the only remaining argument against capatalism

The waste of trillions on social welfare programs designed to motivate people to do better brought to you by the Democrats.

Poverty percentage then and now the same.

Yeah, we spent trillions on war, does war still exist Bubba? lol

The War on Poverty’s surprising success

But the official poverty numbers mask a substantial reduction in poverty attributable to government efforts, and although the OEO proved a short-lived failure, other poverty programs implemented under Johnson–Medicare, Medicaid, and, yes, food stamps–achieved measurable success.

Even judging by the official poverty rate (currently $23,550 for a family of four), Johnson’s anti-poverty programs enjoyed initial success. The poverty rate for African-Americans dropped precipitously for the remainder of Johnson’s term. It evened off for the next 25 years, then dropped again under President Bill Clinton before rising slightly during the past decade. The poverty rate for the elderly dropped dramatically under Johnson and Nixon and, less dramatically, continues to do so.

Overall, the official poverty rate declined significantly through Nixon’s first term before leveling off; since the 2008 crash it’s been rising.

None of these calculations include in-kind benefits through Medicare, Medicaid, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and none include the Earned Income Tax Credit, a program targeted to the working poor that was implemented under President Gerald Ford and greatly expanded under Reagan and Clinton. When these are factored in, the poverty rate has dropped nearly in half.

The War on Poverty s surprising success MSNBC

When then poverty rate today is the same percentage as it was before the war on poverty, the only losers are those of us forced to fund those programs. What else would MSNBC say? The percentages don't lie but partisan Liberal hacks on MSNBC do. I guess as long as social welfare is around you'll be able to think you actually earned the money you get from it.

Got it, reality isn't accepted in your world. Shocking

Why don't you support your own damn three kids instead of expecting someone else to do it for you.

LOL, That's the best you have Bubba? Seriously? What your mind never got past the Simpson's? lol

Since you don't support your own, sounds like you don't have anything at all to offer. Guess showing you can't even be a baby daddy to your kids hurts your feelings.
Yeah, why shouldn't the richest nation on earth treat it's citizens like a 3rd world nation *shaking head*

Why should't those able bodied enough to work get a fucking job instead of expecting someone else to support them. Better yet, why don't YOU use YOUR money to help them when they won't help themselves.

How many able bodied enough to work do you know, who won't look for work & enjoy sleeping on the sidewalk or eating thrown away McDonald's fries and burgers? Your intolerance and lack of lack of empathy, a typical malady of today's conservatives, is disgusting (I bet you claim to be a patriot and a Christian).

Many of the able bodied are addled by schizophrenia or substance abuse (the failure of the war on drugs and conservative policy - Just say No!), and some suffer PTSD as well as alcohol or drug addictions and are veterans of the Gulf Wars or Vietnam.

I don't tolerate lazy, able bodied people nor do I have empathy for someone that can but won't work. Thinking I owe them something is the biggest fault of bleeding hearts such as yourself.

I claim to be a Christian and follow what the Bible says on that matter. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says that those who won't work, shall not eat. Perhaps you missed that part. As for those that can't work, you determine which ones they are and provide to them and I'll do the same. What I won't do is decide for you but you have no problem deciding for me.

My brother is a postal carrier who delivers to a Section 8 housing complex. He told me of a resident that claimed to be addled by a mental disease that prevented him from being able to function on a job because he had trouble remembering and concentrating. Interesting thing is my brother said he was the first one at the mailbox the day checks came in. Guess he's addled enough to not be able to earn his way but not addled enough to get the check from someone else working.

As far as substance abuse, I didn't force any of them to start drinking or do drunks. That means it's not my place to pay for their choices.

YOU ignoring this earlier noted Bubba

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

The claim behind these critiques is clear: federal spending on entitlements and other mandatory programs through which individuals receive benefits is promoting laziness, creating a dependent class of Americans who are losing the desire to work and would rather collect government benefits than find a job.

Such beliefs are starkly at odds with the basic facts regarding social programs, the analysis finds. Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percentof the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to Entitlement Society Rhetoric Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly Disabled or Working Households Center on Budget and Policy Priorities



The Liberal Bible says although Jesus taught that helping another should come from the heart and the decision of the giver, if people don't give to whom and to the level we think they should, we'll mandate it be taken from them and take credit as if it actually came from us directly.

Not one place did Jesus ever teach it's the government's job to mandate charity. You seem to think He did. Your problem is when people don't voluntarily give the way you think they should, it's OK to take it from them in order to reach the level you think they should have done.

BUT taught to follow Gov't and their laws. Go figure!

TRUE Christians are not free to choose NOT to be thy brother’s keeper, no matter how broadly you define it. Government is just the distribution mechanism.

Please, point to us some utopian socialist success story, do so. I'm waiting on pins and needles.

Methinks you are confused, the word used to describe the above arch conservatives is Dystopian. Why do I call them arch conservatives, here's why: An arch conservative is extremely averse to change, thus they rule by my way or the gas chamber.
I'll not get into semantics with you. You can call them from the left or the right. They are still statists. They had to use the force of the gun to impose their will, making them no different than the tyrants of today's statists.


Most people would call you a loon if you wanted to say Lenin or Stalin was a "conservative." What a hoot. They tore down the old system and constructed a completely new one in it's place, using the force of the gun to redistribute and force people to do things the way the government and the elites thought best. But if you want to call them conservative, have at it. I don't give a shit.

The point is, in the new era of humankind, the only way we will ever have freedom is through a voluntary exchange of ideas, material and labor, and through freewill. Until then, corruption, graft, greed, and inequality will be the hallmarks of all government, whether cobbled together by right-wing coalitions or left wing coalitions. When you have to FORCE people to do things at the barrel of a gun, you know your system is bankrupt.

Stalin rule would be considered right wing extremism, just as the Nazis were right wing extremist.

ONE nation to EVER use your loon libertarian theory Bubba? lol
One nation to successfully use your bleeding heart socialist theory freeloader?

Again, MOST of Western Europe, the US, Japan, Australia, etc...
I don't listen to Limbaugh or any other blowhard partisan hack on the radio or the idiot box.

That's how I know that there is no one stopping me from improving my financial situation.

You think everyone else is holding you back when all you have to do to see who the real culprit is is look in the mirror.

So now tell me who is stopping you from making more money?

Like I said, you believe in myths and fairy tales and you can't see as a society how it works. I'm shocked. No really I am
Still won't answer the question, Corky?

Society works for people who work it.

You just don't want to work it do you?

You have failed to address the question

We are not talking about one person being able to work harder and earn more. We are talking about 100 million workers who need to earn more

Show me the economic data showing there are 100 million better paying jobs out there

Better paying than what?

And why does making more money necessarily mean having someone else provide a job for you?

There are countless ways to make extra money that do not involve working for someone else you know.

I'll follow with the same response

If you think starting your own business is a solution to economic hardship. Show me where 5 million successful businesses were created last year let alone the 100 million businesses we would need

A small side business need not be a major investment and does not require one to quit a full time job.

I prefer to think about what people can do than what they can't.

Why is it you people have such little faith in people anyway?
Please, point to us some utopian socialist success story, do so. I'm waiting on pins and needles.

Methinks you are confused, the word used to describe the above arch conservatives is Dystopian. Why do I call them arch conservatives, here's why: An arch conservative is extremely averse to change, thus they rule by my way or the gas chamber.
I'll not get into semantics with you. You can call them from the left or the right. They are still statists. They had to use the force of the gun to impose their will, making them no different than the tyrants of today's statists.


Most people would call you a loon if you wanted to say Lenin or Stalin was a "conservative." What a hoot. They tore down the old system and constructed a completely new one in it's place, using the force of the gun to redistribute and force people to do things the way the government and the elites thought best. But if you want to call them conservative, have at it. I don't give a shit.

The point is, in the new era of humankind, the only way we will ever have freedom is through a voluntary exchange of ideas, material and labor, and through freewill. Until then, corruption, graft, greed, and inequality will be the hallmarks of all government, whether cobbled together by right-wing coalitions or left wing coalitions. When you have to FORCE people to do things at the barrel of a gun, you know your system is bankrupt.

Stalin rule would be considered right wing extremism, just as the Nazis were right wing extremist.

ONE nation to EVER use your loon libertarian theory Bubba? lol
One nation to successfully use your bleeding heart socialist theory freeloader?

Again, MOST of Western Europe, the US, Japan, Australia, etc...
Please, point to us some utopian socialist success story, do so. I'm waiting on pins and needles.

Methinks you are confused, the word used to describe the above arch conservatives is Dystopian. Why do I call them arch conservatives, here's why: An arch conservative is extremely averse to change, thus they rule by my way or the gas chamber.
I'll not get into semantics with you. You can call them from the left or the right. They are still statists. They had to use the force of the gun to impose their will, making them no different than the tyrants of today's statists.


Most people would call you a loon if you wanted to say Lenin or Stalin was a "conservative." What a hoot. They tore down the old system and constructed a completely new one in it's place, using the force of the gun to redistribute and force people to do things the way the government and the elites thought best. But if you want to call them conservative, have at it. I don't give a shit.

The point is, in the new era of humankind, the only way we will ever have freedom is through a voluntary exchange of ideas, material and labor, and through freewill. Until then, corruption, graft, greed, and inequality will be the hallmarks of all government, whether cobbled together by right-wing coalitions or left wing coalitions. When you have to FORCE people to do things at the barrel of a gun, you know your system is bankrupt.

Stalin rule would be considered right wing extremism, just as the Nazis were right wing extremist.

ONE nation to EVER use your loon libertarian theory Bubba? lol
One nation to successfully use your bleeding heart socialist theory freeloader?

Again, MOST of Western Europe, the US, Japan, Australia, etc...

Maybe you missed the successful part. Any system that forces from one who earned and gives it to one that didn't is a failure from inception. It can't be successful.
Exactly why those who pay no income taxes should be paying.

Yet those "paying" have shifted the BURDEN down the rung the past 30+ years AS US debt has ALSO soared



Post all the charts you want but you still can't answer the question


You mean I must believe in the myths and fairy tales you do Bubba? PLEASE show ONE nation to EVER use your libertarian nonsense ANYWHERE at any time?

We created as UNION of the US which is a society. NO ONE ever did it on their own, no one!

Gov't policy matters Bubba

So you think you need the government's help to increase your income?

THAT is your problem not some rich guy you never met or never will.

How can the government increase my income?

I paid out over $12,000 in medical expenses last year. You don't see many people in other industrialized countries having to do that

They can provide lower cost educational expenses like other countries do

They can require working Americansto pay lower percentage of their income for government services and return rates for those making over $1 million a year to pay 50%

They can stop billionaires from paying a lower effective tax rate than I do
You all think taking more money from some rich guy will make your life easier.

It won't.

Only you can improve your situation but none of you want to you just want to piss and moan
Yeah, why shouldn't the richest nation on earth treat it's citizens like a 3rd world nation *shaking head*

Why should't those able bodied enough to work get a fucking job instead of expecting someone else to support them. Better yet, why don't YOU use YOUR money to help them when they won't help themselves.

How many able bodied enough to work do you know, who won't look for work & enjoy sleeping on the sidewalk or eating thrown away McDonald's fries and burgers? Your intolerance and lack of lack of empathy, a typical malady of today's conservatives, is disgusting (I bet you claim to be a patriot and a Christian).

Many of the able bodied are addled by schizophrenia or substance abuse (the failure of the war on drugs and conservative policy - Just say No!), and some suffer PTSD as well as alcohol or drug addictions and are veterans of the Gulf Wars or Vietnam.

I don't tolerate lazy, able bodied people nor do I have empathy for someone that can but won't work. Thinking I owe them something is the biggest fault of bleeding hearts such as yourself.

I claim to be a Christian and follow what the Bible says on that matter. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says that those who won't work, shall not eat. Perhaps you missed that part. As for those that can't work, you determine which ones they are and provide to them and I'll do the same. What I won't do is decide for you but you have no problem deciding for me.

My brother is a postal carrier who delivers to a Section 8 housing complex. He told me of a resident that claimed to be addled by a mental disease that prevented him from being able to function on a job because he had trouble remembering and concentrating. Interesting thing is my brother said he was the first one at the mailbox the day checks came in. Guess he's addled enough to not be able to earn his way but not addled enough to get the check from someone else working.

As far as substance abuse, I didn't force any of them to start drinking or do drunks. That means it's not my place to pay for their choices.

Gee, my neighbor's ex wife was told by her hairdresser that one of the hairdresser's colleagues told her that a conservative who comes in for pedicures said he once gave a homeless guy the shirt of his back. Of course the shirt said, "bums are bums an ought to be shot" on the front, and on the back a simple, "shoot me" inside a bulls eye.

So you doubt reality asshole? I don't owe a drug addict, alcoholic, or anyone else a damn thing in life. If you think they are owed something, give them YOUR money.


Methinks you are confused, the word used to describe the above arch conservatives is Dystopian. Why do I call them arch conservatives, here's why: An arch conservative is extremely averse to change, thus they rule by my way or the gas chamber.
I'll not get into semantics with you. You can call them from the left or the right. They are still statists. They had to use the force of the gun to impose their will, making them no different than the tyrants of today's statists.


Most people would call you a loon if you wanted to say Lenin or Stalin was a "conservative." What a hoot. They tore down the old system and constructed a completely new one in it's place, using the force of the gun to redistribute and force people to do things the way the government and the elites thought best. But if you want to call them conservative, have at it. I don't give a shit.

The point is, in the new era of humankind, the only way we will ever have freedom is through a voluntary exchange of ideas, material and labor, and through freewill. Until then, corruption, graft, greed, and inequality will be the hallmarks of all government, whether cobbled together by right-wing coalitions or left wing coalitions. When you have to FORCE people to do things at the barrel of a gun, you know your system is bankrupt.

Stalin rule would be considered right wing extremism, just as the Nazis were right wing extremist.

ONE nation to EVER use your loon libertarian theory Bubba? lol
One nation to successfully use your bleeding heart socialist theory freeloader?

Again, MOST of Western Europe, the US, Japan, Australia, etc...
Methinks you are confused, the word used to describe the above arch conservatives is Dystopian. Why do I call them arch conservatives, here's why: An arch conservative is extremely averse to change, thus they rule by my way or the gas chamber.
I'll not get into semantics with you. You can call them from the left or the right. They are still statists. They had to use the force of the gun to impose their will, making them no different than the tyrants of today's statists.


Most people would call you a loon if you wanted to say Lenin or Stalin was a "conservative." What a hoot. They tore down the old system and constructed a completely new one in it's place, using the force of the gun to redistribute and force people to do things the way the government and the elites thought best. But if you want to call them conservative, have at it. I don't give a shit.

The point is, in the new era of humankind, the only way we will ever have freedom is through a voluntary exchange of ideas, material and labor, and through freewill. Until then, corruption, graft, greed, and inequality will be the hallmarks of all government, whether cobbled together by right-wing coalitions or left wing coalitions. When you have to FORCE people to do things at the barrel of a gun, you know your system is bankrupt.

Stalin rule would be considered right wing extremism, just as the Nazis were right wing extremist.

ONE nation to EVER use your loon libertarian theory Bubba? lol
One nation to successfully use your bleeding heart socialist theory freeloader?

Again, MOST of Western Europe, the US, Japan, Australia, etc...

Maybe you missed the successful part. Any system that forces from one who earned and gives it to one that didn't is a failure from inception. It can't be successful.

OK, Bubba, I guess since the 40+ year war on US, the US has lost some of it's glory!
There is no pie.

You can get as much as you want because no one is stopping you from getting it

except you.

Conservative damagogues like Limbaugh have been able to convince the public that the huge incomes of the wealthiest Americans are irrelevant to those who make moderate-to-low incomes. They even suggest that the more money the wealthiest Americans make, the more wealth will trickle down to the lower classes.

If you've swallowed this line of conservative garbage, get ready to vomit. As all conservative economists know, and deny to the public that they know, wealth is a zero-sum game. That is true at both the front end—when income is divided up, and the back end—when it is spent.

The Front End of Zero-Sum: Dividing the Loot

There is only so much corporate income in a given year. The more of that income that is used to pay workers, the less profit the corporation makes. The less profit, the less the stock goes up. The less the stock goes up, the less the CEO and the investors make. It’s as simple as that. Profit equals income minus expenses. No more, no less. Subtract the right side of the equation from the left side and the answer is always zero. Hence the term, “zero-sum.”

So, to the extent a corporation can keep from sharing the wealth with workers—the ones who created the wealth to begin with—investors and executives get a bigger slice of the income pie and become richer.

The Zero-sum Nature of economics

The Top 0.1% Of The Nation Earn Half Of All Capital Gains (includes dividends) 1/10th of 1% of US

The Top 0.1 Of The Nation Earn Half Of All Capital Gains - Forbes

Capital Gains Tax Cuts ‘By Far’ The Biggest Contributor To Growth In Income Inequality, Study Finds

Capital gains and other investment income was taxed as regular wage income from 1986 until 1996, when the capital gains rate was reduced. It was further reduced as part of the Bush tax cuts, and over the last decade, it has reversed the equalizing effects of taxes and allowed for massive income gains for the wealthy that translated directly into increased income inequality:

By far, the largest contributor to this increase was changes in income from capital gains and dividends.
I don't listen to Limbaugh or any other blowhard partisan hack on the radio or the idiot box.

That's how I know that there is no one stopping me from improving my financial situation.

You think everyone else is holding you back when all you have to do to see who the real culprit is is look in the mirror.

So now tell me who is stopping you from making more money?

Like I said, you believe in myths and fairy tales and you can't see as a society how it works. I'm shocked. No really I am
Still won't answer the question, Corky?

Society works for people who work it.

You just don't want to work it do you?

Simplistic moron asks a simplistic question and wants a real answer??? Seriously?

View attachment 39232

Show me how those so called greedy rich are taking money out of your pocket.
Why should't those able bodied enough to work get a fucking job instead of expecting someone else to support them. Better yet, why don't YOU use YOUR money to help them when they won't help themselves.

How many able bodied enough to work do you know, who won't look for work & enjoy sleeping on the sidewalk or eating thrown away McDonald's fries and burgers? Your intolerance and lack of lack of empathy, a typical malady of today's conservatives, is disgusting (I bet you claim to be a patriot and a Christian).

Many of the able bodied are addled by schizophrenia or substance abuse (the failure of the war on drugs and conservative policy - Just say No!), and some suffer PTSD as well as alcohol or drug addictions and are veterans of the Gulf Wars or Vietnam.

I don't tolerate lazy, able bodied people nor do I have empathy for someone that can but won't work. Thinking I owe them something is the biggest fault of bleeding hearts such as yourself.

I claim to be a Christian and follow what the Bible says on that matter. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says that those who won't work, shall not eat. Perhaps you missed that part. As for those that can't work, you determine which ones they are and provide to them and I'll do the same. What I won't do is decide for you but you have no problem deciding for me.

My brother is a postal carrier who delivers to a Section 8 housing complex. He told me of a resident that claimed to be addled by a mental disease that prevented him from being able to function on a job because he had trouble remembering and concentrating. Interesting thing is my brother said he was the first one at the mailbox the day checks came in. Guess he's addled enough to not be able to earn his way but not addled enough to get the check from someone else working.

As far as substance abuse, I didn't force any of them to start drinking or do drunks. That means it's not my place to pay for their choices.

Gee, my neighbor's ex wife was told by her hairdresser that one of the hairdresser's colleagues told her that a conservative who comes in for pedicures said he once gave a homeless guy the shirt of his back. Of course the shirt said, "bums are bums an ought to be shot" on the front, and on the back a simple, "shoot me" inside a bulls eye.

So you doubt reality asshole? I don't owe a drug addict, alcoholic, or anyone else a damn thing in life. If you think they are owed something, give them YOUR money.



You seem to be the one thinking the Jesus taught that the government can mandate charity. Nothing He taught did that no matter how many times you claim He did.
I don't listen to Limbaugh or any other blowhard partisan hack on the radio or the idiot box.

That's how I know that there is no one stopping me from improving my financial situation.

You think everyone else is holding you back when all you have to do to see who the real culprit is is look in the mirror.

So now tell me who is stopping you from making more money?

Like I said, you believe in myths and fairy tales and you can't see as a society how it works. I'm shocked. No really I am
Still won't answer the question, Corky?

Society works for people who work it.

You just don't want to work it do you?

You have failed to address the question

We are not talking about one person being able to work harder and earn more. We are talking about 100 million workers who need to earn more

Show me the economic data showing there are 100 million better paying jobs out there

Better paying than what?

And why does making more money necessarily mean having someone else provide a job for you?

There are countless ways to make extra money that do not involve working for someone else you know.
Reagan is dead and I never said anything about him

Ronnie was just another big government dupe pretending to be a small government guy

Try thinking out of your 2 dimensional pigeonhole once in a while.
Yet those "paying" have shifted the BURDEN down the rung the past 30+ years AS US debt has ALSO soared



Post all the charts you want but you still can't answer the question


You mean I must believe in the myths and fairy tales you do Bubba? PLEASE show ONE nation to EVER use your libertarian nonsense ANYWHERE at any time?

We created as UNION of the US which is a society. NO ONE ever did it on their own, no one!

Gov't policy matters Bubba

So you think you need the government's help to increase your income?

THAT is your problem not some rich guy you never met or never will.

How can the government increase my income?

I paid out over $12,000 in medical expenses last year. You don't see many people in other industrialized countries having to do that

They can provide lower cost educational expenses like other countries do

They can require working Americansto pay lower percentage of their income for government services and return rates for those making over $1 million a year to pay 50%

They can stop billionaires from paying a lower effective tax rate than I do
You all think taking more money from some rich guy will make your life easier.

It won't.

Only you can improve your situation but none of you want to you just want to piss and moan

Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would right wingers EVER have Bubba?

I'll not get into semantics with you. You can call them from the left or the right. They are still statists. They had to use the force of the gun to impose their will, making them no different than the tyrants of today's statists.


Most people would call you a loon if you wanted to say Lenin or Stalin was a "conservative." What a hoot. They tore down the old system and constructed a completely new one in it's place, using the force of the gun to redistribute and force people to do things the way the government and the elites thought best. But if you want to call them conservative, have at it. I don't give a shit.

The point is, in the new era of humankind, the only way we will ever have freedom is through a voluntary exchange of ideas, material and labor, and through freewill. Until then, corruption, graft, greed, and inequality will be the hallmarks of all government, whether cobbled together by right-wing coalitions or left wing coalitions. When you have to FORCE people to do things at the barrel of a gun, you know your system is bankrupt.

Stalin rule would be considered right wing extremism, just as the Nazis were right wing extremist.

ONE nation to EVER use your loon libertarian theory Bubba? lol
One nation to successfully use your bleeding heart socialist theory freeloader?

Again, MOST of Western Europe, the US, Japan, Australia, etc...
I'll not get into semantics with you. You can call them from the left or the right. They are still statists. They had to use the force of the gun to impose their will, making them no different than the tyrants of today's statists.


Most people would call you a loon if you wanted to say Lenin or Stalin was a "conservative." What a hoot. They tore down the old system and constructed a completely new one in it's place, using the force of the gun to redistribute and force people to do things the way the government and the elites thought best. But if you want to call them conservative, have at it. I don't give a shit.

The point is, in the new era of humankind, the only way we will ever have freedom is through a voluntary exchange of ideas, material and labor, and through freewill. Until then, corruption, graft, greed, and inequality will be the hallmarks of all government, whether cobbled together by right-wing coalitions or left wing coalitions. When you have to FORCE people to do things at the barrel of a gun, you know your system is bankrupt.

Stalin rule would be considered right wing extremism, just as the Nazis were right wing extremist.

ONE nation to EVER use your loon libertarian theory Bubba? lol
One nation to successfully use your bleeding heart socialist theory freeloader?

Again, MOST of Western Europe, the US, Japan, Australia, etc...

Maybe you missed the successful part. Any system that forces from one who earned and gives it to one that didn't is a failure from inception. It can't be successful.

OK, Bubba, I guess since the 40+ year war on US, the US has lost some of it's glory!

The only people that have lost their glory are those like you that can't take care of their own kids and demands someone else that is doing it for yours. I'm doing just fine and so are my kids. Seems you can't say the same.
Post all the charts you want but you still can't answer the question


You mean I must believe in the myths and fairy tales you do Bubba? PLEASE show ONE nation to EVER use your libertarian nonsense ANYWHERE at any time?

We created as UNION of the US which is a society. NO ONE ever did it on their own, no one!

Gov't policy matters Bubba

So you think you need the government's help to increase your income?

THAT is your problem not some rich guy you never met or never will.

How can the government increase my income?

I paid out over $12,000 in medical expenses last year. You don't see many people in other industrialized countries having to do that

They can provide lower cost educational expenses like other countries do

They can require working Americansto pay lower percentage of their income for government services and return rates for those making over $1 million a year to pay 50%

They can stop billionaires from paying a lower effective tax rate than I do
You all think taking more money from some rich guy will make your life easier.

It won't.

Only you can improve your situation but none of you want to you just want to piss and moan

Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would right wingers EVER have Bubba?

Without people like me, who would support your fucking kids?
Please, point to us some utopian socialist success story, do so. I'm waiting on pins and needles.

Methinks you are confused, the word used to describe the above arch conservatives is Dystopian. Why do I call them arch conservatives, here's why: An arch conservative is extremely averse to change, thus they rule by my way or the gas chamber.
I'll not get into semantics with you. You can call them from the left or the right. They are still statists. They had to use the force of the gun to impose their will, making them no different than the tyrants of today's statists.


Most people would call you a loon if you wanted to say Lenin or Stalin was a "conservative." What a hoot. They tore down the old system and constructed a completely new one in it's place, using the force of the gun to redistribute and force people to do things the way the government and the elites thought best. But if you want to call them conservative, have at it. I don't give a shit.

The point is, in the new era of humankind, the only way we will ever have freedom is through a voluntary exchange of ideas, material and labor, and through freewill. Until then, corruption, graft, greed, and inequality will be the hallmarks of all government, whether cobbled together by right-wing coalitions or left wing coalitions. When you have to FORCE people to do things at the barrel of a gun, you know your system is bankrupt.

How receptive to change do you think Lenin or Stalin were once they had power? Did they allow the people to have a say, in person to them or others or stand for reelection?

You claim we are forced by our government to do 'things' at the barrel of a gun, yet seem to have forgotten to give examples. Since I'm 67 and have never once been forced by the government to do anything at the barrel of a gun, I need some clarity. I also wonder about your limiting your wrath to government, when some of the most egregious attacks on our liberty exist in the private sector.

Government doesn't make a practice of polluting our air water and soil because it's profitable, or charging high interest rates and paying zero interest on deposits, or making up fees cause they can, or selling crap products, providing crap service and charging fees well above their value. When government seems to be invading our privacy, there is hell to pay; yet everyday the private sector mines the personal information form all of us.
How many able bodied enough to work do you know, who won't look for work & enjoy sleeping on the sidewalk or eating thrown away McDonald's fries and burgers? Your intolerance and lack of lack of empathy, a typical malady of today's conservatives, is disgusting (I bet you claim to be a patriot and a Christian).

Many of the able bodied are addled by schizophrenia or substance abuse (the failure of the war on drugs and conservative policy - Just say No!), and some suffer PTSD as well as alcohol or drug addictions and are veterans of the Gulf Wars or Vietnam.

I don't tolerate lazy, able bodied people nor do I have empathy for someone that can but won't work. Thinking I owe them something is the biggest fault of bleeding hearts such as yourself.

I claim to be a Christian and follow what the Bible says on that matter. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says that those who won't work, shall not eat. Perhaps you missed that part. As for those that can't work, you determine which ones they are and provide to them and I'll do the same. What I won't do is decide for you but you have no problem deciding for me.

My brother is a postal carrier who delivers to a Section 8 housing complex. He told me of a resident that claimed to be addled by a mental disease that prevented him from being able to function on a job because he had trouble remembering and concentrating. Interesting thing is my brother said he was the first one at the mailbox the day checks came in. Guess he's addled enough to not be able to earn his way but not addled enough to get the check from someone else working.

As far as substance abuse, I didn't force any of them to start drinking or do drunks. That means it's not my place to pay for their choices.

Gee, my neighbor's ex wife was told by her hairdresser that one of the hairdresser's colleagues told her that a conservative who comes in for pedicures said he once gave a homeless guy the shirt of his back. Of course the shirt said, "bums are bums an ought to be shot" on the front, and on the back a simple, "shoot me" inside a bulls eye.

So you doubt reality asshole? I don't owe a drug addict, alcoholic, or anyone else a damn thing in life. If you think they are owed something, give them YOUR money.



You seem to be the one thinking the Jesus taught that the government can mandate charity. Nothing He taught did that no matter how many times you claim He did.

One of the fundamental functions of any government is to provide public order. A government that cannot enforce the rule of law over its citizens cannot achieve its objectives. This is the underlying reason that Paul exhorted us to be subject to higher powers. The authorities that exist have been established by God to promote order. Romans 13:1 Paul warned us that to resist authority is to rebel against God. Romans 13:2. Paul continues to exhort Christians to pray for the government and pay their taxes.

Blessed are those whose governments look at the welfare of their people.

The Christian and the Government Authority obedience to government authorities support of government taxes Christian

You mean I must believe in the myths and fairy tales you do Bubba? PLEASE show ONE nation to EVER use your libertarian nonsense ANYWHERE at any time?

We created as UNION of the US which is a society. NO ONE ever did it on their own, no one!

Gov't policy matters Bubba

So you think you need the government's help to increase your income?

THAT is your problem not some rich guy you never met or never will.

How can the government increase my income?

I paid out over $12,000 in medical expenses last year. You don't see many people in other industrialized countries having to do that

They can provide lower cost educational expenses like other countries do

They can require working Americansto pay lower percentage of their income for government services and return rates for those making over $1 million a year to pay 50%

They can stop billionaires from paying a lower effective tax rate than I do
You all think taking more money from some rich guy will make your life easier.

It won't.

Only you can improve your situation but none of you want to you just want to piss and moan

Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would right wingers EVER have Bubba?

Without people like me, who would support your fucking kids?

Got it Bubba, you'll stick with the moocher vibe. Please, please lets go to why minority's should vote for the GOP, since you are doing such a good job for the poor voting for the GOP... lol

NEVER in my life have I seen such hatred of facts or critical thinking as I do from today's conservatives.
Like I said, you believe in myths and fairy tales and you can't see as a society how it works. I'm shocked. No really I am
Still won't answer the question, Corky?

Society works for people who work it.

You just don't want to work it do you?

You have failed to address the question

We are not talking about one person being able to work harder and earn more. We are talking about 100 million workers who need to earn more

Show me the economic data showing there are 100 million better paying jobs out there

Better paying than what?

And why does making more money necessarily mean having someone else provide a job for you?

There are countless ways to make extra money that do not involve working for someone else you know.
Reagan is dead and I never said anything about him

Ronnie was just another big government dupe pretending to be a small government guy

Try thinking out of your 2 dimensional pigeonhole once in a while.

ONE nation to EVER use your libertarian BS successfully? EVER? lol
You mean I must believe in the myths and fairy tales you do Bubba? PLEASE show ONE nation to EVER use your libertarian nonsense ANYWHERE at any time?

We created as UNION of the US which is a society. NO ONE ever did it on their own, no one!

Gov't policy matters Bubba

So you think you need the government's help to increase your income?

THAT is your problem not some rich guy you never met or never will.

How can the government increase my income?

I paid out over $12,000 in medical expenses last year. You don't see many people in other industrialized countries having to do that

They can provide lower cost educational expenses like other countries do

They can require working Americansto pay lower percentage of their income for government services and return rates for those making over $1 million a year to pay 50%

They can stop billionaires from paying a lower effective tax rate than I do
You all think taking more money from some rich guy will make your life easier.

It won't.

Only you can improve your situation but none of you want to you just want to piss and moan

Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would right wingers EVER have Bubba?

Without people like me, who would support your fucking kids?

Poor baby, does the whiner pay taxes and resent the fact that his money helps others? Well, why don't you simply read that bible of yours, you can cherry pick passages that make you feel avarice is a virtue and I can find some that make what you covet a deadly sin:

No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. (NIV, Matthew 6:24)
So you think you need the government's help to increase your income?

THAT is your problem not some rich guy you never met or never will.

How can the government increase my income?

I paid out over $12,000 in medical expenses last year. You don't see many people in other industrialized countries having to do that

They can provide lower cost educational expenses like other countries do

They can require working Americansto pay lower percentage of their income for government services and return rates for those making over $1 million a year to pay 50%

They can stop billionaires from paying a lower effective tax rate than I do
You all think taking more money from some rich guy will make your life easier.

It won't.

Only you can improve your situation but none of you want to you just want to piss and moan

Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would right wingers EVER have Bubba?

Without people like me, who would support your fucking kids?

Got it Bubba, you'll stick with the moocher vibe. Please, please lets go to why minority's should vote for the GOP, since you are doing such a good job for the poor voting for the GOP... lol

NEVER in my life have I seen such hatred of facts or critical thinking as I do from today's conservatives.

Anyone that demands another person meet the responsibility a parent has to his kids is a moocher.

If getting the vote of a bunch of freeloaders means pandering to them with another person's money, no thank. They aren't worth having.

Never in my life have I seen the mindset that one person owes another as with today's Liberals. I don't owe you or anyone else a damn thing simply because you don't have it including food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, etc. Buy it yourself or do without.

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