The ONE qst. that should be asked of every GOP candidate

The problem is, your question is like asking... Do you believe in Henry Ford or Chevy Impala?

Evolution has nothing to do with origin. At some point, obviously something created us because we exist. We've also obviously had some evolution happen. So actually, both are very believable

Actually, my ONLY real intent of my O/P is to separate GOP candidates from those who believe in science and facts....from those who are just pandering for support from the evangelical voters.
nothing, since these fools think socialism will work, this time.

See, you and S.J., are not completely alone in the half-brained camp....Have another cup of tea.
do you think socialism will work in America?

I guess that depends on how one describes socialism.
  • County hospitals
  • police/sheriff departments
  • Sewage treatment facilities
  • Water delivery systems
  • Public Schools
  • The Army, Navy, Marines, AF and CG
  • etc.
All employ government employees who work, provide service and circulate their income throughout the community.
The things you consider socialist just shows the lack of respect you have for honorable Americans.

I descibe socialism with actual results;
Greece, USSR, China, N Korea, most african, South, Central America

all places where socialism is rampant.
The problem is, your question is like asking... Do you believe in Henry Ford or Chevy Impala?

Evolution has nothing to do with origin. At some point, obviously something created us because we exist. We've also obviously had some evolution happen. So actually, both are very believable

Actually, my ONLY real intent of my O/P is to separate GOP candidates from those who believe in science and facts....from those who are just pandering for support from the evangelical voters.
So, evangelical voters should have no say?
would it be ok to ask if the politician was gay friendly so we could cut the gays voice out too?
half retarded brother from a street hooker his dad found.

Actually, I love Nietzsche who, in his insanity, stated many truths...including the Christian "plot" of priests' celibacy and confession, as mean to gain authority over their "flock"...and the term flock, in this case, is VERY applicable.
The Bible is scientifically accurate.

Indeed, especially passages such as these:

"I permit NO woman to teach or have authority over men; she is to be kept silent".....Timothy 2:11
(that one is for you Hillary haters)

"whoever putteth away a wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery..." Luke 16:18
(should someone tell Newt Gingrich?"

What has any of that got to do with science?

Oh nothing, you just like pettifogging and trolling.
The problem is, your question is like asking... Do you believe in Henry Ford or Chevy Impala?

Evolution has nothing to do with origin. At some point, obviously something created us because we exist. We've also obviously had some evolution happen. So actually, both are very believable

Actually, my ONLY real intent of my O/P is to separate GOP candidates from those who believe in science and facts....from those who are just pandering for support from the evangelical voters.

Well technically speaking... there are no "scientific facts" only predictions of probability. Science does not establish conclusion, that is done by man. But even with scientific evidence you cannot escape the fact that something did create us at some point because we do exist. If evolution proves anything, it proves this.

You are assuming science has proposed some explanation for origin of life and those who believe God created us have been scientifically proven wrong. That's not true. There are theories on top of theories but one irrefutable fact continues to pop up... logic dictates that we must have been created by something. We are here, we exist, we weren't always here and we didn't always exist. At some point, something created us.
Ask each GOP candidate if he votes safe or stands up for what is best for their country.

House conservative seeks John Boehner's ouster

North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows had heard from leading conservatives that trying to oust Speaker John Boehner right now was a bad idea.

Until now, the North Carolina Republican had taken small steps to undermine Boehner — he voted against procedural motions and against Boehner for speaker. Now he’s declared all-out war, and he could quickly find out how many people are willing to back him up.

“It’s really more about trying to have a conversation about making this place work,” Meadows said. “Hopefully we’ll have some discussions about that in the days and weeks to come. It’s more about having an inclusive process where you have debate on a regular basis, where you have open dialogue and an exchange of ideas. That’s what this is all about. This body is driven on debate and on the work on committees … and those bills or legislations should be debated based on the merit.”

Read more:House conservative seeks Boehner s ouster - POLITICO
At every scheduled debate for the GOP primaries, each of the candidates should be asked one very simple question....just to separate the sane from the insane:

"Do you believe in creationism or evolution....."

The answer to the above can help dwindle down the number of whomever should even be given a microphone and a podium.

That is a stupid question - irrelevant to anyone but you drooling bigots.

Bummer we didn't ask Obama "Do you believe in the United States Constitution?" An honest answer could have saved us 8 years of misery....
You must read romance novels. For sure you dont think. You emote. You repeat slogans and talking points you picked up on popular media somewhere. You've never formulated a coherent argument and successfully defended it on this site. Not once.
Now, remind us how believing in Creationism should be a bar to becoming president. Recall that not a few of our presidents have been devout Christians.
Believing in Creationism betrays a shadowed, stunted and ridged mind open to myth rather than fact, allegory rather than evidence, conformity rather than independent thought. It reflects a mind that would happily march civilization backward, a mind that eschews logic for fairy tale and a mind that does not welcome progress.

Creationism is a myth perpetuated by the ignorant, those without knowledge. It is not a position someone wanting to lead this nation into the future should embrace, especially given the secular nation. Imposing the values of ignorance upon us is insulting at best, approaching cultural treason at worst.
You probably dont get the irony in your post. So let me spell it for you:
You doubtless believe that the Genesis story has zero basis in fact. You doubtless believe the "scientific" view of creation and evolution, as you were taught in school.
But here's the thing: Scientists do not agree on creation or evolution. There are wide disparities so there are no "accepted" theories. There is little evidence for many assumptions made.
Yet despite this you demonize people as closed minded, even though you wll not begin to consider the arguments against your own beliefs. You call people stunted and ridged (probably mean rigid) even though your own beliefes were formed some time in junior high school and havent changed since. Nor are they consonant with actual scientific evidence. You conform to a generally received belief even while you condemn others for exactly that kind of thinking.
There is probably more evidence for Creationism than there is against it. But your narrow minded bigoted brain could not begin to process it.
Genesis is myth. It is the musings of a Bronze Age philosopher to explain the natural world to people who did not have the methodology to make rational observations, hypothesizes, experiments upon those hypothesizes and observe the results of those experiments. Genesis is folly without scientific merit. Teaching mythology in science class is folly.
Have you ever read Genesis? Do you actually know what's in it?
There is more scientific merit in Genesis than in Darwin's theory.
Every culture has a creation myth. Why should the myth laid out in Genesis be so exceptional? It is just as false as every other cultural explanation, meritless and false.
So the answer is No, you have no idea what's in it.
That is why you are an intellectual fly weight around here. YOu sound off about stuff you have no idea about. And just because there are lots of explanations does not mean they are all either right or all wrong. That is a logical fallacy.
During the revolt in Egypt as the'Arab Spring' was unravelling, discussion groups of activists posed a simple question to others at the table. The question was 'what are your attitudes about art?'

Like evolution versus creationism, this question was designed to ferret out radicals and extremists so they could not hold sway in constructing a new Egyptian constitution. Fundamentalists and radical extremists hold decidedly conservative views on art and could not hide from their loony attitudes.

Hey Mike Huckabee, hey Li'l Ricky Santorum, hey Donald Trump. What are your views on art?

So, what you are creating is a "loyalty test," to ensure that compliance to party dogma is maintained?
Every culture has a creation myth. Why should the myth laid out in Genesis be so exceptional? It is just as false as every other cultural explanation, meritless and false.

So what?

Why do you of the Khmer Rouge seek to make it a litmus test for holding office?

Well, we know the answer - bigotry.
Every culture has a creation myth. Why should the myth laid out in Genesis be so exceptional? It is just as false as every other cultural explanation, meritless and false.

So what?

Why do you of the Khmer Rouge seek to make it a litmus test for holding office?

Well, we know the answer - bigotry.
In the final analysis Democrats are the biggest bigots, racists, and haters in the world. When conservatives dont like homosexual activists, they comment about them. When homosexual activists dont like conservatives they hound them, picket them, and try to get them fired and marginalized.
At every scheduled debate for the GOP primaries, each of the candidates should be asked one very simple question....just to separate the sane from the insane:

"Do you believe in creationism or evolution....."

The answer to the above can help dwindle down the number of whomever should even be given a microphone and a podium.

That is a stupid question - irrelevant to anyone but you drooling bigots.

Bummer we didn't ask Obama "Do you believe in the United States Constitution?" An honest answer could have saved us 8 years of misery....

Oh really? He would have lied...we all know that.
nothing, since these fools think socialism will work, this time.

See, you and S.J., are not completely alone in the half-brained camp....Have another cup of tea.
do you think socialism will work in America?

I guess that depends on how one describes socialism.
  • County hospitals
  • police/sheriff departments
  • Sewage treatment facilities
  • Water delivery systems
  • Public Schools
  • The Army, Navy, Marines, AF and CG
  • etc.
All employ government employees who work, provide service and circulate their income throughout the community.
The things you consider socialist just shows the lack of respect you have for honorable Americans.

I descibe socialism with actual results;
Greece, USSR, China, N Korea, most african, South, Central America

all places where socialism is rampant.

I wrote, and I quote, "I guess that depends on how one describes socialism."

Your post isn't even a good ad hominem, but does quite well as a non sequitur.
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Every culture has a creation myth. Why should the myth laid out in Genesis be so exceptional? It is just as false as every other cultural explanation, meritless and false.

So what?

Why do you of the Khmer Rouge seek to make it a litmus test for holding office?

Well, we know the answer - bigotry.
In the final analysis Democrats are the biggest bigots, racists, and haters in the world. When conservatives dont like homosexual activists, they comment about them. When homosexual activists dont like conservatives they hound them, picket them, and try to get them fired and marginalized.
When you don't like a group, you seek to marginalize them through legislative fiat. You send your goons to harass them. Don't tell us how benevolent the Conservatives are.
Every culture has a creation myth. Why should the myth laid out in Genesis be so exceptional? It is just as false as every other cultural explanation, meritless and false.

So what?

Why do you of the Khmer Rouge seek to make it a litmus test for holding office?

Well, we know the answer - bigotry.
More like good old fashioned common sense. Someone with ossified thinking should not be leading the Free World.
Every culture has a creation myth. Why should the myth laid out in Genesis be so exceptional? It is just as false as every other cultural explanation, meritless and false.

So what?

Why do you of the Khmer Rouge seek to make it a litmus test for holding office?

Well, we know the answer - bigotry.
More like good old fashioned common sense. Someone with ossified thinking should not be leading the Free World.
ossified thinking based on who's definition.
For example, you think a religious belief should be reason to disqualify, I personally think that buying into global warming is a reason to disqualify.
Am I right? are you?
or should the decision be made at the poll. Have the voters ask the questions.
maybe mandatory release of opinions on various issues of the day and then hold them to it? but then it does not allow for any politician to change their mind with a shift in public opinion, Gay marriage still would be not considered.

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