The only people who are LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE are the ones who CHOSE TO NOT BUY IT.

Until we are free to chose not to overpay for bogus mandated "insurance" we don't need, I do not support it at all.

I'd rather trust my health to a Native American doctor....
Sassy is a good little Republican. Thinks she'll never need help of any kind from anyone but maybe her family or her church.
Karma will catch up -
She'll learn the same lesson as many before her who were not sitting around watching Oprah, eating BonBons and waiting for their "free stuff".

Shows what you know, doofus I'm no republican and we have health insurance we pay for. Have since we were married

Now get off your ass and get your own. Nobody owes you a goddamn thing

Oh Ms. Self-Sufficient relies on others to subsidize the cost of her healthcare. How surprising.

Wtf are you talking about? Good gawd that was ignorant

If you need to have someone explain how health insurance works, just ask. No need to be your usual hate-filled self.

You idiot our insurance is through by husband's firm, they offer us a choice of plans and it's paid as part of his salary. It's part of his benefit package.

Good lord you're an ignorant fuck

She calls herself "Irish."

In realty, she is a paid Zionist censor in the "Conspiracy" forum....
Sassy is a good little Republican. Thinks she'll never need help of any kind from anyone but maybe her family or her church.
Karma will catch up -
She'll learn the same lesson as many before her who were not sitting around watching Oprah, eating BonBons and waiting for their "free stuff".

Shows what you know, doofus I'm no republican and we have health insurance we pay for. Have since we were married

Now get off your ass and get your own. Nobody owes you a goddamn thing

Oh Ms. Self-Sufficient relies on others to subsidize the cost of her healthcare. How surprising.

Wtf are you talking about? Good gawd that was ignorant

If you need to have someone explain how health insurance works, just ask. No need to be your usual hate-filled self.

You idiot our insurance is through by husband's firm, they offer us a choice of plans and it's paid as part of his salary. It's part of his benefit package.

Good lord you're an ignorant fuck

So you do need me to explain this to you then? Its sounding like you don't grasp the fact that your healthcare costs are being subsidized by other people.
So are we back to the opinion that health insurance is not needed?

Heath Ledger got what from his health insurance?

7 prescriptions for a health 28 year old....

Sorry, I trust street weed dealers more than "doctors."

AT least I know what I am ingesting....
Shows what you know, doofus I'm no republican and we have health insurance we pay for. Have since we were married

Now get off your ass and get your own. Nobody owes you a goddamn thing

Oh Ms. Self-Sufficient relies on others to subsidize the cost of her healthcare. How surprising.

Wtf are you talking about? Good gawd that was ignorant

If you need to have someone explain how health insurance works, just ask. No need to be your usual hate-filled self.

You idiot our insurance is through by husband's firm, they offer us a choice of plans and it's paid as part of his salary. It's part of his benefit package.

Good lord you're an ignorant fuck

She calls herself "Irish."

In realty, she is a paid Zionist censor in the "Conspiracy" forum....

Well Duh Dexter you could prove that but we both know you can't you little anti semite.

We pay our should also. It's called responsibility. Learn it then practice it, toad
So are we back to the opinion that health insurance is not needed?

Heath Ledger got what from his health insurance?

7 prescriptions for a health 28 year old....

Sorry, I trust street weed dealers more than "doctors."

AT least I know what I am ingesting....

Ok, so for those keeping score.

Health insurance is now again BAD.
Government also BAD
and in a surprising development, doctors too are also now BAD.
You idiot our insurance is through by husband's firm, they offer us a choice of plans and it's paid as part of his salary. It's part of his benefit package.

Good lord you're an ignorant fuck

Ahhh good Ol' Sassy ^ ^ ^ Sitting at home, raving about people who don't happen to have that cushy benefit and waiting for her #FreeStuff.
You idiot our insurance is through by husband's firm, they offer us a choice of plans and it's paid as part of his salary. It's part of his benefit package.

Good lord you're an ignorant fuck

Ahhh good Ol' Sassy ^ ^ ^ Sitting at home, raving about people who don't happen to have that cushy benefit and waiting for her #FreeStuff.

Don't you know she's self-reliant!

So self-reliant, she uses her husbands insurance which is subsidized by the rest of us.

If only the rest of us moochers could learn from her example of how to be so self-reliant.
Ok, so for those keeping score.

Health insurance is now again BAD.
Government also BAD
and in a surprising development, doctors too are also now BAD.

Spinning and lying as usual

MANDATED health insurance deprives the American consumer of CHOICE and drives UP the price of the "insurance."

Government does nothing but make costs go up and service down - in health care and everywhere else, especially education

doctors are humans who are greedy. Try to defend Heath Ledger's doctor for us.

OK, doc, here is a healthy 28 year old millionaire who is a bit depressed.

Solution - 7 different pills until he keels over DEAD

What a "GOOD DOCTOR" that doc was... right???
Ok, so for those keeping score.

Health insurance is now again BAD.
Government also BAD
and in a surprising development, doctors too are also now BAD.

Spinning and lying as usual

MANDATED health insurance deprives the American consumer of CHOICE and drives UP the price of the "insurance."

Government does nothing but make costs go up and service down - in health care and everywhere else, especially education

doctors are humans who are greedy. Try to defend Heath Ledger's doctor for us.

OK, doc, here is a healthy 28 year old millionaire who is a bit depressed.

Solution - 7 different pills until he keels over DEAD

What a "GOOD DOCTOR" that doc was... right???

Oh I like this new one from you. The mandate makes insurance costs go UP!

I don't want to go out on a limb here but I am going to kindly suggest you have no clue how our healthcare industry works.
There are options available but you have to be proactive to find them.
Not sure why you think it's the government's job to take care of you.

Here's your medical co ops what is left of them:

23 private, nonprofit plans were set up across the U.S. As of August 2016, there were 7 remaining after several announced ...

All they have to do is purchase their own
Let 'em eat cake, huh?

They are not my responsibility.
Right on! Why should we as taxpayers have to provide anything for people who don't work or don't want to work? I see them sitting on the front stoop, waiting for their monthly welfare check and food stamps. While they wait, they're scratching off lottery tickets, drinking T-Bird out of a paper sack and nursing a roach till it burns their lips. I see this shit all across the country and it's sickening to think that's what a lot of voters are doing. And, they have no pride or sense of duty.
We will ALL be paying for the uninsured, same as we do now. You KNOW how we're paying. Until we start turning down shooting victims or heart attack victims or bleeding ulcer victims who are uninsured when they present at the ER, we will ALL continue to pay for them.
Take the step or do something positive.

I say turn everyone away without health insurance and lets see how that works.
Don't you know she's self-reliant!

So self-reliant, she uses her husbands insurance which is subsidized by the rest of us.

If only the rest of us moochers could learn from her example of how to be so self-reliant.

Sassy just blew up her entire schtick with a single post!

:lmao::laugh2: :lol:
All they have to do is purchase their own
Let 'em eat cake, huh?

They are not my responsibility.
Right on! Why should we as taxpayers have to provide anything for people who don't work or don't want to work? I see them sitting on the front stoop, waiting for their monthly welfare check and food stamps. While they wait, they're scratching off lottery tickets, drinking T-Bird out of a paper sack and nursing a roach till it burns their lips. I see this shit all across the country and it's sickening to think that's what a lot of voters are doing. And, they have no pride or sense of duty.
We will ALL be paying for the uninsured, same as we do now. You KNOW how we're paying. Until we start turning down shooting victims or heart attack victims or bleeding ulcer victims who are uninsured when they present at the ER, we will ALL continue to pay for them.
Take the step or do something positive.

I say turn everyone away without health insurance and lets see how that works.
Im ok with that too. Especially the illegals

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