The original "Rocky" movie.

Ricky was a great fantasy movie that played to the fantasy that maybe you have a lucrative talent that you never had the opportunity and the incentive to develop, but if you get both you will be an over night sensation.

A movie is beneficial if it teaches people how to behave in the world. The Rocky movies are beneficial because Rocky has an an appealing personality that works for people in many circumstances in life. Rocky Balboa is friendly, unassuming, and easy to like. He would make a good boss, and a good subordinate and co worker.

Compare that with Clint Eastwood in the Dirty Harry movies. Dirty Harry treats his boss with open contempt, but he gets away with it because he is very good at what he does for a living.

In one of the Dirty Harry movies Harry tells his boss, "You are a good man, lieutenant. A good man is aware of his limitations." Try saying that to your boss, and see if you have a job the next day.

I used to like the Clint Eastwood movies myself, but they do not teach young men what they need to know and how to behave. We are not so good at what we do that we can get away with everything else. Most of us face problems that cannot be solved with several shots from a revolver. We have to pander to our bosses even if we don't like them.
Ricky was a great fantasy movie that played to the fantasy that maybe you have a lucrative talent that you never had the opportunity and the incentive to develop, but if you get both you will be an over night sensation.

A movie is beneficial if it teaches people how to behave in the world. The Rocky movies are beneficial because Rocky has an an appealing personality that works for people in many circumstances in life. Rocky Balboa is friendly, unassuming, and easy to like. He would make a good boss, and a good subordinate and co worker.

Compare that with Clint Eastwood in the Dirty Harry movies. Dirty Harry treats his boss with open contempt, but he gets away with it because he is very good at what he does for a living.

In one of the Dirty Harry movies Harry tells his boss, "You are a good man, lieutenant. A good man is aware of his limitations." Try saying that to your boss, and see if you have a job the next day.

I used to like the Clint Eastwood movies myself, but they do not teach young men what they need to know and how to behave. We are not so good at what we do that we can get away with everything else. Most of us face problems that cannot be solved with several shots from a revolver. We have to pander to our bosses even if we don't like them.
I don't see movies as being particular beneficial in teaching people how to behave in the real world because the characters are usually 2 dimension characters who are totally unrealistic. Dirty Harry would be weeded out long before he got a badge. Rocky, although inspiring certainly is not realistic.

The purpose of movie characters is to entertain which certain has value. Many studies have shown that movie and TV characters only become role models to children when they are deprived of any real role modes in their life such as parents, teachers, and friends they look up to.

Fictitious characters in movies usually have strong but limited character traits. Does Dirty Harry ever empathise with criminals as most real policemen do at one time or another? Does Dirty Harry ever become uncynical in dealing with his superiors? Does he every believe that violence may not be the best course of action in dealing with criminals? Does he feel the typical emotions of humans? If we look closely at this character we will see he is very shallow. He holds a few totally intractable beliefs. This makes for an attractive character for some people in a movie setting but totally unrealistic in real life which is why such a character is rejected as a role modes. They are just not real.
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One of my classes has been doing a unit on Success & Failure. We have been working through some readings by researchers looking into the elements that influence each. To support this (and to give the kids a little break) I recently showed them Rocky and Rocky II. We will be writing essays next week analyzing both.
One of my classes has been doing a unit on Success & Failure. We have been working through some readings by researchers looking into the elements that influence each. To support this (and to give the kids a little break) I recently showed them Rocky and Rocky II. We will be writing essays next week analyzing both.
That sounds interesting.
One of my classes has been doing a unit on Success & Failure. We have been working through some readings by researchers looking into the elements that influence each. To support this (and to give the kids a little break) I recently showed them Rocky and Rocky II. We will be writing essays next week analyzing both.
Creation and analysis of characters can be interesting. Most characters in movies and fiction tend to be one dimensional. Every so often you see a movie character that is multifaceted and really interesting.

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