The only people who are LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE are the ones who CHOSE TO NOT BUY IT.

As TrumpCare increases the cost of America's health care, more and more people will be priced out of the health insurance market.

So much for Trump's Big Lie: "You're going to have such great health care, and at a tiny fraction of the cost!"
Don't you know she's self-reliant!

So self-reliant, she uses her husbands insurance which is subsidized by the rest of us.

If only the rest of us moochers could learn from her example of how to be so self-reliant.

Sassy just blew up her entire schtick with a single post!

:lmao::laugh2: :lol:

Gawd you left loons are stupid. Our insurance is paid through my husband's employer. It's part of his SALARY.

See we PAY for health insurance. Unlike leftists who mooch off people .

This forum is chock full of leftist leeches and dumb fks. Get a job

I was half kidding before but do you really not understand how health insurance works?

Yes, you pay for your portion. But your coverage doesn't stop once you've hit the dollar amount you've paid in. You are covered beyond what you've contributed because other people are also paying in which keeps the costs down for everyone and subsidizes how much you have to pay.

Ie. You are being helped by others which I know must come as a shock to someone that is as self-sufficient as yourself.

You're welcome.

You're blabbering to blabber.
I am! Could you imagine how cheap healthcare would be?

Cheaper by this amount...

Profits are booming at health insurance companies

Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, Humana and UnitedHealth Group — the big five for-profit insurers — cumulatively collected $4.5 billion in net earnings in the first three months of 2017. That was by far the biggest first-quarter haul for the group since the ACA exchanges went live in 2014. Other major insurers, such as the Blue Cross and Blue Shield company Health Care Service Corp., also are improving their ACA operations.

Data: Company financial filings; Chart: Lazaro Gamio / Axios
merger failed; otherwise it would have been in the black. Some other things to keep in mind:[/QUOTE

my healthcare for my family costs right at 100 bucks a week.
Why do i have to pay that and others dont? Because im not lazy enough and i wake up at 5 and go to work?

Your $100 a week insurance for your entire family is either taxpayer or employer subsidized.
Which mean, you're a freeloader :)
Here's how much the average American spends on health care
Yes, my employer pays a chunk of it. I EARN that, asswipe.
And you don't pay any tax on it, moocher.
Hey, that's okay. If you choose not to cover yourself, just use the ER as your primary care doctor and for all other services. They won't make you pay.

Or you can just stiff the hospital. That's okay too. Or just go on Medicaid, fuck it.

And I'll end up paying FOR you.

Yeah, you're welcome.
my healthcare for my family costs right at 100 bucks a week.
Why do i have to pay that and others dont? Because im not lazy enough and i wake up at 5 and go to work?

Your $100 a week insurance for your entire family is either taxpayer or employer subsidized.
Which mean, you're a freeloader :)
Here's how much the average American spends on health care
Yes, my employer pays a chunk of it. I EARN that, asswipe.

He/she is clueless
Hey, that's okay. If you choose not to cover yourself, just use the ER as your primary care doctor and for all other services. They won't make you pay.

Or you can just stiff the hospital. That's okay too.

And I'll end up paying FOR you.

Yeah, you're welcome.
Like you were before? lol
Hey, im all for rejecting losers that cant take care of themselves or their families. I am consistent ;)
I am not a conservative anymore and not a liberal I'm an in betweener that works for an insurance company and this amuses me since I know your fucking premiums weren't nothing this year you ain't seen nothing yet.

Whatever - my unsubsidized ACA-complient program only went up 10% for next year and I have better coverage.
Thanks Obama!

What is a compient program? You were lucky most went up between 20-45%.

I spelled it correctly .. you blew it

Btw - prior to the ACA, my premiums with Blue Cross were going up 30% per year on average. I now have better coverage that can't be cancelled, and the average increase has been in the 15-20% per year range.
my healthcare for my family costs right at 100 bucks a week.
Why do i have to pay that and others dont? Because im not lazy enough and i wake up at 5 and go to work?

Your $100 a week insurance for your entire family is either taxpayer or employer subsidized.
Which mean, you're a freeloader :)
Here's how much the average American spends on health care
Yes, my employer pays a chunk of it. I EARN that, asswipe.
And thanks to Trump, you and your employer are going to have to pay more and more for your health insurance. Which means less coverage, higher deductibles, and layoffs all over the country.

Don't you know she's self-reliant!

So self-reliant, she uses her husbands insurance which is subsidized by the rest of us.

If only the rest of us moochers could learn from her example of how to be so self-reliant.

Sassy just blew up her entire schtick with a single post!

:lmao::laugh2: :lol:

Gawd you left loons are stupid. Our insurance is paid through my husband's employer. It's part of his SALARY.

See we PAY for health insurance. Unlike leftists who mooch off people .

This forum is chock full of leftist leeches and dumb fks. Get a job

I was half kidding before but do you really not understand how health insurance works?

Yes, you pay for your portion. But your coverage doesn't stop once you've hit the dollar amount you've paid in. You are covered beyond what you've contributed because other people are also paying in which keeps the costs down for everyone and subsidizes how much you have to pay.

Ie. You are being helped by others which I know must come as a shock to someone that is as self-sufficient as yourself.

You're welcome.

You're blabbering to blabber.

Pretty much the response I'd expect from someone who doesn't understand how her own health insurance works.

I'll let you go back to preaching on the internet about how independent you are. Bwhaahahaah!
Hey, that's okay. If you choose not to cover yourself, just use the ER as your primary care doctor and for all other services. They won't make you pay.

Or you can just stiff the hospital. That's okay too. Or just go on Medicaid, fuck it.

And I'll end up paying FOR you.

Yeah, you're welcome.

Doesn't that wood chipper sound better as this thread goes along?
A person who gets laid off because of higher health care premiums is a loser who CHOSE to be uninsured and unemployed. Fuck 'em!
Hey, that's okay. If you choose not to cover yourself, just use the ER as your primary care doctor and for all other services. They won't make you pay. Or you can just stiff the hospital. That's okay too. Or just go on Medicaid, fuck it. And I'll end up paying FOR you. Yeah, you're welcome.
Doesn't that wood chipper sound better as this thread goes along?
This shit just drives me nuts.

The answers are out there, but we're too blinded by ideology to see them.
my healthcare for my family costs right at 100 bucks a week.
Why do i have to pay that and others dont? Because im not lazy enough and i wake up at 5 and go to work?

Your $100 a week insurance for your entire family is either taxpayer or employer subsidized.
Which mean, you're a freeloader :)
Here's how much the average American spends on health care
Yes, my employer pays a chunk of it. I EARN that, asswipe.
And thanks to Trump, you and your employer are going to have to pay more and more for your health insurance. Which means less coverage, higher deductibles, and layoffs all over the country.

Know why reaganites are RINOs? Because you are all statists.
If govt wasnt so fucking involved in 20% of our economy, we wouldnt have to worry about it any damn way. But you faggots justify it by wanting MORE govt control
I am not a conservative anymore and not a liberal I'm an in betweener that works for an insurance company and this amuses me since I know your fucking premiums weren't nothing this year you ain't seen nothing yet.

Whatever - my unsubsidized ACA-complient program only went up 10% for next year and I have better coverage.
Thanks Obama!

What is a compient program? You were lucky most went up between 20-45%.

I spelled it correctly .. you blew it

Btw - prior to the ACA, my premiums with Blue Cross were going up 30% per year on average. I now have better coverage that can't be cancelled, and the average increase has been in the 15-20% per year range.

COMPLIANT is how you spell it.
A friend of my wife has a small business. Not well off but makes a little too much money to qualify for subsidies that all the welfare queens are getting.

Before Obamacare he had an affordable health care plan. Obamacare fucked everything up and he lost his insurance and was forced into the exchange.

He found out recently that his Obamacare exchange premiums are going to double, which makes it unaffordable for his family. Meanwhile his wife has a chronic disease.

Obamacare has fucked up health care in this country something fierce. The only people that it helps are the filthy welfare queens getting the filthy subsidies.

Doing away with this stupid oppressive individual mandate will go along way towards unraveling this stupid Obamacare so that we can get back to a sane market base health care system.
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The pseudocons get more and more retarded in their rhetoric in their pathetic attempts to conceal from themselves that Trump massively hoaxed them.

It isn't Trump's fault he lied. It's all those LOSERS who CHOSE to be uninsured. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

These people are seriously sick in the head. Their souls are dead.

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