The Only Choice


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY school choice.

Government school may be the most powerful anti-America weapon the Left has. They are very good at indoctrination, but, when one looks at American student scores on international tests, the schools fall short.

"Across the Board, Scores Drop in Math and Reading for U.S. Students
The latest results from the Nation’s Report Card show declines in student performance across demographics.

2. MATH AND READING SCORES for fourth- and eighth-graders in the United States dropped since 2017, and the decrease in reading achievement has government researchers particularly concerned.

3. "Over the past decade, there has been no progress in either mathematics or reading performance, and the lowest performing students are doing worse," Peggy Carr, associate commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, said during a press call Tuesday.

4. ...declines in reading at both grades were also seen at all levels of achievement, whether students were high- or low-achieving, with the exception of the highest achieving fourth graders.

5. "Over the long term in reading, the lowest performing students – those readers who struggle the most – have made no progress from the first NAEP administration almost 30 years ago," she said.

6. ...the scores of lower performing students declined in three of the four grade-subject combinations and those drops are what accounted for the overall drop in average scores."

These are Democrat schools, and they don't perform for American students.

7. Prager U's newest vid gives a solution

Here's the money quote:
" The government school system was in worse shape than I thought. Enrollment was declining, but costs were going up. We had more teachers making more money teaching fewer kids—with no test improvement to show for it. "

“School Choice” is code for getting white kids out of minority districts
There is always the very same reaction from the Left, the Democrats, the Liberals.....and it never reflects tolerance for any opposing point of view.

“Why don’t we try school choice?” I suggested at a board meeting. Introduce competition—because competition almost always makes things better. This sounded like common sense to me. To the teachers’ union, it was treason.

First came the nasty emails. Then the ugly tweets. When I wouldn’t shut up, the union packed board meetings with their activists. They booed me. Called me names you wouldn’t believe. I was even physically threatened—all because I had made the case for school choice. "
I still blame No Child Left Behind... By far the worst thing Bush ever did.
I blame the Liberals who control the school system, and their allies, the Democrats, who keep them there.
No Child Left Behind made this whole country dumber for it. The critical thinking skills of the newer generation is appalling... Used to be schools gave the ability of everybody capable to question and learn logically, although people are never going to be on the same levels... Just give some time and the slower among us could still get to a logical stance. One that other people may not agree with, but they weren't hypocrites...

Now you have to be genetically gifted or you are just fucked.

I agree that the people in charge are responsible for how things are. But the people who used to be in charge take that as well. Bush started this IMHO. Fuck Bush.
I still blame No Child Left Behind... By far the worst thing Bush ever did.
I blame the Liberals who control the school system, and their allies, the Democrats, who keep them there.
No Child Left Behind made this whole country dumber for it. The critical thinking skills of the newer generation is appalling... Used to be schools gave the ability of everybody capable to question and learn logically, although people are never going to be on the same levels... Just give some time and the slower among us could still get to a logical stance. One that other people may not agree with, but they weren't hypocrites...

Now you have to be genetically gifted or you are just fucked.

I agree that the people in charge are responsible for how things are. But the people who used to be in charge take that as well. Bush started this IMHO. Fuck Bush.

"No Child Left Behind made this whole country dumber for it. "

Actually, Liberal control of the schools did that.

Based on your vulgarity, it appears you are one of the victims of same.
I agree that the people in charge are responsible for how things are. But the people who used to be in charge take that as well. Bush started this IMHO. Fuck Bush.
The "people in charge" got to be in charge why? This dumbing down started long before Bush, and Republicans had plenty of opportunity, prior to Bush to abolish the nonconstitutional Dept of Education- but didn't- wondr why that is?
I still blame No Child Left Behind... By far the worst thing Bush ever did.
I blame the Liberals who control the school system, and their allies, the Democrats, who keep them there.
No Child Left Behind made this whole country dumber for it. The critical thinking skills of the newer generation is appalling... Used to be schools gave the ability of everybody capable to question and learn logically, although people are never going to be on the same levels... Just give some time and the slower among us could still get to a logical stance. One that other people may not agree with, but they weren't hypocrites...

Now you have to be genetically gifted or you are just fucked.

I agree that the people in charge are responsible for how things are. But the people who used to be in charge take that as well. Bush started this IMHO. Fuck Bush.

"No Child Left Behind made this whole country dumber for it. "

Actually, Liberal control of the schools did that.

Based on your vulgarity, it appears you are one of the victims of same.

Most schools are run at the local and county levels.

According to the map conservatives like to trot out, most counties are run by conservatives
"No Child Left Behind made this whole country dumber for it. "

Actually, Liberal control of the schools did that.

Based on your vulgarity, it appears you are one of the victims of same.

Yeah... That's an indicator of intelligence. You must be part of the demographic I'm talking about.

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