The only people who are LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE are the ones who CHOSE TO NOT BUY IT.

Like the COTUS? Not wanting the govt to FORCE people to purchase a for profit product? Shit like that?
Shit like having a cohesive, affordable, efficient, effective health care system that combines the best of a foundational public safety net and the best of dynamic free market competition.

Shit like admitting that we all have to pay more for our own care when those who can't afford it access far less preventive and diagnostic services, waiting until their problems are far worse and more costly.

Shit like seeing that we have SEVEN (7) different delivery/payment systems, none of which communicate directly each other, an efficiency so glaring and profound as to be a national embarrassment. Or at least it would be if people knew more.

Shit like taking a massive cost/administrative monkey off the backs of American employers by instead having individual and portable plans that have nothing to do with employment and don't force people to stay employed for coverage.

Yeah, that kinda shit.
You lost me at public safety net.
Govt IS the problem.
We wont see eye to eye on this because you have faith in our failure of a govt and its bureaucracy
Well, that's the problem. You're starting from "government is the problem" and trying to work backwards.

I made four specific points there. We can ignore them for ideological reasons if we want, I just don't want to.
I’ve already spoken to two people who won’t have to buy health insurance that they can’t afford to use.

Voting republican in 2018.
Like the COTUS? Not wanting the govt to FORCE people to purchase a for profit product? Shit like that?
Shit like having a cohesive, affordable, efficient, effective health care system that combines the best of a foundational public safety net and the best of dynamic free market competition.

Shit like admitting that we all have to pay more for our own care when those who can't afford it access far less preventive and diagnostic services, waiting until their problems are far worse and more costly.

Shit like seeing that we have SEVEN (7) different delivery/payment systems, none of which communicate directly each other, an efficiency so glaring and profound as to be a national embarrassment. Or at least it would be if people knew more.

Shit like taking a massive cost/administrative monkey off the backs of American employers by instead having individual and portable plans that have nothing to do with employment and don't force people to stay employed for coverage.

Yeah, that kinda shit.

Why do we need a safety net? Insurance is a safety plan, isn't it?

How about a system where you pay your health care bills and I pay mine and we let it go at that? Why should anybody be guarantee heath care simply because they are alive? Somebody else has to pay for it and that is not right.
We don't need a safety net.

But as an advanced society, we recognize that it's the right thing to do.

At least most of us do.
Is "advancement" taking care of people that wont take care of themselves? Doesnt dragging a worthless ton of broken bricks only hurt your end game?
I am all for taking care of the helpless. But not for the lazy.
Didnt ms pelosi say something like "now with the aca, you can quit your job and take up your dream of being a guitar player and still have healthcare?"
IMO, responsibility would tell you to do what you have to do to take care of yourself..
You dont even know what kind of machines i run you stupid fuck.
Im tired of your insatiable desire to sound like an idiot.
Good day.

Sure I do, you're a clerk at the Kwik-E-Mart who's in charge of the Squishee machine.


^^^^^^Racist post if the day.
We don't need a safety net.

But as an advanced society, we recognize that it's the right thing to do.

At least most of us do.

Then it shouldn't be a problem to create one without coercive mandates, eh?
Like the COTUS? Not wanting the govt to FORCE people to purchase a for profit product? Shit like that?
Shit like having a cohesive, affordable, efficient, effective health care system that combines the best of a foundational public safety net and the best of dynamic free market competition.

Shit like admitting that we all have to pay more for our own care when those who can't afford it access far less preventive and diagnostic services, waiting until their problems are far worse and more costly.

Shit like seeing that we have SEVEN (7) different delivery/payment systems, none of which communicate directly each other, an efficiency so glaring and profound as to be a national embarrassment. Or at least it would be if people knew more.

Shit like taking a massive cost/administrative monkey off the backs of American employers by instead having individual and portable plans that have nothing to do with employment and don't force people to stay employed for coverage.

Yeah, that kinda shit.
You lost me at public safety net.
Govt IS the problem.
We wont see eye to eye on this because you have faith in our failure of a govt and its bureaucracy
Well, that's the problem. You're starting from "government is the problem" and trying to work backwards.

I made four specific points there. We can ignore them for ideological reasons if we want, I just don't want to.
hey genius, faith in a failure is part of YOUR ideology...
What sane responsible person wouldnt work back? Why would i vouch for giving the govt MORE power when all they do is fuck shit up? Seems completely stupid
Like the COTUS? Not wanting the govt to FORCE people to purchase a for profit product? Shit like that?
Shit like having a cohesive, affordable, efficient, effective health care system that combines the best of a foundational public safety net and the best of dynamic free market competition.

Shit like admitting that we all have to pay more for our own care when those who can't afford it access far less preventive and diagnostic services, waiting until their problems are far worse and more costly.

Shit like seeing that we have SEVEN (7) different delivery/payment systems, none of which communicate directly each other, an efficiency so glaring and profound as to be a national embarrassment. Or at least it would be if people knew more.

Shit like taking a massive cost/administrative monkey off the backs of American employers by instead having individual and portable plans that have nothing to do with employment and don't force people to stay employed for coverage.

Yeah, that kinda shit.

Why do we need a safety net? Insurance is a safety plan, isn't it?

How about a system where you pay your health care bills and I pay mine and we let it go at that? Why should anybody be guarantee heath care simply because they are alive? Somebody else has to pay for it and that is not right.
We don't need a safety net.

But as an advanced society, we recognize that it's the right thing to do.

At least most of us do.

Sure, as soon as you guarantee that it's beneficial to society and isn't being abused.

Lets put a limit on it all, welfare, health insurance subsidies, all of it. Lifetime limit that shit and I'll happily contribute to such things. Without such assurances though you're just paying into a black hole of zero beneficial returns - IE wasting money. I'm not "greedy" I just abhor wasting money; it's why I don't rent an apartment/house, it's why I don't lease cars, it's why I pay for shit with cash instead of on credit, and it's why I will /never/ pay for health insurance.
My plan is to pay my own bills, just like everyone elses plan should be.

Ya'll's ideal plan is to steal money from others to pay for your bills...

LOL, it's as if I just called this.

So you have no plan. Do you have any idea how much a hospital stay costs? How much diagnostic testing costs? How much chemo costs?

You idiots are literally all the same. Fucking clueless.

Who the fuck would go to the doctor , who the fuck would get chemo ?

I would go to the Bahamas instead.
You are aware they can still buy insurance, correct? They just don't pay a penalty if they decide they don't want to buy insurance. In short, their freedom of choice has been restored.

You people don't understand how insurance works. Young, health people will probably not buy if they don't have to. That leaves a pool of middle age and older people who are less healthy. THEIR rates skyrocket because the pool is tilted - they can no longer afford the premium.

Then you have millions of people, young and old with no health insurance who use the emergency room as their primary physician because they no longer have preventative care. That drives up procedure costs because hospitals can only take so many charity cases. And premiums rise even further.

It's really that simple.

So you bought into Obama's bullshit I see. You probably believe you can keep your policy and your doctor too. Listen squirt, I am quite accustomed to how insurance works. I'm in my 40th year of having employer provided insurance and as a type 1 diabetic, I can assure you I've used my insurance from when I was young and healthy up to being old and healthy. You really shouldn't just spout talking points if you have no actual practical knowledge of the subject you want to discuss. It just makes you look stupid.
I’ve already spoken to two people who won’t have to buy health insurance that they can’t afford to use.

Voting republican in 2018.

As if you ain't voted Republican your entire life?
Didn't just fall off a turnip truck bro
So stop with the lies.

Premiums may go up for some but that shouldn't bother you unless you're a hypocrite who had no problem with the increases under Obamacare. And some of those increases were double or triple previous premiums.
Smart consumers will see a decline by opting out of Obamacare and getting into a co-op.
Bottom line is democrats created this disaster so whatever the outcome is in the end they have no one to blame but themselves.

Actually, many of those who were receiving Medicaid support no longer will
Most people will see health insurance cost rise significantly

If someone has to choose between health insurance or paying the rent.....which will they choose?

13 million people will lose their insurance. If you want to call it voluntary because they couldn't afford it.....lets call it Trumpcare

many of those who were receiving Medicaid support no longer will

What kind of fucking lie is that getting rid of the mandate TAX has nothing to do with medicaid

once again tard those 13 million don't want the fucking insurance

I am one of them.
If young people stop buying gas guzzling 1 ton trucks my prices are likely to go up for mine. I submit we need an irs penalty to force the kids to buy those trucks so my choices in life cost me less.


Do you like ever think before you post? That made absolutely no sense .. but you seldom do.

What, is English a second language for you?
My plan is to pay my own bills, just like everyone elses plan should be.

Ya'll's ideal plan is to steal money from others to pay for your bills...

LOL, it's as if I just called this.

So you have no plan. Do you have any idea how much a hospital stay costs? How much diagnostic testing costs? How much chemo costs?

You idiots are literally all the same. Fucking clueless.

Who the fuck would go to the doctor , who the fuck would get chemo ?

I would go to the Bahamas instead.

Sadly true. My sister-in-law has brain cancer, she was doing treatments with health insurance but the deductibles and annual spending caps didn't cover it so they were paying out of pocket for the difference. She's refused treatments for over a year now, my bro's beside himself over it, but he can't force her to get treatments and she refuses to "waste" money that is paying for her son's college.

Ironically since she quit treatment it's actually gotten better, tumor shrank enough that she's not going to lose her eye. She's given up hope though, says she's just glad she was given the opportunity to "know ahead of time," to do things she always wanted to do, and to say goodbye to everyone before she dies. I gotta give her props personally, she's making the ultimate sacrifice for her family, I can't hate her for it even though she's killing my brother with the decision...

We don't need a safety net.

But as an advanced society, we recognize that it's the right thing to do.

At least most of us do.

you are confused.

It is not the right thing for the filthy ass government to steal money from the people that earn the money and give it to the welfare queens that didn't earn it.
Sure, as soon as you guarantee that it's beneficial to society and isn't being abused.

Lets put a limit on it all, welfare, health insurance subsidies, all of it. Lifetime limit that shit and I'll happily contribute to such things. Without such assurances though you're just paying into a black hole of zero beneficial returns - IE wasting money. I'm not "greedy" I just abhor wasting money; it's why I don't rent an apartment/house, it's why I don't lease cars, it's why I pay for shit with cash instead of on credit, and it's why I will /never/ pay for health insurance.

If you don't have credit, then you can't get credit. Are you telling us that you paid cash for your house and never had to rent to save up that money and build up that credit?
Hey man, leasing cars is a wiser decision for some and so is renting.
And if you need a $300,000 quadruple bypass operation, you have the money socked away to pay for it - or will you freeload on your local hospital and let those of us with insurance pay for it in higher premiums?
Sorry man, not buying the schtick.
My plan is to pay my own bills, just like everyone elses plan should be.

Ya'll's ideal plan is to steal money from others to pay for your bills...

LOL, it's as if I just called this.

So you have no plan. Do you have any idea how much a hospital stay costs? How much diagnostic testing costs? How much chemo costs?

You idiots are literally all the same. Fucking clueless.

Who the fuck would go to the doctor , who the fuck would get chemo ?

I would go to the Bahamas instead.

Sadly true. My sister-in-law has brain cancer, she was doing treatments with health insurance but the deductibles and annual spending caps didn't cover it so they were paying out of pocket for the difference. She's refused treatments for over a year now, my bro's beside himself over it, but he can't force her to get treatments and she refuses to "waste" money that is paying for her son's college.

Ironically since she quit treatment it's actually gotten better, tumor shrank enough that she's not going to lose her eye. She's given up hope though, says she's just glad she was given the opportunity to "know ahead of time," to do things she always wanted to do, and to say goodbye to everyone before she dies. I gotta give her props personally, she's making the ultimate sacrifice for her family, I can't hate her for it even though she's killing my brother with the decision...

I am proud of her, that's exactly what the way I would do it, I am not going to spend the rest of my life wasting money just to prolong my life by a few days or weeks...nopei am going to the Bahamas.
<-- Never bought into the health insurance scam and now isn't punished for refusing to line insurance brokers pockets. Yay!

Also, #repealEMTALA problem solved.

Who's going to pay for your heart attack?

And please don't tell me how that will never happen - that is not a sane answer.

So now you have a crystal ball?

No silly, I have a first row view on uninsured people not being able to pay for common emergency medical care...and oh yea STATISTICS.
So you bought into Obama's bullshit I see. You probably believe you can keep your policy and your doctor too. Listen squirt, I am quite accustomed to how insurance works. I'm in my 40th year of having employer provided insurance and as a type 1 diabetic, I can assure you I've used my insurance from when I was young and healthy up to being old and healthy. You really shouldn't just spout talking points if you have no actual practical knowledge of the subject you want to discuss. It just makes you look stupid.

I have an active accident and health license and it was my occupation for a number of years.
So STFU - appears to be you who isn't looking so swell ... squirt

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