The only people who are LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE are the ones who CHOSE TO NOT BUY IT.

Sassy is a good little Republican. Thinks she'll never need help of any kind from anyone but maybe her family or her church.
Karma will catch up -
She'll learn the same lesson as many before her who were not sitting around watching Oprah, eating BonBons and waiting for their "free stuff".

Shows what you know, doofus I'm no republican and we have health insurance we pay for. Have since we were married

Now get off your ass and get your own. Nobody owes you a goddamn thing

Oh Ms. Self-Sufficient relies on others to subsidize the cost of her healthcare. How surprising.

Wtf are you talking about? Good gawd that was ignorant

If you need to have someone explain how health insurance works, just ask. No need to be your usual hate-filled self.

You idiot our insurance is through by husband's firm, they offer us a choice of plans and it's paid as part of his salary. It's part of his benefit package.

Good lord you're an ignorant fuck
And it costs less, as they have access to group plans that you would not otherwise have . go ahead, ask his employer to cancel the benefit and just give him cash instead. They'll laugh in your face.
Well my wang is bigger than your wang.

Debbies have wangs? So your a chick with a dick?

Cool, just use the men's restroom :)

So you don't believe me, see my story from a drudge link:

Man with world's largest penis is registered DISABLED due to 19inch member


Who knew?

Yea, it's the life just hanging around (no pun) sitting on the front porch resting my 3 legs and eating cheeseburgers and collecting my checks.
My plan is to pay my own bills, just like everyone elses plan should be.

Ya'll's ideal plan is to steal money from others to pay for your bills...

LOL, it's as if I just called this.

So you have no plan. Do you have any idea how much a hospital stay costs? How much diagnostic testing costs? How much chemo costs?

You idiots are literally all the same. Fucking clueless.

Who the fuck would go to the doctor , who the fuck would get chemo ?

I would go to the Bahamas instead.

Sadly true. My sister-in-law has brain cancer, she was doing treatments with health insurance but the deductibles and annual spending caps didn't cover it so they were paying out of pocket for the difference. She's refused treatments for over a year now, my bro's beside himself over it, but he can't force her to get treatments and she refuses to "waste" money that is paying for her son's college.

Ironically since she quit treatment it's actually gotten better, tumor shrank enough that she's not going to lose her eye. She's given up hope though, says she's just glad she was given the opportunity to "know ahead of time," to do things she always wanted to do, and to say goodbye to everyone before she dies. I gotta give her props personally, she's making the ultimate sacrifice for her family, I can't hate her for it even though she's killing my brother with the decision...

I am proud of her, that's exactly what the way I would do it, I am not going to spend the rest of my life wasting money just to prolong my life by a few days or weeks...nopei am going to the Bahamas.

Remember that when you're on your death bed grasping for air, I have seen it first hand and no at that moment you'll try and stay alive. But I really don't give a shit about you.

Prove it I will...

God damn I am not going out a pussy, I
believe in God .
Well my wang is bigger than your wang.

Debbies have wangs? So your a chick with a dick?

Cool, just use the men's restroom :)

So you don't believe me, see my story from a drudge link:

Man with world's largest penis is registered DISABLED due to 19inch member


Who knew?

Yea, it's the life just hanging around (no pun) sitting on the front porch resting my 3 legs and eating cheeseburgers and collecting my checks.

Resting number three on the footrest?
Shows what you know, doofus I'm no republican and we have health insurance we pay for. Have since we were married

Now get off your ass and get your own. Nobody owes you a goddamn thing

Oh Ms. Self-Sufficient relies on others to subsidize the cost of her healthcare. How surprising.

Wtf are you talking about? Good gawd that was ignorant

If you need to have someone explain how health insurance works, just ask. No need to be your usual hate-filled self.

You idiot our insurance is through by husband's firm, they offer us a choice of plans and it's paid as part of his salary. It's part of his benefit package.

Good lord you're an ignorant fuck
And it costs less, as they have access to group plans that you would not otherwise have . go ahead, ask his employer to cancel the benefit and just give him cash instead. They'll laugh in your face.

Why would he do that you ignorant fuck?

You loons post some of the stupidest shit
You are an idiot if you think medical emergency, including a heart attack can't happen to you.

Yeah, we have another one who says they might just not go for treatment rather than leaving the family with no money. I'm not buying - self preservation and life are strong instincts. Very few people are going to fly off to the Bahamas to die. I suspect it's tough guy bullshit. They'll end up freeloaders in ER and the rest of us will pay.

Did it occur to you, given that right now in this one single thread, have three examples of such thinking; Bear, myself, my sister-in-law - that perhaps it's a belief of right lean'ers?

I invested in MS and Intel when I was 19, I'll gladly pay for everyone in my family, and extended family, if its needed; and that's not including the /rest/ of the money in my fam either, just me along. Don't worry about /my/ fam being a "burden" on anyone. Worry about those illegals abusing EMTALA, worry about the idiots taking their kids into the ER for a sneeze, worry about folks /abusing/ the system and then maybe we can talk about how much you think my wealthy family is going to cost you...
Well my wang is bigger than your wang.

Debbies have wangs? So your a chick with a dick?

Cool, just use the men's restroom :)

So you don't believe me, see my story from a drudge link:

Man with world's largest penis is registered DISABLED due to 19inch member


Who knew?

Yea, it's the life just hanging around (no pun) sitting on the front porch resting my 3 legs and eating cheeseburgers and collecting my checks.

Resting number three on the footrest?

It's embarassing to into a shoe store and ask for triples and then ask them to help me try them on. I was arrested once but when they took me down to the station saw what I meant and were in such awe dropped all charges.
Well my wang is bigger than your wang.

Debbies have wangs? So your a chick with a dick?

Cool, just use the men's restroom :)

So you don't believe me, see my story from a drudge link:

Man with world's largest penis is registered DISABLED due to 19inch member


Who knew?

Yea, it's the life just hanging around (no pun) sitting on the front porch resting my 3 legs and eating cheeseburgers and collecting my checks.

So you proved my point

I can't believe someone was actually retarded enough to start a topic claiming the only people who are uninsured are voluntarily so.

Holy shit! Why am I still shocked every day at just how dumb and gullible people can be?!?

That's not what the topic was about god damn you are stupid...
Hello, retard. Read the topic title:
The only people who are LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE are the ones who CHOSE TO NOT BUY IT

That's the only ones retard .....we are not talking about states that didn't take the carrot on Medicaid .

All it does is remove the TAX ...

Btw if 13 million drop their health insurance it will save 330 billion dollars in subsidies according to the CBO

President Trump: Tax bill 'an incredible Christmas gift for hard-working Americans'

Yeah, you tards just keep telling yourselves the only ones who lose health insurance will be those who CHOSE to do so.

Jesus, I have never seen such a batch of willfully stupid people all in one place in such a large herd!

Well my wang is bigger than your wang.

Debbies have wangs? So your a chick with a dick?

Cool, just use the men's restroom :)

So you don't believe me, see my story from a drudge link:

Man with world's largest penis is registered DISABLED due to 19inch member


Who knew?

Yea, it's the life just hanging around (no pun) sitting on the front porch resting my 3 legs and eating cheeseburgers and collecting my checks.

So you proved my point

View attachment 167043

Shit looks like the backside of a bear.
I can't believe someone was actually retarded enough to start a topic claiming the only people who are uninsured are voluntarily so.

Holy shit! Why am I still shocked every day at just how dumb and gullible people can be?!?

That's not what the topic was about god damn you are stupid...
Hello, retard. Read the topic title:
The only people who are LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE are the ones who CHOSE TO NOT BUY IT

That's the only ones retard .....we are not talking about states that didn't take the carrot on Medicaid .

All it does is remove the TAX ...

Btw if 13 million drop their health insurance it will save 330 billion dollars in subsidies according to the CBO

President Trump: Tax bill 'an incredible Christmas gift for hard-working Americans'

Yeah, you tards just keep telling yourselves the only ones who lose health insurance will be those who CHOSE to do so.

Jesus, I have never seen such a batch of willfully stupid people all in one place in such a large herd!


Oh god do you even know what a mandate is ? And what does your graph have anything to do with this?

Onama caused it in the first place.
So stop with the lies.

Premiums may go up for some but that shouldn't bother you unless you're a hypocrite who had no problem with the increases under Obamacare. And some of those increases were double or triple previous premiums.
Smart consumers will see a decline by opting out of Obamacare and getting into a co-op.
Bottom line is democrats created this disaster so whatever the outcome is in the end they have no one to blame but themselves.
Don't be stupid. Millions got healthcare the first time in their lives. Now they want to keep it.

Republicans will make sure they won't. Republicans and their "let them die" policies.
So stop with the lies.

Premiums may go up for some but that shouldn't bother you unless you're a hypocrite who had no problem with the increases under Obamacare. And some of those increases were double or triple previous premiums.
Smart consumers will see a decline by opting out of Obamacare and getting into a co-op.
Bottom line is democrats created this disaster so whatever the outcome is in the end they have no one to blame but themselves.
Don't be stupid. Millions got healthcare the first time in their lives. Now they want to keep it.

Republicans will make sure they won't. Republicans and their "let them die" policies.

So in your idiotic world they could only get health insurance if they were forced to buy it?
For 2018, Expect Steeper Health Plan Premium Increases

Health Insurers in New Mexico To Implement Record-High Premium Increases

Rate increases drive Iowa small groups to seek creative solutions

On average, small employer groups in Iowa will see their health care premiums rise 15 to 20 percent in 2018, according to an expert with Holmes Murphy & Associates.

With spike in premiums, some ACA users in Pennsylvania struggle to afford insurance

Oh, that's okay. They CHOSE to struggle to afford health insurance. Their states voted for Trump.

So stop with the lies.

Premiums may go up for some but that shouldn't bother you unless you're a hypocrite who had no problem with the increases under Obamacare. And some of those increases were double or triple previous premiums.
Smart consumers will see a decline by opting out of Obamacare and getting into a co-op.
Bottom line is democrats created this disaster so whatever the outcome is in the end they have no one to blame but themselves.
Don't be stupid. Millions got healthcare the first time in their lives. Now they want to keep it.

Republicans will make sure they won't. Republicans and their "let them die" policies.

And millions more got that overpriced crap and are over joyed they won’t be forced to have to buy it.

True story.
Did it occur to you, given that right now in this one single thread, have three examples of such thinking; Bear, myself, my sister-in-law - that perhaps it's a belief of right lean'ers?

I invested in MS and Intel when I was 19, I'll gladly pay for everyone in my family, and extended family, if its needed; and that's not including the /rest/ of the money in my fam either, just me along. Don't worry about /my/ fam being a "burden" on anyone. Worry about those illegals abusing EMTALA, worry about the idiots taking their kids into the ER for a sneeze, worry about folks /abusing/ the system and then maybe we can talk about how much you think my wealthy family is going to cost you...

What occurred to me is that I admired every single one of your arguments except where you claimed that if you needed a 300k quadruple bypass you might just decide to die. Nobody currently healthy with a treatable ailment can say that. If you have an incurable disease of some sort that renders you in horrible pain, you would have a RIGHT to die and for this reason I support the Death With Dignity law in Oregon (and a few other states).

But nobody is going to convince me that they would consider their treatable condition as unaffordable and would therefore crawl off in a corner somewhere. They won't

Finally, MANY people in this forum and others have claimed to be wealthy, and an investment in MS and/or Intel many years ago are a favorite claim as are many other sorts of claims to wealth in an anonymous chat board on the Internet. I'd wager that most of them are silver spoon babies like the Trump children, or lying through their teeth down in Mom's basement.

That said, I will take you at your word because you appear to be a far cut above the average RW goofball this place seems to attract. But why didn't you just say you were self-insured in the first place?
God damn I am not going out a pussy, I
believe in God .

Curious - what does being a pussy have, or not have to do with your belief in God, Heaven or Hell?
I've met many pussies who used their religion as a bludgeon and a crutch.
God damn I am not going out a pussy, I
believe in God .

Curious - what does being a pussy have, or not have to do with your belief in God, Heaven or Hell?
I've met many pussies who used their religion as a bludgeon and a crutch.

And that means what? I will answer your question if you answer mine first

Which you refused to do twice already.

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