The Olympics suck. I am not watching and neither should you.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
I watched the Tokyo Olympics briefly the other day when I was channel surfing. I caught the end of the men’s triathlon and I realized right then why I have not been watching it and why no one else is either. The most disgusting thing in my mind was the absurd mugging for the camera that went on by the winner, from Norway. Once the competitor realized he was going to win, the real show began while the cameras were rolling. He began twirling and waving his hands and slowed down almost as if to taunt the other contestants. Then he fell to the ground to show how hard he worked for the win. It was showmanship on parade, and it was a prime example of the shallowness the games have become.

What is a triathlete, and who has time to train for that sport? The announcers kept prattling on about this or that competitor that came from whole family of triathletes. Who comes from a whole family of triathletes? Most people must work to feed themselves. Do not get me wrong; I am no typical American malingerer. I worked for 55 years before I retired. Forty years ago, I was running 30-minute 10k’s while I worked 50-60 hours a week. At 74, I still ride a bicycle 50 miles a day. I have the same waistline I had in high school. But I cannot relate to these “triathletes”. Who can afford a $10,000 bicycle, $300 triathlon shoes, and a swimming pool to train in every day?

Olympic skateboarding? Really? When can we expect Olympic birdwatching? Remember Olga Korbut? That is when the Olympics became the circus. And now with all the kneeling and politics is it a circus of horrors. I am not watching any more of it and you should not either. The Olympics suck and that is why the ratings are so low.

At 74, I still ride a bicycle 50 miles a day.

If I am watching TV when the ladies' weightlifting competition in the Rubenesque Division is on, it will be tough not to tune in.

I've never seen drag queens compete in such an event, and it might be the last time I have a chance.
I watched the Tokyo Olympics briefly the other day when I was channel surfing. I caught the end of the men’s triathlon and I realized right then why I have not been watching it and why no one else is either. The most disgusting thing in my mind was the absurd mugging for the camera that went on by the winner, from Norway. Once the competitor realized he was going to win, the real show began while the cameras were rolling. He began twirling and waving his hands and slowed down almost as if to taunt the other contestants. Then he fell to the ground to show how hard he worked for the win. It was showmanship on parade, and it was a prime example of the shallowness the games have become.

What is a triathlete, and who has time to train for that sport? The announcers kept prattling on about this or that competitor that came from whole family of triathletes. Who comes from a whole family of triathletes? Most people must work to feed themselves. Do not get me wrong; I am no typical American malingerer. I worked for 55 years before I retired. Forty years ago, I was running 30-minute 10k’s while I worked 50-60 hours a week. At 74, I still ride a bicycle 50 miles a day. I have the same waistline I had in high school. But I cannot relate to these “triathletes”. Who can afford a $10,000 bicycle, $300 triathlon shoes, and a swimming pool to train in every day?

Olympic skateboarding? Really? When can we expect Olympic birdwatching? Remember Olga Korbut? That is when the Olympics became the circus. And now with all the kneeling and politics is it a circus of horrors. I am not watching any more of it and you should not either. The Olympics suck and that is why the ratings are so low.

Ahhh the bitter resentment of the Old and Worthless.

More please.
I watched the Tokyo Olympics briefly the other day when I was channel surfing. I caught the end of the men’s triathlon and I realized right then why I have not been watching it and why no one else is either. The most disgusting thing in my mind was the absurd mugging for the camera that went on by the winner, from Norway. Once the competitor realized he was going to win, the real show began while the cameras were rolling. He began twirling and waving his hands and slowed down almost as if to taunt the other contestants. Then he fell to the ground to show how hard he worked for the win. It was showmanship on parade, and it was a prime example of the shallowness the games have become.

What is a triathlete, and who has time to train for that sport? The announcers kept prattling on about this or that competitor that came from whole family of triathletes. Who comes from a whole family of triathletes? Most people must work to feed themselves. Do not get me wrong; I am no typical American malingerer. I worked for 55 years before I retired. Forty years ago, I was running 30-minute 10k’s while I worked 50-60 hours a week. At 74, I still ride a bicycle 50 miles a day. I have the same waistline I had in high school. But I cannot relate to these “triathletes”. Who can afford a $10,000 bicycle, $300 triathlon shoes, and a swimming pool to train in every day?

Olympic skateboarding? Really? When can we expect Olympic birdwatching? Remember Olga Korbut? That is when the Olympics became the circus. And now with all the kneeling and politics is it a circus of horrors. I am not watching any more of it and you should not either. The Olympics suck and that is why the ratings are so low.

Olympic video games !
I stopped watching when Lake Placid winter Olympics was on..

The only events I really like in the Olympics is beach volleyball and ladies curling. The idea of attractive dames from Denmark, Russia or Red China with brooms is appealing. Although, IMHO, they should have the competitors wear French maid outfits during the event.
The only events I really like in the Olympics is beach volleyball and ladies curling. The idea of attractive dames from Denmark, Russia or Red China with brooms is appealing. Although, IMHO, they should have the competitors wear French maid outfits during the event.
Then you should have to pay extra to help cover the cost of the outfits.
The only events I really like in the Olympics is beach volleyball and ladies curling. The idea of attractive dames from Denmark, Russia or Red China with brooms is appealing. Although, IMHO, they should have the competitors wear French maid outfits during the event.
You can probably find that on Pornhub.
Some of the newer stuff I haven't been able to get into but so what?
"...and neither should you".


It really is amazing how many people think that everyone else should have the same life experiences, perspectives, priorities and opinions that THEY have.

Don't we grow out of that at some point?
I watched the Tokyo Olympics briefly the other day when I was channel surfing. I caught the end of the men’s triathlon and I realized right then why I have not been watching it and why no one else is either. The most disgusting thing in my mind was the absurd mugging for the camera that went on by the winner, from Norway. Once the competitor realized he was going to win, the real show began while the cameras were rolling. He began twirling and waving his hands and slowed down almost as if to taunt the other contestants. Then he fell to the ground to show how hard he worked for the win. It was showmanship on parade, and it was a prime example of the shallowness the games have become.

What is a triathlete, and who has time to train for that sport? The announcers kept prattling on about this or that competitor that came from whole family of triathletes. Who comes from a whole family of triathletes? Most people must work to feed themselves. Do not get me wrong; I am no typical American malingerer. I worked for 55 years before I retired. Forty years ago, I was running 30-minute 10k’s while I worked 50-60 hours a week. At 74, I still ride a bicycle 50 miles a day. I have the same waistline I had in high school. But I cannot relate to these “triathletes”. Who can afford a $10,000 bicycle, $300 triathlon shoes, and a swimming pool to train in every day?

Olympic skateboarding? Really? When can we expect Olympic birdwatching? Remember Olga Korbut? That is when the Olympics became the circus. And now with all the kneeling and politics is it a circus of horrors. I am not watching any more of it and you should not either. The Olympics suck and that is why the ratings are so low.

While I can agree with much of what you say (the mugging for the camera, etc), but things like going to the ground at the end of the race is something I can completely understand. I ran in the New York City Marathon in 1992 at age 30. At the end of it I thought I was gonna' die. Yeah, I fell to the ground, but it was just because I physically could no longer stand.

As for training, it's no different than training for anything else. You commit yourself to something and you do what you have to do in order to attain the things you need to do it. For a serious triathlete, $10,000 isn't expensive, at all. Think about it: If you're a mechanic, are you going to want a set of quality tools like Kobalt or Craftsman, or are you going to settle for the garbage you can buy down at Harbor Freight's parking lot sale?

In everything I have ever done, and when I give advice to others, it's always "buy the best you can afford".

I'm an avid photographer; have been since the 70's. Through the years, I've made countless equipment upgrades, eventually moving into digital. My last camera purchase was a Canon 1DX MKIII, which is $6,500 from B&H in New York. It's the top of the heap in Canon's offerings. I could afford it, so I bought it. I may not avail myself of all of its features now, but I might a year from now, or two years from now. The point is that when I want those features I won't have to buy another camera.

It's no different with bikes. Someone training to run a triathlon four years from now may not need to have a bike frame constructed of carbon fiber right now. But that's something he'll want when he runs that race so, if he can afford it now, why no buy it now?

Shoes for $300? Meh. I watched a buddy of mine in Calgary once drop $450 on a pair of jeans. My hot Puerto Rican girlfriend has a $600 Coach purse. It is what it is. People will see something they want and they'll save their money until they can buy it. It's not a new concept.

Lastly, most Olympic swimmers train at either universities or Olympic Training sites like this one in Chula Vista, California...

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