The Oregon casualty list had just started. Already high in British Columbia

The current heat wave is taking, and has taken, a huge toll in the Pacific Northwest. And we are just beginning the hot period of summer.

That is sad new indeed, but largely preventable:

"Of that total, 45 people in Multnomah County lost their lives due to extremely high temperatures over the weekend, the county’s medical examiner said Wednesday. Many of those who died were found alone, without air conditioning or a fan. Multnomah County Health Officer Dr. Jennifer Vines while she knew the triple-digit highs were deadly, nothing could prepare her to hear the preliminary death county."

A/C or Fan can make a lot of difference.


Your thread title is overblown and the heat wave has ended in Western Washington:

The current heat wave is taking, and has taken, a huge toll in the Pacific Northwest

No, less than 300 people die out of a 13.6 MILLION population base.

It was hotter in Eastern Washington and Oregon........, very few died.

You are clearly stupid.
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HereWeGoAgain It happened on a shorter, smaller scale in 2011. And now it happened in 2021. And there is no reason why a similar weather pattern will not cause it to happen again. What we are seeing is exactly what the climate scientists predicted. But your ignorant political views will not let you admit that.

It was about the COLDEST weather on Record in Texas that caused the system fail, standard winter weather wouldn't have cause any problems. The same in the hottest weather on record in the Pacific NW, caused a few hundred deaths in a 13+ Million population base.

It is true you have a big college degree in your back pocket?

You are so shallow a thinker.......
So you have the homos parading around Seattle this week during hellish temperatures....

Coincidence? :abgg2q.jpg:
Sooooooo, it's going to be 105 for the rest of the summer and next year too?
Most of the Western United States is in some degree of drought. Normal temperatures with that would be bad. We have had above normal, and very much above normal temperatures for most of the year. All over the west we are seeing farmers unable to plant or grow a crop because of the drought. We just had major agricultural damage from 3 day of extreme heat in the Willamette Valley. Even Christmas tree farmers having damage to their trees from the heat. Of course, you reply with some ridiculous idiocy. Only to be expected.
That is odd because I live in the PNW and our spring was rather cooler than normal. I think you are speaking of your area of the west, not mine.
The current heat wave is taking, and has taken, a huge toll in the Pacific Northwest. And we are just beginning the hot period of summer.
Shame they got rid of Freon. That stuff could cool down even in the most extreme heat. Thank a prog for those deaths, who got rid of Freon.
Now that is about a stupid a comment as I have seen today. None of my air conditioners have freon, and I did just fine during this heat wave. The problem in most of the Pacific Northwest is that people don't have air conditioners because we seldom need them.
The problem in most of the Pacific Northwest is that people don't have air conditioners because we seldom need them.
I live down here in Florida and you would think that down here people wouldnt need heaters since it is HOT here most of the time. But, and progressives always have big butts, we arent stupid like those progs because every once in a while it gets so cold down here, it can actually snow. We prepare for the worst even though it might not happen. Must suck to be a prog slave...
Dumb fuck, your "Conservative" state of Texas failed so badly to prepare for winter that over 700 citizens died of that failure.
Why did you lie?

Tax Man

It's obvious you cant pass a common sense test.
I left common sense years ago when I started my second masters degree in science. Since then most of the conservative thinking i read is just babble about lies and wannabees.
some time ago you said you were a retired guy who used to do was that bullshit?...

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