The Only Real Resistence Is A Growing Anger Across America Against Democrats


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
If you're like me, you're fed up with loud mouthed protesters. Many of us have stopped watching news broadcasts because we're tired of seeing fake news and fake protesters acting like rude assholes everywhere.

I don't even spend much time commenting on this forum because my tolerance for Bull Shit has been exceeded and all I do every day is go to work, come home, and do anything but watch the Mainstream News.

I'm tired of watching Republicans acting like assholes and I'm tired of Democrats acting like assholes.

I can't wait till the next election so I can vote even more of them out of office.
If you're like me, you're fed up with loud mouthed protesters. Many of us have stopped watching news broadcasts because we're tired of seeing fake news and fake protesters acting like rude assholes everywhere.

I don't even spend much time commenting on this forum because my tolerance for Bull Shit has been exceeded and all I do every day is go to work, come home, and do anything but watch the Mainstream News.

I'm tired of watching Republicans acting like assholes and I'm tired of Democrats acting like assholes.

I can't wait till the next election so I can vote even more of them out of office.
you have to be batshit insane to see historically record low approval ratings and massive nationwide nonstop protests... as anger against the democrats. the only thing people are angry with the democrats for is not beating trump

seriously get help
If you're like me, you're fed up with loud mouthed protesters. Many of us have stopped watching news broadcasts because we're tired of seeing fake news and fake protesters acting like rude assholes everywhere.

I don't even spend much time commenting on this forum because my tolerance for Bull Shit has been exceeded and all I do every day is go to work, come home, and do anything but watch the Mainstream News.

I'm tired of watching Republicans acting like assholes and I'm tired of Democrats acting like assholes.

I can't wait till the next election so I can vote even more of them out of office.

So it's everyone else acting like assholes? hmmm....
If you're like me, you're fed up with loud mouthed protesters. Many of us have stopped watching news broadcasts because we're tired of seeing fake news and fake protesters acting like rude assholes everywhere.

I don't even spend much time commenting on this forum because my tolerance for Bull Shit has been exceeded and all I do every day is go to work, come home, and do anything but watch the Mainstream News.

I'm tired of watching Republicans acting like assholes and I'm tired of Democrats acting like assholes.

I can't wait till the next election so I can vote even more of them out of office.
you have to be batshit insane to see historically record low approval ratings and massive nationwide nonstop protests... as anger against the democrats. the only thing people are angry with the democrats for is not beating trump

seriously get help
If you're like me, you're fed up with loud mouthed protesters. Many of us have stopped watching news broadcasts because we're tired of seeing fake news and fake protesters acting like rude assholes everywhere.

I don't even spend much time commenting on this forum because my tolerance for Bull Shit has been exceeded and all I do every day is go to work, come home, and do anything but watch the Mainstream News.

I'm tired of watching Republicans acting like assholes and I'm tired of Democrats acting like assholes.

I can't wait till the next election so I can vote even more of them out of office.
you have to be batshit insane to see historically record low approval ratings and massive nationwide nonstop protests... as anger against the democrats. the only thing people are angry with the democrats for is not beating trump

seriously get help
did you get autism from getting vaccinated? I thought Trump warned you about that?

"Trump Supporters in the News" with Correspondent ...Growing Angry white Terror spree

Missouri man shouting racial slurs kills one man, seriously wounds two in Kansas bar shooting spree
Source: New York Daily News

At least one person was dead, and two were seriously wounded after an intoxicated man hurling racial slurs opened fire inside a packed Kansas bar on Wednesday night, police said.

The gunman fled Austin’s Bar and Grill in Olathe after blasting off several rounds around 7:15 p.m., cops said in a news release. Cops arrested him at his home in Clinton, Mo. some 80 miles away after they were able to negotiate with him over the phone early Thursday.

The three male victims were taken to an area hospital, where one of them passed away. At least one of the other two was listed in critical condition.

Patrons at the bar told the Kansas City Star that the gunman is white and in his 50s. Before the shooting, he had apparently been drinking hard, and continuously exclaimed racial slurs. When a bar regular told him to stop, the man pulled out a gun and started shooting.

Two of the victims were reportedly of Middle Eastern or Indian descent.

Read more: Mo. man shouting racial slurs kills one, seriously wounds two
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If you're like me, you're fed up with loud mouthed protesters. Many of us have stopped watching news broadcasts because we're tired of seeing fake news and fake protesters acting like rude assholes everywhere.

I don't even spend much time commenting on this forum because my tolerance for Bull Shit has been exceeded and all I do every day is go to work, come home, and do anything but watch the Mainstream News.

I'm tired of watching Republicans acting like assholes and I'm tired of Democrats acting like assholes.

I can't wait till the next election so I can vote even more of them out of office.

I think it's good for us to take a break from the news and politics once in a while.
If you're like me, you're fed up with loud mouthed protesters. Many of us have stopped watching news broadcasts because we're tired of seeing fake news and fake protesters acting like rude assholes everywhere.

I don't even spend much time commenting on this forum because my tolerance for Bull Shit has been exceeded and all I do every day is go to work, come home, and do anything but watch the Mainstream News.

I'm tired of watching Republicans acting like assholes and I'm tired of Democrats acting like assholes.

I can't wait till the next election so I can vote even more of them out of office.

I think it's good for us to take a break from the news and politics once in a while.
werent 10,000 people supposed to show up at an anti-trump rally in NY, maybe a week ago and only 21 showed up?
If you're like me, you're fed up with loud mouthed protesters. Many of us have stopped watching news broadcasts because we're tired of seeing fake news and fake protesters acting like rude assholes everywhere.

I don't even spend much time commenting on this forum because my tolerance for Bull Shit has been exceeded and all I do every day is go to work, come home, and do anything but watch the Mainstream News.

I'm tired of watching Republicans acting like assholes and I'm tired of Democrats acting like assholes.

I can't wait till the next election so I can vote even more of them out of office.
try watching the walking dead when you get home ,,a lot like republicans in congress
If you're like me, you're fed up with loud mouthed protesters. Many of us have stopped watching news broadcasts because we're tired of seeing fake news and fake protesters acting like rude assholes everywhere.

I don't even spend much time commenting on this forum because my tolerance for Bull Shit has been exceeded and all I do every day is go to work, come home, and do anything but watch the Mainstream News.

I'm tired of watching Republicans acting like assholes and I'm tired of Democrats acting like assholes.

I can't wait till the next election so I can vote even more of them out of office.

I think it's good for us to take a break from the news and politics once in a while.
werent 10,000 people supposed to show up at an anti-trump rally in NY, maybe a week ago and only 21 showed up?
yeah 21000
The political environment has been growing more toxic with every political cycle. We have entered an era in which differing political ideas no longer contribute to solutions through compromise, but rather seek implementation through force. "Winning" has become more important than crafting actual working solutions to real problems. Thus we see increasingly nasty attempts to destroy the political opposition. We are no longer content to simply make the case that our ideas are better than their ideas, they must be humiliated, their characters must be assassinated, and they must live the rest of their lives in public disgrace. Heck, they even went back to high school, looking for something, anything to throw at Romney.

IOW, it's not going to get better any time soon. If a Republican wins the White House again in 2020, expect violent struggle to follow, not just the riots we see now.

Elections won't really matter in a few cycles if the losing side can force their will through violence. In fact, all that's needed now is for pro-Trump forces to decide they've had enough of the anti-Trump shenanigans and take to the streets in counter violence, and we have civil war. Martial law and dictatorship to follow soon after.

Anti-Trumpites might want to consider that outcome before smashing those windows and attacking anyone wearing a MAGA hat.
If you're like me, you're fed up with loud mouthed protesters. Many of us have stopped watching news broadcasts because we're tired of seeing fake news and fake protesters acting like rude assholes everywhere.

I don't even spend much time commenting on this forum because my tolerance for Bull Shit has been exceeded and all I do every day is go to work, come home, and do anything but watch the Mainstream News.

I'm tired of watching Republicans acting like assholes and I'm tired of Democrats acting like assholes.

I can't wait till the next election so I can vote even more of them out of office.
try watching the walking dead when you get home ,,a lot like republicans in congress
And their counterparts in the democrat party. If those are the best and brightest the democrats can find to lead them, they need help.
If you're like me, you're fed up with loud mouthed protesters. Many of us have stopped watching news broadcasts because we're tired of seeing fake news and fake protesters acting like rude assholes everywhere.

I don't even spend much time commenting on this forum because my tolerance for Bull Shit has been exceeded and all I do every day is go to work, come home, and do anything but watch the Mainstream News.

I'm tired of watching Republicans acting like assholes and I'm tired of Democrats acting like assholes.

I can't wait till the next election so I can vote even more of them out of office.

Thankfully I'm not a bit like you.

Since you hate most Americans, both political parties and choose to be willfully ignorant, why not find an Island where no one but those you approve can live? Start your own Jim Jones cult, and when they disappoint you, give them the special kool-aid. Maybe then you won't be such a curmudgeon.
If you're like me, you're fed up with loud mouthed protesters. Many of us have stopped watching news broadcasts because we're tired of seeing fake news and fake protesters acting like rude assholes everywhere.

I don't even spend much time commenting on this forum because my tolerance for Bull Shit has been exceeded and all I do every day is go to work, come home, and do anything but watch the Mainstream News.

I'm tired of watching Republicans acting like assholes and I'm tired of Democrats acting like assholes.

I can't wait till the next election so I can vote even more of them out of office.

Thankfully I'm not a bit like you.

Since you hate most Americans, both political parties and choose to be willfully ignorant, why not find an Island where no one but those you approve can live? Start your own Jim Jones cult, and when they disappoint you, give them the special kool-aid. Maybe then you won't be such a curmudgeon.
Coming from somebody that really hates Americans and supports non-citizens as well as the Islamis State, that means nothing.
My wife, who all through life has not had much interest in politics, is suddenly watching PBS newscasts.

She says she had never previously realized how much fun it it to watch supposed adults make complete asses of themselves.

She didn't mean the content - rather, the presenters.
If you're like me, you're fed up with loud mouthed protesters. Many of us have stopped watching news broadcasts because we're tired of seeing fake news and fake protesters acting like rude assholes everywhere.

I don't even spend much time commenting on this forum because my tolerance for Bull Shit has been exceeded and all I do every day is go to work, come home, and do anything but watch the Mainstream News.

I'm tired of watching Republicans acting like assholes and I'm tired of Democrats acting like assholes.

I can't wait till the next election so I can vote even more of them out of office.
And why would that be? Considering that the GOP has control of the government now. Oh forgot that part. :lol:

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