The only people who are LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE are the ones who CHOSE TO NOT BUY IT.

Hey, that's okay. If you choose not to cover yourself, just use the ER as your primary care doctor and for all other services. They won't make you pay. Or you can just stiff the hospital. That's okay too. Or just go on Medicaid, fuck it. And I'll end up paying FOR you. Yeah, you're welcome.
Doesn't that wood chipper sound better as this thread goes along?
This shit just drives me nuts.

The answers are out there, but we're too blinded by ideology to see them.

Yep, we as well as many have suggested but the rw's will have nothing to with it. Maybe trumpie will catch on one day.
Before Obamacare he had an affordable health care plan.
Before ObamaCare, health care costs were skyrocketing even faster than they have under ObamaCare.


A person who gets laid off because of higher health care premiums is a loser who CHOSE to be uninsured and unemployed. Fuck 'em!
you can get the same plan for 18 months or so through Cobra.
Some isnurers let you make custom plans as well to save money
Go bark up another tree, statist
As if you deserve to know anything about me, my machines run constantly.
Leftists and their self righteousness where they think they know everything :rolleyes:

Oh I see, so you hope that one of those machines doesn't go haywire and swallow one of the grunts to loads them while you post and "earn" your free stuff.

All they have to do is purchase their own
Let 'em eat cake, huh?

Insurance ain't health care. It is merely a way to pay for it AFTER you have received it. Anyone who is sick can trot down (or catch an ambulance ride) to the ER and they will be treated free of charge. Been that way for decades. All obummercare did was raise the rates for those of us who do pay for insurance, and enrich his cronies.
The tards like to pretend health insurance was "affordable" before ObamaCare.

Fucking lying motherfuckers.

A friend of my wife has a small business. Not well off but makes a little too much money to qualify for a subsidies that all the welfare queens are getting.

Before Obamacare he had an affordable health care plan. Obamacare fucked everything up and he lost his insurance and was forced into the exchange.

He found out recently that his Obamacare exchange premiums are going to double, which makes it unaffordable for his family. Meanwhile his wife has a chronic disease.

Obamacare has fucked up health care in this country something fierce. The only people that it helps are the filthy welfare queens getting the filthy subsidies.

Doing away with this stupid oppressive individual mandate will go along way towards unraveling this stupid Obamacare so that we can get back to a sane market base health care system.

So anyone who makes between 100% and 400% of poverty level in your state is a welfare queen? You are not very bright.
Hey, that's okay. If you choose not to cover yourself, just use the ER as your primary care doctor and for all other services. They won't make you pay. Or you can just stiff the hospital. That's okay too. Or just go on Medicaid, fuck it. And I'll end up paying FOR you. Yeah, you're welcome.
Doesn't that wood chipper sound better as this thread goes along?
This shit just drives me nuts.

The answers are out there, but we're too blinded by ideology to see them.

Yep, we as well as many have suggested but the rw's will have nothing to with it. Maybe trumpie will catch on one day.
For them, this is about ideology first. Not logic.
As if you deserve to know anything about me, my machines run constantly.
Leftists and their self righteousness where they think they know everything :rolleyes:

Oh I see, so you hope that one of those machines doesn't go haywire and swallow one of the grunts to loads them while you post and "earn" your free stuff.
You dont even know what kind of machines i run you stupid fuck.
Im tired of your insatiable desire to sound like an idiot.
Good day.
This is what we will return to with a REPEAL of Obamacare without a REPLACEMENT, dipshits:

As if you deserve to know anything about me, my machines run constantly.
Leftists and their self righteousness where they think they know everything :rolleyes:

Oh I see, so you hope that one of those machines doesn't go haywire and swallow one of the grunts to loads them while you post and "earn" your free stuff.

It's obvious you don't understand how wages and benefits work.
A person who gets laid off because of higher health care premiums is a loser who CHOSE to be uninsured and unemployed. Fuck 'em!
you can get the same plan for 18 months or so through Cobra.
Some isnurers let you make custom plans as well to save money
Go bark up another tree, statist

Statist? LoL :D
Yeah, I had a cobra plan available once when I was laid off. The cost was off the chain, and I found a better policy at about 30% less.
Cobra saves no one.
The tards like to pretend health insurance was "affordable" before ObamaCare.

Fucking lying motherfuckers.


My insurance went up 44% AFTER obummercare. And I wasn't able to keep my primary care doctor if I went on the exchange idiot. Remember what the architect of obummercare said about the American public...he was relying on your STUPIDITY to push this bull crap through. And guess were the idiot he was referring too!

Hey, that's okay. If you choose not to cover yourself, just use the ER as your primary care doctor and for all other services. They won't make you pay. Or you can just stiff the hospital. That's okay too. Or just go on Medicaid, fuck it. And I'll end up paying FOR you. Yeah, you're welcome.
Doesn't that wood chipper sound better as this thread goes along?
This shit just drives me nuts.

The answers are out there, but we're too blinded by ideology to see them.

Yep, we as well as many have suggested but the rw's will have nothing to with it. Maybe trumpie will catch on one day.
For them, this is about ideology first. Not logic.
Like the COTUS? Not wanting the govt to FORCE people to purchase a for profit product?
Shit like that?
A person who gets laid off because of higher health care premiums is a loser who CHOSE to be uninsured and unemployed. Fuck 'em!
you can get the same plan for 18 months or so through Cobra.
Some isnurers let you make custom plans as well to save money
Go bark up another tree, statist

Statist? LoL :D
Yeah, I had a cobra plan available once when I was laid off. The cost was off the chain, and I found a better policy at about 30% less.
Cobra saves no one.
I had it too. It was expensive. But it was healthcare.
I lost my job and still managed to have insurance. Weird how that works..
As if you deserve to know anything about me, my machines run constantly.
Leftists and their self righteousness where they think they know everything :rolleyes:

Oh I see, so you hope that one of those machines doesn't go haywire and swallow one of the grunts to loads them while you post and "earn" your free stuff.

It's obvious you don't understand how wages and benefits work.

Ironic coming from you.

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