The original Tea Party was an act of terrorism.

You mean like Democrats saying "The GOP is going to shut down Social Security!!!"?

I was actually thinking of how the Republican Party and its fellow travelers - like you dave - use fear to achieve political goals.
The GOP does hope to dismantle SS and Medicare as well as privatize as much as possible. That's not fear mongering or terrorisim, that's simply a policy geared towards their base, the few, the wealthy and the greedy.
That said, Gov. Brewer, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congressional Leadership use fear to terrorize the less bright Americans to garner their votes to help the base; those who take the bait, you Dave and other echo chamber members, simply repeat the propaganda, half-truths and damn lies of the non-violent terrorists which make-up the new right today.
Red baiting, claiming anyone center-left is a "Marxist" or "Socialist" or hates America - it's all bull shit but people like you believe it and repeat it over and over. In a strange way it is funny how stupid the rhetoric which 'your kind' believes.

and the democrats don't? is that your final answer? really?

My final answer? Nope, I have more answers, do you my fowl feathered friend have more questions?
If not, please enlighten me. What do the Democrats do which mirrors red baiting? Have Democrats invented terms simply for the emotional impact (Islamo-Fascists), or claim the Republicans hope to destroy our economy, or hate America?
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I was actually thinking of how the Republican Party and its fellow travelers - like you dave - use fear to achieve political goals.
The GOP does hope to dismantle SS and Medicare as well as privatize as much as possible. That's not fear mongering or terrorisim, that's simply a policy geared towards their base, the few, the wealthy and the greedy.
That said, Gov. Brewer, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congressional Leadership use fear to terrorize the less bright Americans to garner their votes to help the base; those who take the bait, you Dave and other echo chamber members, simply repeat the propaganda, half-truths and damn lies of the non-violent terrorists which make-up the new right today.
Red baiting, claiming anyone center-left is a "Marxist" or "Socialist" or hates America - it's all bull shit but people like you believe it and repeat it over and over. In a strange way it is funny how stupid the rhetoric which 'your kind' believes.

and the democrats don't? is that your final answer? really?

My final answer? Nope, I have more answers, do you my fowl feathered friend have more questions?
If not, please enlighten me. What do the Democrats do which mirrors red baiting? Have Democrats invented terms simply for the emotional impact (Islamo-Fascists), or claim the Republicans hope to destroy our economy, or hate America?

i suggest you watch any of the fearmongering political ads put out by democratic incumbents this year. privatization of SS seems to be a favorite topic, but i'm sure there are others. a look at the nevada senatorial race would also be instructive, assuming that one can see things objectively.

your mistake is in ascribing the negative only to the republicans. the democrats are just as guilty of this behavior, and both parties have done us a great disservice thereby. Lie-ability has cut and run after once again posting partisan bull with an arrogant twist, and getting it stuffed right back at him; and after getting down with my fowl feathered friend, he too seems to have flown the coop.
Shocking. Lie-ability has cut and run after once again posting partisan bull with an arrogant twist, and getting it stuffed right back at him; and after getting down with my fowl feathered friend, he too seems to have flown the coop.

not as shocking as the sudden deterioration of your eyesight, ace.

They threw tea into the water. No one was killed or injured.

Calling them "terrorists" seems kinda silly.

so mailing envelopes of harmless white powder to congress would not be terrorism?
It was a terrorist act.

Or putting a fake bomb in a school would not be terrorism?

How is putting a fake bomb in a school anything like throwing tea in the water in protest of tyranny?

Were children being threatened? Was anyone being threatened? Do you suppose anyone felt "scared" by the fact that the tea was dumped overboard?

Fucking idiot. You deserve a tyrannical government.

You know I wonder what really did happen there?
The history we are taught was written by the victors.
It seems like they would have had at least some guards for the ships full of valuable cargo?

Violence is required OR the THREAT of violence to instill fear into a population to compel a government to do the bidding of the terrorist.

Without violence or the threat of violence, what would instill such abject fear (sufficient to be called "terror") into the population?

Don't you ever tire of being wrong?


clearly he doesn't.

McCain was almost too nice of a guy to be a right winger.
And the powers that were reacted to the original Tea Partiers in much the same way as have the powers that be.

In that context, Democrat Party = King George and the Torries.

Strange days indeed.

What do the Republicans that oppose the Tea Party Candidates represent?


There aren't many Native Americans left today.:(
Must terrorism be violent? Isn't a policy of instilling fear into a population a form of terrorism?


Violence is required OR the THREAT of violence to instill fear into a population to compel a government to do the bidding of the terrorist.

Without violence or the threat of violence, what would instill such abject fear (sufficient to be called "terror") into the population?

Don't you ever tire of being wrong?


I wouldn't know. Unlike you, on this matter, I have not been wrong. You have.

I cannot make you (or Jilly) grasp that words have actual meaning. You are libs, and so this notion offends you.

But still, it's true.

Oh, and sight unseen, your link to a video of something said by McCain is bound to be unpersuasive. I am not bound by things said by Sen. Mccain. He was wrong in McCain/Foolsgold. And to the extent his effort to define "terrorism" differs from mine, then he's wrong on that too. Why? Because words do have actual meaning.
and the democrats don't? is that your final answer? really?

My final answer? Nope, I have more answers, do you my fowl feathered friend have more questions?
If not, please enlighten me. What do the Democrats do which mirrors red baiting? Have Democrats invented terms simply for the emotional impact (Islamo-Fascists), or claim the Republicans hope to destroy our economy, or hate America?

i suggest you watch any of the fearmongering political ads put out by democratic incumbents this year. privatization of SS seems to be a favorite topic, but i'm sure there are others. a look at the nevada senatorial race would also be instructive, assuming that one can see things objectively.

your mistake is in ascribing the negative only to the republicans. the democrats are just as guilty of this behavior, and both parties have done us a great disservice thereby.

Yikes. Mea culpa - I thunk you'd punked (out).

In kind, but not in degree. Of course the ads I see are mostly local - as in state campaigns; nothing could be as negative as Whitman's though. She went all negative against her Republican opponent in the primary and went after Brown with ads both negative and false.
As for Carly, the R Senate darling, she even went after Boxer's hairstyle. Given your picture I'm sure you must find such attacks beyond the scope of civility.

I agree negative ads suck and do a disservice to the American voter, as well as dumb down the entire process. Maybe it's perspective, but I find the Republican message ALL hate and fear - they offer nothing but unproven axioms as if true for the ages and no proactive policies.
My final answer? Nope, I have more answers, do you my fowl feathered friend have more questions?
If not, please enlighten me. What do the Democrats do which mirrors red baiting? Have Democrats invented terms simply for the emotional impact (Islamo-Fascists), or claim the Republicans hope to destroy our economy, or hate America?

i suggest you watch any of the fearmongering political ads put out by democratic incumbents this year. privatization of SS seems to be a favorite topic, but i'm sure there are others. a look at the nevada senatorial race would also be instructive, assuming that one can see things objectively.

your mistake is in ascribing the negative only to the republicans. the democrats are just as guilty of this behavior, and both parties have done us a great disservice thereby.

Yikes. Mea culpa - I thunk you'd punked (out).

In kind, but not in degree. Of course the ads I see are mostly local - as in state campaigns; nothing could be as negative as Whitman's though. She went all negative against her Republican opponent in the primary and went after Brown with ads both negative and false.
As for Carly, the R Senate darling, she even went after Boxer's hairstyle. Given your picture I'm sure you must find such attacks beyond the scope of civility.

I agree negative ads suck and do a disservice to the American voter, as well as dumb down the entire process. Maybe it's perspective, but I find the Republican message ALL hate and fear - they offer nothing but unproven axioms as if true for the ages and no proactive policies.

they've offered as many proactive policies as the dems; you just don't like them, which is fine by me. i'm not particularly enamored of either party. i try to vote for people rather than party, but nine times out of ten, they get to washington or the state capital and become what they railed against- part of the machine.

Violence is required OR the THREAT of violence to instill fear into a population to compel a government to do the bidding of the terrorist.

Without violence or the threat of violence, what would instill such abject fear (sufficient to be called "terror") into the population?

Don't you ever tire of being wrong?


I wouldn't know. Unlike you, on this matter, I have not been wrong. You have.

I cannot make you (or Jilly) grasp that words have actual meaning. You are libs, and so this notion offends you.

But still, it's true.

Oh, and sight unseen, your link to a video of something said by McCain is bound to be unpersuasive. I am not bound by things said by Sen. Mccain. He was wrong in McCain/Foolsgold. And to the extent his effort to define "terrorism" differs from mine, then he's wrong on that too. Why? Because words do have actual meaning.

Nice spin. Yes, words have meaning and an emotional impact - and, you and I (and everyone else) knows it was not one statement made by John McCain which created, 'he's a, ah, an Arab!"
It was the result of a planned, intentional campaign to create an environment of hate and fear. Words over the airways from Limbaugh and Hannity, O'Reilly and dozens of other RW broadcasters; and from the mouths of Palin and Gingrich and Boehner and McConnell and the Reactionary forces of the contemporary RW in America. Same hate and fear rhetoric, same propaganda, same half-truths and lies.

I wouldn't know. Unlike you, on this matter, I have not been wrong. You have.

I cannot make you (or Jilly) grasp that words have actual meaning. You are libs, and so this notion offends you.

But still, it's true.

Oh, and sight unseen, your link to a video of something said by McCain is bound to be unpersuasive. I am not bound by things said by Sen. Mccain. He was wrong in McCain/Foolsgold. And to the extent his effort to define "terrorism" differs from mine, then he's wrong on that too. Why? Because words do have actual meaning.

Nice spin. Yes, words have meaning and an emotional impact - and, you and I (and everyone else) knows it was not one statement made by John McCain which created, 'he's a, ah, an Arab!"
It was the result of a planned, intentional campaign to create an environment of hate and fear. Words over the airways from Limbaugh and Hannity, O'Reilly and dozens of other RW broadcasters; and from the mouths of Palin and Gingrich and Boehner and McConnell and the Reactionary forces of the contemporary RW in America. Same hate and fear rhetoric, same propaganda, same half-truths and lies.

IIRC, it was the clinton campaign that spread the photo of obama in traditional garb. that's my first recollection of anyone "claiming" he was a closet muslim. the others ran with it
i suggest you watch any of the fearmongering political ads put out by democratic incumbents this year. privatization of SS seems to be a favorite topic, but i'm sure there are others. a look at the nevada senatorial race would also be instructive, assuming that one can see things objectively.

your mistake is in ascribing the negative only to the republicans. the democrats are just as guilty of this behavior, and both parties have done us a great disservice thereby.

Yikes. Mea culpa - I thunk you'd punked (out).

In kind, but not in degree. Of course the ads I see are mostly local - as in state campaigns; nothing could be as negative as Whitman's though. She went all negative against her Republican opponent in the primary and went after Brown with ads both negative and false.
As for Carly, the R Senate darling, she even went after Boxer's hairstyle. Given your picture I'm sure you must find such attacks beyond the scope of civility.

I agree negative ads suck and do a disservice to the American voter, as well as dumb down the entire process. Maybe it's perspective, but I find the Republican message ALL hate and fear - they offer nothing but unproven axioms as if true for the ages and no proactive policies.

they've offered as many proactive policies as the dems; you just don't like them, which is fine by me. i'm not particularly enamored of either party. i try to vote for people rather than party, but nine times out of ten, they get to washington or the state capital and become what they railed against- part of the machine.

Proactive policies from the contemporary Republicans? I'm surprised, I'm hearing cut taxes, cut regulations, repeal healthcare and Wall Street reform, stepback and get out of the way and let the 'markets' rule.
Please, enlighten me.

I wouldn't know. Unlike you, on this matter, I have not been wrong. You have.

I cannot make you (or Jilly) grasp that words have actual meaning. You are libs, and so this notion offends you.

But still, it's true.

Oh, and sight unseen, your link to a video of something said by McCain is bound to be unpersuasive. I am not bound by things said by Sen. Mccain. He was wrong in McCain/Foolsgold. And to the extent his effort to define "terrorism" differs from mine, then he's wrong on that too. Why? Because words do have actual meaning.

Nice spin. Yes, words have meaning and an emotional impact - and, you and I (and everyone else) knows it was not one statement made by John McCain which created, 'he's a, ah, an Arab!"
It was the result of a planned, intentional campaign to create an environment of hate and fear. Words over the airways from Limbaugh and Hannity, O'Reilly and dozens of other RW broadcasters; and from the mouths of Palin and Gingrich and Boehner and McConnell and the Reactionary forces of the contemporary RW in America. Same hate and fear rhetoric, same propaganda, same half-truths and lies.

Wrong again.

People react to a variety of things, including inappropriate things like outbursts of prejudice, etc.

But that has literally nothing at all to do with the proper definition of "terrorism."

If your daffynition had any substance, then the American people might be "terrorized" by "window treatments" that clash with a room's wall color (after watching too many gay guys on the House and Garden network). Thankfully, that is not the actual definition of terrorism.

The question remains: is an act of violence or the threat of an act of violence needed for something to be properly called "terrorism?" And the answer is "yes."

If you wanted to just spout off about Hannity and Limbaugh, you didn't need to resort to a bogus definition of "terrorism" to do that.
Yikes. Mea culpa - I thunk you'd punked (out).

In kind, but not in degree. Of course the ads I see are mostly local - as in state campaigns; nothing could be as negative as Whitman's though. She went all negative against her Republican opponent in the primary and went after Brown with ads both negative and false.
As for Carly, the R Senate darling, she even went after Boxer's hairstyle. Given your picture I'm sure you must find such attacks beyond the scope of civility.

I agree negative ads suck and do a disservice to the American voter, as well as dumb down the entire process. Maybe it's perspective, but I find the Republican message ALL hate and fear - they offer nothing but unproven axioms as if true for the ages and no proactive policies.

they've offered as many proactive policies as the dems; you just don't like them, which is fine by me. i'm not particularly enamored of either party. i try to vote for people rather than party, but nine times out of ten, they get to washington or the state capital and become what they railed against- part of the machine.

Proactive policies from the contemporary Republicans? I'm surprised, I'm hearing cut taxes, cut regulations, repeal healthcare and Wall Street reform, stepback and get out of the way and let the 'markets' rule.
Please, enlighten me.


not that invested in either you or the republicans.

feel free to spin that as you wish.
I wouldn't know. Unlike you, on this matter, I have not been wrong. You have.

I cannot make you (or Jilly) grasp that words have actual meaning. You are libs, and so this notion offends you.

But still, it's true.

Oh, and sight unseen, your link to a video of something said by McCain is bound to be unpersuasive. I am not bound by things said by Sen. Mccain. He was wrong in McCain/Foolsgold. And to the extent his effort to define "terrorism" differs from mine, then he's wrong on that too. Why? Because words do have actual meaning.

Nice spin. Yes, words have meaning and an emotional impact - and, you and I (and everyone else) knows it was not one statement made by John McCain which created, 'he's a, ah, an Arab!"
It was the result of a planned, intentional campaign to create an environment of hate and fear. Words over the airways from Limbaugh and Hannity, O'Reilly and dozens of other RW broadcasters; and from the mouths of Palin and Gingrich and Boehner and McConnell and the Reactionary forces of the contemporary RW in America. Same hate and fear rhetoric, same propaganda, same half-truths and lies.

IIRC, it was the clinton campaign that spread the photo of obama in traditional garb. that's my first recollection of anyone "claiming" he was a closet muslim. the others ran with it

Shame on Hillary. Have you ever listened to Limbaugh? Hannity? Steele? Gingrich? Palin? Would you like examples?
Must terrorism be violent? Isn't a policy of instilling fear into a population a form of terrorism?
You mean like Democrats saying "The GOP is going to shut down Social Security!!!"?

I was actually thinking of how the Republican Party and its fellow travelers - like you dave - use fear to achieve political goals.
The GOP does hope to dismantle SS and Medicare as well as privatize as much as possible. That's not fear mongering or terrorisim, that's simply a policy geared towards their base, the few, the wealthy and the greedy.
That said, Gov. Brewer, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congressional Leadership use fear to terrorize the less bright Americans to garner their votes to help the base; those who take the bait, you Dave and other echo chamber members, simply repeat the propaganda, half-truths and damn lies of the non-violent terrorists which make-up the new right today.
Red baiting, claiming anyone center-left is a "Marxist" or "Socialist" or hates America - it's all bull shit but people like you believe it and repeat it over and over. In a strange way it is funny how stupid the rhetoric which 'your kind' believes.
Ahhh, the old "No, YOU!!!" defense. :clap2:
so mailing envelopes of harmless white powder to congress would not be terrorism?
It was a terrorist act.

Or putting a fake bomb in a school would not be terrorism?

How is putting a fake bomb in a school anything like throwing tea in the water in protest of tyranny?

Were children being threatened? Was anyone being threatened? Do you suppose anyone felt "scared" by the fact that the tea was dumped overboard?

Fucking idiot. You deserve a tyrannical government.

You know I wonder what really did happen there?
The history we are taught was written by the victors.
It seems like they would have had at least some guards for the ships full of valuable cargo?

You're a fucking idiot. No, history is not written entirely by victors. If you want history, you study it and you read everybody's version of events.

England had printing presses. I suggest you read what they said of the event. You apparently don't understand the concept of history any better than you understand the concept of terrorism.
One man's terrorism is another man's second amendment solution.

Or so I've heard...

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