The only people who are LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE are the ones who CHOSE TO NOT BUY IT.

Sure, as soon as you guarantee that it's beneficial to society and isn't being abused.

Lets put a limit on it all, welfare, health insurance subsidies, all of it. Lifetime limit that shit and I'll happily contribute to such things. Without such assurances though you're just paying into a black hole of zero beneficial returns - IE wasting money. I'm not "greedy" I just abhor wasting money; it's why I don't rent an apartment/house, it's why I don't lease cars, it's why I pay for shit with cash instead of on credit, and it's why I will /never/ pay for health insurance.

If you don't have credit, then you can't get credit. Are you telling us that you paid cash for your house and never had to rent to save up that money and build up that credit?
Hey man, leasing cars is a wiser decision for some and so is renting.
And if you need a $300,000 quadruple bypass operation, you have the money socked away to pay for it - or will you freeload on your local hospital and let those of us with insurance pay for it in higher premiums?
Sorry man, not buying the schtick.

Ya'll idiots need to learn patience and persistence, not my problem.

I have /never/ leased nor even gotten a loan for a vehicle - I bought an older [better] model and paid cash. My "newest" car is a 2001 and I ain't poor.

I did get a mortgage, many of them yes, for my first home, second, vacation, etc. On that I was impatient, and I avoid paying the interest expenses by paying extra into the mortgage (the amount I would have been paying for rent, about $200 a month more, goes to principle on my mortgage(s) every month.)

I'd be pretty pissed off if I needed $300k worth of work, I could pay for it, but I might just chose not to - depends on the "returns" of the investment. Id' rather die than leave my family without money...

I'd also rather die than force someone else to pay /my/ bills - ain't their fault if I need a new heart, ain't their families fault if I need some expensive operation and I'm not going to punish their kids for my personal gain.

That's the difference between myself and selfish greedy mother fuckers I suppose.
<-- Never bought into the health insurance scam and now isn't punished for refusing to line insurance brokers pockets. Yay!

Also, #repealEMTALA problem solved.

Who's going to pay for your heart attack?

And please don't tell me how that will never happen - that is not a sane answer.

So now you have a crystal ball?

No silly, I have a first row view on uninsured people not being able to pay for common emergency medical care...and oh yea STATISTICS.

Statistics change when you are a 160 lb half German / half polish American male.I got great genes and tough as hell , a cut? Fishing wire and super glue works fine ...

It's not my damn responsibility to subsidies the fat ass's of the world ...
<-- Never bought into the health insurance scam and now isn't punished for refusing to line insurance brokers pockets. Yay!

Also, #repealEMTALA problem solved.

Who's going to pay for your heart attack?

And please don't tell me how that will never happen - that is not a sane answer.

So now you have a crystal ball?

No silly, I have a first row view on uninsured people not being able to pay for common emergency medical care...and oh yea STATISTICS.

Statistics change when you are a 160 lb half German / half polish American male.I got great genes and tough as hell , a cut? Fishing wire and super glue works fine ...

It's not my damn responsibility to subsidies the fat ass's of the world ...

You are an idiot if you think medical emergency, including a heart attack can't happen to you.
Sure, as soon as you guarantee that it's beneficial to society and isn't being abused.

Lets put a limit on it all, welfare, health insurance subsidies, all of it. Lifetime limit that shit and I'll happily contribute to such things. Without such assurances though you're just paying into a black hole of zero beneficial returns - IE wasting money. I'm not "greedy" I just abhor wasting money; it's why I don't rent an apartment/house, it's why I don't lease cars, it's why I pay for shit with cash instead of on credit, and it's why I will /never/ pay for health insurance.

If you don't have credit, then you can't get credit. Are you telling us that you paid cash for your house and never had to rent to save up that money and build up that credit?
Hey man, leasing cars is a wiser decision for some and so is renting.
And if you need a $300,000 quadruple bypass operation, you have the money socked away to pay for it - or will you freeload on your local hospital and let those of us with insurance pay for it in higher premiums?
Sorry man, not buying the schtick.

Ya'll idiots need to learn patience and persistence, not my problem.

I have /never/ leased nor even gotten a loan for a vehicle - I bought an older [better] model and paid cash. My "newest" car is a 2001 and I ain't poor.

I did get a mortgage, many of them yes, for my first home, second, vacation, etc. On that I was impatient, and I avoid paying the interest expenses by paying extra into the mortgage (the amount I would have been paying for rent, about $200 a month more, goes to principle on my mortgage(s) every month.)

I'd be pretty pissed off if I needed $300k worth of work, I could pay for it, but I might just chose not to - depends on the "returns" of the investment. Id' rather die than leave my family without money...

I'd also rather die than force someone else to pay /my/ bills - ain't their fault if I need a new heart, ain't their families fault if I need some expensive operation and I'm not going to punish their kids for my personal gain.

That's the difference between myself and selfish greedy mother fuckers I suppose.

Okay fair enough - Good for you - Peace
bear513 I hear ya. I've been planning my own death for practically my entire life because I refuse to be a burden on my fam, not when I've spent my whole life planning for their future.

Altimerzers. I will /not/ die a stranger to myself in diapers, fuck that bullshit. Dump me in the middle of the arctic circle and let me sleep. It's actually in my prenup lol
You are an idiot if you think medical emergency, including a heart attack can't happen to you.

Yeah, we have another one who says they might just not go for treatment rather than leaving the family with no money. I'm not buying - self preservation and life are strong instincts. Very few people are going to fly off to the Bahamas to die. I suspect it's tough guy bullshit. They'll end up freeloaders in ER and the rest of us will pay.
<-- Never bought into the health insurance scam and now isn't punished for refusing to line insurance brokers pockets. Yay!

Also, #repealEMTALA problem solved.

Who's going to pay for your heart attack?

And please don't tell me how that will never happen - that is not a sane answer.

So now you have a crystal ball?

No silly, I have a first row view on uninsured people not being able to pay for common emergency medical care...and oh yea STATISTICS.

Statistics change when you are a 160 lb half German / half polish American male.I got great genes and tough as hell , a cut? Fishing wire and super glue works fine ...

It's not my damn responsibility to subsidies the fat ass's of the world ...

You are an idiot if you think medical emergency, including a heart attack can't happen to you.

Your an idiot if you think it can ..

Once again 35 years never been to a quack ...been 30 years since my last car crash..

I am careful and aware...
Who's going to pay for your heart attack?

And please don't tell me how that will never happen - that is not a sane answer.

So now you have a crystal ball?

No silly, I have a first row view on uninsured people not being able to pay for common emergency medical care...and oh yea STATISTICS.

Statistics change when you are a 160 lb half German / half polish American male.I got great genes and tough as hell , a cut? Fishing wire and super glue works fine ...

It's not my damn responsibility to subsidies the fat ass's of the world ...

You are an idiot if you think medical emergency, including a heart attack can't happen to you.

Your an idiot if you think it can ..

Once again 35 years never been to a quack ...been 30 years since my last car crash..

I am careful and aware...

You are an idiot if you think medical emergency, including a heart attack can't happen to you.

Yeah, we have another one who says they might just not go for treatment rather than leaving the family with no money. I'm not buying - self preservation and life are strong instincts. Very few people are going to fly off to the Bahamas to die. I suspect it's tough guy bullshit. They'll end up freeloaders in ER and the rest of us will pay.

Once again why do you refuse to answer my question's?

Did the old people today have to buy health insurance when they were younger

If the answer is no they just wanted a free ride and now wants to force someone to pay for them.

And South Carolina garnish's wages if you dont have don't give me that bullshit someone else has
So now you have a crystal ball?

No silly, I have a first row view on uninsured people not being able to pay for common emergency medical care...and oh yea STATISTICS.

Statistics change when you are a 160 lb half German / half polish American male.I got great genes and tough as hell , a cut? Fishing wire and super glue works fine ...

It's not my damn responsibility to subsidies the fat ass's of the world ...

You are an idiot if you think medical emergency, including a heart attack can't happen to you.

Your an idiot if you think it can ..

Once again 35 years never been to a quack ...been 30 years since my last car crash..

I am careful and aware...


Translation~ you had three car crashes in the last 5 years and runs to the quack if you get the sniffles.and a boo boo...

That's why health insurance is so high because big baby's like you .
bear513 I hear ya. I've been planning my own death for practically my entire life because I refuse to be a burden on my fam, not when I've spent my whole life planning for their future.

Altimerzers. I will /not/ die a stranger to myself in diapers, fuck that bullshit. Dump me in the middle of the arctic circle and let me sleep. It's actually in my prenup lol

Yup only liberals want to wear diapers Again.
This is where you are headed:

Plaintiff In Landmark Anti-Obamacare Lawsuit Bankrupted By Medical Bills-You And I Pick Up Her Tab

A spokesperson for the hospital had this say about their experience with the Browns and the many others who cannot pay their medical bills because they have chosen to remain uninsured.

"This is a very common problem. We cover $30 million in charity and uncompensated care every year," "If it's a bad debt, we have to absorb it."

Of course, ‘absorbing it’ means that the loss will be passed along to the rest of us who do take responsibility for the medical obligations that, for almost all of us, are inevitable.
I can't believe someone was actually retarded enough to start a topic claiming the only people who are uninsured are voluntarily so.

Holy shit! Why am I still shocked every day at just how dumb and gullible people can be?!?

That's not what the topic was about god damn you are stupid...
Hello, retard. Read the topic title:
The only people who are LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE are the ones who CHOSE TO NOT BUY IT
So you bought into Obama's bullshit I see. You probably believe you can keep your policy and your doctor too. Listen squirt, I am quite accustomed to how insurance works. I'm in my 40th year of having employer provided insurance and as a type 1 diabetic, I can assure you I've used my insurance from when I was young and healthy up to being old and healthy. You really shouldn't just spout talking points if you have no actual practical knowledge of the subject you want to discuss. It just makes you look stupid.

I have an active accident and health license and it was my occupation for a number of years.
So STFU - appears to be you who isn't looking so swell ... squirt

When did you get out of it?
So you bought into Obama's bullshit I see. You probably believe you can keep your policy and your doctor too. Listen squirt, I am quite accustomed to how insurance works. I'm in my 40th year of having employer provided insurance and as a type 1 diabetic, I can assure you I've used my insurance from when I was young and healthy up to being old and healthy. You really shouldn't just spout talking points if you have no actual practical knowledge of the subject you want to discuss. It just makes you look stupid.

I have an active accident and health license and it was my occupation for a number of years.
So STFU - appears to be you who isn't looking so swell ... squirt

When did you get out of it?

He prolly sold snake oil
My plan is to pay my own bills, just like everyone elses plan should be.

Ya'll's ideal plan is to steal money from others to pay for your bills...

LOL, it's as if I just called this.

So you have no plan. Do you have any idea how much a hospital stay costs? How much diagnostic testing costs? How much chemo costs?

You idiots are literally all the same. Fucking clueless.

Who the fuck would go to the doctor , who the fuck would get chemo ?

I would go to the Bahamas instead.

Sadly true. My sister-in-law has brain cancer, she was doing treatments with health insurance but the deductibles and annual spending caps didn't cover it so they were paying out of pocket for the difference. She's refused treatments for over a year now, my bro's beside himself over it, but he can't force her to get treatments and she refuses to "waste" money that is paying for her son's college.

Ironically since she quit treatment it's actually gotten better, tumor shrank enough that she's not going to lose her eye. She's given up hope though, says she's just glad she was given the opportunity to "know ahead of time," to do things she always wanted to do, and to say goodbye to everyone before she dies. I gotta give her props personally, she's making the ultimate sacrifice for her family, I can't hate her for it even though she's killing my brother with the decision...

I am proud of her, that's exactly what the way I would do it, I am not going to spend the rest of my life wasting money just to prolong my life by a few days or weeks...nopei am going to the Bahamas.

Remember that when you're on your death bed grasping for air, I have seen it first hand and no at that moment you'll try and stay alive. But I really don't give a shit about you.
I can't believe someone was actually retarded enough to start a topic claiming the only people who are uninsured are voluntarily so.

Holy shit! Why am I still shocked every day at just how dumb and gullible people can be?!?

That's not what the topic was about god damn you are stupid...
Hello, retard. Read the topic title:
The only people who are LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE are the ones who CHOSE TO NOT BUY IT

That's the only ones retard .....we are not talking about states that didn't take the carrot on Medicaid .

All it does is remove the TAX ...

Btw if 13 million drop their health insurance it will save 330 billion dollars in subsidies according to the CBO

President Trump: Tax bill 'an incredible Christmas gift for hard-working Americans'

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