The only people who are LOSING HEALTH INSURANCE are the ones who CHOSE TO NOT BUY IT.

Trump now claims Obamacare has been repealed. Tell that to the 9 million who signed up on the exchanges this year.
The best way not to be poor in the US is to stop electing Liberals with failed Left economic policies.

We saw that with Obama, didn't we? Ever since that shithead was elected poverty increased, family income decreased, income disparity increased and the country had dismal economic growth.

These dumbass Liberals never seem to understand that prosperty is not created by taking money from one person that earned the money and giving it away to some shithead that didn't earn anything.
A bit of a rant here...

We're already forced to pay for auto insurance, that one at least makes some sense to me as the person who's at fault (insurance) has to reimburse the one who was damaged. (Or if you pay for full coverage, at a premium, you're covered no matter what.) Obviously the person not at fault shouldn't be hosed by some jackass - so in my mind that insurance is "protection" from unjust harm.

Health insurance doesn't make fucking sense though, neither does EMTALA.

Like, I choose to buy home insurance in case of flood, fire, earthquake. If I chose not to get these things I'm on my own to replace the damages; new home can be upwards of $500k, no one is going to help pay for that.

How about supplemental insurances; electronics insurance for if your gadget breaks (cell phones, hard drives, pretty much anything electronic, even vibrators these days lol) If you don't get it, no one helps pay for the replacement of said gadget. They have home appliance insurance, after market replacement if your washer goes out or whatever, same thing with cars too.

EMTALA is the original "de facto" national health insurance policy, by forcing hospitals to shoulder the costs of health care for illegals, criminals, and yea the poor too. We the people got a stealth tax in the form of crazy high medical costs...

You folks whine about the cost of medical care sky-rocketing, and you don't even understand /why/ that happened. Instead you cry that you /need/ insurance to afford health care, so you push health insurance and boom it sky-rockets too. You blame "greedy doctors." It's EMTALA, it's /always/ been EMTALA. And your reps have known it, they know damn well why medical prices are off the charts in America, but they're too chicken shit to tell you, too chicken shit to do what /needs/ to be done. REPEAL EMTALA!

EMTALA is bad law, no doubt. But repealing it wouldn't change much. Most hospitals, before EMTALA, already had a policy of dealing with emergencies first, and working out payment later. Most of them would keep this policy if the law was repealed. The scary stories of people dying in the streets are horseshit.

Health insurance, in and of itself, isn't a bad thing either. What is a bad thing, and in my opinion the worst problem with the health care market, is our national delusion regarding what insurance is, and what it can accomplish.

Insurance isn't a social safety net. This is what many people really, really want it to be. But that's not what it is, and our attempts to "mandate" our delusion into existence are killing us.

Insurance isn't about being responsible. It's the opposite. Being responsible is paying your way and not pushing your problems off on others. Insurance is paying someone else to be responsible for you. It's a luxury that allows you be irresponsible, because someone else is paying your way.

Health insurance does make health care more affordable. Again, it does the opposite. Even if we ignore the obvious inflationary pressures that too much insurance causes, and instead focus on individual finances, it's still not cost effective. It's like a credit card with a really high interest rate. It might be nice to have around in case of emergency, but it's stupid to use it for ordinary purchases.

Finally, group health insurance isn't viable. Employer-provided, group health insurance is an scam cooked up by big business, big labor and government. It was sold to the public by promoting all of the delusions listed above, but It never made financial sense, which is why so much bad law has been written to prop it up.

If we want to fix the health care market, and not just socialize it, we need to pull our heads out of our asses and stop treating health insurance like a club you join to score free health care.
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Of course if the idiots didn't elect Democrats with failed Liberal economic policies then there would be less poverty and more family income and then they wouldn't have to be on welfare, would they?

Then why are 9 of the top ten richest states run by democrats ang 9 of the 10 poorest states run by republicans?
The best way not to be poor in the US is to stop electing Liberals with failed Left economic policies.

We saw that with Obama, didn't we? Ever since that shithead was elected poverty increased, family income decreased, income disparity increased and the country had dismal economic growth.

These dumbass Liberals never seem to understand that prosperty is not created by taking money from one person that earned the money and giving it away to some shithead that didn't earn anything.
But 9 of the top 10 richest states are run by democrats and 9 of the 10 poorest states are run by republicans.
Of course if the idiots didn't elect Democrats with failed Liberal economic policies then there would be less poverty and more family income and then they wouldn't have to be on welfare, would they?

Then why are 9 of the top ten richest states run by democrats ang 9 of the 10 poorest states run by republicans?

The great economic growth of states like California, New York and Illinois were created back when even Democrats were Conservatives or moderate. Look at failed shitholes like Detroit if you want to see the failure of Liberal policies.

Half of the jobs that the asshole Obama tried to take credit for were created in Republican controlled Texas. More in other Red states.

Those Democrat states are full of big city welfare shitholes that is a drain on their economy.

Prosperity and wealth is never created with sicko Democrat policies of redistribution of wealth. Government thievery gives the illusion of prosperity but has no substance. That is always a failure. Prosperity is created with good old fashion capitalism. Socialism steals that wealth created by capitalism. That is why these Blue States has such high taxation and businesses is moving to Red states or in some cases overseas.

However, having said all that the division in this country is not between the Red and Blue state. It is between heartland America and the big city Democrat controlled shithole cities. Red states have their shitholes too. Dallas, Houston, Atlanta. Memphis Miami etc.

For instance, there is great economic growth in Atlanta but it is not in the Democrat voting inner city of Atlanta. It is mostly in the surrounding Republican voting areas.

Left economic always fails. Prosperity is not created by giving money away to low life worthless assholes just because they vote for Democrats.
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The best way not to be poor in the US is to stop electing Liberals with failed Left economic policies.

We saw that with Obama, didn't we? Ever since that shithead was elected poverty increased, family income decreased, income disparity increased and the country had dismal economic growth.

These dumbass Liberals never seem to understand that prosperty is not created by taking money from one person that earned the money and giving it away to some shithead that didn't earn anything.
But 9 of the top 10 richest states are run by democrats and 9 of the 10 poorest states are run by republicans.

Blue states like California and Illinois are drowning in unfunded debt.

Try again
The best way not to be poor in the US is to stop electing Liberals with failed Left economic policies.

We saw that with Obama, didn't we? Ever since that shithead was elected poverty increased, family income decreased, income disparity increased and the country had dismal economic growth.

These dumbass Liberals never seem to understand that prosperty is not created by taking money from one person that earned the money and giving it away to some shithead that didn't earn anything.
But 9 of the top 10 richest states are run by democrats and 9 of the 10 poorest states are run by republicans.

Blue states like California and Illinois are drowning in unfunded debt.

Try again

High taxes that is driving business out and tremendous debt. Many of these Democrat controlled big cites are on their way to be Detroits. Just a matter of time.
The best way not to be poor in the US is to stop electing Liberals with failed Left economic policies.

We saw that with Obama, didn't we? Ever since that shithead was elected poverty increased, family income decreased, income disparity increased and the country had dismal economic growth.

These dumbass Liberals never seem to understand that prosperty is not created by taking money from one person that earned the money and giving it away to some shithead that didn't earn anything.
But 9 of the top 10 richest states are run by democrats and 9 of the 10 poorest states are run by republicans.

Blue states like California and Illinois are drowning in unfunded debt.

Try again

Still California is among the top ten richest states while 9 of ten Republican states are among the poorest. Until that dynamic changes you finger pointers ought tO just STFU.
The best way not to be poor in the US is to stop electing Liberals with failed Left economic policies.

We saw that with Obama, didn't we? Ever since that shithead was elected poverty increased, family income decreased, income disparity increased and the country had dismal economic growth.

These dumbass Liberals never seem to understand that prosperty is not created by taking money from one person that earned the money and giving it away to some shithead that didn't earn anything.
But 9 of the top 10 richest states are run by democrats and 9 of the 10 poorest states are run by republicans.

Blue states like California and Illinois are drowning in unfunded debt.

Try again

Still California is among the top ten richest states while 9 of ten Republican states are among the poorest. Until that dynamic changes you finger pointers ought tO just STFU.

When unfunded public debt is nearing one trillion you're not rich. You're in debt up too your ears
The best way not to be poor in the US is to stop electing Liberals with failed Left economic policies.

We saw that with Obama, didn't we? Ever since that shithead was elected poverty increased, family income decreased, income disparity increased and the country had dismal economic growth.

These dumbass Liberals never seem to understand that prosperty is not created by taking money from one person that earned the money and giving it away to some shithead that didn't earn anything.
But 9 of the top 10 richest states are run by democrats and 9 of the 10 poorest states are run by republicans.

Blue states like California and Illinois are drowning in unfunded debt.

Try again

High taxes that is driving business out and tremendous debt. Many of these Democrat controlled big cites are on their way to be Detroits. Just a matter of time.
Well detroit is in a Red state...and. like Flint the democrats elected to govern had their power usurped by the republican governor who placed an Emergency Manager over them.:Anger in Michigan Over Appointing Emergency Managers

January 22, 2016
LANSING, Mich. — In the spring of 2013, Detroit was groaning under the weight of its troubles. It had accumulated billions in debt, was riddled with crime and had seen much of its affluent tax base disappear. A former mayor, Kwame M. Kilpatrick, was convicted of racketeering and fraud.

Gov. Rick Snyder, a Republican, swept in with a rescue plan: the appointment of an emergency manager, Kevyn D. Orr, who was charged with saving a city in fiscal despair. Many Detroiters were furious that Mr. Orr, then a high-profile bankruptcy lawyer from Chevy Chase, Md., had been given a role with extraordinary power, usurping control from local elected officials.

That anger has been revived in Michigan this week. Public outrageover the tainted water in Flint and the decrepit schools in Detroit has led many people to question whether the state has overreached in imposing too many emergency managers in largely black jurisdictions.

In the cases of both Flint and the Detroit Public Schools, governance was under the jurisdiction of the governor, rather than local officials closer to the ground
The best way not to be poor in the US is to stop electing Liberals with failed Left economic policies.

We saw that with Obama, didn't we? Ever since that shithead was elected poverty increased, family income decreased, income disparity increased and the country had dismal economic growth.

These dumbass Liberals never seem to understand that prosperty is not created by taking money from one person that earned the money and giving it away to some shithead that didn't earn anything.
But 9 of the top 10 richest states are run by democrats and 9 of the 10 poorest states are run by republicans.

Blue states like California and Illinois are drowning in unfunded debt.

Try again

Still California is among the top ten richest states while 9 of ten Republican states are among the poorest. Until that dynamic changes you finger pointers ought tO just STFU.

Anybody can pretend to be rich when they are in debt up to their ass.

The wealth of California that the Moon Bats are living on today was created back before the Libtards were in full control. Like when Reagan was Governor.

Left Wing economics doesn't produce wealth. It produces poverty and debt.
The best way not to be poor in the US is to stop electing Liberals with failed Left economic policies.

We saw that with Obama, didn't we? Ever since that shithead was elected poverty increased, family income decreased, income disparity increased and the country had dismal economic growth.

These dumbass Liberals never seem to understand that prosperty is not created by taking money from one person that earned the money and giving it away to some shithead that didn't earn anything.
But 9 of the top 10 richest states are run by democrats and 9 of the 10 poorest states are run by republicans.

Blue states like California and Illinois are drowning in unfunded debt.

Try again

High taxes that is driving business out and tremendous debt. Many of these Democrat controlled big cites are on their way to be Detroits. Just a matter of time.
Well detroit is in a Red state...and. like Flint the democrats elected to govern had their power usurped by the republican governor who placed an Emergency Manager over them.:Anger in Michigan Over Appointing Emergency Managers

January 22, 2016
LANSING, Mich. — In the spring of 2013, Detroit was groaning under the weight of its troubles. It had accumulated billions in debt, was riddled with crime and had seen much of its affluent tax base disappear. A former mayor, Kwame M. Kilpatrick, was convicted of racketeering and fraud.

Gov. Rick Snyder, a Republican, swept in with a rescue plan: the appointment of an emergency manager, Kevyn D. Orr, who was charged with saving a city in fiscal despair. Many Detroiters were furious that Mr. Orr, then a high-profile bankruptcy lawyer from Chevy Chase, Md., had been given a role with extraordinary power, usurping control from local elected officials.

That anger has been revived in Michigan this week. Public outrageover the tainted water in Flint and the decrepit schools in Detroit has led many people to question whether the state has overreached in imposing too many emergency managers in largely black jurisdictions.

In the cases of both Flint and the Detroit Public Schools, governance was under the jurisdiction of the governor, rather than local officials closer to the ground

Detroit is a direct result of democrat policy.

Sit down with your nonsense
The best way not to be poor in the US is to stop electing Liberals with failed Left economic policies.

We saw that with Obama, didn't we? Ever since that shithead was elected poverty increased, family income decreased, income disparity increased and the country had dismal economic growth.

These dumbass Liberals never seem to understand that prosperty is not created by taking money from one person that earned the money and giving it away to some shithead that didn't earn anything.
But 9 of the top 10 richest states are run by democrats and 9 of the 10 poorest states are run by republicans.

Blue states like California and Illinois are drowning in unfunded debt.

Try again

High taxes that is driving business out and tremendous debt. Many of these Democrat controlled big cites are on their way to be Detroits. Just a matter of time.
Well detroit is in a Red state...and. like Flint the democrats elected to govern had their power usurped by the republican governor who placed an Emergency Manager over them.:Anger in Michigan Over Appointing Emergency Managers

January 22, 2016
LANSING, Mich. — In the spring of 2013, Detroit was groaning under the weight of its troubles. It had accumulated billions in debt, was riddled with crime and had seen much of its affluent tax base disappear. A former mayor, Kwame M. Kilpatrick, was convicted of racketeering and fraud.

Gov. Rick Snyder, a Republican, swept in with a rescue plan: the appointment of an emergency manager, Kevyn D. Orr, who was charged with saving a city in fiscal despair. Many Detroiters were furious that Mr. Orr, then a high-profile bankruptcy lawyer from Chevy Chase, Md., had been given a role with extraordinary power, usurping control from local elected officials.

That anger has been revived in Michigan this week. Public outrageover the tainted water in Flint and the decrepit schools in Detroit has led many people to question whether the state has overreached in imposing too many emergency managers in largely black jurisdictions.

In the cases of both Flint and the Detroit Public Schools, governance was under the jurisdiction of the governor, rather than local officials closer to the ground

Detroit is a direct result of democrat policy.

Sit down with your nonsense

The city was rich with the money coming in from the booming 1950s auto industry. Then the Democrats decided that would use that wealth to buy the votes of the unions, welfare queens and government workers. Pretty soon they went broke like what always happens with socialists when the money made by capitalism runs out.
You speak of morality even as the bitter dregs of scorn for indigents drips from your hateful lips.

JQ had a little bit of bullshit in the corner of his mouth on that one.
You flakes make outlandish accusations because you have no substantive response.your vacuos replys have become so frequent it's hardly worth reading them.

Perhaps you can quote where I expressed scorn for incidents. But I don't think you can'
You speak of morality even as the bitter dregs of scorn for indigents drips from your hateful lips.

JQ had a little bit of bullshit in the corner of his mouth on that one.
You flakes make outlandish accusations because you have no substantive response.your vacuous replys have become so frequent it's hardly worth reading them.

Perhaps you can quote where I expressed scorn for incidents. But I don't think you can'
Look again...the word is "indigent" not "incident." And your prolific narratives decrying the benefits of insurance are indeed
emanating from your scorn for the poor.
You speak of morality even as the bitter dregs of scorn for indigents drips from your hateful lips.

JQ had a little bit of bullshit in the corner of his mouth on that one.
You flakes make outlandish accusations because you have no substantive response.your vacuous replys have become so frequent it's hardly worth reading them.

Perhaps you can quote where I expressed scorn for incidents. But I don't think you can'
Look again...the word is "indigent" not "incident." And your prolific narratives decrying the benefits of insurance are indeed
emanating from your scorn for the poor.

Heh... yeah. Thanks, autocomplete.

Anyway, where is this scorn for the poor? Seriously, I think you might have me mixed up with someone else.

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