The one man the West should find and hire to give them the spine to stand up to China


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Really, if this man is still alive, they should find him and ask him how to find the courage he had. The West could use a few like him couldn't we?

As the US surrounds their nation with offensive military weapons and instigates trouble over Taiwan, imposes tariffs on Chinese goods, US officials pound the war drums, yet you post this shit.

It indicates a complete lack of understanding.
As the US surrounds their nation with offensive military weapons and instigates trouble over Taiwan, imposes tariffs on Chinese goods, US officials pound the war drums, yet you post this shit.

It indicates a complete lack of understanding.
Right, save it for someone less informed. I have a great respect for the Chinese culture, its history and even its intelligence agency who have done a great job for their nation. The problem is, I am not a Chinese citizen and they are clearly at war with the U.S in particular and all of the West as a whole.

The fentanyl crises is the prime example of this. Then you add the trade abuses, TIK TOK, IP theft, cyber hacking, the latest victim being England, on and on. They pretended they were going to become capitalist and then they manipulate Western institutions with the lure of what they believe will be easy money. Everything comes at a cost.

China was given more leeway than they deserved and how did they use it? To future tighten the noose on their own citizens while looking to destroy America.

It wasn't the U.S who started this war, they have just been too slow to understand that they are in one...
What do you think "standing up to China" would look like?
Start with a counter of their efforts against the U.S or deny them market access. The message should be clear, unequivocal. The world has become such a slave to easy money that we have sold out our principles and values. If a nation isn't like-minded, stop rewarding them with wealth.
Really, if this man is still alive, they should find him and ask him how to find the courage he had. The West could use a few like him couldn't we?

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How is the US not standing up to China? When they complained about Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan, she went anyway. Things aren’t like they were when Trump was saying what a great guy Xi is.
How is the US not standing up to China? When they complained about Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan, she went anyway. Things aren’t like they were when Trump was saying what a great guy Xi is.
Trump announced that he was going to hit China with 100% tariffs. Reagan did the same to Japan by the way, an ally! I hear Biden is going to copy Trump to try and score some late minute voters, all it does at this stage in the race is reaffirm Trumps policies as being attractive.

Trump is going to go hard against the poisons coming over your border too. Just the votes from those who lost family members to this will be significant. Mexico is getting the ingredients from China who are returning the favour of the Opium Wars except it is the wrong country, the new country they wish to usurp however.
We've been China's b*tch since tricky dicky opened the door to them

This was further exploited by slick willy, while y'all were focused on a blue dress

The rust belt now is full of museum piece toolage and empty buildings , while we all are fat & happy with big box bricks or amazon clicks of goods from them

Ya can't have it both ways

Trump announced that he was going to hit China with 100% tariffs. Reagan did the same to Japan by the way, an ally! I hear Biden is going to copy Trump to try and score some late minute voters, all it does at this stage in the race is reaffirm Trumps policies as being attractive.

Trump is going to go hard against the poisons coming over your border too. Just the votes from those who lost family members to this will be significant. Mexico is getting the ingredients from China who are returning the favour of the Opium Wars except it is the wrong country, the new country they wish to usurp however.

But first, tRump (the t is silent) will be too busy getting revenge on everyone he surmises was and is against him real or not.

BTW, the reason that the farm tariffs failed was South American jumped on it with their own agriculture products. Now before you carry on with your hate, think of that. Family
Farming is all but dead.
But first, tRump (the t is silent) will be too busy getting revenge on everyone he surmises was and is against him real or not.

BTW, the reason that the farm tariffs failed was South American jumped on it with their own agriculture products. Now before you carry on with your hate, think of that. Family
Farming is all but dead.
My "hate".

Incredible. This is a state operation and they illegally flood foreign markets with cheap goods based on state funding. It is illegal and they do it constantly.

For every dollar they steal away from the U.S you hit them with tariffs. They make half a trillion off of the U.S every year as their own citizens don't consume. They rely on the U.S consumption. Ask European car companies how they like what CHina is doing to them. They have destroyed the German EV companies market while telling their citizens in China to "buy China" after illegally funding so-called "private industries" there.

Wake up. They are playing chess as you play tiddly winks.
My "hate".

Incredible. This is a state operation and they illegally flood foreign markets with cheap goods based on state funding. It is illegal and they do it constantly.

For every dollar they steal away from the U.S you hit them with tariffs. They make half a trillion off of the U.S every year as their own citizens don't consume. They rely on the U.S consumption. Ask European car companies how they like what CHina is doing to them. They have destroyed the German EV companies market while telling their citizens in China to "buy China" after illegally funding so-called "private industries" there.

Wake up. They are playing chess as you play tiddly winks.

I have supported tariffs on China all along. But they needed to be done with intelligence, not like tRump did it and just take on tariffs with little or no sense to it. The problem is, rather than listen to world class Economic Advisers, tRump ran them off and listened to his crappots or didn't listen to anyone and just did the "Decree".
I have supported tariffs on China all along. But they needed to be done with intelligence, not like tRump did it and just take on tariffs with little or no sense to it. The problem is, rather than listen to world class Economic Advisers, tRump ran them off and listened to his crappots or didn't listen to anyone and just did the "Decree".
VAT is just a tax government collects from selling us out to them Vrenn

I get the rooster up most mornings Vrenn


I found your most recent purchase for spreading it.

BTW, I made quite a bit of money with an old 1950s Oliver with bucket and an even older manure spreader.
Right, save it for someone less informed. I have a great respect for the Chinese culture, its history and even its intelligence agency who have done a great job for their nation. The problem is, I am not a Chinese citizen and they are clearly at war with the U.S in particular and all of the West as a whole.

The fentanyl crises is the prime example of this. Then you add the trade abuses, TIK TOK, IP theft, cyber hacking, the latest victim being England, on and on. They pretended they were going to become capitalist and then they manipulate Western institutions with the lure of what they believe will be easy money. Everything comes at a cost.

China was given more leeway than they deserved and how did they use it? To future tighten the noose on their own citizens while looking to destroy America.

It wasn't the U.S who started this war, they have just been too slow to understand that they are in one...
The US has been pushing China around for a long time. Now that the Chinese are getting the upper hand economically and very likely militarily, the idiot hegemonic fools in DC want war to slow down China. It’s a policy that isn't likely to work this time, because the US is a crumbling empire.

Yeah China does shit to the US, but it’s in response to the constant shit we do to them. It’s funny how westerners like you look at this relationship. China responds to constant provocations with provocations and you blame them for their provocations, and try to claim the US is a victim.

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