The Only Way To Deal With A Situation Like Orlando

I will wager you will get more people willing to rush a paint ball gun than you will to rush an AR-15. As someone else said....this is not the movies.

These people are delusional.

They actually believe what they see in a work of fiction movie.

If someone was going to rush a crazy person with a gun to stop them even though they aren't trained for it and don't have a gun, it would have happened by now.

The only time a crazy person with a gun is stopped is either when the police shoot them or they run out of bullets.

No one is going do what that conservative wants done.

That conservative doesn't even know the difference between a paint ball gun and an automatic weapon.

It's pathetic.
:bow3::bow3::bow3::bow3:These morons live in a fantasy world. And all talk this cowboy hero shit, from a safe place in thier homes. These congress bitches, talk safely while tax payers pay for their protection, as does Trump, who can afford a safe haven even after this is all the real world, we're left to deal with these crazy mf's who for what ever reason don't value life. You can't stop crazy mf's from killing people at random, but what we can do and must do as a nation, where Mass shootings are now the norm, is demand metal detectors for all public venues, ban assault weapons and make it harder for radical folk who clearly have no problems posting their bullshit, make it harder for these types to purchase guns.
Weren't you the Liberal whackjob that posted that gun thread, then stopped replying when someone proved you were blatantly ignorant and wrong? Oh, yeah, you were. He even provided statistics and reasoning for crime rates going down when everyone was armed. You should feel silly for carrying that outlook into this thread, even knowing you were proven wrong.

listen, you stupid ass a one on one occassion, yes having a gun is good....but show me one time ever when a mass shooter was stopped by someone carrying a fuckin gun.....otherwise shut the fuck up. And just for the record you stupid piece of these stats to the family members of those Sandy Hook parent, the Pulse night club parents, movie theater parents, school and university parents and then lets talk, you dumb fuck head!!

Hey...asswipe....I and others have posted many stories.....I posted a Medical Doctor, an Uber Driver and a Pastor who all stopped mass shooters with act like a normal human and be fucking polite.....

And of the 5 church shootings I have posted 3 of them had armed civilians who stopped shooters the other two.....unarmed people......

Armed people 2 deaths...

unarmed people 15 deaths...

you fucking asswipe.
Get the fuck outta here......Show me, where a mass shooting event in progress, where bodies are dropping like flies and some lone gun carrying hero emerges....dude, this preventive tale your telling is a just that a tale. Stopping someone in their tracks...happened another country and it was 3 american hero's that stopped it. This other shit, tales and I would bet my last dollar the shooter didn't have a semi.....prove me wrong fool~!!!
These people are delusional.

They actually believe what they see in a work of fiction movie.

If someone was going to rush a crazy person with a gun to stop them even though they aren't trained for it and don't have a gun, it would have happened by now.

The only time a crazy person with a gun is stopped is either when the police shoot them or they run out of bullets.

No one is going do what that conservative wants done.

That conservative doesn't even know the difference between a paint ball gun and an automatic weapon.

It's pathetic.
:bow3::bow3::bow3::bow3:These morons live in a fantasy world. And all talk this cowboy hero shit, from a safe place in thier homes. These congress bitches, talk safely while tax payers pay for their protection, as does Trump, who can afford a safe haven even after this is all the real world, we're left to deal with these crazy mf's who for what ever reason don't value life. You can't stop crazy mf's from killing people at random, but what we can do and must do as a nation, where Mass shootings are now the norm, is demand metal detectors for all public venues, ban assault weapons and make it harder for radical folk who clearly have no problems posting their bullshit, make it harder for these types to purchase guns.
Weren't you the Liberal whackjob that posted that gun thread, then stopped replying when someone proved you were blatantly ignorant and wrong? Oh, yeah, you were. He even provided statistics and reasoning for crime rates going down when everyone was armed. You should feel silly for carrying that outlook into this thread, even knowing you were proven wrong.

listen, you stupid ass a one on one occassion, yes having a gun is good....but show me one time ever when a mass shooter was stopped by someone carrying a fuckin gun.....otherwise shut the fuck up. And just for the record you stupid piece of these stats to the family members of those Sandy Hook parent, the Pulse night club parents, movie theater parents, school and university parents and then lets talk, you dumb fuck head!!
The theater, night club, and school were all no gun zones. Weird how most mass shootings happen in No Gun Zones. Are you pretending that having killed more than one person automatically makes you immune to a bullet in your brain? Are you also ignoring the post I linked you? Well, doing so does support your agenda, so of course you are.
Listen, this debate, this trying to justify gun ownership is nilly to me. I am a gun owner, I live in a SYG state and I own a gun. I do not however advocate semi automatics as part of this package. So lets just agree to disagree. I'm not bending and neither are you, so whats the point, eh?

Define Semi-Automatics please.....?
These people are delusional.

They actually believe what they see in a work of fiction movie.

If someone was going to rush a crazy person with a gun to stop them even though they aren't trained for it and don't have a gun, it would have happened by now.

The only time a crazy person with a gun is stopped is either when the police shoot them or they run out of bullets.

No one is going do what that conservative wants done.

That conservative doesn't even know the difference between a paint ball gun and an automatic weapon.

It's pathetic.
:bow3::bow3::bow3::bow3:These morons live in a fantasy world. And all talk this cowboy hero shit, from a safe place in thier homes. These congress bitches, talk safely while tax payers pay for their protection, as does Trump, who can afford a safe haven even after this is all the real world, we're left to deal with these crazy mf's who for what ever reason don't value life. You can't stop crazy mf's from killing people at random, but what we can do and must do as a nation, where Mass shootings are now the norm, is demand metal detectors for all public venues, ban assault weapons and make it harder for radical folk who clearly have no problems posting their bullshit, make it harder for these types to purchase guns.
Weren't you the Liberal whackjob that posted that gun thread, then stopped replying when someone proved you were blatantly ignorant and wrong? Oh, yeah, you were. He even provided statistics and reasoning for crime rates going down when everyone was armed. You should feel silly for carrying that outlook into this thread, even knowing you were proven wrong.

listen, you stupid ass a one on one occassion, yes having a gun is good....but show me one time ever when a mass shooter was stopped by someone carrying a fuckin gun.....otherwise shut the fuck up. And just for the record you stupid piece of these stats to the family members of those Sandy Hook parent, the Pulse night club parents, movie theater parents, school and university parents and then lets talk, you dumb fuck head!!
The theater, night club, and school were all no gun zones. Weird how most mass shootings happen in No Gun Zones. Are you pretending that having killed more than one person automatically makes you immune to a bullet in your brain? Are you also ignoring the post I linked you? Well, doing so does support your agenda, so of course you are.
Listen, this debate, this trying to justify gun ownership is nilly to me. I am a gun owner, I live in a SYG state and I own a gun. I do not however advocate semi automatics as part of this package. So lets just agree to disagree. I'm not bending and neither are you, so whats the point, eh?

Every mass shooting we have had could have been done with revolvers...or a shotgun.....and they will eventually work their way to wanting them banned too....
This may sound counter intuitive but the only way to save lives when a gunman opens fire in a crowd is for the crowd to collapse on them and take them down and never give them a chance to reload. No shooter would get off more than a few rounds if people were taught to respond in this manner.

You thoughts?

Well if they didn't have a magazine that held more than say 6 or 10 bullets maybe your theory might work.

But that's not reality in America. Here in America a person can have an assault weapon that kills large amounts of people in a matter of a few minutes. Large capacity magazines to ensure they kill a large amount of humans before they have to reload.

Here's a idea. Ban high capacity magazines.

Here's another idea. Ban assault weapons.

If this man had not had access to an assault weapon and high capacity magazine clips, none of this would have happened.

And don't tell me that can't be done. It was done in the 90s. The republicans allowed the ban to expire in the bush boy years and we've had countless mass murders since then.

By the way, democrats tried to ban weapons from terrorists and possible terrorists. The republicans filibustered the bill and killed it.

So when the republicans stop preventing common sense laws from being enacted, THEN I might take you all seriously about terrorism and mass murders.

Right now, you're part of the problem so nothing you all say or do means anything to me.
The muslim terrorist murdered people ONE AT A TIME OVER HOURS!
It has nothing do with having an assault weapon you fucking idiot! '
"None of this wouldn't have happened if he hadn't had an assault weapon"
Dear GOD you are so fucking delusional!
The only thing the gays had to defend themselves were a bunch of fucking feathered boas.
They keep wanting to prove that gun ownership causes murder rate to go down....yes it does. Thugs are less likely to walk up on a mf, break into your house, etc....HOWEVER, owning a fuckin gun, will never stop anyone in a public setting, caught completely off guard from a guy loaded with a fuckin semi that can kill over and over and over...the only fuckin way I see shit like that happening is if every walks around with a semi strapped to their backs...then we can talk happens a lot....when people actually have guns in an attack which is rare because anti gunners have made almost every public space a gun free killers have unarmed targets to murder...
:bow3::bow3::bow3::bow3:These morons live in a fantasy world. And all talk this cowboy hero shit, from a safe place in thier homes. These congress bitches, talk safely while tax payers pay for their protection, as does Trump, who can afford a safe haven even after this is all the real world, we're left to deal with these crazy mf's who for what ever reason don't value life. You can't stop crazy mf's from killing people at random, but what we can do and must do as a nation, where Mass shootings are now the norm, is demand metal detectors for all public venues, ban assault weapons and make it harder for radical folk who clearly have no problems posting their bullshit, make it harder for these types to purchase guns.
Weren't you the Liberal whackjob that posted that gun thread, then stopped replying when someone proved you were blatantly ignorant and wrong? Oh, yeah, you were. He even provided statistics and reasoning for crime rates going down when everyone was armed. You should feel silly for carrying that outlook into this thread, even knowing you were proven wrong.

listen, you stupid ass a one on one occassion, yes having a gun is good....but show me one time ever when a mass shooter was stopped by someone carrying a fuckin gun.....otherwise shut the fuck up. And just for the record you stupid piece of these stats to the family members of those Sandy Hook parent, the Pulse night club parents, movie theater parents, school and university parents and then lets talk, you dumb fuck head!!
The theater, night club, and school were all no gun zones. Weird how most mass shootings happen in No Gun Zones. Are you pretending that having killed more than one person automatically makes you immune to a bullet in your brain? Are you also ignoring the post I linked you? Well, doing so does support your agenda, so of course you are.
Listen, this debate, this trying to justify gun ownership is nilly to me. I am a gun owner, I live in a SYG state and I own a gun. I do not however advocate semi automatics as part of this package. So lets just agree to disagree. I'm not bending and neither are you, so whats the point, eh?

Every mass shooting we have had could have been done with revolvers...or a shotgun.....and they will eventually work their way to wanting them banned too....
No way, that security guard would have had a chance.
Weren't you the Liberal whackjob that posted that gun thread, then stopped replying when someone proved you were blatantly ignorant and wrong? Oh, yeah, you were. He even provided statistics and reasoning for crime rates going down when everyone was armed. You should feel silly for carrying that outlook into this thread, even knowing you were proven wrong.

listen, you stupid ass a one on one occassion, yes having a gun is good....but show me one time ever when a mass shooter was stopped by someone carrying a fuckin gun.....otherwise shut the fuck up. And just for the record you stupid piece of these stats to the family members of those Sandy Hook parent, the Pulse night club parents, movie theater parents, school and university parents and then lets talk, you dumb fuck head!!
The theater, night club, and school were all no gun zones. Weird how most mass shootings happen in No Gun Zones. Are you pretending that having killed more than one person automatically makes you immune to a bullet in your brain? Are you also ignoring the post I linked you? Well, doing so does support your agenda, so of course you are.
Listen, this debate, this trying to justify gun ownership is nilly to me. I am a gun owner, I live in a SYG state and I own a gun. I do not however advocate semi automatics as part of this package. So lets just agree to disagree. I'm not bending and neither are you, so whats the point, eh?

Every mass shooting we have had could have been done with revolvers...or a shotgun.....and they will eventually work their way to wanting them banned too....
No way, that security guard would have had a chance.
If he shoots him the moment he walks in, no he wouldn't. Everyone in there would also be sitting ducks, after.
Given proper military training...

... it might be possible, but...

.. you willin' to be the first to go unarmed...

... up against an AR-15?

If the crowd collapses on the shooter, the few hurried shots he gets off will be less accurate and he can't protect his back and flanks, I'm not saying single individuals should try to take them head on. If 40 rushed him at the same time from all angles he would be down in seconds. If you run, you just give them a clear field of fire where they can take time to aim.

Good luck convincing and coordinating all those people in a matter of seconds, and be prepared to be the first guy in and the first guy dead.

1. The first guy is already most likely dead. 2. The coordination would have already been accomplished by everyone having the same training. 3. A couple of folks might get shot taking him down, but it won't be a hundred or more, you understand that, right?
Given proper military training...

... it might be possible, but...

.. you willin' to be the first to go unarmed...

... up against an AR-15?
This may sound counter intuitive but the only way to save lives when a gunman opens fire in a crowd is for the crowd to collapse on them and take them down and never give them a chance to reload. No shooter would get off more than a few rounds if people were taught to respond in this manner.

You thoughts?
Or arm the victims to start with. It was a gun free zone.

Every police who responded to that murder that evening had a weapon.

It took ELEVEN highly trained police offers to stop and kill that man but you believe an untrained civilian who is partying will.

That's the problem with you people. YOU DON'T THINK.

Well dumb ass I could set up a demonstration with a paint ball gun and prove otherwise. You're the one not thinking.
I will wager you will get more people willing to rush a paint ball gun than you will to rush an AR-15. As someone else said....this is not the movies.

These people are delusional.

They actually believe what they see in a work of fiction movie.

If someone was going to rush a crazy person with a gun to stop them even though they aren't trained for it and don't have a gun, it would have happened by now.

The only time a crazy person with a gun is stopped is either when the police shoot them or they run out of bullets.

No one is going do what that conservative wants done.

That conservative doesn't even know the difference between a paint ball gun and an automatic weapon.

It's pathetic.

Oh boy, another idiot with zero comprehension skills.
Mebbe in Israel...

... where most of the populace is required to serve two years in the military...

... would there be the training to accomplish what you suggest...

... with some degree of success...

... but not here...

... especially with a crowd of liquored-up 'go-teams'.
This may sound counter intuitive but the only way to save lives when a gunman opens fire in a crowd is for the crowd to collapse on them and take them down and never give them a chance to reload. No shooter would get off more than a few rounds if people were taught to respond in this manner.

You thoughts?

It's a gay bar. This was the softest of all soft targets. Maybe the grade school at Sandy Hook was softer but not by much.

How many gay bars are there in the U S? 10,000? This lone wolf had a lot of choices and drove a long way to find one that offered no resistance.

There is no way to prevent this kind of attack. It is futile to think it possible. The terrorist made the most out of his suicide attack. Nobody in that kind of a situation is going to choose to take on the AR 15 unarmed especially the gay people. Even trained people will think twice before going after that kind of force with no weapons.

I think maybe the best way to save lives in a place like that club would be an alarm system and/or an alert DJ with a microphone that could turn off ALL of the music in the whole building and yell out instructions backed up with the door person having the same capability.

Also it wouldn't hurt to have many clear and accessible marked exists so the patrons and staff have somewhere to go immediately to get safely away from the gunman.

Well so much for being the land of the free and the home of the brave. I guess everyone should just follow your advice, just stand still and get shot. Maybe you should call your dear leader and tell him to have ISIS to come on in, America has been officially pussified and there will be no resistance.
This may sound counter intuitive but the only way to save lives when a gunman opens fire in a crowd is for the crowd to collapse on them and take them down and never give them a chance to reload. No shooter would get off more than a few rounds if people were taught to respond in this manner.

You thoughts?

Well if they didn't have a magazine that held more than say 6 or 10 bullets maybe your theory might work.

But that's not reality in America. Here in America a person can have an assault weapon that kills large amounts of people in a matter of a few minutes. Large capacity magazines to ensure they kill a large amount of humans before they have to reload.

Here's a idea. Ban high capacity magazines.

Here's another idea. Ban assault weapons.

If this man had not had access to an assault weapon and high capacity magazine clips, none of this would have happened.

And don't tell me that can't be done. It was done in the 90s. The republicans allowed the ban to expire in the bush boy years and we've had countless mass murders since then.

By the way, democrats tried to ban weapons from terrorists and possible terrorists. The republicans filibustered the bill and killed it.

So when the republicans stop preventing common sense laws from being enacted, THEN I might take you all seriously about terrorism and mass murders.

Right now, you're part of the problem so nothing you all say or do means anything to me.
The muslim terrorist murdered people ONE AT A TIME OVER HOURS!
It has nothing do with having an assault weapon you fucking idiot! '
"None of this wouldn't have happened if he hadn't had an assault weapon"
Dear GOD you are so fucking delusional!
The only thing the gays had to defend themselves were a bunch of fucking feathered boas.

Not true, they could have thrown chairs, cell phones, drinks and anything else they could get their hands on to distract him while they took him down.
Well dumb ass I could set up a demonstration with a paint ball gun and prove otherwise. You're the one not thinking.
I will wager you will get more people willing to rush a paint ball gun than you will to rush an AR-15. As someone else said....this is not the movies.

These people are delusional.

They actually believe what they see in a work of fiction movie.

If someone was going to rush a crazy person with a gun to stop them even though they aren't trained for it and don't have a gun, it would have happened by now.

The only time a crazy person with a gun is stopped is either when the police shoot them or they run out of bullets.

No one is going do what that conservative wants done.

That conservative doesn't even know the difference between a paint ball gun and an automatic weapon.

It's pathetic.
:bow3::bow3::bow3::bow3:These morons live in a fantasy world. And all talk this cowboy hero shit, from a safe place in thier homes. These congress bitches, talk safely while tax payers pay for their protection, as does Trump, who can afford a safe haven even after this is all the real world, we're left to deal with these crazy mf's who for what ever reason don't value life. You can't stop crazy mf's from killing people at random, but what we can do and must do as a nation, where Mass shootings are now the norm, is demand metal detectors for all public venues, ban assault weapons and make it harder for radical folk who clearly have no problems posting their bullshit, make it harder for these types to purchase guns.
Weren't you the Liberal whackjob that posted that gun thread, then stopped replying when someone proved you were blatantly ignorant and wrong? Oh, yeah, you were. He even provided statistics and reasoning for crime rates going down when everyone was armed. You should feel silly for carrying that outlook into this thread, even knowing you were proven wrong.

listen, you stupid ass a one on one occassion, yes having a gun is good....but show me one time ever when a mass shooter was stopped by someone carrying a fuckin gun.....otherwise shut the fuck up. And just for the record you stupid piece of these stats to the family members of those Sandy Hook parent, the Pulse night club parents, movie theater parents, school and university parents and then lets talk, you dumb fuck head!!

Google the Oregon mall shooter. After being confronted by a CHL civilian, the next shot he made was to suicide.
Given proper military training...

... it might be possible, but...

.. you willin' to be the first to go unarmed...

... up against an AR-15?

If the crowd collapses on the shooter, the few hurried shots he gets off will be less accurate and he can't protect his back and flanks, I'm not saying single individuals should try to take them head on. If 40 rushed him at the same time from all angles he would be down in seconds. If you run, you just give them a clear field of fire where they can take time to aim.

I was also thinking about the bull rush tactic where you bull rush the individual but you need a large group and some of you will most likely die.
Given proper military training...

... it might be possible, but...

.. you willin' to be the first to go unarmed...

... up against an AR-15?

If the crowd collapses on the shooter, the few hurried shots he gets off will be less accurate and he can't protect his back and flanks, I'm not saying single individuals should try to take them head on. If 40 rushed him at the same time from all angles he would be down in seconds. If you run, you just give them a clear field of fire where they can take time to aim.

I was also thinking about the bull rush tactic where you bull rush the individual but you need a large group and some of you will most likely die.

Duh, there were 300 people in that club, most already on their feet, the shooter could have been rushed from all sides and taken down in seconds.
Given proper military training...

... it might be possible, but...

.. you willin' to be the first to go unarmed...

... up against an AR-15?

If the crowd collapses on the shooter, the few hurried shots he gets off will be less accurate and he can't protect his back and flanks, I'm not saying single individuals should try to take them head on. If 40 rushed him at the same time from all angles he would be down in seconds. If you run, you just give them a clear field of fire where they can take time to aim.

I was also thinking about the bull rush tactic where you bull rush the individual but you need a large group and some of you will most likely die.

Duh, there were 300 people in that club, most already on their feet, the shooter could have been rushed from all sides and taken down in seconds.

You don't have to be a dick in your response and I was actually agreeing with you that you could have rushed him.

The only thing is most people are not trained that way and do not think that way, so you never know what will happen from time to time.

Now with that I will no longer respond to you...
Given proper military training...

... it might be possible, but...

.. you willin' to be the first to go unarmed...

... up against an AR-15?

If the crowd collapses on the shooter, the few hurried shots he gets off will be less accurate and he can't protect his back and flanks, I'm not saying single individuals should try to take them head on. If 40 rushed him at the same time from all angles he would be down in seconds. If you run, you just give them a clear field of fire where they can take time to aim.

I was also thinking about the bull rush tactic where you bull rush the individual but you need a large group and some of you will most likely die.

Duh, there were 300 people in that club, most already on their feet, the shooter could have been rushed from all sides and taken down in seconds.

You don't have to be a dick in your response and I was actually agreeing with you that you could have rushed him.

The only thing is most people are not trained that way and do not think that way, so you never know what will happen from time to time.

Now with that I will no longer respond to you...

Wasn't trying to be a dick, this whole thread is emphasizing the need for training our people, we can no longer be spectators, the game is now on our home turf and we have to start preparing people for that reality.
Do you really think a buncha sop-headed marshmellows...

... would have the wherewithal...

... to rush an assault-weapon armed assailant?

Get real.
Do you really think a buncha sop-head marshmellows...

... would have the wherewithal...

... to rush an assault-weapon armed assailant?

Get real.

If properly trained middle schoolers could do it successfully. I'm just loving all this American can do attitude I'm seeing.
This may sound counter intuitive but the only way to save lives when a gunman opens fire in a crowd is for the crowd to collapse on them and take them down and never give them a chance to reload. No shooter would get off more than a few rounds if people were taught to respond in this manner.

You thoughts?

It's a gay bar. This was the softest of all soft targets. Maybe the grade school at Sandy Hook was softer but not by much.

How many gay bars are there in the U S? 10,000? This lone wolf had a lot of choices and drove a long way to find one that offered no resistance.

There is no way to prevent this kind of attack. It is futile to think it possible. The terrorist made the most out of his suicide attack. Nobody in that kind of a situation is going to choose to take on the AR 15 unarmed especially the gay people. Even trained people will think twice before going after that kind of force with no weapons.

I think maybe the best way to save lives in a place like that club would be an alarm system and/or an alert DJ with a microphone that could turn off ALL of the music in the whole building and yell out instructions backed up with the door person having the same capability.

Also it wouldn't hurt to have many clear and accessible marked exists so the patrons and staff have somewhere to go immediately to get safely away from the gunman.

Well so much for being the land of the free and the home of the brave. I guess everyone should just follow your advice, just stand still and get shot. Maybe you should call your dear leader and tell him to have ISIS to come on in, America has been officially pussified and there will be no resistance.

Where in my post did I suggest "just standing there"? Clearing the building asap is the only reasonable approach for unarmed people to minimize damage. An immediate loud and clear warning could help as many in the Gay Bar were confused and didn't have any direction given as to where the threat was. We are all just spit balling possible ways to have reduced the carnage but we were not there. That includes you.
This may sound counter intuitive but the only way to save lives when a gunman opens fire in a crowd is for the crowd to collapse on them and take them down and never give them a chance to reload. No shooter would get off more than a few rounds if people were taught to respond in this manner.

You thoughts?

It's a gay bar. This was the softest of all soft targets. Maybe the grade school at Sandy Hook was softer but not by much.

How many gay bars are there in the U S? 10,000? This lone wolf had a lot of choices and drove a long way to find one that offered no resistance.

There is no way to prevent this kind of attack. It is futile to think it possible. The terrorist made the most out of his suicide attack. Nobody in that kind of a situation is going to choose to take on the AR 15 unarmed especially the gay people. Even trained people will think twice before going after that kind of force with no weapons.

I think maybe the best way to save lives in a place like that club would be an alarm system and/or an alert DJ with a microphone that could turn off ALL of the music in the whole building and yell out instructions backed up with the door person having the same capability.

Also it wouldn't hurt to have many clear and accessible marked exists so the patrons and staff have somewhere to go immediately to get safely away from the gunman.

Well so much for being the land of the free and the home of the brave. I guess everyone should just follow your advice, just stand still and get shot. Maybe you should call your dear leader and tell him to have ISIS to come on in, America has been officially pussified and there will be no resistance.

Where in my post did I suggest "just standing there"? Clearing the building asap is the only reasonable approach for unarmed people to minimize damage. An immediate loud and clear warning could help as many in the Gay Bar were confused and didn't have any direction given as to where the threat was. We are all just spit balling possible ways to have reduced the carnage but we were not there. That includes you.

Of course people are too stupid, according to you regressives, to protect themselves and take the initiative away from the shooter. What a poor pathetic person you must be. I'm advocating training people form middle school on up to do exactly that and save lives, not run and likely be shot in the back. If even 10 people had charged him while throwing anything they could get their hands on to disrupt him, he could have been taken down with minimal injuries and deaths in seconds. People just have to be taught the technique.

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