The Oregon casualty list had just started. Already high in British Columbia

Sooooooo, it's going to be 105 for the rest of the summer and next year too?
Most of the Western United States is in some degree of drought. Normal temperatures with that would be bad. We have had above normal, and very much above normal temperatures for most of the year. All over the west we are seeing farmers unable to plant or grow a crop because of the drought. We just had major agricultural damage from 3 day of extreme heat in the Willamette Valley. Even Christmas tree farmers having damage to their trees from the heat. Of course, you reply with some ridiculous idiocy. Only to be expected.
I was in Californication just last year, and with all those wild fires the Governor was just an incompetent fool on how to deal with such events. Southern Cal was a desert before MAN got there, but with canals and diverting water to that area, Southern Cal has dried up again, and when you remove that water, it doesnt show up in other areas. So you can thank a prog for what is going on out there, with 60 deaths under Joe Bidens far.
You just keep posting dumber and dumber. Oregon had a major fire season last year. And we are now drier than we were this time last year. In fact, every western state had a bad fire season last year. Your stupidity only flies with other room temperature IQ's like yours.
You who still live in that place where the temperature is rising(as you keep harping on) are the idiot just like the frog being put in a boiling pot. Instead of getting out, you will just stay there and roast. And you call me an idiot...

The current heat wave is taking, and has taken, a huge toll in the Pacific Northwest. And we are just beginning the hot period of summer.
It is unusual to have this kind of heat there. No ac units at the hardware store either. Or the electricity to run all the possible units.
Find a nice shade tree if you don't have a lake, pond, river, etc. and spend a little of that stimulus money for your own source. Its a cruel ole world out there when the weather gets hot and you have no air conditioner.

kiddie pool.PNG
The current heat wave is taking, and has taken, a huge toll in the Pacific Northwest. And we are just beginning the hot period of summer.
Since Joe Biden is President, it must be his deaths.....and how many more? I think i will start a statistic just like the progs did with the Kung Flu...

so far 60 deaths are attributed to Joe Biden being president.
They didn't rake the forests like they were advised to...or something...I can't keep up any more.
The current heat wave is taking, and has taken, a huge toll in the Pacific Northwest. And we are just beginning the hot period of summer.
Since Joe Biden is President, it must be his deaths.....and how many more? I think i will start a statistic just like the progs did with the Kung Flu...

so far 60 deaths are attributed to Joe Biden being president.
You're an idiot.
Sooooooo, it's going to be 105 for the rest of the summer and next year too?
Most of the Western United States is in some degree of drought. Normal temperatures with that would be bad. We have had above normal, and very much above normal temperatures for most of the year. All over the west we are seeing farmers unable to plant or grow a crop because of the drought. We just had major agricultural damage from 3 day of extreme heat in the Willamette Valley. Even Christmas tree farmers having damage to their trees from the heat. Of course, you reply with some ridiculous idiocy. Only to be expected.
I was in Californication just last year, and with all those wild fires the Governor was just an incompetent fool on how to deal with such events. Southern Cal was a desert before MAN got there, but with canals and diverting water to that area, Southern Cal has dried up again, and when you remove that water, it doesnt show up in other areas. So you can thank a prog for what is going on out there, with 60 deaths under Joe Bidens far.
It is so obvious you never passed science in grammar school.
The current heat wave is taking, and has taken, a huge toll in the Pacific Northwest. And we are just beginning the hot period of summer.
Shame they got rid of Freon. That stuff could cool down even in the most extreme heat. Thank a prog for those deaths, who got rid of Freon.
Shame you never made it past 8th grade.
Bwaaaahhhhaaaaa.......I am still working towards my masters degree in the greatest school of all...You on the other hand, are just a retarded progressive slave....Who must have MSNBC think for you.

A degree in master bation?
Old Rocks

Should I start pointing fingers at leftist who howled with glee when the power went out in Texas due to extreme cold?
Ha!!! I hope they all die from heat exhaustion. Is that how it works?
No, I don't. All I saw was a lot of people wondering why, 2011, Texas did not harden their grid for winter? We did laugh our asses off about them tying their lack of preparation to their "Freedom" from federal regulations.
HereWeGoAgain It happened on a shorter, smaller scale in 2011. And now it happened in 2021. And there is no reason why a similar weather pattern will not cause it to happen again. What we are seeing is exactly what the climate scientists predicted. But your ignorant political views will not let you admit that.
Old Rocks

Should I start pointing fingers at leftist who howled with glee when the power went out in Texas due to extreme cold?
Ha!!! I hope they all die from heat exhaustion. Is that how it works?
No, I don't. All I saw was a lot of people wondering why, 2011, Texas did not harden their grid for winter? We did laugh our asses off about them tying their lack of preparation to their "Freedom" from federal regulations.

What happened in 2011?
I dont recall having any problems whatsoever.
HereWeGoAgain It happened on a shorter, smaller scale in 2011. And now it happened in 2021. And there is no reason why a similar weather pattern will not cause it to happen again. What we are seeing is exactly what the climate scientists predicted. But your ignorant political views will not let you admit that.

Yet droughts have been happening in the southwest for millions of years.
The current heat wave is taking, and has taken, a huge toll in the Pacific Northwest. And we are just beginning the hot period of summer.
Shame they got rid of Freon. That stuff could cool down even in the most extreme heat. Thank a prog for those deaths, who got rid of Freon.
Now that is about a stupid a comment as I have seen today. None of my air conditioners have freon, and I did just fine during this heat wave. The problem in most of the Pacific Northwest is that people don't have air conditioners because we seldom need them.
The problem in most of the Pacific Northwest is that people don't have air conditioners because we seldom need them.
I live down here in Florida and you would think that down here people wouldnt need heaters since it is HOT here most of the time. But, and progressives always have big butts, we arent stupid like those progs because every once in a while it gets so cold down here, it can actually snow. We prepare for the worst even though it might not happen. Must suck to be a prog slave...
Dumb fuck, your "Conservative" state of Texas failed so badly to prepare for winter that over 700 citizens died of that failure.

The number wasn't 700. It was more like 111.

At least 111 people died in Texas during winter storm, most from hypothermia
The current heat wave is taking, and has taken, a huge toll in the Pacific Northwest. And we are just beginning the hot period of summer.
It is unusual to have this kind of heat there. No ac units at the hardware store either. Or the electricity to run all the possible units.

That "unusual" heat wave was primarily caused by chinook winds off the West Cascade Range slope, coupled with upper thermal low in California moving north.
Sooooooo, it's going to be 105 for the rest of the summer and next year too?
Most of the Western United States is in some degree of drought. Normal temperatures with that would be bad. We have had above normal, and very much above normal temperatures for most of the year. All over the west we are seeing farmers unable to plant or grow a crop because of the drought. We just had major agricultural damage from 3 day of extreme heat in the Willamette Valley. Even Christmas tree farmers having damage to their trees from the heat. Of course, you reply with some ridiculous idiocy. Only to be expected.
I was in Californication just last year, and with all those wild fires the Governor was just an incompetent fool on how to deal with such events. Southern Cal was a desert before MAN got there, but with canals and diverting water to that area, Southern Cal has dried up again, and when you remove that water, it doesnt show up in other areas. So you can thank a prog for what is going on out there, with 60 deaths under Joe Bidens far.
You just keep posting dumber and dumber. Oregon had a major fire season last year. And we are now drier than we were this time last year. In fact, every western state had a bad fire season last year. Your stupidity only flies with other room temperature IQ's like yours.
Move if you don't like it

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