

You do not have one shred of evidence and never will, that the Jews who recreated their Nation ON THEIR ANCIENT homeland, are not descendants of the ancient Israelites. Never will. Why? Because it does not exist.

As I posted here before, you are very clear as to what you have come here, and on the religious threads to do:

DELEGITIMIZE the Jewish people, the Jewish Nation, the Jewish History, the Jewish culture, for the supremacist ideology you now represent. Be it Christianity, be it Islam, THEY invented the lies which lead to the hatred of all Jews.

That is what Jews have had to deal with for the past 2000 years from two false ideologies, which insist that THEY are not only superior but have come to take Judaism's place.

Replacement ideologies, became replacement of religion, history, culture, everything .........unless the Jews agree to go back to being second class citizens and be allowed to be treated worse than they treat dogs.

There is no one who can make you understand that what you are saying is nothing more than learned superiority over the Jews.

We do not care for your superiority. We care to defend ourselves, our families, our homes, our country, our religion, our history, and our culture from people who, like you, are more than intent in destroying it.

Israel IS a legitimate country. It got permission from many countries to be recreated, ONLY because the Jews ARE the indigenous people of the land.

The New Testament attests to that.

The Quran attests to that.

But you want to change, not only the whole history of the Jewish people, you want to change all that is written in those books, and in every history book, or any book which is proof that the Jews are the indigenous people of the holy land, and that all they did with the Mandate for Palestine, was to reclaim their ancient homeland.

You have shown NO PROOF at all that the Jewish people who recreated Israel are "invaders".

And you cannot show any proof that the Arabs have been indigenous to Ancient Canaan for the past 10,000, much less for the past 4000 years, or even 1000 years.

The proof is with us. And we shall fight your lies, no matter how much you believe in them , with the truth every time.

And every time we shall WIN.

This is our history:

History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia

Always has been and always will be.
It is not the history of Arabs who were forced to abandon their gods in the 7th Century CE under the sword of Mohammad and his army to convert to Islam while they were ALL living in Arabia.

Find the Arabs in the Land of Israel before the 7th Century CE in this video:

Am Israel CHAI.

The People of Israel LIVE.

(Now, go back to the religious community, and please stay there. There is nothing for you here. There are no fools for you to turn your mission into a success. Lies never win. Ever)
Last edited:
Whole world will tell same thing.
Means you can not tell to prophet that you are not prophet. Because You are not God and g-d is good for you.
That is why I am saying jew idea is flop.

"When I said follow my signature comments means there is massage for jew to correct themselves. As Jew idea is finished now as Masaya is not coming 3000 years passed.
I will say jew are confused that they follow God or follow themselves means or call themselves g-d.
I will say jew are confused that they follow Prophet or Prophet follow to jew.
I will say jew are confused that they live among the mankind and consider themselves special.
I will say jew are confused that they worship of God (Ala) or worship the retaining wall which is build to hold the Mosque on the hill by common people.
I will say jew are confused that they call themselves Buni Israeli, Abrahami but jew are following the common man Yahuda and calling themselves jew.
I will say jew are confused that what is holly or what is not holly like retaining wall like Jerusalem and jew don't know that the holly title only come with the name of Prophet. While jew's not a single Prophet ever enter in Jerusalem means that retaining wall can not be holly. And it is built to retain the hill not to worship."

Is this what Your mufti tells You in Friday sermons?
I'm pretty sure he knows little about Islam let alone Judaism.
After 2000 of Christianity and 1400 years of Islam trying to force Jews to abandon their traditions, the result is a great failure against all odds. The only certain thing to say for sure is that Hashem fulfills His promises,
Israel is there to attest to that.

When I am saying jew don't know where they are coming from and where they are going to means confused.
fro example, jew don't know that they are not native from holly land and they are also don't know where they came from, a little unknown village in IRAQ. They are also don't know that you can not tell to Prophet that you are not prophet because jew are not God but may be jew are g-d. Jew also don't know that a retaining wall can not be worshiped because this WALL built to hold hill and House Of Allah on it. Jew also don't know that a retaining wall is not a God and only God can be worshiped but Jew don't beleave in God because they are g-d......more. Means Jew idea is flop.
"When I said follow my signature comments means there is massage for jew to correct themselves. As Jew idea is finished now as Masaya is not coming 3000 years passed.
I will say jew are confused that they follow God or follow themselves means or call themselves g-d.
I will say jew are confused that they follow Prophet or Prophet follow to jew.
I will say jew are confused that they live among the mankind and consider themselves special.
I will say jew are confused that they worship of God (Ala) or worship the retaining wall which is build to hold the Mosque on the hill by common people.
I will say jew are confused that they call themselves Buni Israeli, Abrahami but jew are following the common man Yahuda and calling themselves jew.
I will say jew are confused that what is holly or what is not holly like retaining wall like Jerusalem and jew don't know that the holly title only come with the name of Prophet. While jew's not a single Prophet ever enter in Jerusalem means that retaining wall can not be holly. And it is built to retain the hill not to worship."
Start your own little thread about " Jews are confused " in the religion community.

Your ranting does not belong in this thread or this community at all.

Do it. Because the next time you post here, I may just report you and you may just be banned from posting on this thread. The same way many like you have been to this day. Because you do not know the meaning of respecting where you are, and what the threads are about.


Whether you post here again, or start your own thread in the right community will be the answer as to how much you understand the word respect.
Its you and your people change the track, when you jew can not handle debate. Not blame to me.
Its me who remind you last time that lets go back to topic. Did you remember?
Lets go back the topic. Israel is not legitimate country, jew are invader.
This is how you handle debates about the creation of Israel:


RehmaniVIP Member

Israel is not a legitimate country. And no one can allocate some one else to other who is even not native.
Paid agent can not change the facts by spreading lies around.

This is your allegation. Based on every lie told by Christian and Muslim extremists who want to see Israel destroyed because it is a Jewish Country, and those extremists cannot stand that Jews would have any freedom to be sovereign of their own destiny ever again.

This is who you are. This is your belief. From those beliefs.

You do not have one shred of evidence and never will, that the Jews who recreated their Nation ON THEIR ANCIENT homeland, are not descendants of the ancient Israelites. Never will. Why? Because it does not exist.

As I posted here before, you are very clear as to what you have come here, and on the religious threads to do:

DELEGITIMIZE the Jewish people, the Jewish Nation, the Jewish History, the Jewish culture, for the supremacist ideology you now represent. Be it Christianity, be it Islam, THEY invented the lies which lead to the hatred of all Jews.

That is what Jews have had to deal with for the past 2000 years from two false ideologies, which insist that THEY are not only superior but have come to take Judaism's place.

Replacement ideologies, became replacement of religion, history, culture, everything .........unless the Jews agree to go back to being second class citizens and be allowed to be treated worse than they treat dogs.

There is no one who can make you understand that what you are saying is nothing more than learned superiority over the Jews.

We do not care for your superiority. We care to defend ourselves, our families, our homes, our country, our religion, our history, and our culture from people who, like you, are more than intent in destroying it.

Israel IS a legitimate country. It got permission from many countries to be recreated, ONLY because the Jews ARE the indigenous people of the land.

The New Testament attests to that.

The Quran attests to that.

But you want to change, not only the whole history of the Jewish people, you want to change all that is written in those books, and in every history book, or any book which is proof that the Jews are the indigenous people of the holy land, and that all they did with the Mandate for Palestine, was to reclaim their ancient homeland.

You have shown NO PROOF at all that the Jewish people who recreated Israel are "invaders".

And you cannot show any proof that the Arabs have been indigenous to Ancient Canaan for the past 10,000, much less for the past 4000 years, or even 1000 years.

The proof is with us. And we shall fight your lies, no matter how much you believe in them , with the truth every time.

And every time we shall WIN.

This is our history:

History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia

Always has been and always will be.
It is not the history of Arabs who were forced to abandon their gods in the 7th Century CE under the sword of Mohammad and his army to convert to Islam while they were ALL living in Arabia.

Find the Arabs in the Land of Israel before the 7th Century CE in this video:

Am Israel CHAI.

The People of Israel LIVE.

(Now, go back to the religious community, and please stay there. There is nothing for you here. There are no fools for you to turn your mission into a success. Lies never win. Ever)

But this all yours nonsense, can not make Israel legitimate and Israel never exist in history. Jew are invader,.
Look again you are changing tack because you are lair how shame you are earning on lies.
Is this what Your mufti tells You in Friday sermons?
I'm pretty sure he knows little about Islam let alone Judaism.
After 2000 of Christianity and 1400 years of Islam trying to force Jews to abandon their traditions, the result is a great failure against all odds. The only certain thing to say for sure is that Hashem fulfills His promises,
Israel is there to attest to that.

When I am saying jew don't know where they are coming from and where they are going to means confused.
fro example, jew don't know that they are not native from holly land and they are also don't know where they came from, a little unknown village in IRAQ. They are also don't know that you can not tell to Prophet that you are not prophet because jew are not God but may be jew are g-d. Jew also don't know that a retaining wall can not be worshiped because this WALL built to hold hill and House Of Allah on it. Jew also don't know that a retaining wall is not a God and only God can be worshiped but Jew don't beleave in God because they are g-d......more. Means Jew idea is flop.
"When I said follow my signature comments means there is massage for jew to correct themselves. As Jew idea is finished now as Masaya is not coming 3000 years passed.
I will say jew are confused that they follow God or follow themselves means or call themselves g-d.
I will say jew are confused that they follow Prophet or Prophet follow to jew.
I will say jew are confused that they live among the mankind and consider themselves special.
I will say jew are confused that they worship of God (Ala) or worship the retaining wall which is build to hold the Mosque on the hill by common people.
I will say jew are confused that they call themselves Buni Israeli, Abrahami but jew are following the common man Yahuda and calling themselves jew.
I will say jew are confused that what is holly or what is not holly like retaining wall like Jerusalem and jew don't know that the holly title only come with the name of Prophet. While jew's not a single Prophet ever enter in Jerusalem means that retaining wall can not be holly. And it is built to retain the hill not to worship."
Start your own little thread about " Jews are confused " in the religion community.

Your ranting does not belong in this thread or this community at all.

Do it. Because the next time you post here, I may just report you and you may just be banned from posting on this thread. The same way many like you have been to this day. Because you do not know the meaning of respecting where you are, and what the threads are about.


Whether you post here again, or start your own thread in the right community will be the answer as to how much you understand the word respect.
Its you and your people change the track, when you jew can not handle debate. Not blame to me.
Its me who remind you last time that lets go back to topic. Did you remember?
Lets go back the topic. Israel is not legitimate country, jew are invader.
This is how you handle debates about the creation of Israel:


RehmaniVIP Member

Israel is not a legitimate country. And no one can allocate some one else to other who is even not native.
Paid agent can not change the facts by spreading lies around.

This is your allegation. Based on every lie told by Christian and Muslim extremists who want to see Israel destroyed because it is a Jewish Country, and those extremists cannot stand that Jews would have any freedom to be sovereign of their own destiny ever again.

This is who you are. This is your belief. From those beliefs.

You do not have one shred of evidence and never will, that the Jews who recreated their Nation ON THEIR ANCIENT homeland, are not descendants of the ancient Israelites. Never will. Why? Because it does not exist.

As I posted here before, you are very clear as to what you have come here, and on the religious threads to do:

DELEGITIMIZE the Jewish people, the Jewish Nation, the Jewish History, the Jewish culture, for the supremacist ideology you now represent. Be it Christianity, be it Islam, THEY invented the lies which lead to the hatred of all Jews.

That is what Jews have had to deal with for the past 2000 years from two false ideologies, which insist that THEY are not only superior but have come to take Judaism's place.

Replacement ideologies, became replacement of religion, history, culture, everything .........unless the Jews agree to go back to being second class citizens and be allowed to be treated worse than they treat dogs.

There is no one who can make you understand that what you are saying is nothing more than learned superiority over the Jews.

We do not care for your superiority. We care to defend ourselves, our families, our homes, our country, our religion, our history, and our culture from people who, like you, are more than intent in destroying it.

Israel IS a legitimate country. It got permission from many countries to be recreated, ONLY because the Jews ARE the indigenous people of the land.

The New Testament attests to that.

The Quran attests to that.

But you want to change, not only the whole history of the Jewish people, you want to change all that is written in those books, and in every history book, or any book which is proof that the Jews are the indigenous people of the holy land, and that all they did with the Mandate for Palestine, was to reclaim their ancient homeland.

You have shown NO PROOF at all that the Jewish people who recreated Israel are "invaders".

And you cannot show any proof that the Arabs have been indigenous to Ancient Canaan for the past 10,000, much less for the past 4000 years, or even 1000 years.

The proof is with us. And we shall fight your lies, no matter how much you believe in them , with the truth every time.

And every time we shall WIN.

This is our history:

History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia

Always has been and always will be.
It is not the history of Arabs who were forced to abandon their gods in the 7th Century CE under the sword of Mohammad and his army to convert to Islam while they were ALL living in Arabia.

Find the Arabs in the Land of Israel before the 7th Century CE in this video:

Am Israel CHAI.

The People of Israel LIVE.

(Now, go back to the religious community, and please stay there. There is nothing for you here. There are no fools for you to turn your mission into a success. Lies never win. Ever)

But this all yours nonsense, can not make Israel legitimate and Israel never exist in history. Jew are invader,.
Look again you are changing tack because you are lair how shame you are earning on lies.

Israel never existed in history.

Where have I heard that before?

Oh, yes !!!!!

Never Mind !!!!!

Am Israel Chai !!!!

THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL LIVE (for over 3000 years, yeah !!!! )

[ "Music Maestro " - We Are The Champions, My Friend !!!!!! ]
Last edited:
When I am saying jew don't know where they are coming from and where they are going to means confused.
fro example, jew don't know that they are not native from holly land and they are also don't know where they came from, a little unknown village in IRAQ. They are also don't know that you can not tell to Prophet that you are not prophet because jew are not God but may be jew are g-d. Jew also don't know that a retaining wall can not be worshiped because this WALL built to hold hill and House Of Allah on it. Jew also don't know that a retaining wall is not a God and only God can be worshiped but Jew don't beleave in God because they are g-d......more. Means Jew idea is flop.
"When I said follow my signature comments means there is massage for jew to correct themselves. As Jew idea is finished now as Masaya is not coming 3000 years passed.
I will say jew are confused that they follow God or follow themselves means or call themselves g-d.
I will say jew are confused that they follow Prophet or Prophet follow to jew.
I will say jew are confused that they live among the mankind and consider themselves special.
I will say jew are confused that they worship of God (Ala) or worship the retaining wall which is build to hold the Mosque on the hill by common people.
I will say jew are confused that they call themselves Buni Israeli, Abrahami but jew are following the common man Yahuda and calling themselves jew.
I will say jew are confused that what is holly or what is not holly like retaining wall like Jerusalem and jew don't know that the holly title only come with the name of Prophet. While jew's not a single Prophet ever enter in Jerusalem means that retaining wall can not be holly. And it is built to retain the hill not to worship."
Start your own little thread about " Jews are confused " in the religion community.

Your ranting does not belong in this thread or this community at all.

Do it. Because the next time you post here, I may just report you and you may just be banned from posting on this thread. The same way many like you have been to this day. Because you do not know the meaning of respecting where you are, and what the threads are about.


Whether you post here again, or start your own thread in the right community will be the answer as to how much you understand the word respect.
Its you and your people change the track, when you jew can not handle debate. Not blame to me.
Its me who remind you last time that lets go back to topic. Did you remember?
Lets go back the topic. Israel is not legitimate country, jew are invader.
This is how you handle debates about the creation of Israel:


RehmaniVIP Member

Israel is not a legitimate country. And no one can allocate some one else to other who is even not native.
Paid agent can not change the facts by spreading lies around.

This is your allegation. Based on every lie told by Christian and Muslim extremists who want to see Israel destroyed because it is a Jewish Country, and those extremists cannot stand that Jews would have any freedom to be sovereign of their own destiny ever again.

This is who you are. This is your belief. From those beliefs.

You do not have one shred of evidence and never will, that the Jews who recreated their Nation ON THEIR ANCIENT homeland, are not descendants of the ancient Israelites. Never will. Why? Because it does not exist.

As I posted here before, you are very clear as to what you have come here, and on the religious threads to do:

DELEGITIMIZE the Jewish people, the Jewish Nation, the Jewish History, the Jewish culture, for the supremacist ideology you now represent. Be it Christianity, be it Islam, THEY invented the lies which lead to the hatred of all Jews.

That is what Jews have had to deal with for the past 2000 years from two false ideologies, which insist that THEY are not only superior but have come to take Judaism's place.

Replacement ideologies, became replacement of religion, history, culture, everything .........unless the Jews agree to go back to being second class citizens and be allowed to be treated worse than they treat dogs.

There is no one who can make you understand that what you are saying is nothing more than learned superiority over the Jews.

We do not care for your superiority. We care to defend ourselves, our families, our homes, our country, our religion, our history, and our culture from people who, like you, are more than intent in destroying it.

Israel IS a legitimate country. It got permission from many countries to be recreated, ONLY because the Jews ARE the indigenous people of the land.

The New Testament attests to that.

The Quran attests to that.

But you want to change, not only the whole history of the Jewish people, you want to change all that is written in those books, and in every history book, or any book which is proof that the Jews are the indigenous people of the holy land, and that all they did with the Mandate for Palestine, was to reclaim their ancient homeland.

You have shown NO PROOF at all that the Jewish people who recreated Israel are "invaders".

And you cannot show any proof that the Arabs have been indigenous to Ancient Canaan for the past 10,000, much less for the past 4000 years, or even 1000 years.

The proof is with us. And we shall fight your lies, no matter how much you believe in them , with the truth every time.

And every time we shall WIN.

This is our history:

History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia

Always has been and always will be.
It is not the history of Arabs who were forced to abandon their gods in the 7th Century CE under the sword of Mohammad and his army to convert to Islam while they were ALL living in Arabia.

Find the Arabs in the Land of Israel before the 7th Century CE in this video:

Am Israel CHAI.

The People of Israel LIVE.

(Now, go back to the religious community, and please stay there. There is nothing for you here. There are no fools for you to turn your mission into a success. Lies never win. Ever)

But this all yours nonsense, can not make Israel legitimate and Israel never exist in history. Jew are invader,.
Look again you are changing tack because you are lair how shame you are earning on lies.

Israel never existed in history.

Where have I heard that before?

Oh, yes !!!!!

Never Mind !!!!!

Am Israel Chai !!!!

THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL LIVE (for over 3000 years, yeah !!!! )

[ "Music Maestro " - We Are The Champions, My Friend !!!!!! ]

But not now, this is end time, good for jew follow my advise and restore the status of Holly Land and apologized the people of Palestine establish trust among the mankind and give the flop idea of israel.
Start your own little thread about " Jews are confused " in the religion community.

Your ranting does not belong in this thread or this community at all.

Do it. Because the next time you post here, I may just report you and you may just be banned from posting on this thread. The same way many like you have been to this day. Because you do not know the meaning of respecting where you are, and what the threads are about.


Whether you post here again, or start your own thread in the right community will be the answer as to how much you understand the word respect.
Its you and your people change the track, when you jew can not handle debate. Not blame to me.
Its me who remind you last time that lets go back to topic. Did you remember?
Lets go back the topic. Israel is not legitimate country, jew are invader.
This is how you handle debates about the creation of Israel:


RehmaniVIP Member

Israel is not a legitimate country. And no one can allocate some one else to other who is even not native.
Paid agent can not change the facts by spreading lies around.

This is your allegation. Based on every lie told by Christian and Muslim extremists who want to see Israel destroyed because it is a Jewish Country, and those extremists cannot stand that Jews would have any freedom to be sovereign of their own destiny ever again.

This is who you are. This is your belief. From those beliefs.

You do not have one shred of evidence and never will, that the Jews who recreated their Nation ON THEIR ANCIENT homeland, are not descendants of the ancient Israelites. Never will. Why? Because it does not exist.

As I posted here before, you are very clear as to what you have come here, and on the religious threads to do:

DELEGITIMIZE the Jewish people, the Jewish Nation, the Jewish History, the Jewish culture, for the supremacist ideology you now represent. Be it Christianity, be it Islam, THEY invented the lies which lead to the hatred of all Jews.

That is what Jews have had to deal with for the past 2000 years from two false ideologies, which insist that THEY are not only superior but have come to take Judaism's place.

Replacement ideologies, became replacement of religion, history, culture, everything .........unless the Jews agree to go back to being second class citizens and be allowed to be treated worse than they treat dogs.

There is no one who can make you understand that what you are saying is nothing more than learned superiority over the Jews.

We do not care for your superiority. We care to defend ourselves, our families, our homes, our country, our religion, our history, and our culture from people who, like you, are more than intent in destroying it.

Israel IS a legitimate country. It got permission from many countries to be recreated, ONLY because the Jews ARE the indigenous people of the land.

The New Testament attests to that.

The Quran attests to that.

But you want to change, not only the whole history of the Jewish people, you want to change all that is written in those books, and in every history book, or any book which is proof that the Jews are the indigenous people of the holy land, and that all they did with the Mandate for Palestine, was to reclaim their ancient homeland.

You have shown NO PROOF at all that the Jewish people who recreated Israel are "invaders".

And you cannot show any proof that the Arabs have been indigenous to Ancient Canaan for the past 10,000, much less for the past 4000 years, or even 1000 years.

The proof is with us. And we shall fight your lies, no matter how much you believe in them , with the truth every time.

And every time we shall WIN.

This is our history:

History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia

Always has been and always will be.
It is not the history of Arabs who were forced to abandon their gods in the 7th Century CE under the sword of Mohammad and his army to convert to Islam while they were ALL living in Arabia.

Find the Arabs in the Land of Israel before the 7th Century CE in this video:

Am Israel CHAI.

The People of Israel LIVE.

(Now, go back to the religious community, and please stay there. There is nothing for you here. There are no fools for you to turn your mission into a success. Lies never win. Ever)

But this all yours nonsense, can not make Israel legitimate and Israel never exist in history. Jew are invader,.
Look again you are changing tack because you are lair how shame you are earning on lies.

Israel never existed in history.

Where have I heard that before?

Oh, yes !!!!!

Never Mind !!!!!

Am Israel Chai !!!!

THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL LIVE (for over 3000 years, yeah !!!! )

[ "Music Maestro " - We Are The Champions, My Friend !!!!!! ]

But not now, this is end time, good for jew follow my advise and restore the status of Holly Land and apologized the people of Palestine establish trust among the mankind and give the flop idea of israel.

You are such a tiny, little, good for nothing loser.

End times = nonsense from Christianity.

And the rest you wrote is all Christian and Muslim nonsense as well.

We do not follow Christianity's commands, Mr. Loser.
Or Islam's.

Israel is born again with its indigenous Jewish people exactly because of the way Christianity and Islam chose to treat all Jews for the past 1700 years.

It is over. We say No More. You like it or not.

Yes, we apologize that you are all such losers and that you cannot live without us being submissive to your will and your power.

Am Israel Chai !!

The People of Israel Live . :)

And Live. And Live. And Live.

Nothing for me Rehmani You STUPID BIGOT?
I shoved it up your ass.

Jew also don't know that a retaining wall can not be worshiped because this WALL built to hold hill and House Of Allah on it.

The Wall has been archaeogically dated to 200 BC.
About 800-900 Years BEFORE ARAB MUSLIMS INVADED JUDEA/Jerusalem and built a Mosque on TOP of the Foundation of the Jewish Second Temple.
Arabs are native to ARABIA, the ARABian Peninsula.

Ergo, Mohammed did NOT ascend to Heaven from al aqsa. He died 50-60 years before it was built.
The inclusion of al aqsa as a Muslim Holy place is BS Revisionism.
The usual Muslim Taqiyyah.

Rehmani said:
Jew also don't know that a retaining wall is not a God and only God can be worshiped but Jew don't beleave in God because they are g-d......more. Means Jew idea is flop.
So Muslims Can't worship the Kabah (Moon God) either.

The whole Muslim religion is based on a piecemeal reconstruction of many scribes recording sayings of illiterate MoHAMmed.
Most of it was lost.
Much changed
The earliest Korans are 'Palimpsests'. New text written over old.

The Koran is incoherent and contradictory, and not in chronological order.
It is arranged by Chapter size!
As if by an Illiterate who didn't know what the text said.

Your posts are a joke and you don't even know Your religion much less Judaism.

How dumped you are, after all I dragged you out from your shell other wise you keep using symbol.
do you know the meaning of HOLLY?
Idiot meaning of holly is attached with Prophet only and yours not single prophet ever enter in Jerusalem.
Po.... ask to Sixty Fan how to talk on this forum other wise she kicked you out from here.
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