The only people who are LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE are the ones who CHOSE TO NOT BUY IT.

Translation~ you had three car crashes in the last 5 years and runs to the quack if you get the sniffles.and a boo boo...
That's why health insurance is so high because big baby's like you .

That's a leap in logic and pretty .. well; dumb
Preventative care (annual physical and such) REDUCES health care costs and saves lives.
And that is what's wrong with repealing O-Care.
God damn I am not going out a pussy, I
believe in God .

Curious - what does being a pussy have, or not have to do with your belief in God, Heaven or Hell?
I've met many pussies who used their religion as a bludgeon and a crutch.

And that means what? I will answer your question if you answer mine first

Which you refused to do twice already.

Remind me please - I am willing but the thread is becoming thick and somewhat difficult to follow, thanks
Oh Ms. Self-Sufficient relies on others to subsidize the cost of her healthcare. How surprising.

Wtf are you talking about? Good gawd that was ignorant

If you need to have someone explain how health insurance works, just ask. No need to be your usual hate-filled self.

You idiot our insurance is through by husband's firm, they offer us a choice of plans and it's paid as part of his salary. It's part of his benefit package.

Good lord you're an ignorant fuck
And it costs less, as they have access to group plans that you would not otherwise have . go ahead, ask his employer to cancel the benefit and just give him cash instead. They'll laugh in your face.

Why would he do that you ignorant fuck?

You loons post some of the stupidest shit
You're being dense. My point is that the employer does "pay" for the insurance, providing economic benefit.
You're being dense. My point is that the employer does "pay" for the insurance, providing economic benefit.

Correct - And these people who've never been self-employed for a good amount of time have no F-ing clue what things are like in the real world having been pampered like babies, many times with "Cadillac Policies" that they pay little or nothing for and believe they've "earned".

They haven't "earned" jack - if their company has a buttload of employees, then that employer a) gets amazing rates not available to the rest of us and b) has reduced their salary to pay for.

I'd like to see our Republican Congress provide us all with the same Caddy Policy that THEY get for nothing at the expense of the American taxpayer.
Did it occur to you, given that right now in this one single thread, have three examples of such thinking; Bear, myself, my sister-in-law - that perhaps it's a belief of right lean'ers?

I invested in MS and Intel when I was 19, I'll gladly pay for everyone in my family, and extended family, if its needed; and that's not including the /rest/ of the money in my fam either, just me along. Don't worry about /my/ fam being a "burden" on anyone. Worry about those illegals abusing EMTALA, worry about the idiots taking their kids into the ER for a sneeze, worry about folks /abusing/ the system and then maybe we can talk about how much you think my wealthy family is going to cost you...

What occurred to me is that I admired every single one of your arguments except where you claimed that if you needed a 300k quadruple bypass you might just decide to die. Nobody currently healthy with a treatable ailment can say that. If you have an incurable disease of some sort that renders you in horrible pain, you would have a RIGHT to die and for this reason I support the Death With Dignity law in Oregon (and a few other states).

But nobody is going to convince me that they would consider their treatable condition as unaffordable and would therefore crawl off in a corner somewhere. They won't

Finally, MANY people in this forum and others have claimed to be wealthy, and an investment in MS and/or Intel many years ago are a favorite claim as are many other sorts of claims to wealth in an anonymous chat board on the Internet. I'd wager that most of them are silver spoon babies like the Trump children, or lying through their teeth down in Mom's basement.

That said, I will take you at your word because you appear to be a far cut above the average RW goofball this place seems to attract. But why didn't you just say you were self-insured in the first place?

Actually that's not what I said, you're being intellectually dishonest. My exact statement was: "I'd be pretty pissed off if I needed $300k worth of work, I could pay for it, but I might just chose not to - depends on the "returns" of the investment. Id' rather die than leave my family without money..."

In other words, IF it was curable and IF I felt that my quality of life would be acceptable after said $300k worth of work, then I'd pay for it. IF, however, it wasn't, I wouldn't "waste" money that my family needs or that I think they could use to better purposes.

You have no comprehension of my ideological thoughts, of my position, of my personality, of my age, so how can you possibly presume at /any/ level what I'd decide to do in such a situation?

I'll clue you in a bit, for one, and I've said it many, many times on this board, I am not afraid of death. I have lived my life, I've raised my kids, I've done pretty much all that I wanted to do on this world (and more even.) So yeah, I would indeed, easily, put the financial health of my children and my husband above my "supposed" desire to live - pretty easy to do when you don't really care one way or the other. I actually think this is a semi-natural state to arrive when you're older and successful... happy with your life and how you lived it, with how it's ended up - the "result" of it all. It's okay to die when everything you care about is taken care of, the only thing you continue living for is to save your kids and spouse from emotional pain... nothing lasts forever though.
You're being dense. My point is that the employer does "pay" for the insurance, providing economic benefit.

Correct - And these people who've never been self-employed for a good amount of time have no F-ing clue what things are like in the real world having been pampered like babies, many times with "Cadillac Policies" that they pay little or nothing for and believe they've "earned".

They haven't "earned" jack - if their company has a buttload of employees, then that employer a) gets amazing rates not available to the rest of us and b) has reduced their salary to pay for.

I'd like to see our Republican Congress provide us all with the same Caddy Policy that THEY get for nothing at the expense of the American taxpayer.

You two are incapable of wrapping your tiny minds around the fact employer supplied insurance isn't free. It's not a gift it's a benefit that is part of an employee's package, their earnings. A very valuable part of the benefit package that the employee works for.

Of course working might be as foreign to you as insurance being part of wages and benefit packages.
Translation~ you had three car crashes in the last 5 years and runs to the quack if you get the sniffles.and a boo boo...
That's why health insurance is so high because big baby's like you .

That's a leap in logic and pretty .. well; dumb
Preventative care (annual physical and such) REDUCES health care costs and saves lives.
And that is what's wrong with repealing O-Care.

You crazy I am not going to no doctor..for what , what does preventive medicine do ?

We all die

But we all don't live

Do you think I am going to go to some doctor and tells me I have cancer or high blood pressure or a tumor?

Who gives a damn
You two are incapable of wrapping your tiny minds around the fact employer supplied insurance isn't free.
My entire point was that it is not free, but that you are incorrect to tag its monetary value (compared to coverage you purchase on your own) as part of your compensation.

Pay attention!
There are a few preventive measures that actually do help cut down mortality, and costs. However, you can only really argue this point if you're paying for someone else's medical care, else they're just hurting their own pocket book in the end.

That said, childhood immunizations are cost-effective. Healthy adults getting a yearly physical is /not/ cost-effective, nor even particularly beneficial. Screening 100 smokers for lung-cancer every year or two, isn't specifically cost effective. Testing obese people for diabetes is far less cost effective than paying for bus transportation to the park for all of them.

Preventive med only saves lives and money /if/ its targeted, and you cannot target via group policy - thats why doctors/hospitals like insurance, because insurance encourages people to get shit they don't actually need - like yearly physicals when the patient is healthy. There was a massive study on the cost benefits analysis of preventive care trying to make ACA solvent, but I can't pull the name out, it was idk 2013 maybe? Sorry I can't be more helpful there.
for what , what does preventive medicine do ?
Gee, if only there were some vast, easily accessible store of information that you could consult to get your questions like this answered, instead of demanding to be spoonfed by strangers on a measage board ....
Did it occur to you, given that right now in this one single thread, have three examples of such thinking; Bear, myself, my sister-in-law - that perhaps it's a belief of right lean'ers?

I invested in MS and Intel when I was 19, I'll gladly pay for everyone in my family, and extended family, if its needed; and that's not including the /rest/ of the money in my fam either, just me along. Don't worry about /my/ fam being a "burden" on anyone. Worry about those illegals abusing EMTALA, worry about the idiots taking their kids into the ER for a sneeze, worry about folks /abusing/ the system and then maybe we can talk about how much you think my wealthy family is going to cost you...

What occurred to me is that I admired every single one of your arguments except where you claimed that if you needed a 300k quadruple bypass you might just decide to die. Nobody currently healthy with a treatable ailment can say that. If you have an incurable disease of some sort that renders you in horrible pain, you would have a RIGHT to die and for this reason I support the Death With Dignity law in Oregon (and a few other states).

But nobody is going to convince me that they would consider their treatable condition as unaffordable and would therefore crawl off in a corner somewhere. They won't

Finally, MANY people in this forum and others have claimed to be wealthy, and an investment in MS and/or Intel many years ago are a favorite claim as are many other sorts of claims to wealth in an anonymous chat board on the Internet. I'd wager that most of them are silver spoon babies like the Trump children, or lying through their teeth down in Mom's basement.

That said, I will take you at your word because you appear to be a far cut above the average RW goofball this place seems to attract. But why didn't you just say you were self-insured in the first place?

Actually that's not what I said, you're being intellectually dishonest. My exact statement was: "I'd be pretty pissed off if I needed $300k worth of work, I could pay for it, but I might just chose not to - depends on the "returns" of the investment. Id' rather die than leave my family without money..."

In other words, IF it was curable and IF I felt that my quality of life would be acceptable after said $300k worth of work, then I'd pay for it. IF, however, it wasn't, I wouldn't "waste" money that my family needs or that I think they could use to better purposes.

You have no comprehension of my ideological thoughts, of my position, of my personality, of my age, so how can you possibly presume at /any/ level what I'd decide to do in such a situation?

I'll clue you in a bit, for one, and I've said it many, many times on this board, I am not afraid of death. I have lived my life, I've raised my kids, I've done pretty much all that I wanted to do on this world (and more even.) So yeah, I would indeed, easily, put the financial health of my children and my husband above my "supposed" desire to live - pretty easy to do when you don't really care one way or the other. I actually think this is a semi-natural state to arrive when you're older and successful... happy with your life and how you lived it, with how it's ended up - the "result" of it all. It's okay to die when everything you care about is taken care of, the only thing you continue living for is to save your kids and spouse from emotional pain... nothing lasts forever though.

Exactly I could pray to God and tell him to kill me , my wife and all my close friends are dead , my daughter is up in Illinois going to college (and rich as hell from an inheritance)

And you know what god tells me ?

I am not done with you yet ...

So that's why I really don't go to a doctor point
else they're just hurting their own pocket book in the end
Completely incorrect, whether those people have insurance or not. Preventive medicine allows doctors not only to prevent disease, but to catch diseases in the early stages, when treatment is both cheaper amd more effective.
for what , what does preventive medicine do ?
Gee, if only there were some vast, easily accessible store of information that you could consult to get your questions like this answered, instead of demanding to be spoonfed by strangers on a measage board ....

See my post above no point , it happens it happens I did everything I wanted to do..but stupid god still has plans for me
else they're just hurting their own pocket book in the end
Completely incorrect, whether those people have insurance or not. Preventive medicine allows doctors not only to prevent disease, but to catch diseases in the early stages, when treatment is both cheaper amd more effective.

Sometimes, sure, all the time, nope.

Do you know what the top two causes of "preventive" medical deaths are in this nation son?

Smoking and Obesity. You can't "preventive medicine" people into a healthy lifestyle, sorry.
else they're just hurting their own pocket book in the end
Completely incorrect, whether those people have insurance or not. Preventive medicine allows doctors not only to prevent disease, but to catch diseases in the early stages, when treatment is both cheaper amd more effective.

Not if you never go , you will never ever catch me laid up in a hospital bed I would take off ..
You two are incapable of wrapping your tiny minds around the fact employer supplied insurance isn't free.
My entire point was that it is not free, but that you are incorrect to tag its monetary value (compared to coverage you purchase on your own) as part of your compensation.

Pay attention!

There you go again not understanding it's part of an employee's benefits. Part of compensation for work performed

Now GFY and YOU pay attention.

Ignorant toad
Exactly I could pray to God and tell him to kill me , my wife and all my close friends are dead , my daughter is up in Illinois going to college (and rich as hell from an inheritance)

And you know what god tells me ?

I am not done with you yet ...

So that's why I really don't go to a doctor point

Ehhh, so yer anti-science, anti-vax or young and feel bulletproof - WTF?
for what , what does preventive medicine do ?
Gee, if only there were some vast, easily accessible store of information that you could consult to get your questions like this answered, instead of demanding to be spoonfed by strangers on a measage board ....

See my post above no point , it happens it happens I did everything I wanted to do..but stupid god still has plans for me
No point to preventive medicine, eh? Imagine how embarrased the AMA will be when they find out!

*audible eyeroll*

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