The only people who are LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE are the ones who CHOSE TO NOT BUY IT.

I can't believe someone was actually retarded enough to start a topic claiming the only people who are uninsured are voluntarily so.

Holy shit! Why am I still shocked every day at just how dumb and gullible people can be?!?
If young people stop buying gas guzzling 1 ton trucks my prices are likely to go up for mine. I submit we need an irs penalty to force the kids to buy those trucks so my choices in life cost me less.


Do you like ever think before you post? That made absolutely no sense .. but you seldom do.
They are not my responsibility.

Oh yes they are. We are all responsible for the health care of our neighbors and fellow humans. Otherwise many hospitals (in particular rural hospitals) will close because they cannot afford the barrage of charity cases.

Funny, Republicans used to HATE freeloaders. No mas.

Again...YOU nor anyone else except my family is my responsibility.
If young people stop buying gas guzzling 1 ton trucks my prices are likely to go up for mine. I submit we need an irs penalty to force the kids to buy those trucks so my choices in life cost me less.


Do you like ever think before you post? That made absolutely no sense .. but you seldom do.
It made perfect sense when considering the context of your post.
You are insisting that I be forced to buy a product from a private for profit business so that others can save money. I simply threw it back in your face.
Right on! Why should we as taxpayers have to provide anything for people who don't work or don't want to work? I see them sitting on the front stoop, waiting for their monthly welfare check and food stamps. While they wait, they're scratching off lottery tickets, drinking T-Bird out of a paper sack and nursing a roach till it burns their lips. I see this shit all across the country and it's sickening to think that's what a lot of voters are doing. And, they have no pride or sense of duty.

Right out of the ignorant playbook of Chuck Grassley and Cliven Bundy - Nicely done! :rolleyes:

Since marshaling the required votes to pass the Senate tax bill, Republicans have been feeling somewhat freer to speak their minds about the real motivations underlying the estate-tax repeal, which only affects individuals worth more than $5.5 million and couples worth more than $11 million. “I think not having the estate tax recognizes the people that are investing,” Grassley said in an interview last week, “as opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have, whether it’s on booze or women or movies.” In other words, in Grassley’s mind, if a couple does not have more than $11 million to leave to their children, there is a good chance they are degenerates who blow all their money on booze, hookers, and king-size boxes of Raisinettes. )​
I never had a problem paying for my own Health Care. However, I have always hated paying for other people's Health Insurance.

All they have to do is purchase their own
Let 'em eat cake, huh?

They are not my responsibility.

All they have to do is purchase their own
Let 'em eat cake, huh?

They are not my responsibility.

They are Doctor love's so let's have a snowflake tax to fund this idea. Only the Dumbers would be taxed.

Pretty much the average stray dog is smarter than the cbo. I can't think of a single prediction they have made that was even remotely close.

These CBO forecasts are a joke. Why? Because congress already knows what it wants the CBO forecast to predict, and forces the CBO to produce that forecast by providing the parameters for the forecast guaranteed to produce the forecast they want. The word retarded comes to mind.
That's too much koolaid, bro.

All they have to do is purchase their own
Let 'em eat cake, huh?

They are not my responsibility.
Right on! Why should we as taxpayers have to provide anything for people who don't work or don't want to work? I see them sitting on the front stoop, waiting for their monthly welfare check and food stamps. While they wait, they're scratching off lottery tickets, drinking T-Bird out of a paper sack and nursing a roach till it burns their lips. I see this shit all across the country and it's sickening to think that's what a lot of voters are doing. And, they have no pride or sense of duty.
We will ALL be paying for the uninsured, same as we do now. You KNOW how we're paying. Until we start turning down shooting victims or heart attack victims or bleeding ulcer victims who are uninsured when they present at the ER, we will ALL continue to pay for them.
Take the step or do something positive.

All they have to do is purchase their own
Let 'em eat cake, huh?

They are not my responsibility.
Okay. Just watch out for your head.

No worries here. My parents taught me responsibility and to work for what I need. Not to be a leech on others

All they have to do is purchase their own
Let 'em eat cake, huh?

They are not my responsibility.
Right on! Why should we as taxpayers have to provide anything for people who don't work or don't want to work? I see them sitting on the front stoop, waiting for their monthly welfare check and food stamps. While they wait, they're scratching off lottery tickets, drinking T-Bird out of a paper sack and nursing a roach till it burns their lips. I see this shit all across the country and it's sickening to think that's what a lot of voters are doing. And, they have no pride or sense of duty.
We will ALL be paying for the uninsured, same as we do now. You KNOW how we're paying. Until we start turning down shooting victims or heart attack victims or bleeding ulcer victims who are uninsured when they present at the ER, we will ALL continue to pay for them.
Take the step or do something positive.

Meh I bought a phone for them. That's good enough
So stop with the lies.

Premiums may go up for some but that shouldn't bother you unless you're a hypocrite who had no problem with the increases under Obamacare. And some of those increases were double or triple previous premiums.
Smart consumers will see a decline by opting out of Obamacare and getting into a co-op.
Bottom line is democrats created this disaster so whatever the outcome is in the end they have no one to blame but themselves.

You are the liar here.

Price increases WILL depress demand - that's how supply and demand works. If you aren't already sick, you now have even further pricing disincentive to participate.

There is also a distinct difference WHY the prices go up:

Prices increasing due to young people getting covered under their parents policy, sick people finally getting covered and policies having to meet quality standards IS NOT like prices going up because Republicans needed to find another 300 billion to fund tax-cuts for the rich and corporations.
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I can't believe someone was actually retarded enough to start a topic claiming the only people who are uninsured are voluntarily so.

Holy shit! Why am I still shocked every day at just how dumb and gullible people can be?!?

You must be new here.
If young people stop buying gas guzzling 1 ton trucks my prices are likely to go up for mine. I submit we need an irs penalty to force the kids to buy those trucks so my choices in life cost me less.


Do you like ever think before you post? That made absolutely no sense .. but you seldom do.
It made perfect sense when considering the context of your post.
You are insisting that I be forced to buy a product from a private for profit business so that others can save money. I simply threw it back in your face.

Everyone needs healthcare, not everyone needs a truck.

Other than that, really well thought out analogy though.
We will ALL be paying for the uninsured, same as we do now. You KNOW how we're paying. Until we start turning down shooting victims or heart attack victims or bleeding ulcer victims who are uninsured when they present at the ER, we will ALL continue to pay for them.
Take the step or do something positive.

Sassy is a good little Republican. Thinks she'll never need help of any kind from anyone but maybe her family or her church.
Karma will catch up -
She'll learn the same lesson as many before her who were not sitting around watching Oprah, eating BonBons and waiting for their "free stuff".
<-- Never bought into the health insurance scam and now isn't punished for refusing to line insurance brokers pockets. Yay!

Also, #repealEMTALA problem solved.
Everyone needs healthcare, not everyone needs a truck.

Other than that, really well thought out analogy though.

Possibly the worst I've ever read in one of these forums actually.
Not the sharpest tool that one - but definitely a tool ;-)

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