the only remaining argument against capatalism

Yeah, why shouldn't the richest nation on earth treat it's citizens like a 3rd world nation *shaking head*

Why should't those able bodied enough to work get a fucking job instead of expecting someone else to support them. Better yet, why don't YOU use YOUR money to help them when they won't help themselves.

Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would the right wingers EVER have Bubba?

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percentof the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to Entitlement Society Rhetoric Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly Disabled or Working Households Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Still doesn't entitle someone to another person's money. If you feel they need, write a check to them personally. You won't because you'd rather see someone else forced to do it so you can take credit for having done nothing.

You're the kind that believes professional wrestling is real but the moon landing was faked.

AGAIN, we tried your nonsense before PROGRESSIVE POLICIES built the worlds largest middle class, it looked a lot like Indonesia (or other 3rd world nations), your new fluff buddies paradise!!!

When are you going to grow a brain Bubba? ONE state/nation to EVER use your libertarian BS EVER? lol
We've tried the bleeding heart policies for well over 50 years and still have the same percentage in poverty.

Hard to do the right thing when enough of you piss ant bleeding hearts that rely on my hard work think someone owes you something.

The progressive mindset is only part of what's your is yours and the rest of your is mine.

Yep, and Medicare is on the way out, right Bubba? lol
The best and greatest argument against the burgoise society otherwise known as capitalism is the moral argument. I just keep mentioning wealth gap or how it is unfair and people are so outraged that they rush to shut it down. Despite the fact that real communist societies have their own wealth gap between between favoured bureaucrats, chosen individuals and everyone else I just keep telling people how unjust the capatalism system is. I really don't care if nothing else has ever worked in the history of the world or how every other unfree economy was riddled with corruption and had appointed aristocracies to rule over the peasants. I just keep beating this drum to death just so I can shut it down.

Dennis Moore: "This redistribution of wealth thing is trickier than I thought"

Similarly, the "war on poverty" might have failed to kill poverty, but it did a pretty good job wounding it. In 1959, 22.1 percent of Americans were beneath the poverty line. By 1973, 11.1 percent of Americans were impoverished. Medicaid has vastly increased access to health care among the poor. Head Start has done quite a bit to help children born into low-income households.

Ezra Klein - It Was Lyndon Johnson in the Roosevelt Room with the Tax Cut

The best and greatest argument against the burgoise society otherwise known as capitalism is the moral argument. I just keep mentioning wealth gap or how it is unfair and people are so outraged that they rush to shut it down. Despite the fact that real communist societies have their own wealth gap between between favoured bureaucrats, chosen individuals and everyone else I just keep telling people how unjust the capatalism system is. I really don't care if nothing else has ever worked in the history of the world or how every other unfree economy was riddled with corruption and had appointed aristocracies to rule over the peasants. I just keep beating this drum to death just so I can shut it down.

Dennis Moore: "This redistribution of wealth thing is trickier than I thought"

Not really.
When politicians in DC discuss income inequality.

[Highest-income counties]


Whether from the left, or right, MORE government is DEFINITELY NOT the solution. We can see where the income inequality, graft and corruption goes.

Yet the closest thing to the libertarian paradise is Honduras or Somalia, weird you wingnutters don't accept reality. What are you 15 y/o?
You're not very smart. I'm just about done with you unless you step up your game. Apparently you just swallow the propaganda they shovel down your throat, don't you? Do you even read? Or do you get all of your ideas from the TV?

The Truth About Somalia And Anarchy
Center for a Stateless Society The Truth About Somalia And Anarchy

"No, there is no “anarchy” in Somalia – not as that word is properly used; to denote an absence of rulers. While there may be many ways in which Somalis under such conditions are not hampered by the institution of taxation, and are thus free to trade what goods and services there are to be made or had on a voluntary, consensual basis, such conditions are not precisely conducive to optimum commerce. With a constant barrage of different warring factions running amok, each competing fiercely to be the one, uncontestable ruling force, there is only an atmosphere of impending statism with no current group of guerilla fighters able to muster enough firepower to snuff or drive away all of the others.

True anarchy – market anarchy – contemplates free and unbeholden individuals dealing with each other as peaceful traders for mutual benefit. If you want to do good business and turn a profit, you don’t go around killing current or potential customers, suppliers, partners and employees. You compete to be the best at providing quality goods and services at reasonable prices – not with threats and violence. Anarchism is, contary to popular belief, strictly a peaceful philosophy. Governments do and can only rest on violence as their ultimate defense. Markets, in and of themselves, don’t and can’t operate that way."

It's not just the telecom industry that has improved. A different article outlines the change in some major indices over the last 20 years of (relative) statelessness:

Mises Daily Mises Institute
Common sense dictates that security and stability are the necessary preconditions to economic development.

Since 26 January 1991, most of Somalia has had neither, yet the economy has not only been resilient, some sectors have shown remarkable growth.

Somalia: How Has Life Changed?
Index 1991 2011 (or latest)
Life expectancy 46 years 50 years
Birth rate 46 44
Death rate 19 16
GDP per capita $210 $600
Infant mortality 116 deaths <1yr, per 1,000 births 109 deaths <1yr, per 1,000 births
Access to safe water 35% 29%
Adult literacy 24% 38%
With the exception of the drop in birth rates (which is ambiguous) and the drop in access to safe water (which is clearly a bad thing), the above chart shows incredible progress on numerous fronts. I daresay that if a UN or World Bank intervention into a state-controlled African country had yielded such results, it would be trumpeted from the hilltops. (To avoid confusion: international aid groups are currently working in Somalia, and they could be partially responsible for the improvements illustrated in the chart.)
When politicians in DC discuss income inequality.

[Highest-income counties]


Whether from the left, or right, MORE government is DEFINITELY NOT the solution. We can see where the income inequality, graft and corruption goes.

Yet the closest thing to the libertarian paradise is Honduras or Somalia, weird you wingnutters don't accept reality. What are you 15 y/o?
You're not very smart. I'm just about done with you unless you step up your game. Apparently you just swallow the propaganda they shovel down your throat, don't you? Do you even read? Or do you get all of your ideas from the TV?

The Truth About Somalia And Anarchy
Center for a Stateless Society The Truth About Somalia And Anarchy

"No, there is no “anarchy” in Somalia – not as that word is properly used; to denote an absence of rulers. While there may be many ways in which Somalis under such conditions are not hampered by the institution of taxation, and are thus free to trade what goods and services there are to be made or had on a voluntary, consensual basis, such conditions are not precisely conducive to optimum commerce. With a constant barrage of different warring factions running amok, each competing fiercely to be the one, uncontestable ruling force, there is only an atmosphere of impending statism with no current group of guerilla fighters able to muster enough firepower to snuff or drive away all of the others.

True anarchy – market anarchy – contemplates free and unbeholden individuals dealing with each other as peaceful traders for mutual benefit. If you want to do good business and turn a profit, you don’t go around killing current or potential customers, suppliers, partners and employees. You compete to be the best at providing quality goods and services at reasonable prices – not with threats and violence. Anarchism is, contary to popular belief, strictly a peaceful philosophy. Governments do and can only rest on violence as their ultimate defense. Markets, in and of themselves, don’t and can’t operate that way."

It's not just the telecom industry that has improved. A different article outlines the change in some major indices over the last 20 years of (relative) statelessness:

Mises Daily Mises Institute
Common sense dictates that security and stability are the necessary preconditions to economic development.

Since 26 January 1991, most of Somalia has had neither, yet the economy has not only been resilient, some sectors have shown remarkable growth.

Somalia: How Has Life Changed?
Index 1991 2011 (or latest)
Life expectancy 46 years 50 years
Birth rate 46 44
Death rate 19 16
GDP per capita $210 $600
Infant mortality 116 deaths <1yr, per 1,000 births 109 deaths <1yr, per 1,000 births
Access to safe water 35% 29%
Adult literacy 24% 38%
With the exception of the drop in birth rates (which is ambiguous) and the drop in access to safe water (which is clearly a bad thing), the above chart shows incredible progress on numerous fronts. I daresay that if a UN or World Bank intervention into a state-controlled African country had yielded such results, it would be trumpeted from the hilltops. (To avoid confusion: international aid groups are currently working in Somalia, and they could be partially responsible for the improvements illustrated in the chart.)

Weird, so NO you can't point to ONE successful nation to EVER use libertarian BS and instead show the failure of the Somalia by some nonsense from Mises? lol

PLEASE tell me you aren't serious about it being ANY type of success Bubba?

How about Honduras Bubba, another success story in libertarian fantasy land? lol

I hope you are under 20 to believe this nonsense Bubba
Please, point to us some utopian socialist success story, do so. I'm waiting on pins and needles.
Please, point to us some utopian socialist success story, do so. I'm waiting on pins and needles.

Try Churchill's National Health Care system Bubba? (you do know not a single nation wants US style H/C AND no poll exists in UHC nation that wants to get rid of theirs?)

Most of Western Europe?

The US from our Founding (mostly) until about 1981 Bubba?
The waste of trillions on social welfare programs

Frankly, the only social welfare should be for people with no hope of working through disability, and then only when families can't support them.

Yeah, why shouldn't the richest nation on earth treat it's citizens like a 3rd world nation *shaking head*

Why should't those able bodied enough to work get a fucking job instead of expecting someone else to support them. Better yet, why don't YOU use YOUR money to help them when they won't help themselves.

How many able bodied enough to work do you know, who won't look for work & enjoy sleeping on the sidewalk or eating thrown away McDonald's fries and burgers? Your intolerance and lack of lack of empathy, a typical malady of today's conservatives, is disgusting (I bet you claim to be a patriot and a Christian).

Many of the able bodied are addled by schizophrenia or substance abuse (the failure of the war on drugs and conservative policy - Just say No!), and some suffer PTSD as well as alcohol or drug addictions and are veterans of the Gulf Wars or Vietnam.
Please, point to us some utopian socialist success story, do so. I'm waiting on pins and needles.

Methinks you are confused, the word used to describe the above arch conservatives is Dystopian. Why do I call them arch conservatives, here's why: An arch conservative is extremely averse to change, thus they rule by my way or the gas chamber.
Please, point to us some utopian socialist success story, do so. I'm waiting on pins and needles.

Methinks you are confused, the word used to describe the above arch conservatives is Dystopian. Why do I call them arch conservatives, here's why: An arch conservative is extremely averse to change, thus they rule by my way or the gas chamber.

BUT a couple of them called themselves "socialists"? Forget their war on the liberal and
The waste of trillions on social welfare programs

Frankly, the only social welfare should be for people with no hope of working through disability, and then only when families can't support them.

Yeah, why shouldn't the richest nation on earth treat it's citizens like a 3rd world nation *shaking head*

Why should't those able bodied enough to work get a fucking job instead of expecting someone else to support them. Better yet, why don't YOU use YOUR money to help them when they won't help themselves.

How many able bodied enough to work do you know, who won't look for work & enjoy sleeping on the sidewalk or eating thrown away McDonald's fries and burgers? Your intolerance and lack of lack of empathy, a typical malady of today's conservatives, is disgusting (I bet you claim to be a patriot and a Christian).

Many of the able bodied are addled by schizophrenia or substance abuse (the failure of the war on drugs and conservative policy - Just say No!), and some suffer PTSD as well as alcohol or drug addictions and are veterans of the Gulf Wars or Vietnam.

I don't tolerate lazy, able bodied people nor do I have empathy for someone that can but won't work. Thinking I owe them something is the biggest fault of bleeding hearts such as yourself.

I claim to be a Christian and follow what the Bible says on that matter. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says that those who won't work, shall not eat. Perhaps you missed that part. As for those that can't work, you determine which ones they are and provide to them and I'll do the same. What I won't do is decide for you but you have no problem deciding for me.

My brother is a postal carrier who delivers to a Section 8 housing complex. He told me of a resident that claimed to be addled by a mental disease that prevented him from being able to function on a job because he had trouble remembering and concentrating. Interesting thing is my brother said he was the first one at the mailbox the day checks came in. Guess he's addled enough to not be able to earn his way but not addled enough to get the check from someone else working.

As far as substance abuse, I didn't force any of them to start drinking or do drunks. That means it's not my place to pay for their choices.
Please, point to us some utopian socialist success story, do so. I'm waiting on pins and needles.

Methinks you are confused, the word used to describe the above arch conservatives is Dystopian. Why do I call them arch conservatives, here's why: An arch conservative is extremely averse to change, thus they rule by my way or the gas chamber.
I'll not get into semantics with you. You can call them from the left or the right. They are still statists. They had to use the force of the gun to impose their will, making them no different than the tyrants of today's statists.


Most people would call you a loon if you wanted to say Lenin or Stalin was a "conservative." What a hoot. They tore down the old system and constructed a completely new one in it's place, using the force of the gun to redistribute and force people to do things the way the government and the elites thought best. But if you want to call them conservative, have at it. I don't give a shit.

The point is, in the new era of humankind, the only way we will ever have freedom is through a voluntary exchange of ideas, material and labor, and through freewill. Until then, corruption, graft, greed, and inequality will be the hallmarks of all government, whether cobbled together by right-wing coalitions or left wing coalitions. When you have to FORCE people to do things at the barrel of a gun, you know your system is bankrupt.
The waste of trillions on social welfare programs

Frankly, the only social welfare should be for people with no hope of working through disability, and then only when families can't support them.

Yeah, why shouldn't the richest nation on earth treat it's citizens like a 3rd world nation *shaking head*

Why should't those able bodied enough to work get a fucking job instead of expecting someone else to support them. Better yet, why don't YOU use YOUR money to help them when they won't help themselves.

How many able bodied enough to work do you know, who won't look for work & enjoy sleeping on the sidewalk or eating thrown away McDonald's fries and burgers? Your intolerance and lack of lack of empathy, a typical malady of today's conservatives, is disgusting (I bet you claim to be a patriot and a Christian).

Many of the able bodied are addled by schizophrenia or substance abuse (the failure of the war on drugs and conservative policy - Just say No!), and some suffer PTSD as well as alcohol or drug addictions and are veterans of the Gulf Wars or Vietnam.

I don't tolerate lazy, able bodied people nor do I have empathy for someone that can but won't work. Thinking I owe them something is the biggest fault of bleeding hearts such as yourself.

I claim to be a Christian and follow what the Bible says on that matter. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says that those who won't work, shall not eat. Perhaps you missed that part. As for those that can't work, you determine which ones they are and provide to them and I'll do the same. What I won't do is decide for you but you have no problem deciding for me.

My brother is a postal carrier who delivers to a Section 8 housing complex. He told me of a resident that claimed to be addled by a mental disease that prevented him from being able to function on a job because he had trouble remembering and concentrating. Interesting thing is my brother said he was the first one at the mailbox the day checks came in. Guess he's addled enough to not be able to earn his way but not addled enough to get the check from someone else working.

As far as substance abuse, I didn't force any of them to start drinking or do drunks. That means it's not my place to pay for their choices.

YOU ignoring this earlier noted Bubba

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

The claim behind these critiques is clear: federal spending on entitlements and other mandatory programs through which individuals receive benefits is promoting laziness, creating a dependent class of Americans who are losing the desire to work and would rather collect government benefits than find a job.

Such beliefs are starkly at odds with the basic facts regarding social programs, the analysis finds. Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percentof the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to Entitlement Society Rhetoric Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly Disabled or Working Households Center on Budget and Policy Priorities


Please, point to us some utopian socialist success story, do so. I'm waiting on pins and needles.

Methinks you are confused, the word used to describe the above arch conservatives is Dystopian. Why do I call them arch conservatives, here's why: An arch conservative is extremely averse to change, thus they rule by my way or the gas chamber.
I'll not get into semantics with you. You can call them from the left or the right. They are still statists. They had to use the force of the gun to impose their will, making them no different than the tyrants of today's statists.


Most people would call you a loon if you wanted to say Lenin or Stalin was a "conservative." What a hoot. They tore down the old system and constructed a completely new one in it's place, using the force of the gun to redistribute and force people to do things the way the government and the elites thought best. But if you want to call them conservative, have at it. I don't give a shit.

The point is, in the new era of humankind, the only way we will ever have freedom is through a voluntary exchange of ideas, material and labor, and through freewill. Until then, corruption, graft, greed, and inequality will be the hallmarks of all government, whether cobbled together by right-wing coalitions or left wing coalitions. When you have to FORCE people to do things at the barrel of a gun, you know your system is bankrupt.

Stalin rule would be considered right wing extremism, just as the Nazis were right wing extremist.

ONE nation to EVER use your loon libertarian theory Bubba? lol
Frankly, the only social welfare should be for people with no hope of working through disability, and then only when families can't support them.

Yeah, why shouldn't the richest nation on earth treat it's citizens like a 3rd world nation *shaking head*

Why should't those able bodied enough to work get a fucking job instead of expecting someone else to support them. Better yet, why don't YOU use YOUR money to help them when they won't help themselves.

How many able bodied enough to work do you know, who won't look for work & enjoy sleeping on the sidewalk or eating thrown away McDonald's fries and burgers? Your intolerance and lack of lack of empathy, a typical malady of today's conservatives, is disgusting (I bet you claim to be a patriot and a Christian).

Many of the able bodied are addled by schizophrenia or substance abuse (the failure of the war on drugs and conservative policy - Just say No!), and some suffer PTSD as well as alcohol or drug addictions and are veterans of the Gulf Wars or Vietnam.

I don't tolerate lazy, able bodied people nor do I have empathy for someone that can but won't work. Thinking I owe them something is the biggest fault of bleeding hearts such as yourself.

I claim to be a Christian and follow what the Bible says on that matter. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says that those who won't work, shall not eat. Perhaps you missed that part. As for those that can't work, you determine which ones they are and provide to them and I'll do the same. What I won't do is decide for you but you have no problem deciding for me.

My brother is a postal carrier who delivers to a Section 8 housing complex. He told me of a resident that claimed to be addled by a mental disease that prevented him from being able to function on a job because he had trouble remembering and concentrating. Interesting thing is my brother said he was the first one at the mailbox the day checks came in. Guess he's addled enough to not be able to earn his way but not addled enough to get the check from someone else working.

As far as substance abuse, I didn't force any of them to start drinking or do drunks. That means it's not my place to pay for their choices.

YOU ignoring this earlier noted Bubba

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

The claim behind these critiques is clear: federal spending on entitlements and other mandatory programs through which individuals receive benefits is promoting laziness, creating a dependent class of Americans who are losing the desire to work and would rather collect government benefits than find a job.

Such beliefs are starkly at odds with the basic facts regarding social programs, the analysis finds. Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percentof the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to Entitlement Society Rhetoric Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly Disabled or Working Households Center on Budget and Policy Priorities



The Liberal Bible says although Jesus taught that helping another should come from the heart and the decision of the giver, if people don't give to whom and to the level we think they should, we'll mandate it be taken from them and take credit as if it actually came from us directly.

Not one place did Jesus ever teach it's the government's job to mandate charity. You seem to think He did. Your problem is when people don't voluntarily give the way you think they should, it's OK to take it from them in order to reach the level you think they should have done.
Please, point to us some utopian socialist success story, do so. I'm waiting on pins and needles.

Methinks you are confused, the word used to describe the above arch conservatives is Dystopian. Why do I call them arch conservatives, here's why: An arch conservative is extremely averse to change, thus they rule by my way or the gas chamber.
I'll not get into semantics with you. You can call them from the left or the right. They are still statists. They had to use the force of the gun to impose their will, making them no different than the tyrants of today's statists.


Most people would call you a loon if you wanted to say Lenin or Stalin was a "conservative." What a hoot. They tore down the old system and constructed a completely new one in it's place, using the force of the gun to redistribute and force people to do things the way the government and the elites thought best. But if you want to call them conservative, have at it. I don't give a shit.

The point is, in the new era of humankind, the only way we will ever have freedom is through a voluntary exchange of ideas, material and labor, and through freewill. Until then, corruption, graft, greed, and inequality will be the hallmarks of all government, whether cobbled together by right-wing coalitions or left wing coalitions. When you have to FORCE people to do things at the barrel of a gun, you know your system is bankrupt.

Stalin rule would be considered right wing extremism, just as the Nazis were right wing extremist.

ONE nation to EVER use your loon libertarian theory Bubba? lol
One nation to successfully use your bleeding heart socialist theory freeloader?
The waste of trillions on social welfare programs

Frankly, the only social welfare should be for people with no hope of working through disability, and then only when families can't support them.

Yeah, why shouldn't the richest nation on earth treat it's citizens like a 3rd world nation *shaking head*

Why should't those able bodied enough to work get a fucking job instead of expecting someone else to support them. Better yet, why don't YOU use YOUR money to help them when they won't help themselves.

How many able bodied enough to work do you know, who won't look for work & enjoy sleeping on the sidewalk or eating thrown away McDonald's fries and burgers? Your intolerance and lack of lack of empathy, a typical malady of today's conservatives, is disgusting (I bet you claim to be a patriot and a Christian).

Many of the able bodied are addled by schizophrenia or substance abuse (the failure of the war on drugs and conservative policy - Just say No!), and some suffer PTSD as well as alcohol or drug addictions and are veterans of the Gulf Wars or Vietnam.

I don't tolerate lazy, able bodied people nor do I have empathy for someone that can but won't work. Thinking I owe them something is the biggest fault of bleeding hearts such as yourself.

I claim to be a Christian and follow what the Bible says on that matter. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says that those who won't work, shall not eat. Perhaps you missed that part. As for those that can't work, you determine which ones they are and provide to them and I'll do the same. What I won't do is decide for you but you have no problem deciding for me.

My brother is a postal carrier who delivers to a Section 8 housing complex. He told me of a resident that claimed to be addled by a mental disease that prevented him from being able to function on a job because he had trouble remembering and concentrating. Interesting thing is my brother said he was the first one at the mailbox the day checks came in. Guess he's addled enough to not be able to earn his way but not addled enough to get the check from someone else working.

As far as substance abuse, I didn't force any of them to start drinking or do drunks. That means it's not my place to pay for their choices.

Gee, my neighbor's ex wife was told by her hairdresser that one of the hairdresser's colleagues told her that a conservative who comes in for pedicures said he once gave a homeless guy the shirt of his back. Of course the shirt said, "bums are bums an ought to be shot" on the front, and on the back a simple, "shoot me" inside a bulls eye.
Frankly, the only social welfare should be for people with no hope of working through disability, and then only when families can't support them.

Yeah, why shouldn't the richest nation on earth treat it's citizens like a 3rd world nation *shaking head*

Why should't those able bodied enough to work get a fucking job instead of expecting someone else to support them. Better yet, why don't YOU use YOUR money to help them when they won't help themselves.

How many able bodied enough to work do you know, who won't look for work & enjoy sleeping on the sidewalk or eating thrown away McDonald's fries and burgers? Your intolerance and lack of lack of empathy, a typical malady of today's conservatives, is disgusting (I bet you claim to be a patriot and a Christian).

Many of the able bodied are addled by schizophrenia or substance abuse (the failure of the war on drugs and conservative policy - Just say No!), and some suffer PTSD as well as alcohol or drug addictions and are veterans of the Gulf Wars or Vietnam.

I don't tolerate lazy, able bodied people nor do I have empathy for someone that can but won't work. Thinking I owe them something is the biggest fault of bleeding hearts such as yourself.

I claim to be a Christian and follow what the Bible says on that matter. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says that those who won't work, shall not eat. Perhaps you missed that part. As for those that can't work, you determine which ones they are and provide to them and I'll do the same. What I won't do is decide for you but you have no problem deciding for me.

My brother is a postal carrier who delivers to a Section 8 housing complex. He told me of a resident that claimed to be addled by a mental disease that prevented him from being able to function on a job because he had trouble remembering and concentrating. Interesting thing is my brother said he was the first one at the mailbox the day checks came in. Guess he's addled enough to not be able to earn his way but not addled enough to get the check from someone else working.

As far as substance abuse, I didn't force any of them to start drinking or do drunks. That means it's not my place to pay for their choices.

Gee, my neighbor's ex wife was told by her hairdresser that one of the hairdresser's colleagues told her that a conservative who comes in for pedicures said he once gave a homeless guy the shirt of his back. Of course the shirt said, "bums are bums an ought to be shot" on the front, and on the back a simple, "shoot me" inside a bulls eye.

So you doubt reality asshole? I don't owe a drug addict, alcoholic, or anyone else a damn thing in life. If you think they are owed something, give them YOUR money.
Why should't those able bodied enough to work get a fucking job instead of expecting someone else to support them. Better yet, why don't YOU use YOUR money to help them when they won't help themselves.

Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would the right wingers EVER have Bubba?

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percentof the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to Entitlement Society Rhetoric Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly Disabled or Working Households Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Still doesn't entitle someone to another person's money. If you feel they need, write a check to them personally. You won't because you'd rather see someone else forced to do it so you can take credit for having done nothing.

You're the kind that believes professional wrestling is real but the moon landing was faked.

AGAIN, we tried your nonsense before PROGRESSIVE POLICIES built the worlds largest middle class, it looked a lot like Indonesia (or other 3rd world nations), your new fluff buddies paradise!!!

When are you going to grow a brain Bubba? ONE state/nation to EVER use your libertarian BS EVER? lol
We've tried the bleeding heart policies for well over 50 years and still have the same percentage in poverty.

Hard to do the right thing when enough of you piss ant bleeding hearts that rely on my hard work think someone owes you something.

The progressive mindset is only part of what's your is yours and the rest of your is mine.

Yep, and Medicare is on the way out, right Bubba? lol

Too many leeches willing to vote in politicians willing to pander to people like you with someone else's money. How sad it must be to know that you, a dad to three based on your name, can't support his own kids.

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