The ONE qst. that should be asked of every GOP candidate

Every culture has a creation myth. Why should the myth laid out in Genesis be so exceptional? It is just as false as every other cultural explanation, meritless and false.

So what?

Why do you of the Khmer Rouge seek to make it a litmus test for holding office?

Well, we know the answer - bigotry.
In the final analysis Democrats are the biggest bigots, racists, and haters in the world. When conservatives dont like homosexual activists, they comment about them. When homosexual activists dont like conservatives they hound them, picket them, and try to get them fired and marginalized.

LOL, I know, that's harsh to laugh at someone ^^^ so out of touch with reality.
Every culture has a creation myth. Why should the myth laid out in Genesis be so exceptional? It is just as false as every other cultural explanation, meritless and false.

So what?

Why do you of the Khmer Rouge seek to make it a litmus test for holding office?

Well, we know the answer - bigotry.
In the final analysis Democrats are the biggest bigots, racists, and haters in the world. When conservatives dont like homosexual activists, they comment about them. When homosexual activists dont like conservatives they hound them, picket them, and try to get them fired and marginalized.

LOL, I know, that's harsh to laugh at someone ^^^ so out of touch with reality.
actually that is a fairly accurate statement he made.
Unless you have some sound proof and examples of "homophobes" putting gays out of business or fired simply because they were gay. And I don't mean assuming, I mean proof that it was because they were gay.
Every culture has a creation myth. Why should the myth laid out in Genesis be so exceptional? It is just as false as every other cultural explanation, meritless and false.

So what?

Why do you of the Khmer Rouge seek to make it a litmus test for holding office?

Well, we know the answer - bigotry.
More like good old fashioned common sense. Someone with ossified thinking should not be leading the Free World.
ossified thinking based on who's definition.
For example, you think a religious belief should be reason to disqualify, I personally think that buying into global warming is a reason to disqualify.
Am I right? are you?
or should the decision be made at the poll. Have the voters ask the questions.
maybe mandatory release of opinions on various issues of the day and then hold them to it? but then it does not allow for any politician to change their mind with a shift in public opinion, Gay marriage still would be not considered.

Example of ossified thinking: "Gay marriage still would be not considered."
Every culture has a creation myth. Why should the myth laid out in Genesis be so exceptional? It is just as false as every other cultural explanation, meritless and false.

So what?

Why do you of the Khmer Rouge seek to make it a litmus test for holding office?

Well, we know the answer - bigotry.
In the final analysis Democrats are the biggest bigots, racists, and haters in the world. When conservatives dont like homosexual activists, they comment about them. When homosexual activists dont like conservatives they hound them, picket them, and try to get them fired and marginalized.

LOL, I know, that's harsh to laugh at someone ^^^ so out of touch with reality.
actually that is a fairly accurate statement he made.
Unless you have some sound proof and examples of "homophobes" putting gays out of business or fired simply because they were gay. And I don't mean assuming, I mean proof that it was because they were gay.

The US Armed Forces under and before DADT
Every culture has a creation myth. Why should the myth laid out in Genesis be so exceptional? It is just as false as every other cultural explanation, meritless and false.

So what?

Why do you of the Khmer Rouge seek to make it a litmus test for holding office?

Well, we know the answer - bigotry.
More like good old fashioned common sense. Someone with ossified thinking should not be leading the Free World.
ossified thinking based on who's definition.
For example, you think a religious belief should be reason to disqualify, I personally think that buying into global warming is a reason to disqualify.
Am I right? are you?
or should the decision be made at the poll. Have the voters ask the questions.
maybe mandatory release of opinions on various issues of the day and then hold them to it? but then it does not allow for any politician to change their mind with a shift in public opinion, Gay marriage still would be not considered.

Example of ossified thinking: "Gay marriage still would be not considered."
and what if the majority wanted gay marriage to still not be legal, but the one elected official decided to do it any way.
would that be ok?
would it be ok the other way around?
Every culture has a creation myth. Why should the myth laid out in Genesis be so exceptional? It is just as false as every other cultural explanation, meritless and false.

So what?

Why do you of the Khmer Rouge seek to make it a litmus test for holding office?

Well, we know the answer - bigotry.
More like good old fashioned common sense. Someone with ossified thinking should not be leading the Free World.
ossified thinking based on who's definition.
For example, you think a religious belief should be reason to disqualify, I personally think that buying into global warming is a reason to disqualify.
Am I right? are you?
or should the decision be made at the poll. Have the voters ask the questions.
maybe mandatory release of opinions on various issues of the day and then hold them to it? but then it does not allow for any politician to change their mind with a shift in public opinion, Gay marriage still would be not considered.
Let me be clear. Dismissing the Genesis myth is not the same as dismissing religious beliefs. The desire among a few to take a crow bar to science education and impose mythology in its place is, indeed, ossified thinking. Mythology belongs in Philosophy class, not in Biology, Geology, Astronomy or Chemistry class.

One can hold any personal religious beliefs they choose. But to make a modern society fit the narrow template of myth and call it science is educational hobbling. Just as imposing a puritanical morality on contemporary society is repression in the guise of righteousness.
Every culture has a creation myth. Why should the myth laid out in Genesis be so exceptional? It is just as false as every other cultural explanation, meritless and false.

So what?

Why do you of the Khmer Rouge seek to make it a litmus test for holding office?

Well, we know the answer - bigotry.
More like good old fashioned common sense. Someone with ossified thinking should not be leading the Free World.
ossified thinking based on who's definition.
For example, you think a religious belief should be reason to disqualify, I personally think that buying into global warming is a reason to disqualify.
Am I right? are you?
or should the decision be made at the poll. Have the voters ask the questions.
maybe mandatory release of opinions on various issues of the day and then hold them to it? but then it does not allow for any politician to change their mind with a shift in public opinion, Gay marriage still would be not considered.

Example of ossified thinking: "Gay marriage still would be not considered."
and what if the majority wanted gay marriage to still not be legal, but the one elected official decided to do it any way.
would that be ok?
would it be ok the other way around?
The tyranny of the majority? What's wrong with equal rights for ALL American citizens? Why should a majority decide which minority groups enjoy all rights due to every American? Isn't that what Jim Crow laws were about?
Every culture has a creation myth. Why should the myth laid out in Genesis be so exceptional? It is just as false as every other cultural explanation, meritless and false.

So what?

Why do you of the Khmer Rouge seek to make it a litmus test for holding office?

Well, we know the answer - bigotry.
More like good old fashioned common sense. Someone with ossified thinking should not be leading the Free World.
ossified thinking based on who's definition.
For example, you think a religious belief should be reason to disqualify, I personally think that buying into global warming is a reason to disqualify.
Am I right? are you?
or should the decision be made at the poll. Have the voters ask the questions.
maybe mandatory release of opinions on various issues of the day and then hold them to it? but then it does not allow for any politician to change their mind with a shift in public opinion, Gay marriage still would be not considered.
Let me be clear. Dismissing the Genesis myth is not the same as dismissing religious beliefs. The desire among a few to take a crow bar to science education and impose mythology in its place is, indeed, ossified thinking. Mythology belongs in Philosophy class, not in Biology, Geology, Astronomy or Chemistry class.

One can hold any personal religious beliefs they choose. But to make a modern society fit the narrow template of myth and call it science is educational hobbling. Just as imposing a puritanical morality on contemporary society is repression in the guise of righteousness.
again, these are your opinions not based on fact.
what if that society prefers to live a certain way, does your one vote count for more than all of theirs?
Look, I mostly agree with you, Im all for gay marriage and acceptance of the gay community, Hell, I went to Gay pride over the weekend, even wore an equality tee-shirt.
But I do not think that the society as a whole should be forced to live in a way that the do not as a majority wish to live.
and to be honest, just the way you present your opinion it is made clear that you are putting Christians down.
Why wouldn't they find a way to take a cheap shot at you or your opinion?
Let me be clear. Dismissing the Genesis myth is not the same as dismissing religious beliefs. The desire among a few to take a crow bar to science education and impose mythology in its place is, indeed, ossified thinking. Mythology belongs in Philosophy class, not in Biology, Geology, Astronomy or Chemistry class.

One can hold any personal religious beliefs they choose. But to make a modern society fit the narrow template of myth and call it science is educational hobbling. Just as imposing a puritanical morality on contemporary society is repression in the guise of righteousness.

You can't dismiss things as myth until you've proven them mythical. I don't see where you've done that. No one wants to take a crowbar to science, some people want to exploit science as a crowbar against religion.

I'm of the belief that what "belongs in schools" is information. Limiting or restricting information is counter-intuitive to education. Teaching that one of several theories of life's origin is spiritual-based belief in a divine creator or intelligent designer, is NOT promoting or establishing religion in any way.. it's simply information.
So what?

Why do you of the Khmer Rouge seek to make it a litmus test for holding office?

Well, we know the answer - bigotry.
More like good old fashioned common sense. Someone with ossified thinking should not be leading the Free World.
ossified thinking based on who's definition.
For example, you think a religious belief should be reason to disqualify, I personally think that buying into global warming is a reason to disqualify.
Am I right? are you?
or should the decision be made at the poll. Have the voters ask the questions.
maybe mandatory release of opinions on various issues of the day and then hold them to it? but then it does not allow for any politician to change their mind with a shift in public opinion, Gay marriage still would be not considered.

Example of ossified thinking: "Gay marriage still would be not considered."
and what if the majority wanted gay marriage to still not be legal, but the one elected official decided to do it any way.
would that be ok?
would it be ok the other way around?
The tyranny of the majority? What's wrong with equal rights for ALL American citizens? Why should a majority decide which minority groups enjoy all rights due to every American? Isn't that what Jim Crow laws were about?
I don't care what the liberal Supreme Court ruled, they lost their right to judge years ago.
but, marriage is not or ever has been a right under the laws of the constitution.
besides, the left is fairly clear about rights not having to be applied equally or even at all.
Bummer we didn't ask Obama "Do you believe in the United States Constitution?" An honest answer could have saved us 8 years of misery.... idiots like you, the last 6.5 years have been torturous...just as if you had been confined to a cell at GITMO. right you dimwitted right winger??
Your post isn't even a good ad hominem, but does quite well as a non sequitur.

One has to wonder how that particular poster can type while having his "two thumbs" up his.........well, you know where.
Every culture has a creation myth. Why should the myth laid out in Genesis be so exceptional? It is just as false as every other cultural explanation, meritless and false.

So what?

Why do you of the Khmer Rouge seek to make it a litmus test for holding office?

Well, we know the answer - bigotry.
More like good old fashioned common sense. Someone with ossified thinking should not be leading the Free World.
ossified thinking based on who's definition.
For example, you think a religious belief should be reason to disqualify, I personally think that buying into global warming is a reason to disqualify.
Am I right? are you?
or should the decision be made at the poll. Have the voters ask the questions.
maybe mandatory release of opinions on various issues of the day and then hold them to it? but then it does not allow for any politician to change their mind with a shift in public opinion, Gay marriage still would be not considered.
Let me be clear. Dismissing the Genesis myth is not the same as dismissing religious beliefs. The desire among a few to take a crow bar to science education and impose mythology in its place is, indeed, ossified thinking. Mythology belongs in Philosophy class, not in Biology, Geology, Astronomy or Chemistry class.

One can hold any personal religious beliefs they choose. But to make a modern society fit the narrow template of myth and call it science is educational hobbling. Just as imposing a puritanical morality on contemporary society is repression in the guise of righteousness.
again, these are your opinions not based on fact.
what if that society prefers to live a certain way, does your one vote count for more than all of theirs?
Look, I mostly agree with you, Im all for gay marriage and acceptance of the gay community, Hell, I went to Gay pride over the weekend, even wore an equality tee-shirt.
But I do not think that the society as a whole should be forced to live in a way that the do not as a majority wish to live.
and to be honest, just the way you present your opinion it is made clear that you are putting Christians down.
Why wouldn't they find a way to take a cheap shot at you or your opinion?
I wonder about the quantity of the majority you speak of. I'm a Christian myself, but I understand allegory and parable. The majority you speak of is vocal and their beliefs run deep, but not wide.

If we are to accept Genesis as truth, shouldn't the second book of the Bible be taken as fact and truth as well? Leviticus has plenty of dandy laws that are routinely ignored by modern man. Seems ironic that some folks seek to use a beautiful faith to serve a bad purpose. And those same folks ignore all the aspects of that faith because some of those aspects are just too difficult to resolve with modern life.
So what?

Why do you of the Khmer Rouge seek to make it a litmus test for holding office?

Well, we know the answer - bigotry.
More like good old fashioned common sense. Someone with ossified thinking should not be leading the Free World.
ossified thinking based on who's definition.
For example, you think a religious belief should be reason to disqualify, I personally think that buying into global warming is a reason to disqualify.
Am I right? are you?
or should the decision be made at the poll. Have the voters ask the questions.
maybe mandatory release of opinions on various issues of the day and then hold them to it? but then it does not allow for any politician to change their mind with a shift in public opinion, Gay marriage still would be not considered.
Let me be clear. Dismissing the Genesis myth is not the same as dismissing religious beliefs. The desire among a few to take a crow bar to science education and impose mythology in its place is, indeed, ossified thinking. Mythology belongs in Philosophy class, not in Biology, Geology, Astronomy or Chemistry class.

One can hold any personal religious beliefs they choose. But to make a modern society fit the narrow template of myth and call it science is educational hobbling. Just as imposing a puritanical morality on contemporary society is repression in the guise of righteousness.
again, these are your opinions not based on fact.
what if that society prefers to live a certain way, does your one vote count for more than all of theirs?
Look, I mostly agree with you, Im all for gay marriage and acceptance of the gay community, Hell, I went to Gay pride over the weekend, even wore an equality tee-shirt.
But I do not think that the society as a whole should be forced to live in a way that the do not as a majority wish to live.
and to be honest, just the way you present your opinion it is made clear that you are putting Christians down.
Why wouldn't they find a way to take a cheap shot at you or your opinion?
I wonder about the quantity of the majority you speak of. I'm a Christian myself, but I understand allegory and parable. The majority you speak of is vocal and their beliefs run deep, but not wide.

If we are to accept Genesis as truth, shouldn't the second book of the Bible be taken as fact and truth as well? Leviticus has plenty of dandy laws that are routinely ignored by modern man. Seems ironic that some folks seek to use a beautiful faith to serve a bad purpose. And those same folks ignore all the aspects of that faith because some of those aspects are just too difficult to resolve with modern life.
if you were more familiar with the Bible you would understand that Genesis is about the creation and were the tribes came from, its historical.
Leviticus deals more with the laws and how to govern them.
the new testament brought Jesus along, and with him came a new way to govern, as in, let God sort it out, no longer up to man to enforce, it was mans job to show people the way.
I could get into greater detail but that breaks it down pretty much.
Genesis holds true, Leviticus was outdated when Jesus came.
More like good old fashioned common sense. Someone with ossified thinking should not be leading the Free World.
ossified thinking based on who's definition.
For example, you think a religious belief should be reason to disqualify, I personally think that buying into global warming is a reason to disqualify.
Am I right? are you?
or should the decision be made at the poll. Have the voters ask the questions.
maybe mandatory release of opinions on various issues of the day and then hold them to it? but then it does not allow for any politician to change their mind with a shift in public opinion, Gay marriage still would be not considered.

Example of ossified thinking: "Gay marriage still would be not considered."
and what if the majority wanted gay marriage to still not be legal, but the one elected official decided to do it any way.
would that be ok?
would it be ok the other way around?
The tyranny of the majority? What's wrong with equal rights for ALL American citizens? Why should a majority decide which minority groups enjoy all rights due to every American? Isn't that what Jim Crow laws were about?
I don't care what the liberal Supreme Court ruled, they lost their right to judge years ago.
but, marriage is not or ever has been a right under the laws of the constitution.
besides, the left is fairly clear about rights not having to be applied equally or even at all.

You have very strong opinions. thus debate with you is not worthwhile.
ossified thinking based on who's definition.
For example, you think a religious belief should be reason to disqualify, I personally think that buying into global warming is a reason to disqualify.
Am I right? are you?
or should the decision be made at the poll. Have the voters ask the questions.
maybe mandatory release of opinions on various issues of the day and then hold them to it? but then it does not allow for any politician to change their mind with a shift in public opinion, Gay marriage still would be not considered.

Example of ossified thinking: "Gay marriage still would be not considered."
and what if the majority wanted gay marriage to still not be legal, but the one elected official decided to do it any way.
would that be ok?
would it be ok the other way around?
The tyranny of the majority? What's wrong with equal rights for ALL American citizens? Why should a majority decide which minority groups enjoy all rights due to every American? Isn't that what Jim Crow laws were about?
I don't care what the liberal Supreme Court ruled, they lost their right to judge years ago.
but, marriage is not or ever has been a right under the laws of the constitution.
besides, the left is fairly clear about rights not having to be applied equally or even at all.

You have very strong opinions. thus debate with you is not worthwhile.
rather odd comment considering Im agreeing with you that gay marriage is a good thing.
Is it because I am able to look at both sides and try to come up with a middle ground and you would prefer to try and discredit and bury anyone with a religious belief?
Example of ossified thinking: "Gay marriage still would be not considered."
and what if the majority wanted gay marriage to still not be legal, but the one elected official decided to do it any way.
would that be ok?
would it be ok the other way around?
The tyranny of the majority? What's wrong with equal rights for ALL American citizens? Why should a majority decide which minority groups enjoy all rights due to every American? Isn't that what Jim Crow laws were about?
I don't care what the liberal Supreme Court ruled, they lost their right to judge years ago.
but, marriage is not or ever has been a right under the laws of the constitution.
besides, the left is fairly clear about rights not having to be applied equally or even at all.

You have very strong opinions. thus debate with you is not worthwhile.
rather odd comment considering Im agreeing with you that gay marriage is a good thing.
Is it because I am able to look at both sides and try to come up with a middle ground and you would prefer to try and discredit and bury anyone with a religious belief?

I didn't know human rights had "middle grounds". Please elucidate.
and what if the majority wanted gay marriage to still not be legal, but the one elected official decided to do it any way.
would that be ok?
would it be ok the other way around?
The tyranny of the majority? What's wrong with equal rights for ALL American citizens? Why should a majority decide which minority groups enjoy all rights due to every American? Isn't that what Jim Crow laws were about?
I don't care what the liberal Supreme Court ruled, they lost their right to judge years ago.
but, marriage is not or ever has been a right under the laws of the constitution.
besides, the left is fairly clear about rights not having to be applied equally or even at all.

You have very strong opinions. thus debate with you is not worthwhile.
rather odd comment considering Im agreeing with you that gay marriage is a good thing.
Is it because I am able to look at both sides and try to come up with a middle ground and you would prefer to try and discredit and bury anyone with a religious belief?

I didn't know human rights had "middle grounds". Please elucidate.
I was not aware that marriage was a right. and that constitution that was dissected to make it a right, is also the same constitution that specifically spells out that religions do have the right to exclude gays if they choose to do so.

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